Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Cathulhu »

Regarding the wormy hamster, he could take it penalty-free by providing a doctor's statement that he is permanently and totally disabled, but if he brings in income after such a statement is issued, it's void. The definition of disability under section 72(t) actually ties to income production by my recollection. Perhaps a kindly shrink has provided him with such a statement, because of his mental delusional state, but he pretends he can generate income. Although what he would call income, most of us here would be likely to define as "lunch money".
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gregg wrote:
Therefore I could withdraw the statutory exemption amount per yr without contesting the presumption (yes, a 1099R provides presumptive evidence of INCOME, but not PROOF) that the distributions were INCOME. But to me no tax was due because even if I allow the IRS to think it was INCOME, it did not rise above the statutory exemption. Why risk kangaroo court if you can avoid it. Comprende?
You're lying. You either don't even have a 401(k) or you never took any out, because if you take out ANY amount before you turn 59 1/5 I think, maybe 55, you have to pay a penalty on the early withdrawal. No option on that, some may let you have the money without taking the penalty but you will get a 1099 for it, and you will eventually be asked to pay it. But me, I think you've never even had one, and never worked at a Wendy's that offered a plan.
You can take a normal distribution out of your 401(k), as of right, when you turn 59 1/2; and any money you take out is considered income (since it came off of your gross income when you made your contribution) and is thus taxable. You can also take your money out at age 55, if you leave your job, and have it be a normal distribution; and ditto on the taxability. You MUST begin withdrawals at age 70 1/2, or else you incur a 50% penalty on the "required minimum distribution" which you should have taken out.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by silversopp »

If Harvester really believed that everything he has done is legit, he wouldn't be hiding behind proxy servers. He is incredibly afraid right now.

If he wasn't afraid, he would go to court and win to shut all of us up.
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

silversopp wrote:If Harvester really believed that everything he has done is legit, he wouldn't be hiding behind proxy servers. He is incredibly afraid right now.

If he wasn't afraid, he would go to court and win to shut all of us up.
He's whistling past the graveyard -- or, perhaps, he's whistling past Federal prison.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Famspear »

Earlier in this thread, Harvester wrote:
I’m not lying. Took money out of my IRA and paid no tax on it, owed no tax on it. Apparently I wasn't clear enough in my explanation. Either that or you're just too quick to believe the Quatloos decepticons [Famspire] over the facts.
(bracketed reference to “Famspire” in the original).

Harvester, I haven’t said anything about your withdrawal from your IRA account. So what deception could I possibly be spreading about your IRA withdrawal? Harvey, you can’t seem to keep straight who has said what about what you write.

And after all this time, you have yet to point out anything I have ever written that was supposedly false. Despite your stupid, bombastic sloganeering (such as "stand tall warriors!") and despite your phony implication to the effect that CtC "warriors" have "won" a court case somewhere, you have yet to even try to cite a court case where the CtC method (oh, excuse me, I forgot Pete's refrain that the CtC method is not a "method") has supposedly won.

Over at losthorizons, I notice that you cite a famous case like Portillo as an example where "warriors" have won -- cleverly failing to point out that Mr. Ramon Portillo was not a "CtC Warrior," and cleverly failing to point out that Mr. Portillo did not espouse CtC or any other crackpot tax protester-tax evasion scam. Yet you continue to use terms like “decepticon” to describe me or others here who don’t fall for your lies.

What a miserable, lying crook you are! Why should anyone here believe what you write?
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Harvester »

touch a widdle nerve did we? Haha, you guys crack me up. Thanks for trying to help me with the 'taxpayer' retirement account rules; but it's all moot now. Accounts totally withdrawn, closed out. Outta it and proud of it. Nothing's going "bye-bye into the hands of the IRS." They'd have to find it first - and lemme tell ya sumpsing, they'll sooner find Jesse James loot than my stash.

And no, over at I'm not withholding anything. The history of how I escaped the tax plantation is spelled out for all to see.

Court? Why would I go to court? I've already won. Besides the enemy has it's hooks in the judicial system. Bad joojoo.

Gotta hand it to the banksters, the Federal Income Tax is a near perfect scam. Look at the way all you victims defend it.

Oh, and don't you think our side is logging everything y'all say too? Grand jury investigations. presentments. warrants. Criminal trials for . . .
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Harvester wrote: Accounts totally withdrawn, closed out. Outta it and proud of it. Nothing's going "bye-bye into the hands of the IRS." They'd have to find it first - and lemme tell ya sumpsing, they'll sooner find Jesse James loot than my stash.

I was talking about the brokerage account you said you had -- but then, when have you ever given a direct answer to a direct question?

Oh, and don't you think our side is logging everything y'all say too? Grand jury investigations. presentments. warrants. Criminal trials for . . .
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just like your Restore America Plan,which has kicked out all 50 state governors, right? We're all sitting here knock-kneed with terror....

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

One little detail, though. Your "grand jury investigations, presentments, warrants, and criminal trials" will have as little effect on us as a mosquito bite on an Abrams tank. The ones our side will direct your way... well, just ask Pete and Doreen Hendrickson, Irwin Schiff, Stilley and Springer, and the like.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Cathulhu »

Harvester wrote:touch a widdle nerve did we? Haha, you guys crack me up. Thanks for trying to help me with the 'taxpayer' retirement account rules; but it's all moot now. Accounts totally withdrawn, closed out. Outta it and proud of it. Nothing's going "bye-bye into the hands of the IRS." They'd have to find it first - and lemme tell ya sumpsing, they'll sooner find Jesse James loot than my stash.

No kidding. We'll need to use an electron microscope to find your stash.

And no, over at I'm not withholding anything. The history of how I escaped the tax plantation is spelled out for all to see.

Court? Why would I go to court? I've already won. Besides the enemy has it's hooks in the judicial system. Bad joojoo.

It isn't a fast process, but you'll go to court, unless you roll over like the whipped cur you are.

Gotta hand it to the banksters, the Federal Income Tax is a near perfect scam. Look at the way all you victims defend it.

Oh, and don't you think our side is logging everything y'all say too? Grand jury investigations. presentments. warrants. Criminal trials for . . .
Yeah, right. Would that be your new governors, since you were taking over? Oh, yeah, that was crap too, just like everything you say. Or is the revolution Real Soon Now? Again.

Squirm tall, wormier.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by LOBO »

Harvester wrote:touch a widdle nerve did we? Haha, you guys crack me up. Thanks for trying to help me with the 'taxpayer' retirement account rules; but it's all moot now. Accounts totally withdrawn, closed out. Outta it and proud of it. Nothing's going "bye-bye into the hands of the IRS." They'd have to find it first - and lemme tell ya sumpsing, they'll sooner find Jesse James loot than my stash.
You smoked your IRA account?

Explains a lot actually.
And no, over at I'm not withholding anything. The history of how I escaped the tax plantation is spelled out for all to see.
Remember that Republic Serial villain line from Watchmen. Ozymandias has you pegged.
Court? Why would I go to court? I've already won. Besides the enemy has it's hooks in the judicial system. Bad joojoo.
It's not a good idea to declare victory before the opening bell. Especially since you're afraid of the judicial system, not because it has some "bad joojoo", but because you know even with your bluster that you and Pete are wrong.
Gotta hand it to the banksters, the Federal Income Tax is a near perfect scam. Look at the way all you victims defend it.

Bzzzzt. The only victims related to Cracking the Code are the ones Peter has brainwashed. (I'm not counting the ones that used his method after jumping off the Schiff bandwagon.) We're not explaining your flaws in logic to convince you. We do it to convince anyone else that's researching Hendrickson the legal trouble they can get into if they delve into it.
Oh, and don't you think our side is logging everything y'all say too? Grand jury investigations. presentments. warrants. Criminal trials for . . .
...the Lostheads. Showing that you actually researched that CTC doesn't work will look real good at their tax evasion trials. Bye-bye Cheek.

Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by LOBO »

Harvester wrote: Do you & LOBO even realize how absurd you sound, talking of books you have no firsthand knowledge of?


The guy who reads a book by a guy who is going to Federal prison for following his own advise, and thinks its a legal masterpiece.
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Famspear »

LOBO wrote:
Harvester wrote: Do you & LOBO even realize how absurd you sound, talking of books you have no firsthand knowledge of?


The guy who reads a book by a guy who is going to Federal prison for following his own advise, and thinks its a legal masterpiece.
Harvester has had the facts of life explained to him over and over and over and over again, and he simply refuses to admit that he's wrong. I've explained to him that other people don't need to read Hendrickson's book in order to know that it's baloney. Harvester refuses to admit that he's wrong, just as Hendrickson refuses to admit that Hendrickson is wrong.

These people, these tax protester-tax denier types, are odd ducks. A psychologically normal person would not take, as his "authority" for pronouncements on income tax law, a person whose legal and accounting expertise consists of experience in apartment complex maintenance and video arcade management. Yet, by rejecting the rulings of the courts and desperately clinging to Hendrickson's writing, Hendrickson's followers are really clinging, in some sense, to Hendrickson himself. I'm not a psychologist, but I'll bet that expert psychologists would find the study of tax protesters to be fascinating.

The two categories of personality disorders that I suspect are found in many of these people are (1) narcissistic personality disorder, and in severe cases, (2) paranoid personality disorder.

Notice the way that Harvester responds with the same slogans and bombast, even after he is discredited over and over.
Among the more prominent features of paranoid personalities are their mistrust of others....They are characteristically suspicious, guarded and hostile; tend to misread the actions of others; and respond with anger to what they frequently interpret as deception, deprecation, and betrayal....A feature that justifies considering paranoids among the more severe personalities is the inelasticity and constriction of their coping skills. the unyielding and obdurate structure of their personality......Entirely insignificant and irrelevant events are often transformed by paranoids so as to have personal reference to themselves..... Faced by a world in which others shape what occurs, they construct a world in which they determine events and have power to do as they desire.
--Theodore Millon, Ph.D., Disorders of Personality/DSM III: Axis II, p. 372 (John Wiley & Sons, 1981) (italics added).

Does that sound like anybody we know? How about countless tax protesters we have engaged right here in this forum? In the case of people like Harvester, their own behaviors tend to result in a self-fulfilling prophecy. The paranoid person's mistrust of, and hostility toward, other people tends to induce responses that "confirm" the paranoid person's delusions in his own mind.

EDIT: Millon further writes:
This pattern [the paranoid personality pattern] is typified by a suspicious and vigilant mistrust of others, resistance to external sources of influence and a fear of losing the power of self-determination. There is an undercurrent of veiled hostility, tendencies toward self-importance, the presence of fixed, but essentially irrational, belief systems, and an inclination to misinterpret the incidental actions of others as signs of deception and malevolence. The hypersenstive readiness to perceive threat, to experience envy or jealousy and to assign malice to others precipitates frequent social difficulties.

An appraisal of personal background and history reveals both of the following:

1. Social attainment deficits....

2. Periodic mini-psychotic episodes.....irrational impulses or delusional thoughts....
--Theodore Millon, Ph.D., Disorders of Personality/DSM III: Axis II, p. 379 (John Wiley & Sons, 1981).
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Famspear »

Recall the constant line of rhetoric from tax protesters: taxation itself is equated with "slavery".

Now, read Millon:

To be coerced by a power stronger than themselves provokes extreme anxiety [in the minds of paranoid persons]. Paranoids are acutely sensitive to any threat to their autonomy, resist all obligations, and are cautious lest any form of cooperation be but a ploy to seduce them and force their submission to the will of others. This attachment anxiety, with its consequent dread of losing personal control and independence, underlies much of the paranoid's characteristic resistance to influence. Fearful of domination, these personalities watch carefully to ensure that no one robs them of their will.
--Millon, page 380 (bolding added).

Recall the many tax protesters we have seen who take on names like "freeme," "freetolive, "freemanatlast," and so on.

These people have a morbid, unnatural, irrational fear of being dominated, and this shows in the words they choose to describe themselves, the tax system, the banking system, and so on.
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Famspear »

More from Millon:
Beneath the obvious mistrust and defensive vigilance of the paranoid stirs a current of deep resentment toward others who "have made it." To paranoids, most people have attained their wealth and esteem unjustly. To make matters worse, [paranoids feel] they [the paranoids] have been overlooked and are bitter for having been treated unfairly and slighted by those "high and mighty cheats and crooks" who dupe the world. Only a thin veil hides these bristling animosities.
--Millon, pp. 382-383.

EDIT: And this reminds me of Harvester as well:
Paranoids, especially those with a strong blend of narcissistic features, may evidence a self-exalted and pompous variant of manic disorder. Faced with realities that shatter their illusion of significance and omnipotence, they may lose perspective and frantically seek to regain their status. No longer secure in their image of superiority, they attempt through cheerful and buoyant behaviors to instill or revive the blissful state of former times when they believed their mere existence was of value in itself.
--Millon, pp. 384-385 (italics in original; bolding added).
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Cathulhu »

Famspear said:

These people, these tax protester-tax denier types, are odd ducks. A psychologically normal person would not take, as his "authority" for pronouncements on income tax law, a person whose legal and accounting expertise consists of experience in apartment complex maintenance and video arcade management. Yet, by rejecting the rulings of the courts and desperately clinging to Hendrickson's writing, Hendrickson's followers are really clinging, in some sense, to Hendrickson himself. I'm not a psychologist, but I'll bet that expert psychologists would find the study of tax protesters to be fascinating.
You got it. Certainly why I'm hooked. I burned out of psychotherapy in the 70's; I was working with disabled, then abused kids. When the urge to slam the abusive parent against the wall is getting really strong, it's time to go. But will never regret putting in the work; there's karma involved.

Watching the delusional rationalization of the paranoid mind is endlessly fascinating, and since I'm no longer an employee of the Ebil Gov, I'm allowed to insult the little twits as much as I care to. No longer restricted to politeness with flaming jerks!
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Harvester »

Catlhuru, I can sense you've done much good in life. Good on ya mate! There's hope for you yet. Cultivate the light. Just as cold is defined as an absence of heat, it's been said there's no such thing as evil - just an absence of good/God/love. No, the govt is not "ebil." In fact most govt workers are good honest people. But I think some bad people partnered with a few in government (many yrs ago) to slowly setup a system that can best be described as "enslavement." And that is evil.

Bilderberg 2010 Agenda Leaked

Herr Doktor Famspire, thank you for your analysis by way of Mitton. And without a charge even! About the only trait that I can see fitting is . . . "cheerful and buoyant behaviors." But it's not to instill or revive former times, it's the good times that's coming goob! Patience my man.

STAND TALL WARRIORS! And thank Almighty God.
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Cathulhu »

Wormy hamster, I'd call you evil, but you aren't that big. You are evil the way a flea is evil. What's genuinely pathetic, and why you deserve no mercy whatsoever, is the way stupid people listen to your pack of lies and end up losing everything. I feel sorry for your victims.

And your judgment of my life is a flea looking at the ocean; I'm way beyond your comprehension. For starters, I'm sane and honest.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Famspear »

Harvester wrote:Herr Doktor Famspire, thank you for your analysis by way of Mitton. And without a charge even! About the only trait that I can see fitting is . . . "cheerful and buoyant behaviors." But it's not to instill or revive former times, it's the good times that's coming goob! Patience my man.

STAND TALL WARRIORS! And thank Almighty God.
Good times coming? You still think you're taking over the world, eh Harvester? Your predictions are laughable. From Harvester on March 29, 2010:
Today, 3/29/2010, unbeknownst to most Americans, warrants were served to all governors arresting their bonds......The beginning of the end of the global banking cartel's lock on our Country. What a day for rejoicing! This is HUGE!

[ . . . .]

The mind boggles - I'm way past the anger. In fact I've been quite giddy two days running. AND NOW .. to discover the Guardians are tearing down Babylon on my behalf, on your behalf.... It's brilliant! Thank you Jesus!

What a mighty God we serve!

Cheating on your taxes is not serving God. What a mighty idiot you are, Harvester!

Speaking of the wackadooster "Guardians of the Free Republics," on April 2, 2010 Harvester wrote:
....This is a non-violent group with a peaceful plan to restore WE THE PEOPLES government vs. the corporation masquerading as government. They represent the GOOD GUYS. No one has to resign, only swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the republic they govern. The plan is backed by the 7 Joint Chiefs of Staff......

And of course, the plan was not backed by the "7 Joint Chiefs of Staff." And no one had to "resign" or swear any new oaths.

On April 3, 2010, Harvester wrote:
The silver coin in my pocket still says . . . . Pete Hendrickson WILL NOT be sentenced on April 19, 2010.

And of course, Hendrickson was indeed sentenced on April 19, 2010.
The Guardian Elders have arrested the governors bonds. Without a bond & a certified copy of Oath you can't hold office. The govs will need to re-oath to their state constitution & original us constitution circa 1787. Also of note, the 13th Amendment prohibits members of the BAR (British Accredited Registry) - title of nobility - from holding office. For further info on these matters you'll need to ask our resident expert in these matters - David Merrill.

Check the news - It's all happening now.......

And of course "it" wasn't happening at all. The Guardian Elders never "arrested the governor's bonds." The governors didn't "re-oath," nor did they need to do so. The "bar" is not the "British Accredited Registry." And of course, David Merrill Van Pelt is a mentally disturbed person who sometimes posts at Quatloos. The "It" to which Harvester referred was happening only in Harvester's mind, and in the minds of a few other delusional souls.

On April 3, 2010, Harvester wrote:
And, since some want more specificity regarding the fate of Pete Hendrickson; my prediction is:

he will never be sentenced.


On April 4, 2010, Harvester wrote:
Rejoice! We are leaving Egypt at Sunrise!

On April 20, 2010:
there are dozens of Supreme Court cases which support Hendrickson's premise. Several of them are cited in Hendrickson's book.

And of course, he was wrong. None of the cases cited by Hendrickson support Hendrickson's premise. Every single court federal court which has been presented with Hendrickson's premise has rejected it.

On May 4, 2010 Harvester wrote:
A court disagreeing with us does not make us wrong, although on the surface to most people it might appear so.

Wrong. Under the U.S. legal system, a court disagreeing with you makes you wrong -- particularly when, as is the case here, EVERY court disagrees with you 100% of the time, with no exceptions.

Harvester exhibits the false sense of euphoria apparently common to many with paranoid personality disorder, as described by Dr. Millon.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Nikki »

Cathulhu wrote:Wormy hamster, I'd call you evil, but you aren't that big. You are evil the way a flea is evil. What's genuinely pathetic, and why you deserve no mercy whatsoever, is the way stupid people listen to your pack of lies and end up losing everything. I feel sorry for your victims.

And your judgment of my life is a flea looking at the ocean; I'm way beyond your comprehension. For starters, I'm sane and honest.
So is he -- by his own standards.
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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Gregg »

The plan is backed by the 7 Joint Chiefs of Staff......
Oh my, I missed that one. Has anyone told him there are only 4 Chiefs and a Chairman?

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Re: Pete won't be too happy with Harvey.

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gregg wrote:
The plan is backed by the 7 Joint Chiefs of Staff......
Oh my, I missed that one. Has anyone told him there are only 4 Chiefs and a Chairman?

If anyone did, he'd probably think that the other three are being hidden in readiness for an Illuminati-driven conspiracy to sweep the entire country and confiscate all gold and silver, or something like that.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools