More Fun at Lost Hopes

Dr. Caligari
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More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Over at LostHopes, "Warrior" Patrick Mooney starts a thread called "90 Days and Counting," which he starts with this post:
Patrick Mooney wrote:Dear Warriors,

It has now been 90 days since my second trial in the United States Tax Court and our criminal Federal Government has yet to return a verdict.

That was the trial where the IRS failed to carry its burden of proof that a properly filed, CTC-educated return could be found frivolous on its face.

That was the trial where the IRS could only produce hearsay, which the judge improperly allowed into evidence, to substantiate its erroneous claim that I received taxable income.

That was the trial where the IRS warned of a "slam dunk" case against me because of my earlier loss in the TC back in 2008 (on a highly suspicious procedural error).

Why is it taking so long to decide a purely simple matter? Could it be that Pete is correct all along and that a verdict in my favor would severely damage the sham conviction the DOJ and Judge Rosen manipulated out of the jury?

I wonder.................
(Bolding added).

A few of the "Warriors" cheer him on, but "Hang'Em High" attempts to inject a note of sanity:
Hang'Em High wrote:Patrick, isn't it normal for Tax Court decisions to take months to come down? I remember somebody posting some time last year that he still didn't have a decision after like 6 months. It surprised me then but now I think this maybe more the rule than the exception.

Weren't there any post-trial briefs (see Tax Court Rule 151)? I gather from reading the rule that there usually are unless the judge directed you and respondent not to. Opening briefs are not typically due until 75 days after trial, then if there are answering briefs that's another 45 days, and another 30 days if a reply brief is applicable.

It sounds like either the judge directed that no briefs were desired or you were unaware of this rule and neglected to file one. Either way, I don't think 90 days is long enough to give much significance to there being no decision yet.
(Bolding added).

Patrick ignores this comment-- no doubt because he did, in fact, neglect to file a post-trial brief-- and instead offers one of the more perfect examples ever posted of what passes for "logic" over at Lost Hopes:
Patrick Mooney wrote:A verdict against me in this instance would not mean that CTC is wrong, but the the Court acted outside the law (again) in my case. This is a win for me because it establishes more evidence of government malfeasance, to be displayed to the public in our fight for CTC educated justice.

A verdict in my favor returns my property and seriously weakens the credibility of the DOJ and the IRS, as well as continues to implicate the Federal Government in one of the greatest criminal financial/political operations in modern history.

I can't lose, and neither can any warrior that acts on the info found in CTC.
(Bolding added).

I swear, you can't make this stuff up.
Dr. Caligari
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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by Gregg »

It's a pity that people like this can't be sterilized to keep them from breeding.....
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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by wserra »

. . . but it would be wrong.
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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If I had loads of time to spend dealing with idiots like Mooney (although I can't imagine not having better things to do, like going outside and watching the grass grow), I'd want to ask him what sort of evidence, ruling, decision or engraved stone tablets he would accept as proof that CtC is wrong in its assertions.
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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by Joey Smith »

I can't lose
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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by Duke2Earl »

And these folks are allowed to drive and get married and serve in the military and have children and vote. Anyone ever see the movie "Idiocracy?"
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by Gregg »

Duke2Earl wrote:And these folks are allowed to drive and get married and serve in the military and have children and vote. Anyone ever see the movie "Idiocracy?"
Mooney isn't smart enough to have been even in that.
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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by Nikki »

So far, Mooney is 0-2.

Tax court loss. Appealed. Tax Court decision affirmed.

Of most interest, (ignoring one or two $5,000 penalties) the amount at issue in his current case is









Does the word pissant ring any bells?

Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by bmielke »

Nikki wrote:$525.51

I know if your on SSI $525.51 is a lot of money. But come on he wouldn't be paying taxes if that was the case so, again WTF? Is his time worth nothing? I have never been to tax court but if your talking petitions, briefs, (is there discovery?), Depositions (Again are there depositions?) and motions you could be looking at thousands of hours. The petitions and briefs, and understanding the rules would take hundreds, (if done right, so I guess in his case 30 minutes and four read crayons). Then ad the travel expenses, unless he lives in a city with Tax Court, aren't they regional? so that could easily get over $525.51 and thats not even counting the expense to my tax dollars. GRR!

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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by notorial dissent »

If what I remember reading was correct, Patrick Looney has been doing this all pro se, which is probably part of the reason it has all gone so badly. So I would suspect his out of pocket has been minimal, other than all the filing fees, and sanctions he has racked up, which as I recall are sizeable, and growing daily. Unless I am misremembering, he will end up owing more in sanctions than he would have if he'd just paid was was owed. Of course there is always the question of if he has anything left.

But then he wouldn't the CTC warrior he is dreaming of being, and he wants to emulate his idol, which ultimately means a prison sentence when things finally really go to pot.
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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by Gregg »

Otherwheres on the site, our own resident idiot, Harvester (posting as Nationwide) put up his link to the Marine being court martialed for his birfer beliefs (I'll spare you, it's in the flames section if you're terminally bored) and this little spark of a brain cell popped up (it could happen!)
Feldergarb, Hogwash, casting aspersions and misdirection.

The state of Hawaii, has laws in effect that prohibit the posting of personal records. Specifically live birth records... When all the ???'s starting coming up about Obama not being born in Hawaii. Obama's people got the state recordkeeper to show RESPONSIBLE people, one of them being the head of the Republican party in the State that it was a valid document; that Obama was IN FACT born in a hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii..

The Marine is on his way back to serving in his unit... From what I understand, may need an update on this, at his rank of Sgt. E-5..
Okay, take a minute to get over the shock that something approaching intelligence was posted there...

But of course, the next post confirms that we are indeed reading Lost Horizons...
Oh come on now Hawaii Scott, for someone as bright as you are, how can you be so foolish to believe that Barry is being honest and forthright about all this?
And you are wrong about proof or Facts as you call it....there is NO PROOF of his birth record, not a valid one. You call proof being that one of his people saw his birth certificate as proof? Ha! I know of some who say they saw green men in flying saucers so that is proof?

And the FACTS are that this imposter in our White House has spent over a million dollars in blocking all means of ALL his past history so that we can know almost nothing about him. How's that for transparancy! He's a damned liar!
The evidence is very very very clear that he was NOT born in the United States so stop speaking hearsays.

"Silence can be equated to FRAUD"! Ever heard that quote Hawaii?

You can believe in the tooth fairy also because mom would never lie and....
You also can believe that everyone who makes any money is liable for income taxes because Auntie IRS says so and they would never lie.
WAKE UP HAWAII SCOTT Our country is going to hell because of all these lies by those criminal politicians!
I tell ya, if we ask the Queen very nicely, I bet we could get back into the British Empire....
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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by grixit »

Gregg wrote:
I tell ya, if we ask the Queen very nicely, I bet we could get back into the British Empire....
Yeah-- and who's going to pay the interest on the tea tax?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Gregg wrote:...
I tell ya, if we ask the Queen very nicely, I bet we could get back into the British Empire....
How about we pay them to take just D.C.? 8)
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by Nikki »

I don't think we could raise enough money.

Plus, they had a bad experience there 198 years ago.
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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by Gregg »

Nikki wrote:I don't think we could raise enough money.

Plus, they had a bad experience there 198 years ago.

Has it been that long???? Seems like only yesterday. I was also assured when I was in London that our army returned the favor on their capitol city during WWII.
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Re: More Fun at Lost Hopes

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Gregg wrote:
Nikki wrote:I don't think we could raise enough money.

Plus, they had a bad experience there 198 years ago.

Has it been that long???? Seems like only yesterday. I was also assured when I was in London that our army returned the favor on their capitol city during WWII.
Not quite. US troops did not burn anything, but did shag the British birds rotten. The Brits had a saying about the GIs at that time, "Overpaid, oversexed and over here."
As opposed to the British soldiers who were "underpaid, undersexed and under Eisenhower." :whistle:
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