Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by Prof »

Lorax wrote:
Paul wrote:
In my opinion, it was more a war of Northern/Industrialist oppression of the South,
Absolutely right. The southern states hated the high tariffs imposed by the feds to protect the northern industries. There were even some proposals to secede over them.

So why exactly do you object to the income tax, which was imposed to allow lower tariffs?
I respectfully disagree. The idea that the struggle over slavery was not the sine qua non of the Civil War is an attempt at historical revisionism by people that remain sympathetic to the Confederate cause. For a primary source that exemplifies the attitudes of the Southern elites that decided to secede, see the historic "Cornerstone" speech by Alexander Stephens, who became the Vice President of the Confederacy:

http://teachingamericanhistory.org/libr ... ocument=76
I'm aware that Lincoln preferred peace with slavery to a war to end slavery, but in my opinion, it's incorrect to argue that disputes over tariffs, or any other dispute were any where near as important as the divide over slavery. If the southern states had decided to make slavery illegal on their own, or if the northern states had supported slavery and the expansion of slavery to the western states the Civil War never would have happened.

Why's that your favorite Lincoln coin Harvester? Is it the Under God bit?
What he said, only more so. See also John Brown's raid, "Bleeding Kansas," the Mo. Compromise, Nullification/State's Rights. People who make statements like "the Civil War had nothing to do with slaery" know little about American History. Note, my BA and MA are in American history; my thesis concerned the impact of the Jeffersonian Embargo on the slave economy of S.C.
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by LPC »

It's day 3, and still no news of the contempt order at Lost Horizons.

I never expected that any of the mental midgets and moral cowards who frequent the site would ever dare to say that the naked man is not an emperor, but I thought that one of them might eventually have the guts (and the sense) to point out that he has no clothes.
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by Thule »

LPC wrote: I never expected that any of the mental midgets and moral cowards who frequent the site would ever dare to say that the naked man is not an emperor, but I thought that one of them might eventually have the guts (and the sense) to point out that he has no clothes.
I don't believe that the news has passed them by. Problem is, they are all as naked as Blowhard. Peteys lates setback reflects bad upon them as well. It's like a meeting where everybody forgot pants, and nobody wants to be the first to point it out. So they're all trying to act normal.

Besides, questioning the Chosen One gets you banned. I predict that the first to raise the question will be soundly trashed for "questioning Pete and dragging up the issue before the Man himself can give the correct version".
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by Paul »

Prof -- having grown up in Topeka, I actually started to respond to Harvester by pointing out how little his northern industrialist/southern states'-rightist view didn't have any relevance to the build-up to the war in that part of the country. I chose sarcasm instead, because he's proven that logic and facts mean nothing to him. Thanks for bringing it up, although I doubt you'll get through to this particular moron.

Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by Nikki »

Pete, Doreen, and the rest of the LoserHeads seem to be chanting quietly to themselves "There is no gorilla in the room."
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by grixit »

Thule wrote:
LPC wrote: I never expected that any of the mental midgets and moral cowards who frequent the site would ever dare to say that the naked man is not an emperor, but I thought that one of them might eventually have the guts (and the sense) to point out that he has no clothes.
I don't believe that the news has passed them by. Problem is, they are all as naked as Blowhard. Peteys lates setback reflects bad upon them as well. It's like a meeting where everybody forgot pants, and nobody wants to be the first to point it out. So they're all trying to act normal.
At least they can get a firm grip on [del]each other's[/del]their liberty tools.
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by notorial dissent »

It may also be delayed shock, after all, when the gray matter is as buried and little used as theirs is, it takes a while for reality to seep in. Even as dim and clueless as most of that crowd is, by now at least some of them have to have come to the realization that ole Petey is indeed going to jail, that his “truth” failed absolutely, and that if the great all knowing master is going down, then they are not far behind. For a lot of them it may take a whole lot longer for the lights to come on. It may get a lot more "real" when Pete and Doreen both go to jail, since I don't really see him admitting to being wrong and actually filing. My bet is that he goes to jail without ever filing. Doreen I'm not making bets on yet. Although she was dumb enough to have married him and stuck with him this long, so I don't know if good sense will win out to stay with her children or if she will stay the course and make the jail time a family affair. Since I don't care one way or the other, I am mostly curious to see what she'll do at this point.
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by Famspear »

In its June 10, 2010 Opinion and Order granting the government's motion to hold Peter and Doreen Hendrickson in contempt (docket entry 68 on June 10, 2010) in their civil (erroneous tax refund) case, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan states:
It is FURTHER ORDERED that if Defendants have not filed the amended tax returns for 2002 and 2003 and submitted complete and accurate responses to the post-judgment discovery requests within 14 days of the imposition of per diem fines, Defendants are hereby ordered to be incarcerated until they comply with this Order.
--from page 8 of the Opinion and Order.

I assume that the per diem fines (per page 7 of the Opinion and Order) are deemed to have been imposed as of June 10th. So, fourteen days from then would be Thursday, June 24th.

Setting aside Doreen for the moment, I'm just wondering who is going to have the pleasure of receiving the PeterEricBlowhardMeister first? Will it be the Federal Bureau of Prisons, for him to begin serving his two-year-and-nine-month sentence on his felony convictions, or will it be the United States Marshal throwing Pete's sorry keister in the slammer for the civil contempt?

And, what is the exact process to begin incarceration for the civil contempt? Does the DOJ attorney first have to go back to the Court and notify the Court that Pete has not complied by June 24th (if such turns out to be the case), with the Court then issuing some sort of arrest warrant to be executed by a Deputy United States Marshal? Or, can the DOJ attorney simply bring a copy of the June 10th Court Order to a Deputy United States Marshal, and have the Deputy Marshal go pick up the PeterMeister?

EDIT: Is there any way any of these events can be televised? And will popcorn be served?

Juussssssst kidding!

EDIT 2: Perhaps the Illuminati should appoint one of its members to go to Michigan and camp out on the PontificatingPrisonBoundPeterMeister's street to be there and report when all the excitement happens. The nominee for this should have the following qualifications: (1) female; (2) working on book about tax protester-tax deniers, and (3) be someone who is known to adopt the visage of some sort of citrus-or-melon-flavored-feline.

Just an idea.
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by grixit »

Ever watch the tv show "Justified"? It's about a US marshall who shoots people a lot. The service decides that pending investigation, he be exiled back to his hillbilly roots. So he's stuck in a rural part of Kentucky where he spends his time shooting childhood friends who've gone into bank robbery or meth distribution. And loudly whining about how badly he wants to leave. Maybe they can make an episode where he has to bring in a fugitive sovereign.
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by Gregg »

Oh but wouldn't I love to see a U Tube video of Pete dragged in irons from wherever he is off to jail.
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gregg wrote:Oh but wouldn't I love to see a U Tube video of Pete dragged in irons from wherever he is off to jail.
I wouldn't mind seeing it on the national nightly news -- seeing Petey-boy that way might wake up a few of his disciples.
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by LPC »

Still no mention of Hendrickson's contempt citation at Lost Horizons. (Or his impending imprisonment for the criminal conviction, for that matter.)

So we're at Day 6 of the Ostrich Watch.
Dan Evans
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by Famspear »

LPC wrote:Still no mention of Hendrickson's contempt citation at Lost Horizons. (Or his impending imprisonment for the criminal conviction, for that matter.)

So we're at Day 6 of the Ostrich Watch.
Oh, Pete's goin' to the Pokey,
And this really ain't no jokey.
For his tax evasion scam,
He could end up on the lam.
But I know it is more likely
He'll be jailed "within fortnightly."
Yes, his scam is really hokey,
So some jail time's okee-dokee.
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by Cpt Banjo »

grixit wrote:So he's stuck in a rural part of Kentucky where he spends his time shooting childhood friends who've gone into bank robbery or meth distribution.
He also has an affair with a major witness in a homicide investigation (a woman who shot her husband). Justified is one of the best new series on TV. Fortunately, it's been renewed for another season.
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by Famspear »

LPC wrote:Still no mention of Hendrickson's contempt citation at Lost Horizons. (Or his impending imprisonment for the criminal conviction, for that matter.)

So we're at Day 6 of the Ostrich Watch.
The Refrain of the C-t-C Ostrich

Oh, I now have this all neatly planned:
I will keep my head down in the sand.
Oh, they can’t jail ol’ Pete
With my head ‘neath my feet.
I can’t speak, I might get myself banned.
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Famspear wrote:
LPC wrote:Still no mention of Hendrickson's contempt citation at Lost Horizons. (Or his impending imprisonment for the criminal conviction, for that matter.)

So we're at Day 6 of the Ostrich Watch.
The Refrain of the C-t-C Ostrich

Oh, I now have this all neatly planned:
I will keep my head down in the sand.
Oh, they can’t jail ol’ Pete
With my head ‘neath my feet.
I can’t speak, I might get myself banned.
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Re: Hendrickson Contempt Motion, thread #2

Post by grixit »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: SAND-CRAWL, WORRIERS!

Quoted for awsomeness!
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Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?

Post by Harvester »

The color of your skin don't matter to me
As long as we can live in harmony
Why cant we be friends?
I'd kinda like to be the President
so I can show you how your money's spent
Why cant we be friends?
Sometimes I don't speak too bright
but yet I know what I'm talking about
Why cant we be friends?
I know you're working for the CIA
they wouldn't have you in the Mafia
Why cant we be friends?
Why cant we be friends?
Why cant we be friends?
Why cant we be friends?

~ War (1975)

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Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?

Post by Cpt Banjo »

Harvester wrote:Sometimes I don't speak too bright
The understatement of the millennium.
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Re: Why Can't We Be Friends?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Harvester wrote:The color of your skin don't matter to me
As long as we can live in harmony
Why cant we be friends?
I'd kinda like to be the President
so I can show you how your money's spent
Why cant we be friends?
Sometimes I don't speak too bright
but yet I know what I'm talking about
Why cant we be friends?
I know you're working for the CIA
they wouldn't have you in the Mafia
Why cant we be friends?
Why cant we be friends?
Why cant we be friends?
Why cant we be friends?

~ War (1975)

Oh, we can be friends, to be sure; but if I treated my friends to the sort of endless foolishness that you've directed our way, and if I constantly ducked my friends' challenge to provide relevant, accurate and direct proof of my assertions, my friends would soon lose all respect for me -- if they were still willing to come anywhere near me.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools