Call a waaambulance for Phil Hart

Warder of the Quatloosian Gibbet
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Call a waaambulance for Phil Hart

Post by Lambkin »

Straight from the horse's ass ... n-odyssey/
June 19, 2010
Tax fight has been an odyssey
Rep. Phil Hart Idaho House of Representatives

After fighting what I believed was an unconstitutional federal income tax, six years ago I capitulated, filed returns and have since then paid $120,054 in combined state and federal income taxes (including the interest and penalties).

I was also working toward a settlement with the Internal Revenue Service. What derailed this settlement process was becoming a target for an audit. My experiences provide a case study of why we need to get rid of the income tax on wages and salaries.
Long column, hard to excerpt. Read it on the Spokesman web site.
Warder of the Quatloosian Gibbet
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Re: Call a waaambulance for Phil Hart

Post by Lambkin »

Response from a perceptive reader ... phil-hart/
Letters / June 23, 2010
No sympathy for Hart

Somehow, I can summon no sympathy for Phil Hart, victim (guest opinion, June 19). He brought every one of his tax problems on himself when he bought into the silly idea that the 16th Amendment was “fraudulently ratified.” Perhaps he should have read more of the tax code and less of Bill Benson. Apparently legal brilliance is no substitute for common sense.
Hart claims he had $300,000 of business expenses, which means he had at least $300,000 of business income, plus enough for personal expenses. However, boxes of canceled checks and receipts do not necessarily a business expense make.
More on the Spokesman web site
Warder of the Quatloosian Gibbet
Posts: 1206
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Re: Call a waaambulance for Phil Hart

Post by Lambkin »

And another ... -his-oath/
June 20, 2010 in Opinion, Letters
Hart neglects his oath

Voters who live north of Prairie Avenue to the Bonner County line should be paying attention to the stories by Betsy Russell in The Spokesman-Review of their legislator, Phil Hart, of District 3B. (

This man has been evading income tax payments since 1996 and is still a legislator. I find this offensive that he’s evading paying his taxes, that he has broken his oath of office and will still be a legislator once again this fall.
More on the web site