Casper Still Plugging Away

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Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Deep Knight »

1st CASPER for JUNE 21st:

Lets see now what day is this, they all seem to 'run together' lately. Oh yes, it's Monday isn't it. More changes since the Saturday update.

All the various Chinese Players in D.C. have been recalled to China. All were working with Obama and Hillary and had been promised personal fortunes for their cooperation. Like so many others before them they believed the Obama/Hillary line of B.S. that they would be able to get at our funds and distribute them as they saw fit. They were recalled by the top person (Dragon) in China who is on our side.

'There will be no more replacements sent over' says he this morning as these and so many previous ones fell under the hypnotic spell of Obama/Clinton just as half the American have.

The latest scheme/scam from Obama, Hillary and the now dearly departed Chinese was to use our packages as collateral to recapitalize B.ofA. Private Banking and other domestic banks. The Queen was involved as previously reported but when she advised Obama 'hell no' she would not tolerate his 'shakedown' of B.P., Obama and Hillary became frightened of her and moved to exclude her from their Banking Deal (using our funds/packs as collateral.)

They also decided to exclude Ying who had remained in China through all of this and was being blamed by the Chinese in D.C. for what they were themselves doing. Years ago we had found Yings hands in our cookie jar as previously reported. Now, 'as the world turns', Ying is back in the forefront of the secret dealings to acquire B.A.P.B. and others, and is joined in the endeavor by several countries providing financing and by Li and Lee, two other China Men discussed at great length in previous updates.

The updates dealing with these two ended with the same conclusion as with Ying saying that these people had turned out to be 'no friends of recipients'. Now, in what appears to be a case of 'the rats in the sack' turning on each other, these new (but actually old) 'players' want Obama and his crowd to be 'gone post haste' which fits with other Intel received the weekend just ended that the Countries are demanding the same. From news acquired over time and now this, WE deduce that most of the players have concluded that the Obama Administration is so corrupt it can not be redeemed or salvaged under any circumstances.

Now as to whether Ying and Li and Lee have 'seen the light' and will now 'toe the line' under the direction of the Countries providing the financing, or whether they will bring their own 'bag of tricks' to B.ofA. causing further sabotage similar to that reported here regarding B.of A. over the last three weeks, who can say? Peeking into the sack is difficult but right now it appears it is Obama, Hillary, the departed Chinese and all associated with them here and abroad who are 'on their backs'.

WE hear the weekend announcement to let the Yuan float may also be in jeopardy as a result of this latest attempted scam. This situation is so intense, so volatile and changes so quickly there is no guarantee the current status will hold thru sunset.

It really does boil down to more of the same, the 'bad-guys' trying every imaginable desperate last minute ploy to save themselves.

The packs are out again for delivery late today depending on what the 'dirty rotten scoundrels' do next.

casper 6-21-10

For those of you who missed any of Casper not-to-be-missed updates, here's a brief synopsis from the Restore America Plan NESARA website:

DAILY STATUS OF PACKETS - Day by Day Accounting
Per Casper - Freedom Packets - 1st to go
Per Poofness - Humanitarian Packets - The Bulk Balance
Per Chris Story & Heneghan - Settlements Packets from WWII
Per Fulford - says Casper is an agent for Cheney!

6/19/10 --- Casper - Deliveries any day now
6/9/10 --- Casper - B of A has the packs and admitted Cards have been compromised.
6/3/10 --- Deliveries any day now.
6/2/10 --- Deliveries ALL PROGRAMS this week
6/1/10 --- Deliveries this week
5/31/10 --- Casper - HEADS UP
5/28/10 --- Casper - Do not use Bank Cards
5/20/10 --- Deliveries Ongoing
5/15/10 --- Casper - Deliveries and perhaps the end of this journey. Pray!
5/10/10 --- Casper - Still blocked by all.
4/29/10 --- Casper - Deliveries & Announcements Tomorrow!
4/28/10 --- Casper - Packs still out and Deliveries expected today.
4/27/10 --- Casper - Deliveries Tomorrow
4/26/10 --- Casper - Deliveries on the move. Blocked by WC and Obama. In UPS, Wash DC.
4/20/10 --- Casper - Back in the Supreme Court. World Court is corrupt too!
4/19/10 --- Casper - Deliveries for this evening -- UPS REFUSE TO DELIVER! World Court threatened to padlock Atlanta UPS headquarters.
Deliveries Tomorrow Morning!
4/18/10 --- Casper - Scalia plans to open packs!
4/17/10 --- Casper - Supreme Court Judge's computer attempted & failed to access accounts. Judicial Hero Anthony Scalia did it!
4/16/10 --- Casper - Hold Fast, all is being dealt with, severely.
4/15/10 --- Casper - Good Guys allow packs to return back to Wash DC. Are they compromised too?
4/15/10 --- Casper - Packies out again for delivery.
4/14/10 --- Casper - Deliveries will be today.
4/13/10 --- Casper - World Court blocking and doing trades.
4/12/10 --- No News
4/11/10 --- No News
4/10/10 --- Casper - Packs back to the Supreme Court.
4/9/10 --- Casper - Packs held in Fort Benning by our corrupt military.
4/8/10 --- Casper - Supreme Court ordered UPS to deliver by 7:00 pm this evening. Deliveries did not happen. Supreme court is in meeting to determine what to do. Judge Roberts is on the bribe list.
4/7/10 --- Casper - Packets taken from carriers and back in Supreme Court again!
4/6/10 --- Casper - Court & China now blocking.
4/5/10 --- No News
4/4/10 --- No News
4/3/10 --- Casper -- Queen is blocking delivery to do a trade using Barclays Bank.
4/2/10 --- Casper -- Deliveries ordered tonight.
4/2/10 --- Casper -- Packs are at the airport again.
4/1/10 --- Casper -- "The time table will be at our discretion"
3/31/10 --- Casper -- Packs back to Pentagon, Top Brass ARE CORRUPT TOO!
3/31/10 --- Wendy - Military delivery in the MORNING TODAY!

Wow! It seems that the packies should have been delivered long ago! Wonder what's holding them up?
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Deep Knight wrote: Wow! It seems that the packies should have been delivered long ago! Wonder what's holding them up?
I know what the problem is! It's not a question of "the packies being delivered", it's a question of "the packies delivering". Around here, package stores, or "packies" (liquor stores, to the rest of you0 will sometimes deliver their goodies; and maybe Casper is frustrated that no packies in his area will deliver to his home....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by bmielke »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Deep Knight wrote: Wow! It seems that the packies should have been delivered long ago! Wonder what's holding them up?
I know what the problem is! It's not a question of "the packies being delivered", it's a question of "the packies delivering". Around here, package stores, or "packies" (liquor stores, to the rest of you0 will sometimes deliver their goodies; and maybe Casper is frustrated that no packies in his area will deliver to his home....
I truely believe that is a Massachusetts thing. The only other time I have ever heard of liquor stores delievering is for massive orders, but I know some packies will deliever a fifth.
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper isn't actually plugging away as much as he "should" be (given his assurances about what was happening), this was his last update, last Thursday.


'Daddy Daddy have you plugged the hole yet'?

No children, but I'm having a stategy session on Afganistan today, would you like to sit in? 'Only if BOZO will be there Daddy'. Bozo? 'Uncle Joe Bozo Biden Daddy'. Oh yes, of course, we are golfing this morning, I will invite him. 'And the Beatles too Daddy, OK' ? Sure kids, no problem.

Have you heard? Home sales down 33% month over month. The Baltic Dry Index down 38% in 17 days. 'The recovery is progressing nicely' says the administration. Martians or liars in the White House, you decide.

'We are going to destroy the Oil Industry and the Economy of the Gulf Coast and peoples lives in several states and we will not allow a Federal Judges ruling to stand in our way' says Salazar on behalf of Obama. Disgraceful. In testimony and reports submitted to the Judge Obama and Salazar misrepresented (lied) about the findings of Salazar's own Commission which said the ban on drilling is not justified and even has National Security Implications. They LIED to a Federal Judge and are now going to over rule him in order to proceed with their INTENTIONAL DESTRUCTION OF THE PEOPLE AND THE ECONOMY OF THE GULF COAST and the Oil Indusrty.. Who is OBAMA working for ?????????????? It sure as hell is not America.

Yesterday and this morning Obama continues to say he will not allow the packs to be delivered, not now, not ever. His various schemes to retain effective 'control' of B.of A. have fallen through, at least so far, and he is extremely upset about it. Most recently Ying and the BCD (Big Cheese Dragon) have been 'shot down'. We hear the 'financial warfare' and battle over deliveries continued overnight.

Every hour, around the clock, 24/7, while we eat, sleep, breath, three to four thousand barrels of oil are being spewed into the Gulf. Every Hour. And still the Feds fight the Governors over the construction of 'sand berms', a minor thing which does not stop the oil from spewing. A National Emergency of unprecedented proportions. Massive Enviromental Destruction. Lives and livelihoods being destroyed for years to come, perhaps decades. Mexican Drug Gangs setting up on hilltops in Arizona to spy on the Border Patrol. INSIDE ARIZONA. And what is your Messiah doing? Nothing. Absolutely NOTHING. 133 times he voted 'present' in the Illnois State Senate. PRESENT and UNABLE to make a decision either way. 133 times. God help us.

The life and career of one of our countries top three Generals destroyed by the likes of Rolling Stone Magazine and Obama, neither of which are fit to shine McChrystals shoes. NATO'S top Commander gone because of these narcissistic self absorbed incompetent cry babies.

Identifying a withdrawal date from Afganistan in advance (July next year) as Obama/Biden have done, to satisfy the sissy liberals who put them in office, GUARANTEES failure. If you lived there would you cooperate with the flighty undependable Americans knowing that in 12 months you are likely to be tortured to death in front of your children? Or them tortured to death in front of you? The Taliban makes the Mexican Drug Cartels look positively peaceful in comparison. Politics, not victory, is the Administrations primary motivator. Obama took FOUR MONTHS to respond to McChrystals URGENT request for more troops then he sent substantially less than requested. Jimmy Carter was more decisive. And he was born in America.

JUST ANNOUNCED: The Federal Government has just announced the cancellation of two scheduled conferences in ARIZONA to PUNISH Arizona for its new immigration law. Never mind that 70%++ of Americans agree with the rather tame Arizona law. OBAMA has declared himself the enemy of the States be it Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, etc.. As such he is declaring himself the enemy of the laws, the values and the people of the States. What will it take to wake up the sleeping sheep?


With each more egregious than the day before, and still the sheep sleep.

This week Obama announced taxpayer funds will be used to enforce salaries for ILLEGAL immigrants. No borders, no sovereignty. And bingo and dance classes ,and whats next, new Range Rovers?

LIBERALISM is a MENTAL DISORDER and the sickest of the sick are now CONTROLLING our country.

Doctors all over the country are announcing publicly THEY WILL NO LONGER SERVE MEDICARE PATIENTS (they can't pay rent with the Government reimbursements). OBAMA is Nationalizing Healthcare as fast as possible to be able to use the anticipated FEDERAL INCOME STREAM to float BONDS to finance the remainder of his COMMUNIST TAKEOVER of America. 2400 pages have become LAW. Pelosi and Reid and Obama promise 'this is just the first step'.

"There are none so blind as those who will not see".

casper 6-24-10
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Cathulhu »

Casper said:

"There are none so blind as those who will not see."

And there are none so nuts as this tinfoil hat brigade. I actually had a typo/freudian moment and typed it as "tinfoil hate brigade".
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Casper always seemed to be somewhat harmless, in a New Age sort of way. Now, he seems to have taken a drastic extreme right turn and is trolling for acolytes in a new sewer....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Deep Knight »

From Restore America Plan - NESARA site.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Casper Postings To Be Removed Tomorrow
This Blog will no longer be posting Casper Postings and the update status board will be removed tomorrow July 1st.

I refuse to knowingly post Lies and Deceptions of a paid disinfo operation.

When the packages are distributed and after the smoke clears, I be posting the real story behind the Casper and Wendy and there team of paid operatives.

Fulford and Poofness were right!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:58 PM


Anonymous said...
WOW! Can't wait to see that. Thank you.

June 30, 2010 4:13 PM

Anonymous said...

June 30, 2010 4:15 PM

Anonymous said...
way to go john. thought you would never make the call

June 30, 2010 4:39 PM

Rob S. said...
Good move John, Casper's latest is the same old song.

June 30, 2010 5:01 PM

Anonymous said...
John,and again... thanks!
This would now e the answer to my question: who has the power to grab the packs for distribution and is then poerless when Mr O.(or someone else?) cries 'return'.
ALl clear and now our prayers for the Vatican-resistance-fighters to be successful, that Europe may also get out of Evil's grip, they sure have been in it a darn long time.
God's blessing shall not be stopped by sickening groundpersonell.

June 30, 2010 5:08 PM

Anonymous said...
I thought Caspers packs are for a farm program dispersement that some 120 people are recipients of. That's my understanding. Somehow it took on broad appeal.

June 30, 2010 5:11 PM

Anonymous said...
post it now! perhaps the other sites will stop posting him also?

June 30, 2010 5:14 PM

Anonymous said...
Is Caspar any worse than Tom Heneghan and his obsessive compulsive attachment to Al Gore, Hillary and Slick Willy? I am a late comer so maybe there is quite a bit that I missed.

June 30, 2010 5:38 PM

JP said...
Casper has a post on stating that the packs are being held because Obama wants the money to save the banks. John, I am anxious to read what you know.

I live in Dallas, Texas and no deliveries here yet. I wait every day.

June 30, 2010 5:43 PM

Anonymous said...
I think its a good idea to remove them. Benjamin Fulford has commented that some of his intel said it was a Cheney operation, and I do also recall a post from Chris Story detailing Casper as a disinfo agent.

Me, I'm a pretty smart guy and have read a number of them, I have to say, the sameyness of the content, and the organization is very suspect to me. It almost looks like a computer generated message. Like a program is pooling a database of potential subjects and scenarios for those potential subjects, then organizes them into a very loose narrative, for which somebody probably proof reads, giving it that narrative quality.

June 30, 2010 6:40 PM

Anonymous said...
I've waited 14 years for my pack and I sure hope your right John about this happening now because if your wrong again there are going to be a lot of very disappointed lenders. Story has given us facts that are proveable and Poof has given us hope for years, but nothing he has come up with so far has panned out.I doubt many of us in dire financial straights will be able to hold on much longer. Let's pray your right this time John.

June 30, 2010 7:42 PM

Anonymous said...
CASPER's posts WILL BE posted AT :

June 30, 2010 8:11 PM

Anonymous said...
Phase II - what can i say... for once missing words, but have spread the news far and wide..

Just found this on Rumormills, notice the smile :)

NESARA News Blog: "Casper Postings To Be Removed Tomorrow"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 1-Jul-2010 02:04:46

In Response To: WENDY reports for WE: "EYES OPEN" (hobie) Hi, Folks -

Thanks to Reader vb for the 'heads up' on this. :)

John MacHaffie has posted to his NESARA News blog:
Casper Postings To Be Removed Tomorrow
This Blog will no longer be posting Casper Postings and the update status board will be removed tomorrow July 1st.
I refuse to knowingly post Lies and Deceptions of a paid disinfo operation.

When the packages are distributed and after the smoke clears, I be posting the real story behind the Casper and Wendy and there team of paid operatives.

Fulford and Poofness were right!

Posted by John MacHaffieat 3:58 PM
camilla June 30, 2010 11:16 PM

Anonymous said...
Goodbye Casper, the friendly (CIA?) spook.

July 1, 2010 10:30 AM

Candace said...
UH sir, fullford and Poof are also dark operatives, I would advise READING the latest from Whistleblower of the OITC on my site,, and if it's not still on the front page, just click on OITC and Whistleblower in the menu on the left. Fulford is absolutely a thug working with the Zionists and he has admitted it before!!!!! And that is summarized again in the WB post on my site. All of them are NWO and this is NOT in anyway related to NESARA/Gesara. I KNOW, I have the best of contacts. I have had conversation with Poofness that also proves the point. Take care, Candace, CEO and Pres of AH.

July 2, 2010 10:45 AM
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Deep Knight
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Deep Knight »

Nothing I like more than watching two scam artists sling mud at each other.

CASPER UPDATE #1: July 1, 2010

Regarding the GARBAGE posted overnight by RAP and John MacHaffie about Casper Wendy and WE, needless to say it ruined my breakfast.

You may recall WE were asked to comment about 'them' a couple of months ago and did so saying WE know nothing about them, have nothing to do with them, but wish them well as they are facing up to the same enemy as the rest of the messengers.

Now this, out of the clear blue sky?
I don't know who is pulling this IDIOTS strings but shame on them and shame on him and SHAME ON ANY ONE AND EVERY ONE WHO BELIEVES HIS DESPICABLE LIES.

Especially saddening this morning are the comments from the few who have bought this garbage lock, stock and barrel. That's a far more devastating blow than some IDIOT babbling lies about us, something WE are accustomed to especially from those hopelessly drunk on kool-aid.
This FOOL, John MacHaffie (forgive me Lord, I am aware we are not supposed to call another a fool) but this time I just can't help myself.
This FOOL who is obviously SOMEONE'S PAWN whether intentionally or unintentionally, is very likely responding, knowingly or unknowingly, to the 'internal OBAMA upset' caused by the last two Casper updates. They 'blew the roof off' so to speak and this is another CIA generated attack on those exposing what is really going on behind the curtain.

Obama et al are reacting to those updates this morning and Brother MacHaffie is working for them either knowingly or unknowingly.

In support of his foolishness he enlists the names of Fulford and Poof as agreeing with his assessment.
Perhaps he should check with Fulford again as he (Fulford) often communicates with Casper through Private channels seeking clarification on items of major world importance never discussed in these updates.

As for Poof he is a full blown Obama believer now and always has been which is his right of course. WE never attack Poof personally for his beliefs, rather WE often point out where disinfo originates hoping to alert him and others that they might be being 'used'. Our steady references to several 'sets' of corrupt Chinese is an example of this, a signal to those getting their Intel from 'the dragon' to be careful, most of them are in bed with Obama. Yesterdays exposure of the condition of the big banks, their counterfeit assets, the work of INDEPENDENT AUDITORS in several countries and most especially the exposure of THE SLUSH FUND ACCOUNTS in the Banks has, overnight, put a bull's-eye on Casper and MacHaffie is obviously, knowingly or unknowingly, one of Obama's 'Riflemen'. More may surface today, who knows?

Now, PUBLICLY, and FOR THE RECORD, I wish to tell this BLIND FOOL he is a Bold Faced LIAR and all who are participating in his LIES that neither I, Casper, nor WENDY, nor WE, have ever received one cent from anyone for any reason, ever, in the decade and a half WE have been doing updates unlike McHaffie and others who constantly solicit your 'contributions'. Notice that McHaffie has just this morning pulled his solicitation off his web-site--Until this morning he has been Soliciting Funds daily to keep the website on line.
Neither have any of us ever received one dime in the way of 'reimbursements' for the untold thousands of dollars we have expended in this effort. Neither have I, WENDY or WE ever accepted, not even once, any of the several private offers of financial help WE have received over time.
This FOOL is bearing FALSE WITNESS and I herewith accuse him publicly of being a willing -or a pitifully ignorant- pawn of those doing all possible to preclude the implementation of the new banking system and delivery of our packages. Unable to refute the FACTS being reported here they resort to attacking the messenger. If MacHaffie had any 'sources' who actually know what has been going on, if he were not a brain dead kool-aid drinker, he would know the truth reported here and he would also know of the violent internal reactions they are causing.
There are messengers who report what is actually happening as it happens, there are those who report in such 'feel good' generalities that they are saying the same thing today as they were saying five years ago.

WE don't seek this IDIOTS approval of our work or what we report or anyone else's for that matter. WE have long since concluded that all WE can do is report. What you think of it is your business. By now you recognize that our reporting is almost always in conflict with the Intel provided by other messengers. WE think that is because, as we recently stated, they are getting their 'Intel from those associated with Obama and the 'status quo' and that this is a worldwide group trying to retain 'FIAT' currencies and banking and their Fraudulent Financial Playpen. Their 'defeat' spells 'exposure' then you will no longer have to 'guess' who has been reporting the truth. You must decide what to believe if anything at all. It's not that WE don't care what you think because we do. It's that WE have long since recognized that all we can really do is to 'report', not 'convince'. It seems to me that any 'thinking' person would by now have recognized that the reason the 'feel good' reports never come true is for the reasons reported here as they occur. Its not that 'good news' is always wrong but that Obama, Hillary, The Queen, Merkle, the Banks and many many others including Bush prior to Obama constantly manage to stop deliveries. Their collective efforts and their motivations and even their 'scam du jour' is reported here to the fullest extent possible while expecting you to remember that 'WE don't know everything'.

'After the Fact' says MacHaffie, he will tell, he will report, he will expose, he will PROVE WE are PAID DISINFO AGENTS. WE say "YOU ARE A BOLD FACED LIAR" and a disgustingly small human being.

As reported last night the packs were retrieved from the bad-guys (OBAMA) and are out again for delivery today. As of 7 a.m. they were not back in D.C..

casper 7-1-10

p.s. WE can't help but wonder if people think that 10/15 years of daily International phone calls were free? Or that OUR many trips to D.C. to meet with and assist with 'our business' were free?
Of course you have no way of knowing that WE have financially assisted some people directly when great personal crisis arose.
The more I think about this Idiot MacHaffie the madder I get.
"Follow the Money"
Deep Knight
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper Team Attack On John --- John's Response
This is in response to Casper The Ghost Team Charges ... ead=177180

"Now, PUBLICLY, and FOR THE RECORD, I wish to tell this BLIND FOOL he is a Bold Faced LIAR and all who are participating in his LIES that neither I, Casper, nor WENDY, nor WE, have ever received one cent from anyone for any reason, ever, in the decade and a half WE have been doing updates unlike McHaffie and others who constantly solicit your 'contributions'. Notice that McHaffie has just this morning pulled his solicitation off his web-site--Until this morning he has been Soliciting Funds daily to keep the website on line.
Neither have any of us ever received one dime in the way of 'reimbursements' for the untold thousands of dollars we have expended in this effort. Neither have I, WENDY or WE ever accepted, not even once, any of the several private offers of financial help WE have received over time.
This FOOL is bearing FALSE WITNESS and I herewith accuse him publicly of being a willing -or a pitifully ignorant- pawn of those doing all possible to preclude the implementation of the new banking system and delivery of our packages. Unable to refute the FACTS being reported here they resort to attacking the messenger. If MacHaffie had any 'sources' who actually know what has been going on, if he were not a brain dead kool-aid drinker, he would know the truth reported here and he would also know of the violent internal reactions they are causing.
There are messengers who report what is actually happening as it happens, there are those who report in such 'feel good' generalities that they are saying the same thing today as they were saying five years ago.
WE don't seek this IDIOTS approval of our work or what we report or anyone else's for that matter. WE have long since concluded that all WE can do is report. What you think of it is your business. By now you recognize that our reporting is almost always in conflict with the Intel provided by other messengers. WE think that is because, as we recently stated, they are getting their 'Intel from those associated with Obama and the 'status quo' and that this is a worldwide group trying to retain 'FIAT' currencies and banking and their Fraudulent Financial Playpen. Their 'defeat' spells 'exposure' then you will no longer have to 'guess' who has been reporting the truth. You must decide what to believe if anything at all. It's not that WE don't care what you think because we do. It's that WE have long since recognized that all we can really do is to 'report', not 'convince'. It seems to me that any 'thinking' person would by now have recognized that the reason the 'feel good' reports never come true is for the reasons reported here as they occur. Its not that 'good news' is always wrong but that Obama, Hillary, The Queen, Merkle, the Banks and many many others including Bush prior to Obama constantly manage to stop deliveries. Their collective efforts and their motivations and even their 'scam du jour' is reported here to the fullest extent possible while expecting you to remember that 'WE don't know everything'.
'After the Fact' says MacHaffie, he will tell, he will report, he will expose, he will PROVE WE are PAID DISINFO AGENTS. WE say "YOU ARE A BOLD FACED LIAR" and a disgustingly small human being.
As reported last night the packs were retrieved from the bad-guys (OBAMA) and are out again for delivery today. As of 7 a.m. they were not back in D.C..
casper 7-1-10
p.s. WE can't help but wonder if people think that 10/15 years of daily International phone calls were free? Or that OUR many trips to D.C. to meet with and assist with 'our business' were free?
Of course you have no way of knowing that WE have financially assisted some people directly when great personal crisis arose.
The more I think about this Idiot MacHaffie the madder I get."
To the Ghost team - whatever. Do you deny that your team is named after "Casper", The home town of Cheney? Do you want be to publicize your real name and that of Wendy?

I am not an intelligence agent like your team nor financially supported as your team apparently is for the last 10+ years. I am alone, an independent trying to bring out the real truth in your world of lies and deceptions.

Yea I am moving on to Phase II --- Restoring America. I know your team relish your rumor promotion roles, I do not as I guess I am too honest.

Donations will be removed after the prosperity funds roll in. I am still barely surviving.

I am not a source of intel, I just relay what my sources are telling me and that is all. I do not make up stories or embellish them.

Now Casper Ghost Team - WHO IS PAYING YOU ALL?

Casper - and for 10 years what have you delivered to the table? NOTHING except stories on top stories. When you do a matrix analysis of your deliveries alerts and no deliveries and then deliveries and no deliveries ----- very interesting loops and loops.

Being called an idiot from a disinfo team like yourself is a compliment.

I have received 3 Three death threats within 1 1/2 hour of my post to remove your messages. First time for me. Thank your associates - well done.

GOD Bless,

John MacHaffie - A humble servant of OUR LOVING LORD!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:13 PM
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Deep Knight
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Deep Knight »


judy said...
John, why are you to quick to judge Casper? These rumors have been around for awhile. Even if Casper hasn't been correct about the delivery dates-neither has anyone else!! There are many that think he is spot on. I frankly think we should be allowed to make our own decisions about whom to believe or not believe. You are not responsible for his words-he is! Nor is it any reflection on you. I suppose you won't approve any dissent. (sounds like big gov to me)We can and will make our own decisions!

July 1, 2010 12:33 PM

Anonymous said...
Good job John, reveal their real names and positions at the 'agency', that ought to shut things down. Time for the truth to come out for everybody to see. Safety in numbers, stay public and you'll be OK. Too many eyes watching, they would be fools to do anything bad. Time for somebody to open that 'suitcase' and get things moving. Maybe the suitcase could be used by RAP?

July 1, 2010 12:33 PM

Anonymous said...
Wow, three death threats John? Seems to me that you hit a nerve ! I just dowsed it all out, and agree with you my friend. Git 'em !

July 1, 2010 12:34 PM

Rob S. said...
Stay strong John, I laughed when I read the post on RMN.

The signs are there for the economies of the world being brought down this weekend. It will be brutal and ugly, but necessary for God's plan of ridding our planet of corruption.

Please keep yourself and family safe, while stocking up with food and water.

Please keep me in mind, God has some things he wants me to do before I leave to join him.

July 1, 2010 12:41 PM

Anonymous said...
Come on y'all. This is what the bad guys want. I'm sure Caspar's team didn't make any death threats on you, John. You're too valuable to everyone. Don't forget: "Never let a good crisis go to waste." Does this sound familiar? Don't play into their hands.

Sounds to me like some people are anxious to cause strife and division. Don't let it happen!!!!!!It is just a misunderstanding! A big one...but blow it off!

July 1, 2010 12:43 PM

Good for you John . Making a stand . Keep up your important work. we love ya over at rapfreedomcafe and will continue to suport you . Give casper Heck . I will find more info on him as a cheney agent post if on my site and send to you.
Gods speed

July 1, 2010 12:44 PM

Anonymous said...
I have been on this earth for some time now and when someone reacts this violently a truth has been exposed. I know John is a good and honest man. Desclosure is happening at an astounding rate. Keep your eyes and ears open. God bless you John.

July 1, 2010 12:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Takes a pair of Brass ones...Thanks for taking up your cross with us...

July 1, 2010 12:48 PM

barb said...
Don't worry, we will all find out in the end,that you were right on john

July 1, 2010 12:50 PM

Anonymous said...
What's going on here is a lesson in divide and conquer. It's also a lesson that the end is near as every single soul on earth is about to go through a major change. Who's cares about mere words on a screen;
Your soul doesn't.

The status quo is going to hell and has been traveling their for awhile...

We will all be awake soon...
Whether we want to be or not.

Universal laws have been violated for a LONG time; a 'judgment' is still be hashed out in the 'jury' room.

God will win the verdict; it is written and I can feel it in my soul... Can't You?

DW in Tahoe

July 1, 2010 1:00 PM

Anonymous said...
Casper should not have opened his mouth and targeted you John. He says he doesnt care what people think but he goes out of his way to call you out. All he needs to do is keep reporting and all you need to do is focus on Phase 2. The Golden Age is almost here. I also find it interesting that Benjamin, Poof, and your sources have confirmed that Casper is disinfo. 3 against 1. Casper loses. Ha ha...

Anyways this is a great site. I will continue to read all sources of information, including Casper. In the end the Truth will be revealed and the Liars will be exposed.

July 1, 2010 1:00 PM

Anonymous said...
Now the Casper knows how it feels to here the truth for a change. I just got tired of the constant ragging on Obama. We all know none of them can be trusted but neither could we trust ANYONE in the Goverment or the big complex industrialists since let me see. Well EVER actually since the forefathers of this great country created the Constitution. And sometimes I wonder about them. have WE THE PEOPLE ever been told the truth about much of anything? Casper should just post a standing post that says PACKETS DELAYED FOREVER by CROOKED POLITITIANS AND OTHER THIEVES.

July 1, 2010 1:16 PM

Anonymous said...
Well first of all Casper your the idiots giving out false info, concerting with the enemy (Obama) and if you are really not so bothered by John then why did you even respond. Your the idoit not John. I disagree with John but I would never call him an idiot. You Casper can kiss our butts and anyone who supports your lying ass. Oh this agent knows who you are for real!

July 1, 2010 1:46 PM

George said...
I am neither a professional spook nor a lone voice in the wilderness who happens to have "sources". I'm just a weary prosperity program lender from way back. But I have read everything Casper has ever posted and everything Poof has ever posted even before Poof was called "Poof". I have also read most if not all of the relevent reports by Chris Story.

I appreciate what you're doing, John, but if you have read Casper's archives, I'm sure you realize that he has already directly answered your question about his Cheney connection and "WE's" correlation to Casper, Wyoming several times. How many times does he have to answer the same question?

He may be who you say he is. Time will tell, but you had better be good and sure you aren't being fed disinfo by the pros before you enter this sophisticated and ruthless arena.

If you don't accept the accuracy of Casper's chronology, then what is your explanation for the delays? Obviously something has been gumming up the works, and Casper is the only one that has consistently offered some sort of feasible explanation. At least he has an explanation, and one which is not patently disprovable by ordinary guys like me who don't claim to have connections inside the intelligence community.

Why don't you stick to doing what you do, and let everybody else do what they do, and let God sort it out? In the end, the truth will become evident. When you initiate attacks on other messengers, you only serve to diminish your own credibility.

By the way, anonymous, how exactly did Casper "open his mouth and target John"? Casper didn't say a word about John until John opened his mouth and targeted Casper. Did Casper react strongly and harshly to John's claim? Certainly. Would you react strongly and harshly to someone making the accusations against you that John made against Casper if they didn't happen to be true? I think we all would be tempted to. Only humility and grace would prevent us from engaging in a mud-slinging contest.

I, unlike many who post here, understand that things don't always work out according to my time schedule and personal crises. I don't see the benefit to finding someone to blame for that.

John, you didn't publish my previous post when I cautioned you that you would get flack if things didn't happen in the time frame you were predicting. Well, it didn't and you did. I don't blame you, though, any more than I blame Casper or Poof or Story. How about we all work together and do our part and leave the bickering to the dark side.

July 1, 2010 1:56 PM

Anonymous said...
Some of you are just adding fuel to the fire. What are you accomplishing? Nothing...just divide and conquer(NOT EVEN THAT) as DW in Tahoe said. These are stressful times for all of us. I sit here off and on every day in desperation, looking for a glimmer of hope in our world of despair. How do you think John and Caspar feel? They are actively involved, risking everything. Stop your aiding and abetting the enemy of division and let's get on with our project: RAP. So there is a delay...

July 1, 2010 1:58 PM

Anonymous said...
Hi John, You do a great job of finding information for all.And I for one, Thank You Very Much. Please, no more mud slinging. I trust YOU, John,and choose to keep my opinion reserved on others. I truly believe that you are doing the best you can to bring the truth to all who visit your site. Let's get beyond this small "conflict" and move on for bigger and better things. May GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Wal

July 1, 2010 2:18 PM

Anonymous said...
First, please allow me to print here Psalm 91: For your protection and for the protection of anyone in need.

A Psalm of Protection

1.He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under
the shadow of the Almighty.

2. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My GOD, in Him I will trust."

3. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.

4. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler,

5. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day,

6. Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.

7. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.

8. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward of the wicked.

9. Because you have made the LORD Who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place,

10. No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;

11. For He shall give His angels charge over you; to keep you in all your ways.

12. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.

13. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.

14. "Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My Name.

15. "He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.

16 "With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation."

Though I hardly recommend death threats, and they are scary to those who are the recipients. You are correct, John, in taking what they say as a compliment. You made it to the BIG MAP, the one on which they place those who instill fear in their repulsive maggot-infested hearts & minds. Good job, however, PLEASE be careful. We all love you too much and are praying for your success and and above all else, your safety. I am personally sending you this Psalm of Protection.

Loving you all for your continued support of John MacHaffie, a friend to all. I have never known of one who is as unselfish as John MacHaffie. How dare you CASPER & WENDY even consider to place yourselves in the same sentence with this truly remarkable man!

SS in IN. aka C.B.T.

Don't have Google or any other acceptable I.D., which I suspect is the case with most "anonymous commentators."

July 1, 2010 2:41 PM

Anonymous said...
How about everyone stop talking about when we will get something and worry about educating the public to the coming Tsunami. Just thought I'd cheer everyone up.

July 1, 2010 2:43 PM

Anonymous said...
I've been aware of this blog and John for some time now. I remember Casper basically calling John a small person before on RMN when John inquired to Casper. From their post above: "WE have long since concluded that all WE can do is report. What you think of it is your business."
So John gives his opinion and Team Casper says it's none of John's business? Sounds like a bunch of politicians pretending to be Team Casper because no "behind the scenes" organization would EVER publicly accuse a single person.
Hopefully, guys like this is the reason why Obama wants a kill switch on the web! Keep in Holy, John and may an army of God's angels protect you.


July 1, 2010 2:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Man, this just gets better and better all the time. Makes for a great read. Better than any tv series I've ever run across. Can't wait for the next episode on July 4th. Will it happen or won't it? Stay tuned folks!

July 1, 2010 3:19 PM

Anonymous said...
I just have to say that I have been reading Capser's nonsense for too many years. I appreciate John calling him on his lies and ego stroking ways. If Casper has nothing to hide or truly believes he is correct in his constant info puking then he would not have responded to John.

Casper got his hands smacked and his butt kicked and he is going to pout, rant, and scream all the way back to his hole.

Amen, and way to go John. About time somebody told the ghost where to get off.

July 1, 2010 4:01 PM

Anonymous said...
Do you know where the house of the Loving Lord liest???

July 1, 2010 4:26 PM

Anonymous said...
unreal that the ghost got offended hahaha

July 1, 2010 4:42 PM

Anonymous said...
The character of whoever is behind the Casper posts is obvious from the rampant negativity and personal attacks in that message.

No one who who follows the light and adheres to the golden rule would be so negative in their comments to another.

I doubt Casper would have cared at all about what John had said, if John hadn't hit the nail right on the head.

So John, it looks like you called it right. Now lets get on with this restoration! :)

July 1, 2010 7:42 PM
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Deep Knight
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper was good enough to type into his computer today (quite an achievement, considering), so I might as well copy it here.


Our packages, out for delivery today, have been ordered back to D.C. by a World Court Judge working for the Queen.This time it was other than the English Judge who is her usual Flunky.

Since Friday Merkle and Obama have attempted 25 trades as the Queen simultaneously tried one under the cover of the Merkle attempts.

Having failed to access our accounts after months of attempts by OBAMA, Gates, the Pentagon, Merkle, the CIA and Hackers of every stripe and color the Queen has now attempted to get the United Nations to seize our funds and Stop The World Court from pursuing the class action lawsuit.
The Queen says she and Obama must have our funds, that their survival and their Banks survival is at stake. She wanted the U.N. to forcibly take possession of our funds. She also attempted to entice the head of the U.N. to cooperate in another trade attempt this morning. She insisted that all money in all programs is "The Kingdom's Money"

Meanwhile the U.S. representative to the United Nations on instructions from OBAMA attempted to get the U.N. to seize our funds and transfer them to Obama. Also, the U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, is in on this conspiracy and attempted scam saying the funds belong to the Kingdom and should therefore be transferred as she instructs.

The Queen has been informed that none of those mentioned above will ever be able to break into our accounts and that every trade attempt will continue to be blocked no matter who initiates them. She was told the funds belong to the people, not her, that they can't help her and that she would not receive one red cent of other peoples money. Then she was asked, 'if this money belongs to the Kingdom as you say why don't you just transfer it to yourself'?

The World Court has been ordered by those in a position to do so to proceed with deliveries and the lawsuit, that they are to get the deliveries done tonight and any further interference by them will result in them occupying the same jail as the rest of the criminals.

Now we wait.

casper 7-6-10

Now they wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait some more.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Deep Knight »

OK, so we all know that Casper not only makes everything up, he's adverse to doing research so he makes all sorts of gross errors (but then again, people who believe what he's selling probably don't care). The following is an example of this (don't even get me started on "World Court class action lawsuits" or "filing with the Supreme Court").

Deep Knight's inside information says to expect deliveries June 5, 1971.


After the Freedom Packs were opened at the DOJ and the contents removed and destroyed as reported last week, events then progressed as follows.

"Certain Freedom Participants" in cooperation with their Attorneys filed the Class Action Lawsuit in the World Court last Sunday, July 4th.
This lawsuit was filed on behalf of all participants in the Freedom Program and involved no other program.
It was drawn up last Friday the second of July and permission from the Court to file as a Class Action was promptly obtained.

Monday July 5th the lawsuit was also filed in the United States Supreme Court which accepted the filing. Monday afternoon the Supreme Court said they are not as well versed in International Law as the World Court, that the opening of the packs and destruction of the contents violated many laws and they asked the World Court to handle the case and included their recommendations that all charges should be brought forth.

The World Court Judges came into the U.S., adjudicated the case Monday night and their rulings were made known Tuesday.

Obama and his many Criminal Associates, having failed to blackmail the authorities, then appealed to the United Nations to reverse the Courts rulings.
The U.N. responded that the rulings can not and will not be reversed.

A total of 38 charges were filed, all were adjudicated in favor of the Plaintiffs, the Freedom Program Participants.
Included in the rulings against Obama and all others involved are verdicts for TREASON, Embezzlement, Fraud, Destruction of International Packages, etc. etc. etc...

Obama says "you can't do this I am the President". Hillary says "you can't do this I am the President". Michelle, guilty of multiple counts of Embezzlement says, "you can't do this I am the 'Co-President".

The U.N. says all charges and rulings are legitimate and justifiable and will not be reversed.

No other Programs and no other Attorneys were involved in obtaining this successful outcome.

There are many 'high-powered' people working diligently behind the scenes, working extremely hard, to bring this to a successful conclusion for all of us not just Freedom participants.

The packs had again been moved into place for delivery yesterday only to learn that certain items were missing from the packs. That problem was corrected overnight and they are back out again for delivery today.
Their delivery (of the FREEDOM PACKS) will clear the way for the other program deliveries just as WE have been reporting to you for many years.

Casper 7-8-10

p.s. Among the many well known problems in D.C. we can now observe that 'we have too many Presidents".
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by texino »

To Deep Knight: Can you tell me if "WE" is a third entity as in Casper, Wendy and WE, or is it just Casper using the "Royal We", like The Queen when she says "We find ourselves to be colicky in the tum tum on this our 21,000 odd day of our rule. ER. Sorry for not paying full attention, but I get very confused of late. Thank you indeed for any help.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:OK, so we all know that Casper not only makes everything up, he's adverse to doing research so he makes all sorts of gross errors (but then again, people who believe what he's selling probably don't care).

More to the point, wouldn't know. If they are dim and clueless enough to believe the nonsense Casper has been peddling, then they wouldn't have a clue about whether any of his stuff was just well, nonsense, since they have long ago broken away from reality.
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Cathulhu »

There are many 'high-powered' people working diligently behind the scenes, working extremely hard, to bring this to a successful conclusion for all of us not just Freedom participants.
Definitely high-powered. Don't know what he's smoking, but have ten pounds of it sent to my house at once!*

*That's from a script meeting at Babylon 5; kudos to Peter J. who's pretty durned funny.
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Deep Knight
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Re: Casper Still Plugging Away

Post by Deep Knight »

To Deep Knight: Can you tell me if "WE" is a third entity as in Casper, Wendy and WE, or is it just Casper using the "Royal We", like The Queen when she says "We find ourselves to be colicky in the tum tum on this our 21,000 odd day of our rule. ER. Sorry for not paying full attention, but I get very confused of late. Thank you indeed for any help.
Casper has implied that "WE" is his group of "insiders," althought I suspect these "insiders" are inside of a bottle. In fact, I question whether Wendy actually exists or is just Casper by another name. Then again, if this scam has taught me anything, it's that there are plenty of people out there willing to say anything...
"Follow the Money"