Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by LPC »

Joey Smith wrote:Dear Pete:

Nobody who matters gives a sh*t what you think.
At this point, Pete's primary audience is a handful of misfits whose most immediate concern is how to stop the IRS from levying on their wages and bank accounts, which the IRS is in the process of doing because they followed Pete's advice.

So most of those misfits don't really give a sh*t what Pete thinks, either.

How sad would it be if Pete ever understood that most of his "warriors" are as self-centered and narcissistic as he is.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by Nikki »

Pete no longer has an audience. In fact, he hasn't had one for months.

The forum is runing on its own inertia and will continue to do so as long as someone pays the ISP bills.

The language of the forum has devolved to the level of Sooey or SFBFKADMVP word salad generation.

I would say that LoserHeads has become a massive circle-jerk, except that the latter usually has some kind of outcome.

Instead, LoserHeads, for as long as it stays up, will be a constant exercise of mutual masturbation with everyone shooting blanks.
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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by Dezcad »

PH's new attorney, William Butler, files a Reply, which is just more continued nonsense. Check out the part about "appeal to authority", shouldn't an attorney know better?
Respondent/Plaintiff :
v. : Case Nos. 10-1726; 10-1819
Appellant/Defendant. :
Mr. Hendrickson is facing nearly three years in a federal penitentiary for thinking differently than federal government agents and acting on his exhaustive analysis of the Internal Revenue Code. Instead of responding to the merits of Mr. Hendrickson's analysis, the government once again resorts to callow ad hominem attacks and name calling. The government calls Mr. Hendrickson's doggedly principled and self-effacing actions "frivolous." The government's response, however, is worse than frivolous. It is dishonest.

The government knows, from Mr. Hendrickson's allocution, that Mr. Hendrickson does not claim that "wages are not income." He argues that "some" earnings are not Code-defined wages and that only Code-defined wages are "taxable" wages and thus "taxable income." Earnings and wages that are not Code-defined wages are certainly "income" as the term is commonly understood, they are just not taxable income according to the Internal Revenue Code. Although both the government and Mr. Hendrickson have thrust and parried in the semantic fencing match over "earnings" and "wages" and "income," the core of Mr. Hendrickson's position is that only Code-defined "wages" represent "taxable income" and that his earnings do not fit within the Code's definitions. (Sentencing Transcript, pp. 91-92.)
Mr. Hendrickson correctly observes that the 16th Amendment does not authorize a direct capitation tax on people, but rather and indirect, excise tax on "income." U.S. Const. amend. XVI. In order to trigger any indirect, excise tax obligation there must be an intersection of a taxable subject and an activity that generates "taxable income."
At sentencing, Judge Rosen openly discussed the motive behind the government's hostility toward Mr. Hendrickson and the nakedness of the government's case. Judge Rosen did not deny or refute Mr. Hendrickson's analysis; indeed Judge Rosen specifically on more than one occasion indicated that he believes that Mr. Hendrickson believes in the truth of his filings:

No matter how firmly you hold your beliefs as to the definitions of the tax code and the application of the tax code to your earnings as wages, once those responsible for making decisions, interpreting them, whether you agree with them or not have made their decisions, your obligation is to follow them or pay the consequences of your decision not to follow them in the only currency we have in a civilized society, which is a criminal sentence.
(Sent. Trans. p. 103-104.)

This is an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy and summarizes the government's position. Nowhere in the sentencing transcript does Judge Rosen cite or reference any authority for the implied premise in the government's position: i.e., "all earnings and all wages are taxable income."
Instead, Judge Rosen (and prosecutor Daly) performed an "armchair psychologist diagnosis" of Mr. Hendrickson. (Sent. Trans. p. 104.) Judge Rosen, apparently unaware of the virtue of "perseverance," ironically indicated that he had looked up psychological conditions and discovered that Mr. Hendrickson's behavior was "perseverate." (Sent. Trans. p. 14.) Instead of discussing relevant portions of the Internal Revenue Code, logic, history or even Supreme Court precedent, Judge Rosen repeated this term at least 15 times at the sentencing hearing. Like the 15 shovels full of dirt necessary to dig a hole, Judge Rosen repeatedly and inveterately avoided a substantive challenge to Mr. Hendrickson (e.g. by citing a statute or case that has held that all earnings and all wages everywhere represent United States taxable income), instead choosing to perform an amateur psychological analysis on Mr. Hendrickson.
In his allocution, Mr. Hendrickson, a man with two children who depend on him, pleaded with the government to provide authority that would disprove his point that only "some," not "all" earnings and wages are taxable. In response, prosecutor Daly also failed to provide a substantive response and instead applied his own psychological analysis, disagreeing with the Court and labeling Mr. Hendrickson's behavior "narcissistic." (Sent. Trans. p. 49.)
The government in its response also claims that the Court did not err in its instruction because of cautions that it gave to the jury after the government's witnesses testified.
The Court's jury instruction plainly vitiated any earlier caution and amounted to the following: "Don't accept this person's testimony as evidence that Mr. Hendrickson was a Code-defined employee whose wages were taxable income, but at the end of the case I will instruct you that everyone is a Code-defined employee and that every dollar everyone earns is Code-defined wages that constitute taxable income and I will further cite the sections of the Code you have asked to see and read for yourselves, sections 3401 and 3121, in support of that proposition." The jury had no choice but to convict Mr. Hendrickson on this record.
The government also claims that because Mr. Hendrickson's trial counsel did not object to the Court's decision to deny the jury access to sections 3401 and 3121, that Mr. Hendrickson somehow waived or failed to preserve any objection to this plain error. The government fails to acknowledge that the Court did not decide the issue of jury instructions until after the trial was complete (Tr. Trans. pp. 688-690) and that Mr. Hendrickson's trial counsel specifically and strenuously objected to the Court's section 3401 and 3121 definitional instructions. (Tr. Trans. pp. 807-08.) The Court denied the jury access to sections 3401 and 3121 and then, after trial, instructed the jury that the statutes said something that they do not say and directly contradicted Mr. Hendrickson's testimony. The government's position is that at the time of the jury's request, Mr. Hendrickson's trial counsel must anticipate that the Court will later erroneously instruct the jury on the contents of sections 3401 and 3121. Not possible. The Court's choice to deny the jury access to the statutes is plain error.
Finally, in response to the government's charge that Mr. Hendrickson has failed to specifically point the Court to the documents and evidence that violated Melendez-Diaz, Mr. Hendrickson submits the chart below. The District Court granted Mr. Hendrickson's motion in limine prohibiting the government from relying on any out-of-court conclusions in its case in chief (see Tr. Trans. pp. 172-73 and District Court Docket No. 72—transcript of motion in limine hearing).

Unsubstantiated Hearsay
Gov. Exhibit Nos. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37.
All of these documents contain the out-of-court statement that Mr. Hendrickson earned section 3401 wages.
Govt. Exhibit 7, page 14.
This is an “examination report” concerning 2000. Page 14 of the exhibit is an “Explanation of Items” and shows a change from return report of $0.00 to “per exam: $51,666.00, explained as, “We have adjusted your gross wages to agree with the amounts shown on Form(s) W-2”. This exhibit also says, “TP rec’d wages of $51,666.00 per income transcript”.
Exhibit 8 cert of assessment
Shows “Adjusted gross income” of 51,676.00”-- no source doc identified.
Exhibit 41
IRS describes Mr. Hendrickson as an “employee”
Exhibits 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 and 68.
All of these documents evidence disputes between Mr. Hendrickson and taxing authorities in which the taxing authorities disputed and/or made administrative adjustments to Mr. Hendrickson's tax liability without foundational support.
Exhibit 81
Civil Complaint containing out-of-court hearsay allegations about the taxability of Mr. Hendrickson's earnings.
Exhibit 83
Government's brief in opposition to Mr. Hendrickson's motion to dismiss the civil Complaint, including declarations of witnesses; this is admissible only through the government attorneys who signed it or were involved in its preparation. Declarants must be subject to cross examination. Mr. Hendrickson has a right to confront his accusers and inquire as to how they determined that he was a section 3401(c) employee and/or was engaged in section 3121(e) employment.
Exhibits 86, 90, 91, and 92.
Civil proceedings, including Magistrate's Report and Recommendation and Court's Orders. Government has the power to call Judge Edmunds to the stand and testify how she concluded that Mr. Hendrickson was a section 3401(c) employee, was engaged in section 3121(e) employment and why she believes that Mr. Hendrickson's analysis of the Code is "frivolous" and "without merit."
There is no evidence in the record that Mr. Hendrickson's filings were false or that Mr. Hendrickson believed them to be false. Mr. Hendrickson therefore respectfully requests that the Court order that he be free on bail until his appeal is resolved.
Respectfully submitted,
William B. Butler
Dated: June 28, 2010 By: /s/ William B. Butler________________
William B. Butler, Esquire
Attorney I.D. No. 227912
William B. Butler PLLC
Suite 4100, 33 South Sixth Street
Minneapolis, MN, 55402
Telephone: (612) 630-5177
E-Mail: bill@libertaslex.com; butlerpllc@comcast.net
Jack R. Hendrickson, Jr., Esquire
Attorney I.D. No. 29193
3003 Miller, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Telephone: (734) 276-3572
E-Mail: rhendrickson@starpakgroup.com
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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

When you have the facts, pound the facts.

When you have the law, pound the law.

When you have neither, pound the keyboard.
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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by Imalawman »

Mr. Butler is going to skate the line very closely on sanctions. This one could be close.
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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Among other things, I can't help noticing that he seems unaware of the "business records" exception to the "hearsay rule".
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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by Prof »

CaptainKickback wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:When you have the facts, pound the facts.

When you have the law, pound the law.

When you have neither, pound your head against the wall
I amended and corrected your thoughts JRB.
Fixed it for both of you.
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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by Dr. Caligari »

What is the latest news on Pete? Did he surrender on the criminal sentence? Or was a hearing held on his civil contempt?
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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Maybe he's on a sailboat somewhere, headed to a place like the Cook Islands....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
notorial dissent
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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by notorial dissent »

And he actually submitted this with a straight face????
William Butler wrote: Mr. Hendrickson is facing nearly three years in a federal penitentiary for thinking differently than federal government agents and acting on his exhaustive analysis of the Internal Revenue Code.
”for thinking differently than federal government agents “, kind of like Dillenger thought differently than the local law enforcement agencies I suppose?
After exhaustive analysis, right!!!!

The government calls Mr. Hendrickson's doggedly principled and self-effacing actions "frivolous." And what else where they going to call it, amusing and entertaining????

Then we go to a convoluted disertation that wages doesn’t mean wages and income doesn’t mean income, at least as far as Petey is concerned.

And from there to a redefinition of what the 16th Amendment meant.
I reached this point and gave up as the nonsense was just too deep at this point to go on.

JRB has it on this one, yeeee!!!!
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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Maybe he's on a sailboat somewhere, headed to a place like the Cook Islands....
Oh, well.... It might have been entertaining (in a sick sort of way) to hear from "Pete in Exile".
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by LPC »

Imalawman wrote:Mr. Butler is going to skate the line very closely on sanctions. This one could be close.
The 6th Circuit had already denied the motion before Butler filed the brief and so, if he's lucky, they won't even bother to read it.
Dan Evans
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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by LPC »

Libertas Lex wrote:Mr. Hendrickson is facing nearly three years in a federal penitentiary for thinking differently than federal government agents and acting on his exhaustive analysis of the Internal Revenue Code.
You say "thinking differently," we say "criminal intent."

And I would have said "exhausting" and not "exhaustive," because Hendrickson has clearly spent a lot of time and effort avoiding the obvious.
Libertas Lex wrote:Instead of responding to the merits of Mr. Hendrickson's analysis,
How many times must the government respond to the same crap?
Libertas Lex wrote: the government once again resorts to callow ad hominem attacks and name calling. The government calls Mr. Hendrickson's doggedly principled and self-effacing actions "frivolous."
You say "doggedly principled," but the judge says "perseverating."

And how on earth can LL describe anything that the Blowhardmeister has ever done as "self-effacing"? The guy describes himself as a "scholar" and describes his own book as "fascinating" on the cover. In a permanent announcement on his web site, Hendrickson proclaims that *anything* that about the income tax which is not in his book or on his web pages is "just inherently wrong" or "entirely irrelevant." Yes, he is nothing if not Mr. Modesty.

As far as "frivolous" is concerned, it's not "name calling" if it's true.
Libertas Lex wrote:The government knows, from Mr. Hendrickson's allocution, that Mr. Hendrickson does not claim that "wages are not income."
The government also knows that Hendrickson plays weaselly word-games and twists the meanings of words like "wages" to suit his self-interests.
Libertas Lex wrote:Earnings and wages that are not Code-defined wages are certainly "income" as the term is commonly understood,
There's a startling admission...
Libertas Lex wrote:they are just not taxable income according to the Internal Revenue Code.
Followed by a moronic statement, given that IRC section 61(a) refers to "all income."
Libertas Lex wrote:Although both the government and Mr. Hendrickson have thrust and parried in the semantic fencing match over "earnings" and "wages" and "income," the core of Mr. Hendrickson's position is that only Code-defined "wages" represent "taxable income" and that his earnings do not fit within the Code's definitions.
Yes, that's his position. And the judge ruled he was wrong as a matter of law, and the jury found that the tax returns that he filed based on that position were willfully false.

LL is clearly as dense as his client.
Libertas Lex wrote:Mr. Hendrickson correctly observes that the 16th Amendment does not authorize a direct capitation tax on people, but rather and indirect, excise tax on "income."
More word games. The 16th Amendment means what it says, which is that Congress can tax incomes without apportionment. The words "direct," "capitation," "indirect," and "excise" don't appear in the amendment, and don't limit the effect of the amendment.
Libertas Lex wrote:In order to trigger any indirect, excise tax obligation there must be an intersection of a taxable subject and an activity that generates "taxable income."
A proposition that does not appear in the Constitution, nor in the Internal Revenue Code, nor in any federal court opinion in the last 230 years, and that has been explicitly rejected in numerous court opinions.

Which is what the government and the courts mean when they say "frivolous."
Libertas Lex wrote:At sentencing, Judge Rosen openly discussed the motive behind the government's hostility toward Mr. Hendrickson and the nakedness of the government's case.
What on earth is he blathering about now? Since when is the enforcement of tax laws "hostility," and why does the government need a "motive" to prosecute someone who has been publicly flouting the tax laws?
Libertas Lex wrote:Judge Rosen did not deny or refute Mr. Hendrickson's analysis
These people must be suffering from Korsakoff's syndrome. Judge Rosen both denied pre-trial motions to dismiss the indictment and denied post-trial motions, in each case explaining that Hendrickson was wrong about the law. And he's got to repeat the same statements at sentencing because Hendrickson and his lawyer have forgotten about those rulings?
Libertas Lex wrote:This is an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy and summarizes the government's position.
It's called the rule of law, you moron.
Libertas Lex wrote:Nowhere in the sentencing transcript does Judge Rosen cite or reference any authority for the implied premise in the government's position: i.e., "all earnings and all wages are taxable income."
That's right. The judge was sentencing Hendrickson, not ruling (again) on his frivolous arguments. (Korsakoff's syndrome again.)

I don't know that I've ever seen any pleading filed by a lawyer that was so consistently mendacious and incompetent. I think if I were to sanction LL, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and suspend him from practice in the Circuit for his lack of competence and not his lying about the record and the law.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Prisoners' Internet access

Post by Nikki »

Since Pete is now living off our tax dollars away from his own computer, will he be able to perpetuate his pointless pontification at LoserHeads?

Or are prisoners' Internet access privileges sufficiently restricted that he will have to rely on Mrs. Blowhard to administer the Forum and relay his messages?

PS - 1 - Consider Doreen's remarks and at the same time visualize (from Animal House) one of the closing scenes where the ROTC student is facing the crowd saying "All is well. All is well."

PS - 2- Any bets on whether Pete's three-year vacation will change his thinking (term used loosely)? Will he retain his "CtC is the WORD" mentality or discover something new from his fellow inmates and emerge a changed man -- possibly as Peter Eric :Hendrickson with all the associated bells, whistles, and UCC filings?
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Re: Prisoners' Internet access

Post by darling »

Nikki wrote:Since Pete is now living off our tax dollars away from his own computer, will he be able to perpetuate his pointless pontification at LoserHeads?
Kent Hovind is still posting away over at cseblogs.com. All you need is someone on the outside to retype and post your handwritten musings.
notorial dissent
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Re: Hendrickson's Motion for Release at 6th Cir

Post by notorial dissent »

LPC, I think that is a spot on analysis of Butler’s, I’m really not sure what to call that exercise, but personally I think work of fiction pretty well sums it up.

It was kind like there were two trials, the one everyone else attended in the real world, and the one Butler wishes had happened in his and Pete’s fantasy land.

I have to firmly agree with your final comment on the effort, “I don't know that I've ever seen any pleading filed by a lawyer that was so consistently mendacious and incompetent”.

I really don’t see how he could avoid sanctions with something like that. I also think you are being overly generous considering who we are talking about. This attorney has a long history of living in fantasy land as far as the tax laws are concerned, and I really don’t think either leniency or consideration are at all warranted here, and in fact I think it is about time someone slapped him up the side of the head and told him to get a grip. Considering that his agenda is so very close to Pete’s, there was nothing accidental at all here.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.