Shots fired at the Dog Walker being used to justify violence

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Shots fired at the Dog Walker being used to justify violence

Post by Demosthenes »
Brown Says Agents Came To Kill Him
Supporter Posts Video Online

POSTED: 5:46 pm EDT June 8, 2007

PLAINFIELD, N.H. -- A Plainfield man who has been holed up in his house after being convicted of tax evasion said Friday that federal, state and local agents had come to kill him when they showed up near his property the day before.

Ed Brown and his wife, Elaine, were convicted in January of hiding nearly $2 million in income and not paying taxes on it because they insisted that federal income taxes are invalid. In April, they skipped their sentencing hearings and have been holed up in their house since.

Thursday, one of his supporters was taken into custody when heavily armed police arrived near the 110-acre property. Danny Riley posted a video online hours after he was released from custody that said he was shot at, police used a Taser on him, and he was questioned for hours.

"I was screaming at the top of my lungs, 'Don't shoot me! I'm unarmed!'" Riley said in the video.

Riley was sent home to New York after his release. He was staying with the Browns and was walking the family dog when he came across police, who said they were doing surveillance around the property.

"All of a sudden, a guy stood up said, 'Freeze!'" Riley said. "At that point, I turned and ran."

Riley said that a Taser gun left a mark on his chest. He said that he was shot at, but police said only non-lethal force was used.

Officers said they were setting up surveillance while the Browns' commercial property in West Lebanon was seized.

"The U.S. Marshals Office said they would not assault us on this land," Ed Brown said. "They lied."

Ed Brown said he thought the U.S. marshals were coming to kill him. The Browns said that they have not broken any laws, saying they don't believe there is any law requiring them to pay taxes.

"We've told them all along, show us the law where you pay taxes," he said. "So if the tax is a problem, there's no problem. We'll pay it. Show us the law."

Federal officials said they won't take the home by force, but they maintain regular contact.

Ed Brown said that he knows he's being watched, and he has even fired warning shots.

"If the dog indicates she sees something in the woods, I'll pop off a few rounds in the woods," he said.

Ed Brown wouldn't say how many supporters are helping him. A handful of supporters seen on the compound Friday were armed.

Federal officials said they could arrest those who help the couple avoid capture.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Posted by Anthony Sciarrone (aka "Peace") on the MySpace page.
Allow me to clear up afew things here.
First of all Reno is NOT a government plant by ANY means!
He IS The REAL Deal and nobody should ever question that ever!
This only takes away from the issue in hand and adds nothing good.
We are all of the same team with the same focus!
Lets keep on track!

I posted last night that the Browns are under attack and 2 or 3 people are calling it a false report then spread it like widefire.
I would have to say when the FEDS shot rounds at the Dan "the Dog walker", that would constitute "Attack" in my book. They have come with overwhelming deadly force and have used it already! The place is surrounded and a alert needed to be sounded so I did as Reno was unable at that time!

Please continue to show your support and go to NH with camereas in hand and whatever else needed for support. If you are unable to make it there then PLEASE post this issue far & wide ALL OVER!

Blessings all and thank you for your support!
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Post by Yogi Bear »

Ed Brown said that he knows he's being watched, and he has even fired warning shots.

"If the dog indicates she sees something in the woods, I'll pop off a few rounds in the woods," he said.

Riley was sent home to New York after his release. He was staying with the Browns and was walking the family dog when he came across police, who said they were doing surveillance around the property.

"All of a sudden, a guy stood up said, 'Freeze!'" Riley said. "At that point, I turned and ran."
Good watch dog - was it Ed shooting?
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Post by webhick »

Dog can't be very good if it didn't give the dog walker a fair warning. And then came barrel-assing down the driveway back to the house - abandoning the dogwalker. I know dogs in passing who would put up a better defense.

Worse part is, there are dogs who love the sound of guns (I personally know one who loves firecrackers). She's got him well-trained. "If I act like there's a bad thing over there, Daddy makes a big boom."

Dogs who have never met a ferret tend to react very oddly to them and their feces. Does anyone think that the Marshals office would like to sprinkle the perimeter of Ed's property with litterbox scrapings just to make Ed use up all his ammo? I have eight different "varieties" for Ed's dog to freak out over.
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Post by Quixote »

Ed Brown said that he knows he's being watched, and he has even fired warning shots.

"If the dog indicates she sees something in the woods, I'll pop off a few rounds in the woods," he said.

Ed Brown wouldn't say how many supporters are helping him.
Before I finished reading that last sentence my subconcious had already written an alternate ending: Ed Brown wouldn't say how many supporters he had lost that way.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat
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Post by Demosthenes »

Lessons of Waco, Ruby Ridge applied at Plainfield
New Hampshire Union Leader Staff
6 hours, 18 minutes ago

Despite the massive show of force authorities displayed last week when they seized the West Lebanon property of convicted tax evaders Edward and Elaine Brown, the avoidance of confrontation with the couple at their Plainfield home suggests law enforcement agencies have learned from mistakes made during earlier federal standoffs at Waco and Ruby Ridge, an expert who tracks militia and radical right-wing movements said.

U.S. marshals in New Hampshire appear to be pursuing tactics similar to those used in Montana in 1996, when federal agents successfully negotiated the peaceful surrender of the Montana Freeman after an 81-day standoff, said Mark Potok, director of the intelligence project at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

"This was the lesson of Ruby Ridge and Waco. Those two standoffs not only left a great many dead people in their wake, but also helped create the militia movement," Potok said.

The 51-day standoff in 1993 between federal agents and the Branch Davidians at their compound near Waco, Texas, ended in a fire that left 74 people dead. Four federal agents were killed in an earlier shootout with the Davidians.

In 1992, a confrontation between federal agents and white separatist Randy Weaver in northern Idaho's Ruby Ridge resulted in the deaths of one federal agent and two members of Weaver's family.

"It's very easy to see one of these situations escalate into mass killings, and that, in turn, can set off very large and dangerous political movements," said Potok, who reported on the Waco siege for USA Today and now tracks radical right and militia groups for the law center based in Montgomery, Ala.

Potok said Stephen Monier, the U.S. marshal in New Hampshire, has carefully avoided creating a standoff with the Browns while attempting to convince the couple to surrender.

"That seems like a good tactic," he said.

Potok said the dozens of armed federal and state officials who rolled into Lebanon Thursday and set up surveillance at the end of the long driveway leading to the Browns' rural home in nearby Plainfield was not an overreaction, given Edward Brown's repeated threats to use force against authorities attempting to serve the couple with arrest warrants issued at their sentencing in April.

"If you were law enforcement and you were going to approach the Browns' house, you are completely within your right to be ready for anything," Potok said. "The man has repeatedly threatened violence and he has some friends who apparently agree with him."

Monier said he had to take into account the history of the Browns' case when he executed a federal court order to enter the West Lebanon property where Elaine Brown ran her dental practice.

Ed Brown has threatened violence against law enforcement, owns weapons, and said he would die defending himself and his property, Monier said. Brown also has had a number of supporters -- some armed -- at his home.

"We needed to have some real-time information about what was going on there and who might be leaving there when we were also in Lebanon," Monier said of the surveillance teams set up at the driveway of the Browns' house Thursday morning. "We had no intention of storming the house."

Monier refused to discuss tactical details but said the overwhelming presence of state and federal officers -- which included SWAT teams, and military and explosives vehicles -- was necessary to ensure the safety of the officers and the public.

A federal jury convicted the Browns in January of plotting to hide their income and avoid federal income taxes on Elaine Brown's income of $1.9 million between 1996 and 2003. The jury found they used $215,890 in postal money orders in amounts just below the tax-reporting threshhold to pay for their residence and Elaine Brown's Lebanon dental office.

A judge sentenced the couple in abstentia to 63 months in federal prison and ordered them to forfeit the $215,890 to the federal government.

The court issued a preliminary order of forfeiture on both properties in February. This week the court issued a writ of entry on the Lebanon property only, a high-ranking official with the U.S. Attorney's office said. The official would not comment on whether an order is forthcoming to enter the Plainfield property.

The Lebanon property was secured and posted Thursday.

"It was rendered safe and there were no hazardous materials," Monier said, adding that reports of the dental office at Half Hollow Courtyard holding a network of underground tunnels and a bunker are unfounded.

"That's another of those Internet legends," Monier said, referring to the Browns' heavy reliance on the Web to get their message out.

Federal authorities now would need to obtain a final order of forfeiture from the court to take ownership of the Lebanon property and use it to satisfy the forfeiture order, the federal source said. He said he did not know if the property is sufficient to meet the $215,890 judgment.

Monier still has to serve the Browns with arrest warrants that would immediately send them to prison to begin serving their 63-month sentences.

"We've said all along that we're going to be deliberate, patient and calm in our approach to this," Monier said of his efforts to persuade the Browns to surrender peacefully.

"We have no desire to see any harm come to the Browns," he added.

Potok said this is a reasonable approach and one that has proven successful in other standoffs that lasted months and, in some cases, years. He pointed to an ongoing standoff between a Texas man and sheriff's deputies that has gone on five years.

"If this is what this means, that the Browns will be locked up inside their house for the next three years or five years . . . that's punishment all by itself," Potok said.

"The problem is that that is expensive" for law enforcement charged with monitoring these situations and executing court orders as they did Thursday, he said.
There were internet rumors about tunnels and bunkers under the dental clinic? I've seen no such rumors, anyone else?

Post by gezco »

Demosthenes wrote: There were internet rumors about tunnels and bunkers under the dental clinic? I've seen no such rumors, anyone else?
I haven't seen that anywhere, but it can be difficult to keep up with all the conspiracies.

Don't you like how no one questions Danny the dog walker? It's interesting that he heard bullets whizzing by his head, but not shots fired. If the guys chasing him fired the shots, the sound of the bullets whizzing through the air would be masked by the bank of the gun as it fired. Outside of this forum, everyone seems to take all he says as gospel.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Ed's now saying that he heard the gunshots, and yet, when he recorded his audioblog an hour later that morning, he never mentioned it. Imagine that.
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Post by Demosthenes »

I think we should call it The Ballad of Danny Riley. This shaggy dog walker story just keeps growing...
Exclusive: Federal Assault On Brown Home Was Aborted
Man fired upon and captured tells story of being ordered to lie to media by FBI and cover up botched raid

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet
Friday, June 8, 2007

Danny Riley, the man who was shot at and arrested after he discovered U.S. Marshals stalking Ed Brown's home, has revealed the amazing truth behind how he was threatened with 15 years in jail by the FBI unless he lied to the media to cover-up the fact that yesterday's events were a planned siege and not merely to serve a warrant as authorities had claimed.

Riley related in a video blog late yesterday how he had unwittingly stumbled across U.S. Marshals preparing to raid the Brown property as he left the house to take Ed Brown's dog for a walk. Riley was confronted by two men in camouflage who fired two shots at him as he attempted to run away, but was then tackled by 12 other armed Marshals who tasered and handcuffed him.

What happened after was carried in our article this morning, but the whole story exposes how the FBI had planned to orchestrate a violent raid on the Brown's property, before aborting the siege and attempting to use Riley, under intimidation that he would be jailed or even killed, as a go-between to sell the cover-story to the media that the
authorities were merely serving a warrant.

Riley now fears for his life but has shown tremendous courage in coming forward to lift the lid and expose the lies that the New Hampshire police told the media in downplaying yesterday's events and hiding the fact that they were planning a raid.

Riley tells us that after he was arrested and taken to the Lebanon Police Department, he was told that authorities had been conducting surveillance of the Brown's home on Wednesday and that they knew the Brown's owned a 50 caliber rifle because they had observed Riley using it on the Brown's shooting range, while a squadron of snipers lay in wait should they have been discovered, aiming guns at Riley as he was
being watched.

Riley was interrogated by two FBI officials who called themselves Phil and Mark, and was threatened with 15 years imprisonment if he told the media that the FBI were involved in the aborted raid on the Brown's property.

Riley was then ordered to lie to the media and tell them that during his morning walk, he had not seen armed U.S. Marshals but plain clothed police officers who were merely serving a warrant for the seizure of the Brown's dental office 10 miles away, and that the officers had simply tackled and not shot at or tasered him after he ran. Riley was told that if he didn't lie to the media he was facing certain prison time or even death.

Danny Riley shows where he was tasered by U.S. Marshals in a video blog released yesterday.

Riley was then dropped off back at the Brown's home after the media had been allowed to approach the house. In an act of astounding courage, Riley ignored the media as they yelled questions at him and headed straight into the house to tell Ed Brown that the FBI had ordered him to lie.

Riley then emerged from the house and told the authorities what they wanted to hear - that he had relayed the cover story to the media.

Riley was then dropped off at a bus station and told by authorities that if he returned to the scene he would either be imprisoned or killed.

Despite the fact that Riley bravely ignored the threats and did not relay the cover-story, the local media still bought the police's explanation that they had never planned to raid the house and that, after erecting roadblocks a mile around, evacuating neighbors, cutting the Brown's phone and power lines and deploying 6 helicopters along with a SWAT team and APC's, they were merely serving a warrant for an empty property 10 miles away.

Danny Riley is risking his life by telling the truth - that New Hampshire police, led by the FBI, had conducted prior surveillance of the property and were in place about to launch a violent siege against Ed and Elaine Brown before Riley's chance encounter with U.S. Marshals led officials to abort the raid and manufacture a cover-story which they then tried to intimidate Riley into selling to the local media.

This represents open fraud, deceit and extortion on behalf of New Hampshire police as well as the FBI and Danny Riley's testimony demands immediate attention from national as well as local media in the New Hampshire area. ... ssault.htm
I was going to highlight the funny parts in red, but found that I was highlighting the whole article...
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Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:There were internet rumors about tunnels and bunkers under the dental clinic? I've seen no such rumors, anyone else?
Maybe they were thinking of Iwo Jima Dental.
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Post by LPC »

Ed Brown said that he knows he's being watched, and he has even fired warning shots.

"If the dog indicates she sees something in the woods, I'll pop off a few rounds in the woods," he said.
I thought that warning shots were usually fired into the air, and not in the direction of the opponent.

But I think it's very sporting of Brown to make unnecessary loud noises and so make his location known to the snipers.
Dan Evans
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Post by Demosthenes »

Such lovely people, the Brown supporters:
I understand, and anticipate every consequence of the following Surveiled words:
I Will murder the sheriff, in hot-boiling blood. Plainfield officials; I will kill you all.
I will not only tear your throats out, but I will eat your hearts as if they were venison.
Clear and present danger? No, this is even more threatening than that. I am planning every second to kill every one of you.
Ed, Reno, Elaine, and all of them are simply patriots defending their freedom.
I, however, am an element of chaos and insanity that will not rest until every man is free.
I will see every one of you fascist pigs dead, or I will die myself.

Cole hulse
261 n state st, .4
Hurricane, UT

I fucking dare you Nazi pig-fuckers.
Bring it on....
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Post by Demosthenes »

Here's another one:
Its time to start hitting political targets, Why should we wait for them to bring it to us. I not saying anybody should do a Tim Mcvay attack, but It's time to bring it down. Sitting idly by is getting no were. Aslong as we are suppressed by the notion of death and arrest they win

Posted by RobUgly on Friday, June 08, 2007 at 6:28 AM
From RobUgly's MySpace:
Who I'd like to meet:
People that would like to kill Bush,Giuliani,IRS,ADL, NAACP,Soccor moms, aggressive Police("were are your a papers, what are doing, were are you going"), Christains, MOOslims, Jews, Free Masons, Basically anybody that disreguards the U.S Constitution ,and people that drive in the left hand lane and wont move when I'm trying to pass
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Post by Demosthenes »

Sunday, June 10, 2007

An open letter to the Sheriff

An open letter to the Sheriff of Plainfield NH.


Dear Sir,
Out of respect for law and order, I beseach you to let the Browns be.

Failing that, I must inform you that I will kill you.
There is no joke here, this is not a prank. I will end your life if you continue this course of action against the Brown's.
You will not see it coming, or perhaps you will. It matters not to me. Your death, while silly and un-neccessary, Will happen if it must. I hate every fiber of you. I hope you die knowing that you have no soul.

To discuss this further call me at 435-632-1374

This started as simply difference, and you, with your black, shriveled little heart, have made it personal.


I swear to god that I meant every fucking word of that!!!

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Post by LPC »

CaptainKickback wrote:3 death threats by three different people.
Actually, the first and third are the same person, Cole Hulse of Utah. (How he intends to kill someone in NH hasn't been explained.)

A relatively quick search suggests that Hulse is the vice-chair of the Washington County (Utah) Libertarian Party and a fan of Ayn Rand. Who'd a thunk it?
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Post by Nikki »

By the time anything like the above appears here, it has already been forwarded to people who care and can do something.

In addition, there are a large number of silent members and/or readers who take a deep interest in posts such as the above.
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Post by Lambkin »

CaptainKickback wrote:Possible TV shows come to mind.....

Dog the Doug Walker

Dog the Pooch Walker

Dog Walker - Texas Ranger It's Dog the Bounty Hunter as a Texas Ranger, who happens to be a cousing to Walker, Texas Ranger.
How about...

Walker, Texas Dog Poocher

Post by SteveSy »

I feel like I'm reading Quatloos Enquirer...."Tax advocating minds want to know."

It’s amusing that all of you laugh about all the conspiracies posted on the web concerning the Brown’s yet here you are concocting conspiracy after conspiracy of how the Brown’s are concocting conspiracies to legitimize their battle with the government.

Demo is top conspiracy concoctor.....put several disassociated events, derived from blogs no less, together to create the evil plot. :twisted: Of course she does this with nearly every TP and Quatloosians quickly follow along.

Post by Nikki »


Welcome back.. It's obvious you enjoyed your vacation in woo-woo land.

No one here is concocting any conspiracies. All that you see is simple reporting of the insane utterings and postings of various people who have decided to kill anyone associated with the Brown's criminal case.

Are you now checking in as a supporter of vigilante "justice?"
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Post by Demosthenes »

SteveSy wrote:Demo is top conspiracy concoctor.....put several disassociated events, derived from blogs no less, together to create the evil plot. :twisted: Of course she does this with nearly every TP and Quatloosians quickly follow along. is a New Hampshire tv news channel, not a blog. They co-hosted the recent New Hampshire presidential debates with CNN.

The Union Leader is a Manchester, NH based newspaper that has been following the wacky events at the Brown house. It's not a blog. is the brainfart / online tabloid of AM talk show host Alex Jones, and is not a blog.

Everything else (including the pledges of violence) came from the MySpace page run by Ed and Elaine Brown themselves. The post by "Peace," for example, was posted on the Brown mySpace page by Anthony Sciarrone, and man who lived with the Browns as armed security for two and a half months following their criminal convictions.