Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by grixit »

Duke2Earl wrote:I guess I'm trying to figure out the Zionist thing. To the best of my knowledge, Zionism was a movement that was founded in the latter part of the 19th century that was concerned with establishing a homeland for jews in the holy land. And to this day zionism seems mostly concerned with supporting the State of Israel. I know it is foolish to try to make any sense out of the ravings of a deranged manaic but I fail to see what zionism has to do with persecuting Ed Brown or ruling the world. Perhaps he equates zionism with jews generally and as such is simply a garden variety anti-semite.
Actually there are a lot of people who say they are not against jews in general, just the zionists. And zionism is defined as a movement to put this small group of jews into despotic power over
the world.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Thule »

ErsatzAnatchist wrote: Ed never wanted to be a martyr. No future in it. He would gladly have allowed everyone around him to sacrifice themselves to save his own worthless hide.


Narcissism and Martyrdom do not go well together. :wink:
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by bmielke »

ErsatzAnatchist wrote:In Ed's more lucid moments, he probably hoped that he was going to hold off the Gubermint until they gave up. Alternatively, he would have had a Waco/Ruby Ridge like ending, in which he would have walked out a free man (Like Randy Weaver).
I agree with this, Ed seems to want to be the next "Hero" so he can go on a book tour and have speaking engagements, that's not a martyr.

Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Nikki »

grixit wrote:
Duke2Earl wrote:I guess I'm trying to figure out the Zionist thing. To the best of my knowledge, Zionism was a movement that was founded in the latter part of the 19th century that was concerned with establishing a homeland for jews in the holy land. And to this day zionism seems mostly concerned with supporting the State of Israel. I know it is foolish to try to make any sense out of the ravings of a deranged manaic but I fail to see what zionism has to do with persecuting Ed Brown or ruling the world. Perhaps he equates zionism with jews generally and as such is simply a garden variety anti-semite.
Actually there are a lot of people who say they are not against jews in general, just the zionists. And zionism is defined as a movement to put this small group of jews into despotic power over
the world.
That definition is the one propagandized by the paranoid antisemites.

If anyone actually cares, Zionism is the movement to reestablish a homelan d for Jewes in Israel.

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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by LPC »

Duke2Earl wrote:I know it is foolish to try to make any sense out of the ravings of a deranged manaic but I fail to see what zionism has to do with persecuting Ed Brown or ruling the world. Perhaps he equates zionism with jews generally and as such is simply a garden variety anti-semite.
I think that Ed knows that Zionists are Jews, and international bankers are Jews, and so Zionists must be international bankers.

And if one conspiracy is good, then two is better, and three is best of all.

Hence, the Zionist-Illuminati-Freemason triumvirate. It's an international conspiracy cubed.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by ashlynne39 »

Duke2Earl wrote:I guess I'm trying to figure out the Zionist thing. To the best of my knowledge, Zionism was a movement that was founded in the latter part of the 19th century that was concerned with establishing a homeland for jews in the holy land. And to this day zionism seems mostly concerned with supporting the State of Israel. I know it is foolish to try to make any sense out of the ravings of a deranged manaic but I fail to see what zionism has to do with persecuting Ed Brown or ruling the world. Perhaps he equates zionism with jews generally and as such is simply a garden variety anti-semite. That's so 20th century... don't you know that it's now the muslims who are trying to rule the world... or was that the masons? And for heaven's sake don't give him the Illuminati recruiting manual.

The "sovereigns" on the 9/12 board I watch love to bandy about the Zionism talk. It's mostly rambling nonsense so I don't fully get their point either. It seems to be the new topic of discussion though.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

I call the situation the "nutball zionist dilemma."

It's an excellent example of finding something that statistically supports a theory and somehow the proponents decry the need for any rigorous causality analysis - it's so cockeyed that it can only exist because of a conspiracy to keep it so.

Statistically, Jews occupy a seemingly disproportionate number of high-status positions associated with the financial and political power structure of this country.

The conspiracists rely on that statistical anomaly to decry their equally-disproportionate fewer number of persons like themselves in such positions.

Granted, there are strong bonds of religious and socio-political self interest among the Jewish population - as there are with any such sect.

But what none of the conspiracy theory promoters can explain in even the most rudimentary form is why this supposedly all-powerful master race of secret infiltrators into every facet of the most powerful nations in the world hasn't been able to wipe their real enemy from the face of the earth by now?
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Famspear »

I notice that the Federal Bureau of Prisons has added a few days to the expected release date for Ed Brown. It used to be some date in July 2044; now the date is set for August 17, 2044.

Perhaps Ed is screwing up enough to lose some of his time off for good behavior?

I sure hope Ed makes it to the year 2044.

I hope I make it to that year as well, so I can report on his release.

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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by The Observer »

Cathulhu wrote:Ed's mad that Elaine didn't go down in a hail of bullets, as that would make him a martyr in his own thinking, rather than a sad little man in prison spewing vitriol that no one wants to hear.
There...fixed it for ya.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by fortinbras »

The aggressive language about "Zionists" is S.O.P. with a lot of antisemites. If they used the word "Jews" they'd readily be identified as racial or religious bigots, but they use Zionist as their code word and if they're called on it, they can rattle off the names of some Christian supporters of Israel just to prove that the word is political, not ethnic. Anyone with Jewish ancestry (or name) is brandable as a "Zionist", notwithstanding he has never been known to lift a finger or donate a penny to support the Jewish State (e.g., William Kunsler).
VanMeters Revenge

Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

Zionism is a political party with an agenda to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people and to steal their land under the guise of setting up a homeland for Jews. The Zionist agenda is mainly funded by the good ole US of A, be it through tax dollars and or free toys like fighter jets, missile systems, weapons to get rid of rock throwers. Zionists are very racist, they dislike Sephardic Jews (those of the lineage of Shem) like myself. Zionists only approve of those of Ashkenazim stock, which whom does not trace back to Shem but to Japheth and back to an area of Khazaria in origins. Over 80% of modern Jews are Khazars, and not true Israelites. According to Biblical teachings, those of the Ashkenazi line are gentiles. Those of the lineage of Shem are true Semitic peoples. A Zionist, can be of any religious affiliation as long as they work towards the goal of continuing the stealing of Palestinian lands and destroying of the lives of every Semitic man woman and child living in Palestine. Joe Biden is a Zionist, but not a Jew, for example.

Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Nikki »

Was that all intentional lies or just stupidity?

Zionism is not a political party. It is a non-political international movement.

Who stole land from who is an issue which needs to be researched back to the detailed records of 2,000+ years ago. Also, there's the minor detail of various wars -- up through WWII -- which impacted the control of the land.

The rest of the post is rambling, self-contradictory crap, sweeping generalizations, and blatant misstatements of history and biblical law.

But, to give her some credit, she's been undergoing some stress recently.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Imalawman »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:Zionism is a political party with an agenda to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people and to steal their land under the guise of setting up a homeland for Jews. The Zionist agenda is mainly funded by the good ole US of A, be it through tax dollars and or free toys like fighter jets, missile systems, weapons to get rid of rock throwers. Zionists are very racist, they dislike Sephardic Jews (those of the lineage of Shem) like myself. Zionists only approve of those of Ashkenazim stock, which whom does not trace back to Shem but to Japheth and back to an area of Khazaria in origins. Over 80% of modern Jews are Khazars, and not true Israelites. According to Biblical teachings, those of the Ashkenazi line are gentiles. Those of the lineage of Shem are true Semitic peoples. A Zionist, can be of any religious affiliation as long as they work towards the goal of continuing the stealing of Palestinian lands and destroying of the lives of every Semitic man woman and child living in Palestine. Joe Biden is a Zionist, but not a Jew, for example.

Riiiiiiiiiight..... :shock: [backing away slowly]
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

VanMetersRevenge would have to be undergoing some heavy-duty stress, if she is posting unadulterated horse-byproducts like she just posted.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:Zionism is a political party ...
Sure it is. :roll:

It's not even grammatically correct.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Prof »

Although the Khazars -- or at least their upper classes -- converted to Judaism in the period before the fall of the Byzantine Empire, there is little or no historical evidence that European Jews are largely descended from those people. Genetic evidence strongly indicates that this is not true. And, even if this were true, what difference would it make? This myth is taught by Identity and other groups who also teach that the British Isles was the home of the true children of Israel and that the true Jews were blue eyed blonds, etc., etc.

There are severally Wikis which explore this stuff in good detail.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Famspear »

A genetic study on the Jews is referenced in this article:

Nicholas Wade, "Studies Show Jews’ Genetic Similarity", New York Times, June 9, 2010, at:

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/10/scien ... .html?_r=1

Jewish communities in Europe and the Middle East share many genes inherited from the ancestral Jewish population that lived in the Middle East some 3,000 years ago, even though each community also carries genes from other sources — usually the country in which it lives.

That is the conclusion of two new genetic surveys, the first to use genome-wide scanning devices to compare many Jewish communities around the world.

A major surprise from both surveys is the genetic closeness of the two Jewish communities of Europe, the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim.

[ . . . ]

The two genome surveys extend earlier studies based just on the Y chromosome, the genetic element carried by all men. They refute the suggestion made last year by the historian Shlomo Sand in his book “The Invention of the Jewish People” that Jews have no common origin but are a miscellany of people in Europe and Central Asia who converted to Judaism at various times.

Jewish communities from Europe, the Middle East and the Caucasus all have substantial genetic ancestry that traces back to the Levant; Ethiopian Jews and two Judaic communities in India are genetically much closer to their host populations.

[ . . . ]

The shared genetic elements suggest that members of any Jewish community are related to one another as closely as are fourth or fifth cousins in a large population, which is about 10 times higher than the relationship between two people chosen at random off the streets of New York City [. . . . ]
EDIT: The study of genetics is obviously very technical and not an area of expertise for me, but the statement in the last quoted paragraph is pretty interesting -- if indeed the members of "any" Jewish community are this closely related (analogous to fourth or fifth cousins).
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by LPC »

Famspear wrote:The two genome surveys extend earlier studies based just on the Y chromosome, the genetic element carried by all men.
It might have been more interesting (and more useful), to have studied mitochondrial DNA, which would have allowed researchers to trace female ancestry instead of male ancestry.

One problem with research based on the Y chromosome is that, in something like 5-10% of cases, the husband of the mother is not the father of the child. This can be the result of adultery, but also invasions or rapes. (Something like a third of all Europeans are related to Ghengis Khan.) So, if you're trying to trace the ancestry of social or religious groups, tracing the female line might be more accurate.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by Famspear »

LPC wrote:It might have been more interesting (and more useful), to have studied mitochondrial DNA..
Just as an aside..... I remember seeing a program on PBS a few years ago, where the researchers indicated (and I hope I'm remembering this correctly) that everyone on the planet may have descended from one female who live in Africa so many millions of years ago. The researchers had studied mitochondrial DNA to make that conclusion. I understand there is nuclear DNA (in the nucleus of each cell) and mitochondrial DNA scattered around in the "main" part of the cell (I forget what the "main" part of the cell is called). Pretty technical stuff.
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Re: Ed Brown's latest rant to Joe Haas

Post by notorial dissent »

VanMeter, over the course of your postings I have seen you post some mightily stupid and when it comes to it, downright ignorant things, but with this latest horse dropping you have surpassed yourself in both areas.

While I realize that actually knowing a little history would be anathema to you, since you glory in your ignorance, let alone to actually know what some of the terms you are throwing around mean, which again means you’d actually have to step outside your closet of self imposed ignorance, and yes downright stupidity, so I know this isn’t something you actually cooked up yourself, but have in fact “borrowed” hook line and sinker from some other source.
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