Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Joey Smith
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Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by Joey Smith »

Name your names, name your names.

URLs helpful too .......
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by LPC »

I took Harvester's attempted thread hijack and spun it off.

To me the more interesting question is who goes to prison next?

I keep waiting for Schulz's name to show up in a DOJ press release.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by Imalawman »

Please stay on topic. Mods, quit approving Harvey's posts for this thread.

I don't know who is next up to the plate. I'm wondering if the TP movement, as we know it, is dying off. It seems as if people are realizing that there really is no secret interpretation to the tax code that won't land you in jail. I think there will be an increase in the sovereign movement and a wholesale rejection of government authority. TPs have trended that direction in the past.
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by Thule »

We had a discussion on that a few months ago. Peymon Mottahedeh was a clear favorite to be the next top guru, which should make him the next guy to face charges as well.

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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by LPC »

Imalawman wrote:Please stay on topic. Mods, quit approving Harvey's posts for this thread.
There's almost always a certain amount of "thread drift," and I'm willing to give Harv the same latitude that others enjoy, but I will be watching his posts to prevent him from single-handedly diverting a thread.

Unfortunately, that also means I will have to read his messages, which I've been trying to avoid.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by Nikki »

Bob S came a little too close to the flame a few years ago and (after throwing a few disciples under the bus) ran off to other venues which drew enough attention and cash to keep him in the limelight and in good suits.

However, he hasn't produced a single result and his minions are deserting him in droves.

He is now on yet anopther cross-country tour -- this time to promote the Articles Of Freedom issued by his ad hoc constitutional convention.

As usual, his main message is
Special message from Bob Schulz

Our expenses are seriously outweighing our ability to pay them. We need the assistance of everyone who is in a position to lend a hand.
Bob is well on his way to becoming a footnote.
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

As the population continues to shift into the lower income brackets, there are fewer people to pay any taxes against which to protest. Guru's require sycophants to feed their egos.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by lorne »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:As the population continues to shift into the lower income brackets, there are fewer people to pay any taxes against which to protest.
Good observation Judge, why do we continue to shift?

I'm looking up these gurus, do you have anymore?

And to those who suggested I might be a turncoat, i will fulfill all my obligations. I'm well aware how the IRS operates. It plays hardball and it plays for keeps. I would never impede administration of the revenue laws.
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by Number Six »

I don't think many people will be buying the tax denier or sovrun nonsense in a few years--it will be more and more the wink and the nod, the cash economy, a pragmatic form of evasion. If the economic situation becomes truly desperate for larger percentages of citizens, the government will have to make a cost/benefit analysis of going after the more aggressive anti-tax promoters if they band together as Jim Jones' followers did. There are many militia groups in the rural U.S. now, as there are many criminal gangs in some cities. If you did a thorough study of cult leaders--FactNet tries to do as much, you would be alarmed at how gullible some people can be. Supposedly the "Heaven's Gate" cult were well educated people. Fortunately the government has sophisticated technology to track these groups--the key for most of those indoctrinated is a family to return to, or to re-establish connections with. Even Hitler was a major tax cheat, probably there was a psychological dynamic to this disrespect of authority and it probably formed a basis for his later narcissistic cult of personality: http://edition.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europ ... index.html
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by LOBO »

I would say whoever is leading the 1099-OID scam, but there didn't seem to be a certal figure, a la Hendrickson and Schiff, although a few have been put away for preparing the returns.
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by ashlynne39 »

Maybe it's this guy:

You guys have probably already heard of him but I stumbled across this post on LH tonight and while this poster (mountainfire) is probably about to be banned, he did lead me to George who apparently teaches people how to win pro se in tax court

http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 01dcc6a09f
Hello friends. I've been reading a little of the forum lately. I apologize, but most don't pertain to me, who I am or what I am becoming, have become.

We all deserve better, but we won't get it ever, IF we never accept the facts.

Ego-nomics won't do it, just because you are right does not make a hill of beans. If you keep on with almost sociapathic tendencies (or trying to be normal in an abnormal situation) you'll fail.

Somebody bring me a 5 gallon bucket of common law please let's look at this stuff, dissect it, discover it.

If you contract with ANY and I mean any hear me ANY, Again I said any! Goverment agencies again ANY of these privilege categories you are culpable for ALL here me ALL, and I mean ALL!

If you want copyrights, corporations, LLC's, license, social secuity numbers, passports, license plates, marriage license, business license, stocks, and annuities and on and on and have not properly left these hideous fictions YOU ARE ALWAYS going to be culpable! ALways culpable, Always culpable.

DID YOU HEAR ME? Income taxes ARE constitutional, and the way they are levied is not ( at times), if you ARE a citizen you are a person and you are one cause you ACT like one.

If you're engaged in the fiction you are indeed a fiction. It's commerce. Don't go crazy with the UCC, just know it's there, it has NO remedy for YOU IF you want to not be a fiction, it's about maritime too, but don't get all nuts about that stuff either.

Dig deep, what we we before the emanciaption proclamation? What were Indians before the casinos? What were blacks before the war?

You'll probably have to look past allot of garbage. It'll take YOU YEARS and TEARS to break it all down, OR you need to give all the money you can to find this out once and for all. ARE YOU, YES YOU ready to do this?

I sold my house as you may recall, went to privately learn something, and it's still unfolding within my slow mind. It's wonderful, it's not secure though, it's very hard. You don't want a life that's hard do you? You wanna push a button, sign onto the computer, listen to the intelligent masterbation taking place. I know me too at times, it's entertaining, makes me FEEL like I'm getting educated.

Seriously I've been selling apples, peaches and sweet corn on the side of the road. Watermelons sold well this year, big juicy jubillees. Those were fifty pounds each and ten bucks.

You all want healthcare, I want health. You want your social security I want gold, silver and a goat. You want wal-mart, I'll growm my own. You wanna make big money, I wanna collect it. The harder you work (for someone) the poorer you get. You want a mortgage, I want shelter. You wanna impress your friends, I wanna help them with what I collect.

Oh the wheels spin fast then slow, the desparate ones who lack knowledge or refuse counsel perish. May I remain teachable.

I asked Pete in an email to contact George Gordon, he didn't, but he was most likely to far gone at that point. Possibly not?

You did hear what happened to george right? NOTHING!

You can't control what you did not create. So tell me who created you? That'll be the one you pay homage to now and forever.

Sippin coffee up here on the mountain, watching a slow rain. The squash is doing well, the eggs are fresh. I guess it's like heaven. I've got my health, a new grandbaby on the way out west. A good womans love, and my childrens love too. No mortgage, light bill is 23.00 a month. Property tax is 169.00 a year. I have 2.5 acres, above ground anyway. lol

Our biggest enemy is in the mirror, I deal with that Phucker everyday!

Be well, be smart, and be private.

pushinuppeople@gmail.com Feel free to write, cuss me, instruct me, but please don't expect ,me to share what I know and have paid dearly for. My biggest fear is one day I'll give up and be like the rest of this country. Pray for me.
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by ashlynne39 »

Then again, maybe it will be this guy. If Libre is Harvey, he may have already found is next guru:

Libre to someone named Transcriptsdontlie:
TDL, clearly I don't have anywhere near your level of experience, but much of what you're saying rings true for me, particularly with regard to "the banking system." Does there exist anywhere a compilation or distillation of your thinking/writing? Or in other words, do you have an ebook?
http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... 14&start=0
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by Demosthenes »

Tax protesting is all but dead. It's been replaced by sovrun scams.
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by Prof »

Demo is right, at least according to the federal and state judges and LOE I with whom I have contact.

I hate to say it, but Sooey may be the future.
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by Imalawman »

Demosthenes wrote:Tax protesting is all but dead. It's been replaced by sovrun scams.
Yup, great minds think alike...But just in my practice and talking with tax enforcement, they're seeing more bizzare sovereign returns and documents lately and less technical tax protesting.
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by absdes96 »

I am more likely to bet on what the content of the scam will look like than who the scammer will be.

Something like "Reliance Offense University". It will be a cut and paste job of schemes from the past. It will contain variations and extractions of Lynne Meredith, Irwin Schiff, Global Prosperity, Joy Foundation, and CTC. But, it will also contain the Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and blog accompaniments.

It will also come with your usual binder filled with:

1) pre-printed forms to send to the IRS and Social Security Administration.

2) a list of "experts" to who charge a fee for their "opinion letters" to tell you that you are not liable for the income tax.

3)"investment opportunities" for certificates or notes that are redeemable for "special" silver coins.

4) Opportunities to attend annual conventions.

Anyone else care to add to this?
Last edited by absdes96 on Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by LaVidaRoja »

I think a series of "talking points" perhaps as a news-letter; as a faux press release (to be submitted to the press); or merely as twitter entries would be included. This might be part of a "media warrier" package that encourages cutting and pasting to any and every web-site that might have ANYTHING to do (even in passing) with tax matters. Five disciples posting to ten sites a day just might help spread "the truth about [insert cause here]"
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by Cathulhu »

Looks like there's a local guru on my block. http://www.seattlepi.com/local/423134_GRAY09.html
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by ashlynne39 »

Cathulhu wrote:Looks like there's a local guru on my block. http://www.seattlepi.com/local/423134_GRAY09.html
That's a bit sad - - - the part in the article that says at times Gray seems to want to put aside the sovereign nonsense and live a normal life. Perhaps when he gets out of prison.
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Re: Who is the next guru after Pete disappears in prison?

Post by Randall »

Demosthenes wrote:Tax protesting is all but dead. It's been replaced by sovrun scams.
Sounds like the subject of an alleged book.