Here's my response, Lorne. You ain't gonna like it.
that reasoning makes sense to me. it presents a unified consistent whole. Although it's not clear unambiguous language, it appears written to intentionally mislead yet at the same time remain within the letter of the law. But I won't argue it here. almost all of you seem cut from the same mold.
Peace, Lorne
(bolding added)
That highlights your problem: "makes sense to me". That's how you people (tax protester-tax denier types) approach the study of law. You go with "what makes sense to you," rather than using proper legal analysis.
No, the regular Quatloos posters are not "cut from the same mold." We are a diverse group. What may appear to you to be uniform thinking and being "cut from the same mold" is in reality the evidence of people who use the
same methods of analysis -- proper
legal analysis. Engineers think like engineers not because they are cut from the same mold, but because the body of knowledge they use is a coherent set of principles. Accountants think like accountants, lawyers think like lawyers, physicians think like physicians, etc., not because they are "cut from the same mold" but rather because each deals with a complex body of knowledge with its own rules and procedures. Following those rules and procedures is not evidence of narrow-mindedness or being "cut" from some imaginary "same mold."
It is you people, the delusional tax protester, tax denier types, who are narrow minded. You approach tax law by figuring out where you want to end up, and then you accept all forms of nonsense arguments that appear to support your pre-determined conclusion and you reject the data that refutes your pre-determined conclusion.
Hendrickson is a classic case. For years, he was anti-tax. He even went to prison in the early 1990s for participating in an illegal act (the placing of a smoke bomb at a post office facility) to protest the federal income tax and willful failure to file a return. He went to prison, got out, had financial problems, filed bankruptcy in the mid-1990s, and went right along until around the early 2000s, when he miraculously "discovered" the "truth" about the tax law -- the so-called "truth" that all the tax experts somehow couldn't discover or somehow deliberately "hid" from the public. He changed his theories about tax law until he found one (the private-sector non-federally privileged argument) that he liked. He used to argue that the tax was unconstitutional. Then he learned a little about the
Cheek doctrine (but not enough, apparently, to really understand how the doctrine works) and he dropped the phony "unconstitutional" argument in favor of a phony statutory argument cobbled together from theories of prior tax protesters that were ruled frivolous in court before he ever even adopted them.
In other words, like many protesters, Hendrickson hopped around from one stupid theory to another. Now he is in prison for using his latest stupid theory on his own tax returns.
We see this over and over. You people hop around, looking for any and every theory for a rationale as to "why" the federal income tax supposedly does not apply to you. You people are intellectually dishonest.
And, like Hendrickson, many of you people attack people like me and other Quatloos regulars who point out your dishonesty. You people blame the messenger. You try to rationalize the fact that no tax protester argument has ever won in federal court in the entire history of the Republic by parroting crap about the courts being "corrupt."
Lorne, people like you have an answer for everything, but none of your answers are responsive.
No, lorne - the members of the tax protester crowd are the ones who are "cut from the same mold." You are delusional, narcissistic, self-centered phonies. You're liars.
And you're worse than liars.
Why? Because many of you falsely accuse others of being liars, without ever trying to back up what you say (I'm not talking about you personally here, but about others of your ilk). All you do, usually, is spout rhetoric. Look at "Harvester." He has falsely called me a liar many times, yet he has never tried to back up what he says -- because he knows he cannot back up what he says.
Many of you people, you tax deniers/tax protesters, complain about the tenor of the discussion here in this forum. Yet it is
you people yourselves who abuse the spirit of the purpose for which the forum was founded -- the exposing of scams -- by falsely trying to assume a self-righteous mantle (often the mantle of "patriot" or "warrior" or "freedom lover") while participating in the scams and falsely accusing those who expose your dishonesty.
Yes, I refer to you people as "
you people."
YOU are the ones cut from the same mold. And it's not a pretty picture.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet