Casper Calls BS

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Casper Calls BS

Post by Deep Knight »

1st CASPER for JULY 21st: "What's next? WE don't know, but we intend to find out."

Of course WE are aware of all the "Great News" flying round about last night and this morning saying "Deliveries will Commence today and be complete by Friday including the IMF programs".

WE are sorry to have to report that, as usual, OUR Intel does not agree with everyone elses. WE do not enjoy being 'out of step' with good news.

The packs were retrieved from Treasury yesterday morning before they could be destroyed again. They were once again out for delivery today.

Last night the U.N. again pulled them back.

They simultaneously sanctioned a dozen trade attempts all of which were blocked.

They again attempted to access our accounts which was also blocked.

Meanwhile they tried mightily to have us and others report how hard they are coming down on Obama, Bush, Clinton, the Queen and the Vatican while in fact they were still 'cutting deals' with each of them last night.

The trigger packs were pulled back to New York or D.C., unsure which at this moment.

To them WE say 'Sorry, your B.S. is still B.S. whether Sold by the Pound or the Quart, AND, you need to find another outlet for your B.S.'.

Friends, the levels of outright CORRUPTION are amazing and appalling and beyond your imagining and are common to each and all of those who presently rule the world through their CONTROL of banking and 'money' if you wish to call their 'toilet paper' money.

What's next? WE don't know, but we intend to find out.

Casper 7-21-10

I keep as close tabs on these people's fantasy as anyone, but know of no "great new" making the rounds last night (well, beyond people who say it's "soon" every day). I naturally went to the Nesara-RAP site first because they and Casper have had a pissing contest recently, but they've given up giving dates. A new chat site or forum? Does anyone else have a clue?

As for Casper calling BS, words fail me. I supposed that's part of the point (as in the naive asking, "How could Casper be spewing BS when he's calling others on it?").
"Follow the Money"

Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by bmielke »

My thought is:

Pot calling the kettle black.
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Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by Cathulhu »

My thought is:

Who could be so insane as to find anything Casper says to be even vaguely possible? Magic packies containing more money than actually exists, and sure the UN is blocking him.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold

Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by bmielke »

Cathulhu wrote:My thought is:

Who could be so insane as to find anything Casper says to be even vaguely possible? Magic packies containing more money than actually exists, and sure the UN is blocking him.
You Sir are a FEMA Plant :twisted:
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Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by Cathulhu »

bmielke wrote:
Cathulhu wrote:My thought is:

Who could be so insane as to find anything Casper says to be even vaguely possible? Magic packies containing more money than actually exists, and sure the UN is blocking him.
You Sir are a FEMA Plant :twisted:
I am not a sir, never worked for FEMA, and am not a vegetable of any kind! I think I'll go start another lawnmower revolution, just for that!
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold

Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by bmielke »

Cathulhu wrote:
bmielke wrote:
Cathulhu wrote:My thought is:

Who could be so insane as to find anything Casper says to be even vaguely possible? Magic packies containing more money than actually exists, and sure the UN is blocking him.
You Sir are a FEMA Plant :twisted:
I am not a sir, never worked for FEMA, and am not a vegetable of any kind! I think I'll go start another lawnmower revolution, just for that!
It has been all quiet on the Lawn Mower front for too long... :twisted:

If not FEMA, CIA? :thinking:
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Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by Cathulhu »

bmielke wrote:.

It has been all quiet on the Lawn Mower front for too long... :twisted:

If not FEMA, CIA? :thinking:
If I told you, my alien lizard agents would have to abduct you. They're already prepping the anal probes.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold

Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by littleroundman »

Cathulhu wrote: If I told you, my alien lizard agents would have to abduct you. They're already prepping the anal probes.

there's a comeback line in there I'm gonna leave RIGHT alone
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Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:
bmielke wrote:.

It has been all quiet on the Lawn Mower front for too long... :twisted:

If not FEMA, CIA? :thinking:
If I told you, my alien lizard agents would have to abduct you. They're already prepping the anal probes.
The probes have been chilled and are ready.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by bmielke »

Cathulhu wrote:
bmielke wrote:.

It has been all quiet on the Lawn Mower front for too long... :twisted:

If not FEMA, CIA? :thinking:
If I told you, my alien lizard agents would have to abduct you. They're already prepping the anal probes.
I'll stop asking, I am not into that kind of stuff.
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Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by Cathulhu »

My spouse is having a colonoscopy in two weeks. Maybe I should ask the alien lizards to sit in.
Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold

Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by Nikki »

They'd only be interested if this is going to be spouse's FIRST rectal intrusion of that nature.

They already have all the records, including the films, of every one that's been performed in the last century or so.

In fact, the films have all been digitalized and are available on EewTube.
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Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Nikki wrote:They'd only be interested if this is going to be spouse's FIRST rectal intrusion of that nature.

They already have all the records, including the films, of every one that's been performed in the last century or so.

In fact, the films have all been digitalized and are available on EewTube.
As something on my cube's wall at work says: "don't worry -- it only seems kinky the first time".
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Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by Deep Knight »

Nikki wrote:They already have all the records, including the films, of every one that's been performed in the last century or so.
What can I say, they're starved for entertainment. All that advanced audio-visual technology and still nothing good's on.
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Re: Casper Calls BS

Post by Deep Knight »

From the end of the Casper "Opinion" for July 22

Now, for the only "news" in this 'opinion piece' I am going to tell you what is behind all the sabotage and shenanigans at the United Nations and exactly why they are blocking our deliveries. As previously reported 38 plus charges were filed and adjudicated against Obama/Clinton et al over the opening of the packs at Justice. Then many more against them and Geithner and Treasury Personnel when they were again opened there. Arrest warrants are awaiting all of them, awaiting deliveries which lead to announcements which leads to the Constitution which provides the Legal Construct to put to an end once and for all to such BullChit as the Lieber Code, Emergency Powers, Executive Orders, rule by 'Public Policy' etc., i.e. it brings down many things INCLUDING OBAMA. The Member States of the United Nations which have 'black' populations are in revolt, not wanting their hero OBAMA to take his medicine for all his corruption and his illegal activities and his never ending sabotage of deliveries and the many many many things he has done as reported here as they occurred. Many of you found it unbelievable the things WE were reporting but they were true. Corruption on a scale exceeding anything in this country's history, all to preserve himself in power and to preserve the status quo. Now these countries, the number unknown at this writing, are demanding that OBAMA be given a pass, A GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD. This is the "secret problem" at the heart of recent delays and sabotage by the U.N. itself.

Those of you who read and retain what these updates report will recall previous threats by Obama, dutifully reported, that if necessary 'he would play the race card'.
"Follow the Money"