Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

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John Uskglass
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

Hot off the press from Mr W saying, wait for it ... nothing's happened since the last update ..
That's exactly the same text as posted on the 4th. Which is helpfully situated right next to the 'latest update'.

He's not even trying now...
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by aesmith »

Someone mentioned that "Jonathan Trapman" had an update. Quick look on Facebook and there he is with two almost identical profiles. One pretty much repeats each of MoB's posts word for word, with nothing after the 24th November. His other profile has this update, not that it says much other than a rant ...
Jonathan Trapman
19th December
A passer by in FB terms has instigated this update from me to all the loyal followers and eager-to-hear-what-is-next crowds.
"Willi ,What I am posting is the course of the court case in process. So suddenly there comes a lull in updates and all I see around the place is the Spanish Inquisition. Now admittedly no one expects the Spanish Inquisition but to be fair if there is bugger all to report, then that is what people get!
Now I could have posted all sorts of filling stuff, yet that again would trigger the "I want updates that feed my bitten-to-the-core nails" crowd.
Well Willi I appreciate your expectation and thus I am deigning to reply in a way that reassures and at the same time recognises that there is nothing public to report. One thing I can say with certainty is that when I do have something of substance we'll see it here first!
You see in the world of taking governments down you can appreciate we have all sorts of hurdles placed in front of us. These hurdles, far from being barriers, have acted as incentives to go deeper and more solidly in what we are doing. One thing to make abundantly clear is that we have them on the run, making mistakes you would only expect from a kindergarten law school. Now we could have jumped on that and proceeded as we saw best. Yet what transpired from that was an opportunity to go so deep as to utterly destroy the last vestiges of any resistance from not only the UK process but more importantly from a global process that will collapse accordingly.
It is imperative for people to comprehend that what started out as a UK take down has transpired into a journey that will, by its very effect take down the whole pile of vermin posing as power.
What goes on around Europe is totally co-ordinated with our process. They are utterly aware that what we are instigating will support their efforts that can be seen as opening the public collective mind to the the utter deception played on us all.
When you are breaking a dam you target the most vulnerable spots so that gentle , or not so gentle weakening leads to the total collapse.
It may not give the time and date explosive effect people have embedded in their minds as Zero Point but rest assured, the minds and efforts of the few will most certainly lead us to the Common Law Era we all look towards, that era of Freedom, peace and harmony
Lastly Willi as someone who is not joined as a friend or friend of a friend I appreciate your question that has drawn me to this in depth update I had previously not given!
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

Having no doubt realised that he had to give his followers something on 22/12 as previously promised, Waugh has a new post on his website regarding the private prosecution.
https://www.thebernician.net/covid-198 ... mic-fraud/

It really should be headed 'Excuses, Excuses'. Edited highlights:
Over the course of the past month, we have amassed a plethora of prima facie evidence, which proves that the defendants in the Private Criminal Prosecution are responsible for COVID-1984 and are guilty of multiple acts of pandemic fraud.

Whilst we are more than confident that we now have enough evidence to justify the issue of either a warrant or a summons, we are still waiting for key FOI responses, which are due to be received no later than today.

In the event we receive the responses due, we will be aiming to lay the new information before Christmas. If all the key the responses don’t come in, we will be forced to wait until the new year.
There's a long rant about the Simon Dolan case
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... rules.html
https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/up ... 11220-.pdf

Waugh is miffed that Dolan didn't accept his 'expert' assistance.
...No wonder Dolan spurned both my constructive criticism and my offer of collaboration, before proceeding to attempt to discredit our case on social media, on the fallacious ground that there was no such thing as a Private Criminal Prosecution, despite the fact that I ran one myself in the summer of 2013, alleging multiple breaches of the Fraud Act 2006.

Our Most Realistic Chance

Secondly, in the criminal domain, when there is sufficient prima facie evidence that proves indictable offences, such as fraud, have been committed, a single district judge decides whether the case is properly pleaded, with or without a hearing.

Whereas, in the civil courts, judges allow hearsay evidence that is inadmissible in the criminal courts, whilst they effectively preside as the sole arbiter of whether justice is done; which, my own direct and indirect experience has taught me, very rarely occurs in the civil domain.

Furthermore, in the event a summons or warrant is issued by a criminal court, the case then proceeds to a pleading hearing, before a trial is listed and the evidence is presented to a jury, which decides whether the defendants are innocent or guilty.

In the most simplistic terms possible, it is much harder to control the outcome of a decision made by a Common Law Jury, than it is to control a civil decision, which money almost always decides.

Suitably Cautious Optimism

However, even though we are much more likely to succeed by relying upon the ancient Common Law Jury Trial to see that justice is done, don’t for one moment think that I’m not fully availed of the certainty that the establishment was always going to do everything it could to derail the PCP, just as the banksters tried to do when I took them on and won, albeit after a nine year war of attrition.

Suffice to say, this occasion is no different in many respects. I am therefore well versed in decisively dealing with the predictable strategies of my adversaries, none of whom ever foresee even the remotest possibility that they will suffer the humiliating defeats they always incur in the end, as much of the content on this blog unequivocally affirms.

Having said that, I can’t guarantee what the eventual outcome will be at this precise juncture, but I’m cautiously optimistic enough to guarantee that the Private Criminal Prosecution we are running is the last remedy standing under the Common Law and that we will not relent in our struggle until justice is done, freedom is restored and our children’s future is secured, irrespective of the seemingly insurmountable problems we appear to face.
Note the fact that the final paragraph is a long way from the supreme confidence he was exhibiting earlier in this saga. The references to Common Law are a bit confusing. While I originally thought that where he'd mentioned CL previously he was preparing the ground for his referring the matter to the Play Court, from context here, that doesn't seem to be the case.

I'm not sure what the mention of a 2013 private prosecution refers to. Obviously it was a resounding failure, or we'd have been hearing a lot more about it before now. Anyone know?

I wonder if in Waugh's head he has actually inflicted 'humiliating defeats' on his adversaries, or if he's bullshitting and knows it. He's an odd duck in many ways.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by exiledscouser »

John the difference I see between Simon “I’m worth con-sider-ably more money than yawww” Dolan and Michael “not a pot to piss in” Waugh (other than the obvious) is that the former pursues well argued though ultimately unsuccessful actions against the Executive, whereas MoB seeks to arrest its individual members, have them subject to a process unknown to law called a “house arrest” and ultimately sentenced to 30 years hard labour before the People’s Court. Or worse.

In Dolan’s case we are, in a free society able to attempt to hold the Executive to account either via the law or through the ballot box. Mike’s way is for gunpowder treason and plot, he’s a hardened anarchist at heart who, embittered by 15 years of failure pursues ever grandiose fantasy actions. His nihilistic rhetoric has never been widely attractive in English affairs either.

He’d do well to remember his Shakespeare; with Julius Caesar done to death, who then replaces him?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

One obvious difference between the Waugh and Dolan cases is that Dolan had real lawyers from a real law firm...
Mr Philip Havers QC and Mr Francis Hoar (instructed by Wedlake Bell) for the Appellant
Mention of Waugh's 'top legal team' has been conspicuously absent of late. Again, one wonders if they ever had any existence outside his head.

Is Waugh an anarchist? I'd argue not (but I am pedantic!). In so far as he has a coherent program, it would appear to be to drastically revise the constitutional basis of the state but not to abolish it - Magna Carta 2020 and all that. The text of MC2020 appears to envision that there would continue to be something called a government, though on what basis is, to put it kindly, unclear.

If he were an anarchist, he would be seeking to bring about a society without government.

In so far as it is possible to untangle an underlying ideological base for Waugh's interventions and pronouncements, I'd say he's a reactionary libertarian populist.

Reactionary because he continually harks backward rather than forward, and seems to wish to re-establish conditions he believes existed in some hazy 'Merrie England' past (which leads him, unsurprisingly, into nativism). Libertarian because although not an anarchist, he wants government to intervene as little as possible in citizens' doings. Populist because he'll co-opt whatever seems to be the bandwagon du jour among the credulous and unthinking, as he has with covid.

But this is probably overthinking things. I'm reminded of one of my mum's stock phrases - 'He talks as his belly guides him.'
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by exiledscouser »

Is Waugh an anarchist? I'd argue not
I think one clue to this lies in the name of the company responsible for the “coruscating” epic that was TGBMS namely “Anarco-Film Productions”.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

I think one clue to this lies in the name of the company responsible for the “coruscating” epic that was TGBMS namely “Anarco-Film Productions”.
He probably thinks he's an anarchist just as he thinks he's a legal mastermind. And that TGBMS is 'The Most Talked About British Documentary Feature Film Of The Century'. :)
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by SoLongCeylon »

A Christmas Eve email update..... garbage, smoke and mirrors, Liens, Cryptocurrency, fizzling out, O'Bonkers has actually achieved nothing but thinks he has won:

We hope this Christmas update on the TGBMS Class Actions finds you and yours as happy and well as can be expected, given the absolute state of COVID-1984.

First and foremost, thank you for your patience, support and understanding throughout this deeply troubled year, when we had planned to sue the heads of the UK land registries for institutionalised mortgage fraud in the high court, during the very period the lockdown was unlawfully decreed.

Nevertheless, the moratorium on all mortgage possession proceedings we were also seeking was effectively granted, albeit on very different publicly declared grounds, whilst only one of the TGBMS Claimants has been actively engaged skillfully fighting off unlawful attempts to steal his property.

However, despite the fact we would rather it had been under very different circumstances, we must concede that the moratorium has provided at least one small mercy, in the midst of perhaps the greatest tyranny we have faced on these ancient shores for almost a thousand years.

It goes without saying that, if the so-called justice system was rigged to the hilt before COVID-1984 began, we can bet our bum cheeks that justice is now nigh on impossible to obtain in the civil courts, so our only realistic remedy is the Common Law Jury Trial.

We will therefore be aiming to lay information in a Private Criminal Prosecution of the UK land registrars, which will rely upon all the evidence that the TGBMS Claimants have provided us with, focusing upon proving that fraudulent mortgage registration is endemic in every part of the country.

Meanwhile, many of the subscribers to this newsletter have already completed or are in the process of completing, common law lien processes against the banksters. Once the 90 day process is perfected, the lien creditors then have the opportunity to exchange the lien for a large damages pay-out in the revolutionary new debt-free cryptocurrency called iLien.

As of 14/12/2020, the iLien team launched another currency called e.iLien on the Ethereum blockchain and all iLien wallet holders have been offered the chance to swap a sizable proportion of their iLein holdings for EILN, which can then be exchanged for ETH, which can in turn easily be exchanged for fiat currency.

In other words, ILN is in the process of being exchanged for EILN, which can very easily be turned into usable currency and every TGBMS Claimant who perfects the lien process using our templates can exchange the lien for damages in the sum of 50% of its value in ILN.

Given that the default conditions of the liens often apply exemplary damages of up to 100 times the initial value, 50% normally translates into more than enough to secure financial interests for the foreseeable future.

In addition, if the worst case scenario plays out and you end up facing unlawful eviction from your property in the new year, the proceeds of a lien would allow you to pay off the fraudulent mortgage, under protest and duress, to prevent them from taking your property.

Nevertheless, taking such a course of action does not impede your right to pursue the banksters for fraud in the Private Criminal Prosecution we will be laying at the earliest opportunity in 2021, notwithstanding any extension to the moratorium and to the madness of COVID-1984.

We therefore strongly urge everybody who hasn't already done so to engage in our tried and tested lien process, which can be found at the link below:

https://www.thebernician.net/mortgage-f ... n-process/

Having witnessed the controlled demolition of the economy this year, perfecting a lien might well turn out to be the best hope we have of securing the losses we have incurred by way of institutionalised mortgage fraud.

Especially when both ILN and EILN are due to become the first two currencies of an entirely new and user friendly payment system in the early part of 2021.

Until the end of COVID-1984 and the inevitable relocation of its prime perpetrators, you can still watch The Great British Mortgage Swindle at this link, whether you have seen it already or not:

https://www.thegreatbritishmortgageswin ... -for-free/

Whatever else you decide to do this, the first festive period under tyrannical rule, make sure you make the most of every moment because COVID-1984 isn't showing any sign of ending any time soon, unless we put an end to it with people power.

Much love to you and yours.

All the best,
The Michaels of Bernicia and Deira
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Normal Wisdom »

"As of 14/12/2020, the iLien team launched another currency called e.iLien on the Ethereum blockchain and all iLien wallet holders have been offered the chance to swap a sizable proportion of their iLein holdings for EILN, which can then be exchanged for ETH, which can in turn easily be exchanged for fiat currency."

I've read this at least a dozen times and it still hasn't got any less funny. One of the highlights of my Christmas.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

we can bet our bum cheeks that justice is now nigh on impossible to obtain in the civil courts, so our only realistic remedy is the Common Law Jury Trial.
Puts a slightly different spin than was presumably indented on this, from 14 Feb 2020:
Whatever our increasingly desperate detractors will tell you, the TGBMS Class Actions are moving forward, with claims the banksters will never have the opportunity to defend.
https://www.thebernician.net/tgbms-clas ... registrar/
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

For a laugh, I thought I'd have a look at the iLien "whitepaper".

An extract:
From an energy perspective, in the previous section “the past”, we see that a pseudo masculine patriarchal energy appears to dominate the actions of the past manmade systems, and the energies of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” were enforced and in play, and commerce tended to play out and observe these ancient and now obsolete beliefs and manmade energies; In fact lady justice atop most commercial court buildings, wore and still wears a blindfold over her eyes, whilst she held the scales of dan/libra, indicating that the manmade law within the building is blind to the feminine energies of justice; This manmade law used in such buildings and systems is obviously flawed, when the natural feminine energies of forgiveness, compassion, justice, love and giving are sacrificed to uphold the laws for commerce; And when these natural feminine energies are hidden, ignored and cast aside, that manmade system with its unnatural flaws, has an obvious finite time span; Creation, whether natural or manmade, requires the merging and union of the feminine and masculine energies for balance and longevity; An imbalance in either energies when merged causes an obvious finite time span;
It goes on and on like this for 69 pages. I wonder if O'Bonkers' right wing nut job supporters have read it.

Pure gibberish. And another thing they don't believe in... full stops :snicker:
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by TheRambler »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:40 am For a laugh, I thought I'd have a look at the iLien "whitepaper".

natural or manmade, requires the merging and union of the feminine and masculine energies for balance and longevity; An imbalance in either energies when merged causes an accident"..................

It goes on and on like this for 69 pages. I wonder if O'Bonkers' right wing nut job supporters have read it.

Pure gibberish. And another thing they don't believe in... full stops :snicker:
69 pages of utter twaddle, no problem with his supporters bridling about it as they’ll never read it and by and large it doesn’t mean anything. The core concepts could be covered in two pages, the problem being that they could be demolished in less than one! Padding (or stuffing in this case) makes it look as though it might actually mean something, it doesn’t.

The reliable old adage applies, if you don’t fully understand it, don’t do it. This is a determined attempt to make it incomprehensible in the hope that some followers mugs don’t realise that.

It’s a bit of a mystery how he manages to avoid prosecution.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

TheRambler wrote: Sun Dec 27, 2020 5:23 pm It’s a bit of a mystery how he manages to avoid prosecution.
I think a lot of that is "Emperor's New Clothes" syndrome.

The conned would have to admit that they were conned by such a transparent con that they would look stupid trying to explain it at the front desk of a police station. :haha:
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

It’s a bit of a mystery how he manages to avoid prosecution.
Aside from the parapolitical stuff, where he could be argued to be promoting terrorism, I can't see what he could be prosecuted for. Afaik, for all his bluster he never takes part in any street actions; not covid conspiracy marches, nor attempts to prevent evictions. While he is promoting the incomprehensible ilien, it's not clear that he would actually benefit if people were daft enough to buy it, and even if he were, given that they don't pretend they're selling anything other than cryptocurrency, are they committing any offence? (genuine question) No self videoed traffic stops, no troubles with the Council Tax people, no run ins with the cops over corona. In fact, when you start to set it out, you realise what an apparently law abiding 'anarchist' he is.

If memory serves, he has claimed not to have registered his kid(s?), but as with so many of his claims, no proof has been seen.

It's somewhat ironic, that despite his assertions that we live under an unprecedented tyranny which he is leading the fight back against, he remains unmolested by the state apparatus.

Until and unless there are laws against wasting space while thieving oxygen in an annoying manner, he'll stay free.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by grixit »

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Write. "Come on, iLien".
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

John Uskglass wrote: Mon Dec 28, 2020 12:30 am I can't see what he could be prosecuted for.
I would have thought either a breach of the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017; or failing to register by the 16th December with the Financial Conduct Authority.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Write. "Come on, iLien".
Iliening towards the obvious there. :)

I've not took me coat off, it's right parky.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by notorial dissent »

The burning question is, are the people he has conned smart enough or aware enough to know/realize that they have in fact been conned???? The fact of them listening to him in the first place argues against that.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

notorial dissent wrote: Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:02 pm The burning question is, are the people he has conned smart enough or aware enough to know/realize that they have in fact been conned???? The fact of them listening to him in the first place argues against that.
I refer my learned friend to my previous submission :snicker:
The conned would have to admit that they were conned by such a transparent con that they would look stupid trying to explain it at the front desk of a police station. :haha:
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

either a breach of the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017; or failing to register by the 16th December with the Financial Conduct Authority.
Presumably these would relate to the selling of iliens. But I'm not convinced that Waugh has a direct stake in that project. The style of the 'whitepaper' isn't like his, and he only gets a passing mention in the footnotes, where TGBMS is cited as a source. Given the size of Waugh's ego, I'd expect any enterprise where he was the guiding hand to prominently feature him (with the obligatory 'see my lush and radiant locks' photo).

Although I have no doubt that ilien is a thoroughly misconceived, unworkable and nonsensical scheme, I remain to be convinced that its main purpose is to part fools from their money. In so far as I can understand it, the primary focus seems to be on getting people to get people to convert their 'commercial liens' into iliens. You can buy iliens for real money, but they don't make much of this, and you have to look around, and go off their site to do so.

I suspect that as with the CLC, and covid conspiracies, Waugh has found what looks like a promising bandwagon and jumped right on.