If their "movement" whether that be Covidiotism or PLDism were millions strong that might be a valid claim but in the real world "us all" is just a handful of nutters."They can't control us all when we stand up to them."
On the subject of The Facesbook... Hands up everybody who has been perma-banned this week.
I'm putting up both hands as I've been perma-banned twice in one week. I'm not sure I can be bothered with it any more. The Zuck is clearly only interested in having the thickest and most gullible product to sell to the advertisers. And by product I do of course mean "members".
Facebook is fun when you can take the piss out of the anti-vaxxers, woo-peddlars, conspiritards and other assorted nutcase. If you can't do that, and it seems you can't as it transgresses, in some undefined way, their "community standards", it's not worth bothering with.
Telling people that vaccines will *DEFINITELY* kill you, that Covid is a hoax and that you can do what you like because Magnum Carter is fine. Call a moron a moron and you're out.