Announcements in October

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Announcements in October

Post by Deep Knight »

Casper in his Sept 30 Opinion piece wrote:… What it is-is-a SCAM. The same route Hitler used to take over Germany.
A Government takeover of the entire Health Care Industry accomplished in a series of step's leading to 'single payer' healthcare.
This is just the tip of the coming iceberg as it will raise taxes across the board on small business and will stop cold any job recovery.
The MOST IMPORTANT thing to understand is that Obama, Reid and Pelosi and their PAWNS in the Democrat Party knew what they were doing all along, that being a vast expansion of MARXIST GOVERNMENT at the expense of Free Enterprise and Small Business which they despise as reflected in their actions while they spout something different with their mouths. Obama is not stupid, he is rather, a BOLD FACED LIAR.
Today is the first of October and time for a sanity check. There has been a flurry of recent activity claiming that something would be happening in September for various reasons (e.g. the end of the fiscal year). This has been after YEARS of saying “soon” and “almost immediately” and “heads up.” Put this on top of claims that are obviously false and amounts of money that are impossible and you not only have a scam and a lie, but a whopping one.

As strange as it sounds I believe that this is the key to the whole NESARA scam. There may be few credulous enough to believe such unbelievable things and they might not have a lot of money, but they’re not liable to contact law enforcement about your bold faced lies either.

Have a good October. I have it on good authority from my inside sources 138 levels about the president that deliveries will be this month to allow the public to buy solid gold Halloween costumes.
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by Deep Knight »

Before typing his opinion piece (I won't call it writing), Casper said this:


It was the Military that delayed the deliveries from yesterday when scheduled again-until today.
This morning they are trying to delay them again until tomorrow.
All signals point to them working with Obama.

An attempt at further delay was also tried yesterday by Obama and his helpers who were planning to claim that there was an 'attempt to assassinate him. '
It was a 'put up' deal, an outright lie, something they were planning to cause national chaos to further delay deliveries.
It failed.

WE do not expect this mornings effort by the Military to be successful.

casper 9-30-10

Then, on Saturday.


After the FAKE 'Assassination Attempt Scam' a couple of days ago the blockage of deliveries and the fighting in D.C. has continued.

Yesterday and continuing last night an 'Emergency Meeting' has been underway in D.C. with Obama, Geithner, the Banks and others.
They are faced with the failure of the Banks.
All sorts of threats were made by Obama against Program Participants and others.
He said 'he will not allow anyone to stand in the way of his getting our funds and others funds or the Banks will go under'.

He stated that he 'will arrest all program participants if necessary and force them to sign everything over to him or else'. He was laughed at.
The response was 'take your best shot'.

He also demanded one Trillon from China to be placed into his PERSONAL BANK ACCOUNT immediately or else "he would annihilate them'.
He was told 'sorry, no money for you from China or anywhere else and to take your best shot'.
He told the Countries 'he does not give a G.D. about them, that their people can starve as far as he is concerned, that he does not give a _hit'.
He said 'the people would just spend the money for their own benefit, that they do not need the money and that he will see them in hell before they are allowed to receive the money'.
He went on to threaten the Carriers as did the Banks.

The above are quotations from his own mouth provided by those present.

The packs were stopped at the airport again during the night BY THE MILITARY and are therefore still in D.C. this morning.

More when possible.

casper 10-2-10

P.S. A 'certain someone' involved in the meeting was offering up Counterfeit Gold Certificates as collateral.
After denying they were counterfeit they were told 'if they are real why don't you just cash them yourself and solve your problem'?

Um, Casper. You realize that you were the source of this phony assassination story, right?


The meetings referred to in the previous update have continued all weekend with Obama, Geithner, the Banks, China, the Queen, etc. etc. etc..

The intent has continued to be the theft of all funds including the Marshall Plan Funds to save the Banks. Obama and the Queen have been in cahoots at every step and short of the outright theft of all funds, to stop deliveries at all cost. The Queen has received ORDERS from the Vatican to stop deliveries no matter what it takes saying 'if they can't get at the funds they will see to it we don't receive either'. She stated that 'she does not give a damn about her Country or her people, the only thing she cares about is her Crown and the Vatican which controls her'.

Morning news says all these efforts by all the 'Bad Guys' including Obama are still underway even now but are expected to be overcome momentarily depending upon what these very desperate players do next.

Hopefully no further communication will be necessary. As far as WE know scheduled deliveries HAVE NOT actually been stopped.

casper 10-4-10

P.S. Word is now arriving, after the above was written, that THE VATICAN, using THE QUEENS NAME, has stopped deliveries. The packs are in D.C..

Too bad that Casper couldn't go back and correct this post instead of adding this "PS," but I believe there's a universal law of oneness that prevents that.
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by fortinbras »

I suspect that the people on THIS website are the only ones still bothering to read the stuff on THAT website.
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:I suspect that the people on THIS website are the only ones still bothering to read the stuff on THAT website.
Were that only true. Usage patterns suggest (and only suggest, folks who visit unusual websites could be expected to have unusual browsing patterns) there are about 300 devoted readers of Bellringer's site (and presumably Casper) but only about 30 for this forum.

Of course, all that will change once they learn that this is the only website to give the firm date of "sometime in October" for announcements. Not to mention deliveries, first contact, evacuations to waiting starships, destruction of the earth by Planet X, and ascension to 5D, although some of these may be delayed until early November.

Actual photo of earth being destroyed
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by texino »

When I first began to follow this forum it centered around the "announcement" of NESARA . At that time we were all aware that the thesis put forth by Dr. Harvey had been hijacked by Dove
et al as a way to keep the Omega Fund scam going after Clyde Hood had been jailed, but not before he had admitted in open court that the whole Omega business was a total fraud.

Rather than boring Casper we had Bellringer telling us that no US troops had entered Bagdad and
their weapons had been rendered useless by Galactic friends. St. Germain was walking through walls and Cmdr. Haton was about to turn loose the free energy and de-cloak his ship just as soon as the USAF promised not to shoot him down. Dove was getting daily reports of rainbow currency notes showing up at banks and spending long hours at kinkos putting together NESARA
info packs to be given out to members of congress and the UN. Of course, it didn't make any more sense back then than it does now. There was just a greater sense of involvement from the people who had invested a few hundred dollars and hoped to realize a tidy profit, rather than
the crazy numbers and Casper. Pretty much the only reason to come now is DK's humor.
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by Deep Knight »

From the RAP-NESARA forum.

Cabal running Washington DC private corporation plans
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Cabal running Washington DC private corporation plans to sacrifice Obama and shoe-in fluffy puppet Hillary Clinton as US President. Civil War in America now likely. US Federal Reserve Board cannot remain viable beyond January 2011.
In the background is a sharp international problem: What does the planet do with the million-plus US Satanists who have been running America illegally? Nobody wants these vermin and only a few thousand are likely to be butchered in their own internal end-time squabbles. Some sort of home will have to be found for the fleeing US politicians, lawyers, banksters, religionists, spooks and clone-handlers. It would be wiser to offer them a managed island refuge somewhere than to force them to die in a damaging final firefight. They can only reasonably be held in their own Halliburton-constructed FEMA concentration camps and Gunderson Steel AutoMax prison cars for a few months. More about the élite Alpha Lodge Skull & Bones Satanism which controls Washington DC here. And more about the hidden antecedents of the "individual" called Hillary Clinton here.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:06 AM 0 comments

OK, a pretty normal bit of raving for Mr. MacHaffie, with the original loaded with links. The last of these is from the "... Hillary Clinton here" text and links to ... inton.html Long-time readers may remember my mocking the various NESARA-related conspiracy theories by comparing them to the "Paul is dead" Beatles conspiracy theory of late 1969. Deep Knight was taking a creative writing class in high school at the time, and decided to do a writing project by riding the bus for a week, writing down things people said, and making something cohesive from these non-sequitors. However, that Monday was when the "Paul is dead" thing hit local radio, and this was the topic of conversation all week. This changed my writing project to one that followed the genesis of conspiracy theories, a subject I've been interested in ever since. Imagine my surprise when it showed up from this link as "proof" of cloning.

Sunday, January 06, 2008
The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton ... inton.html
Alcuin Bramerton Twitter
Page update: 28.06.10

In 2008, during the American presidential election campaign, US Senator Hillary Clinton's handlers began to get clumsy and she was seen in two different places at once on a number of separate occasions. And not just in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Someone sees Hillary Clinton at a function across town at, say, 1.30pm. And then, when they compare notes with a Democratic Party co-worker later that day, they learn that Hillary was also seen back at the hotel at 1.30pm, three miles away. And her clothes were different, or her hair was different, or her makeup was different, and the people with her were different. Or, after a speaking engagement, the car drives Hillary Clinton away to Location A, where she is seen to get out of the car at, say, 10.45pm. But a co-worker sees her at 11.00pm at Location B thirty or forty miles away, except that Hillary Clinton and the car have not left Location A. And they couldn't drive that fast anyway, and Hillary's clothing or appearance is different, and the people with her are different. And the next day, arriving for an early morning meeting somewhere, Hillary comes from Location B, not from Location A. Meanwhile, she is seen having a late breakfast at Location A with different people. And so on.

How many different Hillary Clintons are there?

It is suggested that over half the US Presidential hopefuls in 2008 were human clones. There were several of each of them. Was Hillary Clinton one of these or several of them? And how are the voters to discriminate?

More information about the use of human clones in American political management can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

But it is not just politicians, military people, finance professionals and religious leaders who have been cloned. Human clones are found in the show business world, too. And they feature prominently in the mainstream media's presentation of celebrity culture. Consider the much-discussed case of the two Paul McCartneys. Four other Paul McCartney photographic comparisons can be viewed here, here, here and here. Look at McCartney's left ear lobe here (in 1964) and here (in 1964), compared with his left ear lobe here (in 1974) and here (in 1974). The murder and cloning of Beatle Paul McCartney by agents acting for the Tavistock Institute (London) in 1966 is a story which has been revisited again recently. It is sometimes referred to as The Two McCartneys Conundrum.

For many decades people have taken the view that the original pop star Paul McCartney of the Beatles, a Tavistock Institute band, is dead. He died in a car accident in 1966 which was reported by several media outlets before being hushed up. The car accident, like Princess Diana's thirty years later, was an arranged murder or cover for an arranged murder.

After 1966 it was widely noted that Paul McCartney had changed. He was considerably taller, and his physiognomy, voice and mannerisms were different. And evidence is emerging which suggests that the Beatles didn't even write some of the music accredited to them after that date.

On this view, the Beatles were planned by the shadow controllers of the sixties music industry. The purpose of the Beatles was social engineering. The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. It was a carefully crafted plot to introduce, by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large worldwide population group targeted for change against its will.

New words and new phrases prepared by the Tavistock Institute mind-moulders were introduced to America along with the Beatles. Words such as "rock" in relation to music sounds, "teenager," "cool," "discovered" and "pop music" were a lexicon of disguised code words signifying the acceptance of illicit drugs. The subtext beneath this vocabulary arrived with and accompanied the Beatles wherever they went. It had only to be "discovered" by teenagers. The word "teenager" was never used until just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.

It was important at that time for the Shadow Government (controlling the USA from Europe) to affirm illicit drug use in the youth culture. This would enrich the drug barons worldwide who paid for the private armies and bribes necessary to maintain hidden power. And now, in 2009, the USA is in Afghanistan to protect the illicit drugs trade. And now, in 2009, most major US banks have only been able to stay afloat by bringing illicit drugs money on to their books by using counterfeit source of funds documentation.

One persistent idea is that in September 1966, Paul McCartney was replaced with a double called William Shepherd or William Campbell. McCartney was terminated and replaced because he refused to go along with the pro-drug agenda of the Beatles' Tavistock controllers.

After 1966, the new Paul McCartney started doing frank interviews about his LSD habit. McCartney's murder not only eliminated someone who wouldn't go with the program, it served as a warning to others in the circle not step out of the Tavistock line.

It is more likely, however, that Paul McCartney was cloned before being terminated, samples of his originator DNA having been obtained, cultured and amplified before his accident. Human clones, such as the Bushes, the Clintons and the Obamas, are not ensouled. They have no souls - no innate communication with positive influences among the Higher Evolution in the higher dimensions. They are intelligent, mind-controlled meat-machines, programmed by those whose negative agenda they implement. Might Paul McCartney be the same? Clones are not aware that they are clones. Such information is not permitted to occur to them or to enter their mind-programming.

This is the third time I've seen the word "teenager" linked to the appearance of the Beatles by some rock 'n roll conspiracy theorist. According to ( ) the word "teenage" first appeared in the 1920's and "teenager" specifically is found in a 1941 Reader's Digest. As you know, 1941 was "just before the Beatles arrived on the scene" in 1964 (well, at least in the USA, I suppose you could use 1962 or 1963 for the UK).
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by co-shoot »

`OK I sent out a few emails to a few loyalist >

Right now I'm looking at the week before the election on 11/2/10...but who the hell knows.

> there ya have it>> the last week of October ! :lol: :wink:
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by Gregg »

Some sort of home will have to be found for the fleeing US politicians, lawyers, banksters, religionists, spooks and clone-handlers.

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Re: Announcements in October

Post by ClemIsBack »

I have it from very good sources that "we are right on schedule" .. a classic from Betty Broadwater in the year 2000.

I personnally feel that announcements will come before or after Christmas. I just don't know the year.
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by Deep Knight »

Deep Knight Update, October 7, 2010 (4 Blik, 1 Urt, 6 Qozuka)

The Trigger Packs went back out at 10:30 P.M. last night. This morning they have been located at Brinks, near the sinks, behind the minks where the executive go for drinks.

Attempts to access our accounts continued throughout the night, stopped at dawn, had breakfast, and are now back in place.

A targeted message: Do you not realize that with every attempt the Computers 'footprint/back-track/printspool' straight back to the Computer and Country origin of the attempt? Are you not aware that we have Computer Experts working with us all over and even under the world, that every attempt, no matter how well concealed, has been caught and will continue to be caught? Do you realize that if Deep Knight exposed this to his millions of readers they would rise up and all that would be left of your computer would be ashes and a few burnt vacuum tubes? Watch out, I could do it if I wanted to! ... 1286381506
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by Deep Knight »

Like I said, October for sure, unless it's not.

Disclosure, "The Event" and China's "October Surprise"
Written by David Wilcock Saturday, 23 October 2010 19:19

Even a year ago, weeks could go by between major Disclosure events. Now there are multiple signals per week. Are they trying to tell us something? Does a bear sit in the woods?

In the last few months, things have gotten really wonderful for the Disclosure crowd -- to the point where I don't even have enough time to try to track and write about all of it, while juggling my other responsibilities. This includes:

* Multiple, blatant UFO sightings, some of which shut down entire airports;

* Major press conferences with multiple eyewitnesses announcing that nuclear missile installations have been powered down by 'flying saucers' which otherwise were not aggressive, and may in fact have our best interests in mind;

* A huge number of "life is highly abundant in the universe" scientific articles;
* A raft of movies and television shows either already released or in production, which are dealing with the subject -- both from the present day as well as "Ancient Aliens" who happened to enjoy building massive stone structures.

This is definitely not 'smoke and mirrors.' This is a clear, deliberate and concerted effort. And it's building up to something.


Among all of these various elements, the NBC television show "The Event" stands out as particularly provocative. Here you have a television show about a black President -- who looks and sounds just like Obama -- stumbling into the truth of human ETs soon after he takes office.
In this story, some 97 human-looking ETs crashed in a spaceship in Alaska in the 1940s, and were held hostage at 'Camp Inostranka' ever since. The president learns this truth, meets the people and plans an open Disclosure in a live national press conference.
Right before he discloses these secrets to humanity, he suffers a 9/11-style attack by a hijacked passenger airliner. The plane then pops through a wormhole right before it hits the ground and ends up in a remote desert, apparently by ET influence.
All the passengers onboard the plane initially survive, but they then end up dying -- or so we think. The analysis of the bodies at the crash site shows that they appeared to have been running from something -- perhaps a beam weapon.
The government plans on 'distressing' the bodies to make it look like they all died in a fiery crash, which they intend to fabricate for a cover-up.

Then, in very disturbing zombie-like fashion, the bodies all end up re-animating in a secret military bunker. At first they seem to be fine, but then they all start hemorrhaging blood from their noses and mouths.
We learn that they have a weird virus, which they were given by the ET opposition leader -- and they will be dead within 24 hours unless the President frees all the ET detainees at Inostranka, in exchange for the vaccine.
Fighting for the lives of the survivors, the president wrestles with the opposition leader, who claims he will use this same weapon on whole cities of Americans if the 97 detainees are not freed.
The president ends up getting the antidote by threatening to execute all of the ETs if the opposition leader does not produce the serum first.


This Monday night's show effectively picks up at this point in the storyline -- and I'm leaving quite a bit out of it here. Though it is a bit clumsy at certain points, and I don't find the portrayal of the president and his entourage particularly believable, the overall execution is quite good.
There does appear to be a lot of fear-mongering about human-looking ETs in this show, such as their apparent willingness to use terrorist tactics to get their way.
Nonetheless, it also seems clear that we are being given a message that they are not all bad people -- only a small number of them.
Furthermore, the seemingly positive female leader of the ETs (who is obviously cast to look and sound very similar to the heroic female president in Battlestar Galactica) alludes to an upcoming 'Event' without elaboration at this point in the story.


In the title, the second "E" in "Event" is reversed. This highlights the 'V' in the middle -- as in the previous show 'V', which was also about human-looking ETs. It also encourages us to pick out the word 'EVE.'
Remember that this is all part of a Processed Release of Information (PRI) program, and the underlying body of information to be disclosed has been in place for thousands of years. I discuss this in my radio show with William Henry, linked below.
I feel it is safe to assume that in this TV series, "The Event" will involve a certain amount of cataclysmic activity on the Earth. It should also upgrade our DNA at the same time -- leading to a new humanity.
A new Eve.
This would then allow the show to go in the direction of "Heroes" and other such programs where people begin developing 'powers'.
If that's really where this is going, then "The Event" may well be the most blatant, in-your-face, one-stop-shop Disclosure mechanism ever put out by the media -- at least thus far.


Beginning in the summer of 2009, I shared insider information that Obama had planned a formal Disclosure announcement later that year, which would end the UFO cover-up once and for all.
Both Bill and Kerry from Project Camelot leaked the date -- November 27th -- but I refused to validate it right up until it came and went, fearing that the release of such specific details could ruin the whole thing.
Furthermore, our lives were threatened if we were to reveal the actual date -- but Bill and Kerry both felt the truth was more important than the risk they took by disclosing it.


We were told that Obama had booked two hours of prime airtime on every major television network to introduce us to five different species of extraterrestrial humans.
Each of these groups would look just like normal Earth humans, or at least very similar.

This would be a huge, huge 'reveal' for the average person: namely that ETs are not scary, horrible creatures after all, but people like you and me. [I have been told that out of any ETs we've ever found, none are more than 4-percent different from us on a DNA level.]
Just like Caucasians once thought the Earth was flat and there was no such thing as a 'Black Man' in unseen, foreign lands, most people have still labored under the illusion that no humans like us could exist outside the boundary of Earth's atmosphere.
We will soon find out this was a great mistake -- and many different types of humans have been working in various bunkers and underground bases with our 'government' for some time now, on a variety of different projects.


The deeper message of Obama's planned Disclosure would be that these five groups contacted the US government some 100 years ago, more or less, and have been working behind the scenes ever since.
Over the ensuing years, many more have surfaced. One of my witnesses recently opened up to me on a much deeper level and revealed he either saw or had personal interaction with over 15 different types of human visitors.
I'm now in the process of cataloging all the details of these different types, and will share an overview as the picture develops. I must say that this new information, and how well it lines up with other things I've heard, is absolutely mind-blowing.


In this 2009 Disclosure event, Obama then planned on telling us, "These people can help us solve a lot of problems on this planet, and they have the technology to do it. But they are also as mortal as you and me. Please don't shoot them."
I also heard that special 'lights' and cameras would be needed to be able to film these people properly, as some of them would not be visible to us without special technology.
I have since learned that fully five different insider groups mobilized to stop Obama from making this announcement, apparently with death threats and other counter-moves.
Nothing actually happened on November 27th -- but almost immediately thereafter, Obama held a press conference with the Prime Minister of India, and there was a definite attempt made to 'hint' at an upcoming Disclosure.
The Norway Spiral soon followed. I was so inspired by this sudden turn of events that I spent the entire month of December working on a full, free online Ebook, "Disclosure Endgame", to outline everything in detail.


Not a single insider I've ever spoken to, nor his or her handlers, have anything but utter contempt for Obama. To me, that says there is more here than meets the eye.
Public opinion of the US president is now at an all-time low, and like many others, I am disappointed that more progress hasn't been made -- yet -- to turn things around.
However, unlike many others, I most certainly have not given up hope that a ridiculously marvelous surprise could happen that turns everything around.
I have heard some compelling clues that such a thing may well be in the works -- or may have already been done, and just hasn't gone public yet.
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by ClemIsBack »

Looks like David is off his meds again.
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by Deep Knight »

I may be swimming out on a limb here, but Deep Knight is still committed to October Announcements even though there are only 5 days left! 100% certainty according to 100% of my reports from 100% reliable sources! 300% total. No ifs, ands or buts. Of course, if the Illuminati interfere all bets are off, but I suggest dwelling on this is the sort of negativity that’s been thwarting us all along, so STOP IT! You know who you are.

Targeted Message - to "the big cheese," "the whole enchilada," and "the all you can eat buffet."

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Re: Announcements in October

Post by Deep Knight »

I cannot stress how wrong Mr. Bix is - his overblown predictions will not happen in 2 weeks, that's crazy. Instead they will happen in the next 4 days when the announcements come. From Bellringer's FoulWinds10 forum.

14 Days and Counting Until The World As You Know It ENDS

With my "second week in November" prediction only 14 days away the veils are falling all around our fraudulent financial system. Dylan Ratigan is helping the Good Guys get the word out that something is VERY, VERY rotten at the heart of Wall Street.

I'm starting to doubt that the system can stay intact for another two weeks the speed the word is spreading.

The Global Financial Tsunami that is about to come crashing down around us and it will WIPE ALL ELECTRONIC AND PAPER FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH!

Too radical for you?

Then you don't understand the game. When Warren Buffett called derivatives "Weapons of Mass Financial Destruction" what did you think he meant by that? Does it matter that Bank of America has $45 Trillion in derivatives? What happens to the counter parties when they fail? Very soon you are going to wake up and the world will have changed over night.

The banks are totally and completely insolvent. All of them. One day soon you will wake up and your credit cards won't work. Your ATM won't work. Your bank will be closed. There will be no gas. No food....and what of transportation, power, water, garbage, phone, tv, internet, newspapers...they ALL REQUIRE people to make them function but there will be no money to pay people because there will be no banks with anything in their vaults.

The "radical change" will happen. I'm just hoping the extreme lasts only a few weeks and not years but NOBODY KNOWS.

We will survive this. It will be hard but we will survive and learn from this.

I can see our future and it is glorious but our present if full of very, very black clouds.

Sit back and watch how it all unveils over the coming days.

Bix "from the Bunker"

Oct. 25, 2010

From KS
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by co-shoot »

From the "loyalist' ~~~~~~~~~~I still show that the crash is during the second week of does the Webbot...Obama and friends will freeze the market, if needed, to stop this before the elections...his actions are what will bring on the crash.
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by Gregg »

Among all the other trash this guy posts, I can only assume he realizes the stupidity of the following
The Queen has received ORDERS from the Vatican
Hint: The Pope doesn't hold much influence with the British Monarchy, and hasn't since the middle of the 16th century....
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by Cathulhu »

I'd love an order from the Vatican. After all, the Italians invented pizza, and I love ordering in.
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by Deep Knight »

While MacHaffie, Bellringer, Lord Rama and Dove (being dead is no excuse) avoid giving firm dates, Deep Knight has no such fear. After all, millions have proven that announcements will be in October! So, without further ado, Deep Knight gives you a firm, non-negotiable, 1000% guaranteed schedule.

Late Night Friday, October 29 - Announcement of NESARA. The announcement is planned during the day, but the Illuminati will no doubt delay it until late, realizing that people go out on Friday night and will miss it. But don't worry because...
Saturday, October 30, it will be announced again!
Sunday, October 31, First Contact. This has been our space brother's plan all along - since revealing their presence will undoubtedly cause panic, they realize that the best time to do this is during trick-or-treat when nobody will notice.
Monday, November 1 - Deliveries. This will be done by a special squad of FTD Florists who don't work weekends. Expect billions of dollars in gold on an ATM card.
Tuesday, November 2 - Planet X will crash into the earth destroying it. Don't worry, The Forces who contact us on Sunday are waiting with millions of 3-thousand mile wide starships to beam us up so we're not killed. If you want to vote in the Election (and who wouldn't with all that's at stake), I suggest getting to the polls early.
Wednesday, November 3 - Earth ascends to 5D where the past and future meet and we can manifest anything we want, eliminating the need for money.
Many things happen after this, but I can't give you the dates because by then time won't exist any more.

I have contacted my Higher Self about this schedule, and my Higher Self is never wrong. Unfortunately, my Higher Self tells me it can't get back to me until next Thursday.
"Follow the Money"
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The Observer
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Monday, November 1 - Deliveries. This will be done by a special squad of FTD Florists who don't work weekends. Expect billions of dollars in gold on an ATM card.
Sorry, this is where your schedule gets derailed. We have had several conversations about the weak link (amongst numerous weak links) of the delivery plan, that being of the delivery guys always being compromised or suppressed by the Illuminati. So I'm giving you a little sneak peak what we here at Conspiracy Central have hatched up for October 31st: we are giving the FTD florist guys the week off with double pay and all the beer they can drink.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Deep Knight
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Re: Announcements in October

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:Monday, November 1 - Deliveries. This will be done by a special squad of FTD Florists who don't work weekends. Expect billions of dollars in gold on an ATM card.
Sorry, this is where your schedule gets derailed. We have had several conversations about the weak link (amongst numerous weak links) of the delivery plan, that being of the delivery guys always being compromised or suppressed by the Illuminati. So I'm giving you a little sneak peak what we here at Conspiracy Central have hatched up for October 31st: we are giving the FTD florist guys the week off with double pay and all the beer they can drink.
You didn't really think that we would use the means I blabbed here, do you? After all, billions of world leaders wait with baited breath on my every written word! All along we've been planning on having these delivered by "package delivery" liquor stores ("get your packie from a packie" is a great sound bite). While the various Illuminati-bankster-lizard-people are working on thwarting the flower guys, the packies will be out there with six packs and Johnny Walker. An added bonus, you can also get a drink to celibrate your sudden wealth! Since the world will be destroyed the next day, the time saved will be significant!

Calls, messages, telegrams, and even a Pony Express letter have been coming in all day confirming my earlier posting and schedule. I suggest that it would be very foolish of anyone to leave their home, or for that matter their front door, any time on Monday. Don't even go to the bathroom until you get your packie! The Illuminati may be down, but they're not out, and they would certainly take any oportunity to schedule your delivery so it would be missed. This is why they have the hidden video camera in your bathroom, not just because they're perverts (although they all are).

Good luck, and see you all when they beam us aboard "The Ships" on Tuesday!
"Follow the Money"