New LH realization


New LH realization

Post by iplawyer »
(emphasis added)

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Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:35 pm Post subject: Letter#s


I sent in my 1040 and my corrected 1099s. Six months later I sent form
4506-T "Request for transcript" and in return rec'd 'Tracking ID: 1000566 [etc]... , Date of issue 12-0102009' shich clearly shows them stating that my account balance is zero! Hey. this stuff works were telling ourselves - and others.

Then comes Letter 3176C the following April serving to inform me of "potential consequences, etc". I replied to that, showing them their own transcrip showing zero balance. Last week, I get the $5000 penalty letter.
From "doolums:"
Shot down again. So. I come to the forum for help and I get a lot of Geeesh, too bad, good luck with that, etc.Looks like every one has jumped ship. Fascinating.

I can't believe how many tax scemes I've dealt with over the years and it seems they all turn out this way. If I'd have put all my time and $ into my business that I've put into classes, papers, books, etc, that I have with the IRC, and just paid the taxes I'd be better off today.

Of course I think what Pete's got here is right, but that doesn't seem to be stopping the IRS collections juggernaut one bit. The truth is, as I see it, is that we can't win, they can't let us. They don't dare. It would open up too big a can of worms they'd never contain.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by Famspear »

doolums wrote:I can't believe how many tax scemes [sic] I've dealt with over the years and it seems they all turn out this way. If I'd have put all my time and $ into my business that I've put into classes, papers, books, etc, that I have with the IRC, and just paid the taxes I'd be better off today.
Of course I think what Pete's got here is right......
Oh, yeah. Right.
.......but that doesn't seem to be stopping the IRS collections juggernaut one bit. The truth is, as I see it, is that we can't win, they can't let us. They don't dare. It would open up too big a can of worms they'd never contain.
Yes, the fact that not one follower of Peter Hendrickson has ever won in court using the Cracking the Code scheme proves that Pete is "right."

The fact that Pete is in prison for willfully filing false income tax returns in which he used this very scheme proves that Pete is "right," and that the IRS "can't let you win" -- that the IRS just doesn't "dare" let you win -- that it would "open a can of worms."


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Re: New LH realization

Post by Famspear »

User Morgan_Edwards responds:
Sorry you feel forsaken.
The IRS is in the wrong, but using the color of law to railroad everyone.
Boy that "color of law" stuff must be puuurrty powerful stuff!!
They have upped their game and we must adapt and fight back.
Did you get a cp504 [notice of intent to levy] yet? If not, you must wait for the CP504 - it will tell you of your option to request a CDPH. The fact is they are railroading you through computer entries.
Gol darn it! Them darn computer entries!
Since they are ignoring your letters to them you have to confront them using the CDPH [collection due process hearing].
Yeah. That's worked so well for you folks in the past.

You must use your transcripts to show the fraud to the [Internal Revenue Service] hearing officer....
Oh, I'm sure the hearing officer will see the "fraud" right away!

:roll: will also need to present them in an organized manor....
In other words, don't do it in Famspear's house, which is a very disorganized manor. a legal brief....
Ummm, trying to put a real "legal brief" and "Cracking the Code tax scammer" together would be pretty hard to do....
.....that way if the hearing officer tries to railroad you, you can take it to court.....
Wow! What an original idea! It's never worked for any of Hendrickson's Heroes before, but Morgan thinks if he gives that advice to "doolums," it might work this time!

Have you looked into the "responsible person" definitions?
Have you rotated your tires? That would be about as relevant as looking at the "responsible person" definitions.
.....go to codebusters (dot) org where there's more info to take in.
Or, go shovel the heck out of any well-used barn yard, and you'll get about the same quality of material.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by Famspear »

Ho hum....... Over at losthorizons dot com, Crackhead “Saginaw” writes:
Auntie [the Internal Revenue Service] says that in order to obtain a face to face meeting I am required to furnish a financial statement, last three months bank statements, disclose all of my income and furnish a copy of my rental agreement??? Anyone know or have insight regarding this? Thanks in advance for any help. ... b459#28216

Sounds like a tax collection issue. User “gdude” responds with:
Not legal advice. They want to find out where you keep your money. I would never provide any of that info, Unless it is under a court order...obviously this is not a court order. Ever heard of Miranda rights? The 5th Amendment to the Constitution? No one can be compelled to bear witness against himself.
First of all, “gdude”, have you ever heard of “custodial interrogation”? Saginaw’s right to be told of the right to remain silent, etc. (Miranda), applies only to situations involving “custodial interrogation.” Essentially, that means that Saginaw would have to be under arrest before the Ebil Goobermint is required to inform him or her of those rights. Yes, the IRS has an internal policy that requires IRS Special Agents (IRS Criminal Investigation Division) to give a Miranda warning even if the taxpayer is not "in custody", but there's no indication here that Saginaw is dealing with a Special Agent.

Second, Saginaw does have a constitutional right to remain silent, and a constitutional right to have a lawyer present during questioning, but that rule generally applies to situations involving – yep, here’s that term again – custodial interrogation. When the IRS asks “Saginaw” for financial statements, etc., that does not normally mean that Saginaw is “in custody.” Yes, the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination can (and should) be invoked in certain situations where the subject is not "in custody", but I'm not sure that is really necessary in the fact pattern described by Saginaw.

If Saginaw feels that the act of producing the documents has a testimonial aspect – relating to the existence, authenticity, or possession of the materials – and the act of producing those documents could furnish a link in a chain of evidence that could be used to prosecute Saginaw for some sort of crime, then Saginaw probably should just not produce the materials – but Saginaw does not even have to assert a Fifth Amendment privilege to withhold the materials at this point in the process. As far as we can tell, Saginaw is not currently under any sort of compulsion (such as a court order) to produce the materials. Saginaw is not testifying before a Congressional committee. Saginaw is not disclosing information on a federal income tax return at the moment. It just sounds like Saginaw is requesting relief from IRS collection actions. So, if Saginaw decides he or she doesn’t want to provide the data requested by the IRS, the IRS probably won’t stop its collection action. This ain’t rocket science, “gdude.”

Now, user “oldhawaiiscott” tries to help out:
As GDude states, they are trying to bully you. They are strong at bullying but not at obeying the law.. The only IRS people with legal authority to "summons" your information is the Criminal Investigation Division. I strongly recommend you research more on how to handle a CDPH hearing before meeting with them.
Uh, no Einstein. Lots of IRS people outside the Criminal Investigation Division have the legal authority to issue a summons for Saginaw’s information. I strongly recommend you stop suggesting that Saginaw do more research. You’re the one who apparently needs to do some research. Or, better yet, forget about the research and just keep your trap shut, since you don’t know what you’re talking about.

And Saginaw said nothing about an IRS summons.

Now, our friend “doolums” (see earlier posts in this thread) writes:
I've had 3 CDP Hearings. By phone. Written would have been best. They can be like calling into a radio talk show - they've got their fingers on the buttons. My last one lasted less than a minute. No Joke. He said" Well, you're a ________, aren't you?" I said I was and he said, "Well then, file your return and pay your taxes." Click. No discussion allowed.

You'll note that there will be no "Collections Officer" but a "Settlement Officer", and I doubt you'll find anything that smacks of due process...
Hello, Clueless One. Get a clue: “Due process” does not mean that IRS employees are required by the U.S. Constitution to sit and listen to you try to explain how you think Peter Hendrickson’s “Cracking the Code” tax scam works. Neither the IRS, nor the courts, nor anyone else, is required to listen to your interpretation of Peter Hendrickson’s nonsensical, frivolous theories.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by fortinbras »

Should become a prison tattoo:
I can't believe how many tax scemes I've dealt with over the years and it seems they all turn out this way. If I'd have put all my time and $ into my business that I've put into classes, papers, books, etc, that I have with the IRC, and just paid the taxes I'd be better off today.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by wserra »

A candle flickers in the darkness.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by notorial dissent »

And is fairly quickly snuffed out by the preponderance of overwhelming stupidity hanging in the air there.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: New LH realization

Post by Brandybuck »

Lostheads like to argue that they're just following the law, the income tax was never ratified, it's all a jooish conspiracy, etc, etc. But in reality all they are doing is tricking the system by filing distracting papers.

If they were caught in Las Vegas casino cheating at cards with little mirrors on their shoes, they would be screaming about their constitushunal right to mirrors.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by fortinbras »

Auntie [the Internal Revenue Service] says that in order to obtain a face to face meeting I am required to furnish a financial statement, last three months bank statements, disclose all of my income and furnish a copy of my rental agreement??? Anyone know or have insight regarding this? Thanks in advance for any help.
This is SOP with the IRS. Face-to-face meetings, as distinguished from telephone conferences, require some evidence that the taxpayer is serious and not just spouting the usual, consistently-rejected, tax protester rhetoric. Without the bank statements and the like, this guy can still talk to the IRS over the phone but nobody's going to carve out an appointment for an office visit for him.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by Gregg »

this weeks dumber than dirt contestant wrote:Not legal advice. They want to find out where you keep your money. I would never provide any of that info, Unless it is under a court order...obviously this is not a court order. Ever heard of Miranda rights? The 5th Amendment to the Constitution? No one can be compelled to bear witness against himself.
Sparky, set down, cool off, let the erection calm down....

now, all better?

You're not being compelled to anything. You are asking the government to stop a second, listen to you and you objections, perhaps work out a payment plan, BEFORE THEY START TAKING EVERYTHING YOU OWN, GARNISHING YOUR PAYCHECK AND SELLING YOUR POSSESSIONS ON THE STEPS OF THE COURTHOUSE. There is a process, where you can ask them to talk about ripping all your material possessions away from you, which at this point they do certainly have the right to do. CDPH is to stop a sec, check to make sure no one missed anything, perhaps a tax protester has come to his senses and in those and other situations the IRS will work with you. But before they do, you have to play by their rules, fill out their forms and give them the information they request. But still, this process is on YOU, SPARKY, initiated, and partly because, as bad as these cards are, you dealt them to yourself, they're the best you got. You're not going to win and go do the happy dance around the federal building when its over, if it goes well for you, you're still gonna sneak out the side door, slightly hunched over, fresh welts from the odd pimp slapping you got from the Judge still stinging, but, if you set down, shut up, smile when appropriate and don't go all sov'run on them, they'll work out a payment plan that will allow you to eat gruel 6 days a week, take the bus to a job where YOU WILL LET THEM WITHHOLD FROM A PROPERLY FILLED OUT W2 and take whatever the percentage they levy these days, until you are square with the man. Suck up a little you might get them to forego some penalties, but the underlying tax you have to pay, can't help you there. But this is something that YOU asked for, to KEEP THEM FROM (contnent to graphic for this audience, use yer imagination) you, your family, your pets and sodomizing the mouse in your garage you don't even know about. You don't have to give them jack, you can go in and refuse to provide information, refuse to cooperate jump up on the desk dressed as a transvestite pirate with a peg leg and a hook hand screaming "power to the people" if you want, it's your show, you filed the papers to have it. But if you don't provide them with the stuff they want, you can't do it in person. Dems da rules.

And you're gonna lose anyway, unless you go in, be respectful, bring all the records and say you can't afford the amount they want to garnish, really need some of what they levied from the bank and even askl they take the lien off the house while you go work on a HELOC to pay them. Tell them your story about why you can't really go five years with only $109 every two weeks, and maybe get that reset to 7 years at $300, and send them any bonus you may get, etc....

That's the upside. Think about the name "Collection Due Process Hearing" Where you can (if, and only if you never had a chance before) say you don't owe the tax, and that part of the hearing lasts about 90 seconds while you explain enough to lose your case but if you're lucky the Judge will cut you off before you get sanctioned for criminal stupidity. The rest of the hearing, and the only part of most of them, is to choose between the IRS coming after your assets like a troop of Vikings or working out a more civilized way for you to pay them back the money you owe. After the first part, unless you slip the Judge some LSD, the fact that you owe the money is not at issue, only how you intend to pay it, work out a plan with your bank, your employer and you with the IRS, or just chuck it over to Quito the Spic and his hungry Barbarian Hoarde.

If you go in an start demanding this and asserting that and threatening them with writs and briefs and suits and criminal prosecution, Quito takes over, and the Vikings, and creepy things from Alien and the fire ants from the last Indiana Jones movie....It's a damn shame they don't video tape this stuff, it would sure be entertaining, "Tax Cretins Jeopardy" would be Tuesday Night Must See for me!

So go ahead. Demand your rights. You'll eventually get to the part where they read them to you, and when they get to the right to remain silent, take it from someone NOT RETARDED, use that one, be silent. And submissive, too, cause in some jurisdictions they'll beat the bejeezuz out of you if you resist, in some cops the resisting arrest perp is a genre of a special fetish and unless you into the kind of thing, well, it's not any fun.

Or just say no, let them send some forms, you go ahead and put your sov'run BS on them and for only $5,000 extra they'll tell you you still owe the tax, fees, penalties (and the new one for $5000) and interest. And they mail you a few more pieces of paper before Lars and Vikings, and Vito and all those guys and you kind of get eaten alive by that, so you won't be anyone elses problem until you get to Marion and meet the Ayrian Nation guy who bought you when you were still on the bus and will be your constant companion for the next 32-40 months

And while you're gone, doing the "Tax Fairness Graduate Studies Program, FCC Ashland, you may want to send pictures of you wife, young adult daughters to me, and I might agree to "take care of them" while you're learning stuff the hard way. I have high standards, but they will live comfortably while you're gone, hell, they may not want to come back to the double wide when you get out.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by The Observer »

The TP mentality will never be able to recognize the purpose of a CDPH, since they are only interested in one thing and that is not paying their taxes. Thus, they see the CDP as another opportunity to contest the liability despite the fact that the CDP rules clearly lay out that this is not a venue for contesting liabilities in most situations. It is only an opportunity for a taxpayer to show why a IRS lien or levy is not the best way to resolve the liability and how their alternative plan would be in the best interest of the government and the taxpayer.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: New LH realization

Post by notorial dissent »

It's that little comprehension thing again, trips them up every time.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

It never ceases to amaze me every time I come here that while we don't all see eye-to-eye, it warms my heart to know that there is absolutely one issue we all can rally around and it is this:

These people are more stupid than a sack of f*cking hammers.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by Randall »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:These people are more stupid than a sack of f*cking hammers.
I must go to the wrong hardware stores. I've seen tack hammers, roofing hammers, sledge hammers, claw hammers, among others - but never a f*cking hammer.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by Gregg »

Randall wrote:
Doktor Avalanche wrote:These people are more stupid than a sack of f*cking hammers.
I must go to the wrong hardware stores. I've seen tack hammers, roofing hammers, sledge hammers, claw hammers, among others - but never a f*cking hammer.

Gimme an e-mail, I have a video that shows...

oh, nevermind :mrgreen:
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Re: New LH realization

Post by Dr. Caligari »

...and the LH forum seems to be down again.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by Gregg »

Dr. Caligari wrote:...and the LH forum seems to be down again.
The sad part is they're a lot better at keeping the website up than they are at matters of tax. :Axe:
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Re: New LH realization

Post by notorial dissent »

More than likely, whoever is / has been actually maintaining the website isn't involved with the LH group more than peripherally if at all, and is doing it volunteer, which is why it comes and goes like it does since they probably aren't at anyone's beck and call. I would bet that Pete probably knows enough to make changes and banish people, but if there is a real problem they have to get someone else to work on it, and since he isn't available any longer they probably aren't doing much at all with it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: New LH realization

Post by Famspear »

CaptainKickback wrote:Today is October 12th, and it seems the last posting on the LH forum was October 3rd.
Yes, and that posting was allegedly done by Hendrickson's son, posting as "Soulcatcher" -- so it almost doesn't count (under some obscure rule I just made up myself, but hey, what the heck....)

The most recent post by one of Hendrickson's Heroes Other Than Family Members of His Haughtyness was by Harvester/nationwide/johnthetaxist/John Travis Harvester/Libre, also on October 3rd.

But, that post doesn't count either (under some other obscure rule I just made up myself, which is roughly that anything posted by Harvester anywhere doesn't count).


So, the most recent post that "counts" over there was made by "woodone" on September 23rd, some 19 days ago.

Stand tall, warriors!


Edit: Oops, no, wait, I see other posts that I missed.


Business is slow....
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Re: New LH realization

Post by Gregg »

But, that post doesn't count either (under some other obscure rule I just made up myself, which is roughly that anything posted by Harvester anywhere doesn't count).
You may get a fight over who's idea it was, but that's a rule that is gonna be more popular than "Naked Super Model Tuesdays" at the frat house.
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