
Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

Moderator: Deep Knight

Deep Knight
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Post by Deep Knight »

Now it can all be told

Deep Knight was gone for 2 weeks to Hawaii to open the 3 stargate portals there (of the 7 on Earth-Shan 3 are on Hawaii – go figure). The process is complicated, but involved roasting a pig underground then doing a hula dance while Don Ho sang “Tiny bubbles.”

Which brings us to KauilaPele.

KauilaPele (a.k.a. Kauila or Kau'ila – the name of a Hawaiian tree that has wood so dense it sinks in water, almost as dense as Kauilapele himself – and Pele is the Hawaiian goddess of fire, lightning, wind, and volcanoes) who bankrolled Lord Rama and Lady Tara going to Hawaii to “open the portals” and kickstart ascension in 2009. Needless to say it didn’t work and caused a breakup with their group (he was listed as a leading member of “The A Team,” which no doubt was because he had money and was a soft touch). Recently he’s been posting his videos on YouTube, has an online blog, and has been sending admiring letters to Bellringer. A recap.

Posted by admin On July - 27 - 2009

Note: comments in brackets, [ ], are inserts by Kau’ila. LSD = Lemurian Solar Disc, OLTL = Original Lemurian Time Line, PPP = Pink Platinum Pyramid.

The precise punctuation and “grammar” of this message are as received, and may contain underlying messages. The punctuation and spelling and writing and grammar are NOT to be altered in any way shape or form.

Comments added, other than additions from Mark and Beth, need the approval of King of Swords.
090727, Monday

King of Swords message… [for the entire GRT community]

We welcome you again into the bosom of Pink Platinum Love vibration.

This messenger has seen many pink signals, like yesterday in the pink sunrise in the clouds, today, one of the doves with a pink glow on her breast. We will leave the explanation to the technical commanders. Do know this, you have come this far so far so high, that as you all have ascended in conscious awareness of who you are, and released ideas what you are not, only because of this was the pink platinum vibration able & willing, if you will, to enter. Much Mahalos, as the Hawaiian pidgins say!*

Leaps & bounds, jumps & spurts, are worlds you enter now, and many are in. Release a lot (hold onto it NOT), rapid forward/upward movement.

Each moment what sufficed in the previous one is eligible for release.

Again we say, Live THIS moment. Love THIS moment. Release THIS moment.

Need we say more? Imperative, I say, at this moment!

A note that as K-man arrived at Java Rocks, a craft appeared that thrilled, a craft with wings, angel wings, perhaps, but smaller.**

More like the Mercury man’s hat, you know the fast one… Rapid, rapid, rapid is the word for VISIBLE change change change. Hold on to your hats, no?

Yet we say rapid movement encourages rapid release, and brings you always greater freedom.

There is nothing in what you see today that holds for tomorrow. Enjoy, release, enjoy, release, enjoy, release. En-joy…be in joy.
Now this dear one you know as Ashtar comes…

Many blessings to you of many hue man kinds. Your colors are that much brighter and radiant from these past 7 days of transformation, transmutation; so much so that we have complete (we do not lightly use that word) I repeat complete permission, if you will, to visit each and every Hue-man & Hue-woman on this planet.

Let me say this to you one more time:

We have complete permission to visit each and every one of YOU, Hue-man, Hue-woman, Hue-boy, Hue-girl.

This was not available to us only 1 week ago. You have made this possible.

Now we say to you, as the King has encouraged, release, release, release, any and all ideas what we “should” look like. We appear to each in many forms, and as our craft are sentient, you will “feel” us as a thrill in your being…like your young ones sometimes say, “OMG, OMG, OMG”! ***

We will say this…we are awaiting only a few small details to resolve, after which all will know, in a “big” way, “ready” or not, “steady” or not, “aware” or not, that we are here, with you, for you, loving you, NOW!

KOS [King of Swords]

So we leave you with this; We love the efforts of each and every one of you this day. Stay attuned to the PPP which keeps to the color of this planet.

So it is, so it is, so it is.

*Local language for, “Many Thank yous”.
**See photo in Photos, Kauila’s photos of interest
***Texting for, “Oh, My God, Oh, My God, Oh, My God”
From “Jill” February 2010:
For your discernment....This email is from Kau'ila, one who was a part of Mark Huber's A-Team. Mark, Beth Tara and Rama have noted that Kau'ila has gone in a different direction and to use discernment so please do - but I find this post very interesting and especially about snow bound Washington DC.
Kauilapele: Request Lightworkers’ Assistance to Send Intention of Protection and Light to ALL Sacred Sites on this Planet… “Let the galactic doors open” i
Posted on November 10, 2011 by kauilapele

Today I have spoken with one of our Andromeda Command group from Peru whose family has been caretaker of a sacred location in Peru (Chillioroya Center of Illumination) (this is not one of the traditional tourist sites). Here is what she wrote to me today:
“Chillioroya Center of Illumination, Chumbivilcas, Cusco-Peru in danger….needs protection and light to keep it from Hudbay Minerals Co. from Canada to destroy it looking for gold.
“Request spheres of light to protect the physical Andromeda base in Peru and let the galactic doors open in the area…”

There are many sacred sites on the planet like this one, which needs our cooperation and assistance in calling in the Higher Light to keep them protected (shall we say, “honored”) as sacred sites, here on this planet to work with us to help Gaia ascend.

The 11-11-11 portal energy is a potent one. If we bring the intention of caring for, honoring, protecting, our planet’s sacred sites (portals, vortexes, etc.) into this 11-11-11, that intention, and the subsequent Higher Light projection to those sites, will be amplified immensely (this is what was demonstrated by the mega-orb (mega ship) visible in the last postphotos (see the text above, also, “Request spheres of light to protect the physical Andromeda base in Peru”)).

This is our time. This is our opportunity. Please follow your heart, your Higher Self, and thank you for joining us in this endeavor, as you feel so guided.

Below is a list of sites of which I am aware that are asking for assistance, through me, from my Higher view:

■Chillioroya Center of Illumination, Chumbivilcas, Cusco, Peru
■Qoa, Lake Titicaca
■Sacsayhuamán, Cusco, Peru
■Pu’uhonua o Honaunau, Big Island, Hawaii
■Mauna Kea summit, Big Island, Hawaii
■Kilauea, Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii
■Pyramids at Gizeh, Gizeh, Egypt

Please feel free to share any sites which come to you (and which you wish to share) that fall into this category, in the comments section. This way, our collective (worldwide) intention will uplift, honor, and protect each of these.
From his blog:
About kauilapele
I am a Spirit of Light working with energies on this planet, primarily here in Hawai’i (for over 15 years), to assist in the ascension process and bring about the New Earth. My spiritual missions have taken me from the Big Island of Hawai’i to neighbor islands (Oahu, Kauai), as well as to the mainland US, Peru (Cusco), Bolivia (Lake Titicaca), and Egypt (Gizeh, Saqqara, the Pyramids)
He’s even a Iraqi Dinar booster:
More on a “sensing” level, many of us here have “sensed” that the arrests/disclosure/NESARA process has significantly changed during the past year. This is a “sense”, but since many I know have independently received this, I give it some credence (with a “clearwater revival” thrown in). Not sure exactly what this means, but we HAVE felt that the IqD RV is a part of the process although not the entire thing. Especially given that “disclosure” has been planned, and, ADvertently or IN-advertently, pre-announced, this likely caused the “cabal” to jump in and “mess things up”, so everything else changed along with it. But as David Wilcock and Ben Fulford have indicated, there is an “h-e-double-hockey-stick” amount of work going on now to get these cabal buggers out of the show. (Pardon my hockey French!)
Seriously and stepping out of character, I spent 2 weeks with my beautiful wife on a remote part of the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i getting away from it all. The place was infested with friendly native Hawaiians, with whom I had one conversation about non-Hawaiian new-agers trying to adopt traditional Hawaiian spiritual beliefs. Even though most native Hawaiians have a casual relationship to traditional religious beliefs, they get pissed when new-agers try and co-opt them. Big time. And it happens a lot.

In a couple of areas in Hawaii I saw signs asking people not to stack river stones. When I asked about it I found that new-agers had started doing this because it looks cool, but it was too close to some traditional practices and upset the locals. Of course, there were dozens of stacked stone columns at both places.

KauilaPele went so some beaches with Lord Rama and Lady Tara wearing a funny hat, they blew on a conch shell, moved a piece of coral that had washed up on the beach, and chanted some funny words. Effect on ascension and the announcement of NESARA, zero. Effect on Rama and Tara, loss of a member of the A-Team but a free vacation. Effect on any the Hawaiians I told about this: eye rolling, anger at his adopted name (especially the Pele part, she’s culturally popular), and incredulity that anyone, even credulous mainlanders, would believe his nonsense.

I used to cut this guy a bit of slack because he had been a victim of Rama and Tara’s greed (even though his stuff was so silly it was hard to resist), but since he’s been posting glowing endorsements of Bellringer’s hate-filled, anti-Semitic site my sympathy has passed.

Aloha Patrick, you may recognize my name as I have contacted you in the past with questions. I want to first state that I am a dedicated fourwinds reader and truly appreciate what you and Ann are doing to help keep people informed.

I don\'t want you to think I\'m trying to tell you what to do. You have done an excellent job at waking people up over the last several years and I hope you continue your work for a long time to come. I\'m simply making a recommendation that may help prevent so many disillusioned people from turning away from your site where a wealth of information is available. I owe a big portion of my awakening to you.

Mahalo for all you do,

K (KauilaPele)
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

If I had to submit an entry on the list of "Ten Types Of People Who You Would Not Want Sitting Next To You On A Long Airplane Flight", the people who come up with this sort of hooey would come close to topping the list, if they didn't top it.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Deep Knight »

Opening the Portals – A Two-Fisted Deep Knight Adventure

12,000 years ago when the 7 lost continents were lost (Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu, of course, as well as the lesser-known lost continents of Oxenia, Pacificis, Spinyanteateria, and Tutu) the masters decreed that the 7 stargate portals would be closed and hidden at strategic points around the world. As it turns out, 3 of these were in Hawaii, 3 in Peru, and one in Egypt, which is hardly “around” the world, but good hiding places were hard to find. This explains why the ancient Hawaiians were in contact with the ancient Egyptians, even though the stargates were closed they could still be used during holidays and by people who snuck in (e.g. by walking in backwards so anyone seeing them would think they were leaving). This Hawaii-Egypt link can be proven by the following well-known facts.*

1. Egypt had pyramids and Hawaii could have had them too if the Hawaiians had built them.
2. Egyptians were well known for wearing flowered leis and going surfing, just like the Hawaiians.
3. Hawaiians would have mummified their dead except linen cloth was too expensive.
4. The bible talks about the Gold of Egypt and the Kona Gold Coffee of Hawaii.
5. The Valley of the Kings is in Egypt and Hawaii had many valleys and kings.

The time had come to open the portals once more and force the world to ascend to a more ascended state! Many had tried, many had died or run out of funds, so the masters looked around for the anointed one who would open the stargates, mend the rift between the light and dark sides of the force, and announce the millions of secret laws that had been piling up in the intervening millennia. They needed a man who knew his way around soul growth and garment removal, especially hard-to-unhook lingerie. In a word, they needed Deep Knight. The word went out, and within the hour our hero was winging his way across the Pacific in First Class (although he still had to sit next to this really strange individual who was spouting all sorts of hooey).

*Some low-energy “scientists” insist that ancient Egypt was long gone before the first human settled in Hawaii circa 400 AD. This is a Dark Agenda lie to hide who we really were! In reality humans have lived in both places since before 14 billion BC!
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:.... Oxenia, Pacificis, Spinyanteateria, and Tutu .... Now you know you’re just making that up to mess with their heads, and what a wasted effort it is...

Some low-energy “scientists” insist that ancient Egypt was long gone before the first human settled in Hawaii circa 400 AD.
Base lies and canards every one, just covering up the truth as revealed by Lady GooGoo.

.... since before 14 billion BC
Right! Sure!... Now go quietly back to your room and take your medication like a good little Earthshanite.

All I can say is they really better knock this stuff off or Pele will spank, and she does have a sense of humor, a TERRIBLE sense of humor, she doesn't take kindly to puny little insignificances who mock her and use her name in their scams.
Last edited by notorial dissent on Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Deep Knight »

Opening the Portals – A Two-Fisted Deep Knight Adventure
Chapter 1 – The Arrival

Deep Knight walked off the plane into the glaring Hawaiian sunlight. The wind from the desert sands that extended as far as the eye could see were dry and very hot, like an oven. Behind him, in the white-walled city that was Honolulu, the call was going up from the minarets for afternoon prayers. After clearing customs, where the officials barely spoke English, and going by taxi to the hotel, Agent Knight suddenly sensed something was wrong, something a night’s sleep didn’t resolve. It was then he realized he was in Egypt. On reflection, it had probably been unwise to ramble on about the links between Hawaii and ancient Egypt when he booked his trip while hung over from Harvey Wallbanger night at his favorite bar.

After booking a new flight with a travel agent who also barely spoke English (what’s wrong with foreigners these days, don’t they go to school?), Deep Knight dozed off on the flight to awaken as they circled the snow-covered peaks for a landing. The cold air was bracing as he descended the jetway and walked to the terminal. Everything seems alright, but his heightened senses told him there was something amiss and it only took him a matter of hours to realize he was in Alaska instead of Hawaii.

Another night and another booking (where they spoke passible English for a change) led Deep Knight to be packed into another crowded airplane and flown for what seemed like hours to the beautiful sand beaches at Waikiki, where the locals in brightly-colored hats walked their llamas along the narrow streets to the market in the town’s square. His keen senses made him recognize the Spanish being spoken on those streets (all those words ending with “a” and “o”), and after some intense investigation he discovered he was in Lima Peru. For a mad moment he thought about opening the 3 portals there instead, but after being deported by the police for immigration irregularities decided to stick to the original plan and go to Hawaii.

A week later after 7 connecting flights (the cheapest route offered on Expedia), he finally found himself flying over Pearl Harbor and Diamond Head. Honolulu at last! Confirming his location twice, he hailed a taxi and checked in at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel where he was scheduled to meet his contact in the Tiki Room at the bar. Long overdue, his luck finally changed when we found his contact still there, passed out under the table, a victim of an open bar tab and a taste for Mai Tais. The contact came to just long enough to grab Deep Knight by the throat and whisper in his ear, “beware the one-armed man,” before being shot in the head by a shadowy character wearing a long trench coat. Strangely enough, the killer had only one arm.
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Deep Knight »

Opening the Portals – A Two-Fisted Deep Knight Adventure
Chapter 2 – Trouble in Paradise

Deep Knight’s contact lay dead on the Tiki Room’s floor surrounded by fruit wedges speared with tiny plastic swords and little paper umbrellas. The “one-armed man” who murdered him had slipped away, leaving Agent Knight with the choice of following and apprehending him, or searching his contact for clues. He chose the latter, not only did it not involve the possibility of being shot at, his contact might have some loose cash and his expenses during his lengthy trip had drained his wallet. Deep Knight had stripped the dead man down to his underwear when the police showed up.

“McGarrett, Five-O, Freeze!” came the command as a well-dressed detective with perfect hair burst into the room. Agent Knight looked for a quick exit, but the bar was crowded with people gawking at his recent activities. He smiled and tried to give McGarrett a secret Masonic hand signal, but found himself being handcuffed instead. “I’m innocent, it was the one-armed man,” he protested. McGarrett gave him a stern look and asked the assembled crowd, “Did anyone see who did it?” All fingers pointed at Deep Knight. “Book him, Dan-O, murder one!” said McGarrett, and our hero was roughly led out of the bar and into a waiting police wagon.

Dumped into a holding cell with felonious fruit vendors, lawless lei stringers, and homicidal hula dancers, Deep Knight waited for Lightworkers and Galactic Humans to rescue him. Unfortunately, the forces of the New World Order with their cloned Illuminati shock troops got there at the same time, and a pitched battle ensued. Trenches were dug, bunkers built, and heavy artillery brought up from staging areas, making downtown Honolulu look like a department store on Black Friday. Amidst the explosions and the rubble, a hand was extended out to Deep Knight, and a voice said, “Come with me if you want to live.” Grasping at it quickly, he was pulled out of the inferno to find himself being led away by none other than the one-armed man who had killed his contact!
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Deep Knight »

Opening the Portals – A Two-Fisted Deep Knight Adventure
Chapter 3 – Keeper of Secrets

The “one-armed man” had shot and killed Deep Knight’s only contact on the islands, but then rescued him from arrest for the same crime. His keen detective skills led Deep to believe there was more here than met the third eye. During the chase and after several death-defying narrow escapes, he found time between punches and bullets to ask the stranger in the long trench coat about it. Especially why, if this was a two-fisted adventure, he was at least one fist short.

The stranger smiled, and suddenly shaped-shifted into a two-armed man, then a three-armed man, and so on until he looked like a lobster on steroids. Of course, why hadn’t he thought of this before, the one-armed man was a shape shifter from the planet Zagat. Their ability to change appearance at will made them invaluable for tasks that required anonymity, such as restaurant reviews. “That wasn’t your contact, I AM your contact.” Deep Knight instantly saw the embedded CAPITAL LETTERS in his speech and knew he was one of them.

“The man passed out at the bar from drinking doubles was a double agent,” continued the one-armed man who now had two arms, “I found this out by being a double agent for the Dark Agenda myself, but in reality I was a triple agent.” Deep Knight made a mental note to be wary, more than one friend had been double crossed by a triple agent during a foursome. “Normally I can’t interfere with Earth-Shan free will due to the law of non-intervention, but in this case I intervened because it wasn’t intervention.”

“Looked like intervention to me,” murmured Deep Knight was furiously firing a tommygun at police car that was chasing them.

“Looks can be deceiving. Anyway, I’ve been instructed to give the locations of the Stargate portals to you. Other than rescue you, drive the getaway car, kill a dozen or so pursuers, I can do no more and you’re on your own. Tell me when you’ve got a hand free, this will require taking some detailed notes.”

Cradling his death-spitting weapon in one arm, Deep Knight pulled a pad of paper and a pencil out of his houndstooth sports jacket with the other. He laid down a hail of lead, carefully sharpened the pencil and waited for this long-suppressed secret knowledge to be revealed…
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Deep Knight »

Opening the Portals – A Two-Fisted Deep Knight Adventure
Chapter 4 – Revelations Revealed

Though actively being pursued by every vehicle in the state and local police forces, Deep Knight and his driver, the now-two-armed one-armed man, went over the plans to open the stargates.

“You'll need the right tools and supplies. First there’s Pu, the sacred conch shell trumpet. Then of course a big crowbar, a 2-ton winch…”

“Wait a moment, I need to bring a shell full of poo?”

“No, I’m speaking of the large conch shell that when blown like a horn resonates to the 16 minor and 7 major chakras. You need to get one that’s been drilled out and sanctified, these are available at any of the tourist shops.”

The one-armed man gave a list of the items needs to open the stargate, all the while driving at insane speeds on impossible routes while narrowly missing certain death. Deep Knight wrote it all down between shooting at and disabling the bulk of their pursuers – a few more and they would all be gone, making good his escape. Finally, the driver revealed the first site.

“Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau, at the Hale O Keawe heiau, both spelled just like they sound. It’s on Hawai’i so you’ll have to fly to the Big Island.”

“But I’m in Hawaii right now!”

“In Hawaii but on O’hau, Hawai’I is to the left and 4 Islands down, you can’t miss it.”

“And the other stargates?”

“Once you find and activate one, you can teleport to the others. There are symbols around the edge of the disk that relate to certain star fields, each of which has a direction, so all you need to do is figure out where those stars were when the stargate was made and then combine a few of them into a path to that place, dial it using movable outer part of the ring, just like an old phone, and you’re off.”

“But,” Deep Knight objected as he deftly shot a large, exposed propane tank, engulfing their last two pursuers in fiery death, “Don’t I need to know where they are to do that?”

“OK, OK,“ said the one-armed man, as he pulled onto the interstate and sped towards the Honolulu airport, they’re at the summits of Mauna Kea and Kilauea, both on the island of Hawaii too. Kilauea is an active volcano and erupting, so watch your step when you transport there.” Dropping Deep Knight off at the Interisland Terminal, he added one final word of caution, “There are dark agents of the Dark Agenda who would just as soon kill you as look at you, although they probably would have to look at you first to kill you. They infest these islands, watch out for them. You can tell who they are because they’re friendly, helpful, and smiling all the time. Beware!”
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Deep Knight wrote:“In Hawaii but on O’hau, Hawai’I is to the left and 4 Islands down, you can’t miss it.”
In the words of Bob Newhart: "It's kind of kidney shaped, isn't it?"
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Deep Knight »

Opening the Portals – A Two-Fisted Deep Knight Adventure
Chapter 5 – A Hot Time on the Big Island Tonight

Deep Knight stepped off the Hawaii A-Go-Go turboprop plane and went into the Lihue terminal on the Big Island, grabbing an early afternoon edition of the Garden Island Gazette, Globe & Guardian hot off the newsstand. The headlines screamed the news of his narrow escape in large type, “Carnage in Honolulu, Thousands Dead and Injured by Escaping Madman!” The article went on to say that insiders 38 levels above the president had provided information that the fugitive was going to “The Big Island” and all of its airports were on lockdown. He looked nervously around but noticed nary a single lock. What sort of wicked games were they playing, toying with him like a cat with a mouse?

It was almost an hour later that Agent Knight finally realized that he wasn’t on “The Big Island” of Hawai’i after all, but on the “garden island” of Kaua’i instead. He made a mental note not to mumble when getting tickets next time. But, as it turns out, he had be lucky to make the mistake, from the information in the paper he realized that the one-armed man with two arms was really a quadruple rather than a triple agent, and the authorities were informed of his plans to visit the place with the strange name on the Big Island to open its stargate.

It was looking like he would have to cancel his mission and hang on the beach working on his tan instead, when he noticed a brochure at a kiosk in the airport lobby that announced:

Aloha! We hear the calling to Paradise, it is a place that our soul knows well, a place of eternal beauty and peace. We have yearned for this time of the calling. What does it mean to LIVE the New Golden Lemuria? It means to honor the calling of Your Soul and return to living and creating from a place of peace and harmony. Gift yourself with an opportunity to spend a week honoring the raising of your vibration, activating Your DNA and creating Your Light Body as we prepare for Ascension. Together with the Whales & Dolphins, we will open your light bodies with the ancient tones and codes. Your Crystalline DNA opens through the powers of the Lemurian Codes of Light; the Harmonic Overtones through the Language of Light that was first brought to Earth by the Whales and Dolphins. We are being called to greet the Ancient Ones, the White Whales that are bringing us the “Codes of Creation” through the original Star Gate in Kauai.*

Deep Knight considered the strange coincidences that had brought him this far, and wondered if he had been led here not by his own ineptness and stupidity, but by an universal plan more ancient than the pretzels sold as a $10 snack on the budget flights he had been taking lately. Indeed, the universe worked in inexplicable ways that were hard to explain! He took the brochure, hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address.

*An actual quote.
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Deep Knight
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Deep Knight »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:“In Hawaii but on O’hau, Hawai’I is to the left and 4 Islands down, you can’t miss it.”
In the words of Bob Newhart: "It's kind of kidney shaped, isn't it?"

What exactly has Bob been doing to his kidneys?
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

"It's kind of kidney shaped" or "It's kind of liver shaped" is a line towards the end of the "Grace L Ferguson Airline and Storm Door Company" story, the premise for using said airline being trying to get to Hawaii on a three day pass.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
Deep Knight
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Deep Knight »

Opening the Portals – A Two-Fisted Deep Knight Adventure
Chapter 6 – Lemuria Strikes Back

The address in Wailua Deep Knight was led to by the brochure turned out to be a mail drop at Fruit Stand. The owner was none-to-happy to answer questions about the New Golden Leurians. “Not only do they owe me money, you get the strangest people coming in here looking for them. No offense.”

Deep Knight didn’t take any offense, especially since he had disguised himself as “just another tourist” wearing flip flops (locally called “slippers”), a gaudy flowered shirt, and grass hula skirt (he passed on the coconut-shell brassiere). Given the tip that the organizers of these events actually lived on the mainland, he called the number listed in the brochure and got a person of indeterminate sex who refused to give him a name, but was ready to sign him up.

“We will gather in Kauai to honor the Ancients and begin Living the New Lemurian energy and consciousness. It is the time we have waited for and it the time to return to Oneness. Prepare to meet the 13 White Whale Council that are the Starseed Council governing the Codes of Creation for Earth. Experience a Sound Activation and Portal that carries 528 frequency of miracles and love. Visit the magical tropical gardens and waterfalls and see one of the world's largest crystals. Please honor the calling of your heart and join us for this healing and joyful retreat, March 2012, only $999.00.”*

“I need to visit the stargate now,” explained Agent Knight, “on a special secret mission. Could you tell me where it is?”

“This is on a need to know basis only,” said the strange voice, “and until you are granted permission by the Guardians to visit this ancient land, receive the gifts of our communion together and your deposit check clears you don’t need to know.”

“I AM a representative of The Forces,” explained Deep, “and operate 38 and a half levels above the president. I know Saint Germain on a first named basis. Time is short, and it must be done immediately, if not sooner.”

“If you were a representative of The Forces, then Master Cat Puddah would know, and she doesn’t,” explained the strange voice.

“So, Puddah is a 12-foot tall feline Pashant warrior like Mother Sekhmet?”

“No, she’s my housecat.”

Seeing that this was getting him nowhere while eating up his phone plan’s “roaming” minutes, Deep Knight hung up and meditated on all that he had learned so far. He pondered the crazed events of the last two weeks while taking a walk on the beach along the Coconut Coast where Elvis filmed Blue Hawaii. It always made him feel better to walk in the footsteps of The King, although it had earned him a restraining order for Graceland in Memphis. Suddenly, and without warning, a humpback whale breached next to the shore, landed on the beach, swallowed Agent Knight, and with the great dexterity its species is known for, eased its way back into the ocean.

*actual quotes

Laurie Reyon is an Animal Communicator, Intuitive, Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Life Path Coach. She studied Veterinary Medicine in college where she received her AHT and Radiology degree. After the Northridge earthquake in 1994 she suffered an accident with complications and ultimately experienced a radiant Near-Death Experience during which she actually died for six minutes. She subsequently lived in Baja Mexico where she began interacting with the local dolphins and whales, being taught their wisdom and writing their stories and prayers. Laurie Reyon has been named “Standing Whale Mother” by the Native Americans and is now strongly guided to bring the wisdom and healing energies of the whales and the dolphins to the people, guided by Spirit and the energy of Puddah, the Master Cat she works with. Currently, Reyon and Puddah work as a team, offering many classes, Life Path, Angelic and Akashic Record consultations, Animal communication, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Workshops, Life Coaching, and Healing with the Dolphins and Whales workshops, and Clearing sessions. They also facilitate boat trips that provide opportunities for viewing and communicating with the dolphins and frequently whales. Reyon offers workshops and individual coaching for those that want to learn “The Merkaba Geometries and Meditation” created by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Reyon is also an affiliate for the nutritional supplement Genewize, which is created and personalized for the individual from their own DNA.


Puddah is a Being of Ascended Master energy. “He” has incarnated into the body of a cat five separate times during Laurie Reyon's life. Each time Puddah has brought her many gifts; including wisdom, great healing, remembrance of her star lineage and the gift of telepathy. At present, “he” is incarnated as a female cat whose greatest joy in life is to teach from his/her great wisdom. Puddah and Laurie Reyon are in constant telepathic communication and work together as a team in service to assist others through their consultations, classes, workshops, coaching and Whale & Dolphin Boat Trips. Puddah loves to travel with her human Mom “Reyon” so that she can meet people and teach live in Cat whenever possible. Puddah Quote: “I bring Awareness or Remembrance of Love from the Creator and One Source. I give birth to a Higher Love whenever that intent is given or allowed for in my presence.”
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Kestrel »

Deep Knight wrote:Suddenly, and without warning, a humpback whale breached next to the shore, landed on the beach, swallowed Agent Knight, and with the great dexterity its species is known for, eased its way back into the ocean.

Can't wait until the next installment.

Either we're dealing with Jonah and the whale is headed for Ninevah, or we're dealing with Paikea the Whale Rider and the whale is bringing the new leader to the Maori people on Aotearoa (plebes know it as New Zealand). [Some nice whale scenes in that link.] Will Knight be pressed into proclaiming imminent destruction to the city, or find himself leading a Haka War Dance with the natives? Or will Knight merely discover he is sitting on slimy whale tonsils in the company of a talking wooden boy with donkey ears?

Stand by and find out!
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Deep Knight »

Opening the Portals – A Two-Fisted Deep Knight Adventure
Chapter 7 – The Process of Liquidation under the Bankruptcy Laws of the United States

Deep Knight, now in the belly of a whale, pondered fate, his existence, and the fishy smell that surrounded him. First he reviewed what he knew about stargates.

“A Stargate is an etheric interdimensional energy alignment between two points in interstellar space, which allows high vigrational energies to pass through long distances of space, along the space time continuum. Stargates energies accelerate the integration of higher dimensions, such as fifth and beyond, into the etheric grid structures of Earth. These sub-atomic energies serve to allow the acceleration of the awakening and gathering of group consciousness, which is in line with the evolution and the divine plan of the creator/God.

Stargate 44 or 444 is in Hawaii and is powered by the Emerald Green Ray. It is the portal through which legions of Angels are coming to Earth to co-create a cultural Renaissance in music, art, literature, etc. It is the Mother Stargate . ALL stargate energies pour their energies through Stargate 44 or 444* (depending, he guessed, on if you use the New or Old Lemurian Timeline numbering system).”

Second, he reviewed what he knew about whale digestive systems.

“Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) eat and digest up to 1.5 tons (3,000 lbs) of food a day.”

Given that Agent Knight weighed 200 lbs and most days were 24 hours, he had only about 96 minutes before he was totally digested, and the clock had been ticking since the end of Chapter 6. What implausible plot twist would save him now? He sat back, lit up a cigarette, and tried to remember the details of the Jonah story. Unfortunately, he had missed most of his Sunday School classes when he had snuck out for smokes.

Just then, the whale started to convulse and Deep realized that the nicotine in his cigarette was having the same effect on the humpback as it had on him as a child, unrestrained nausea. He puffed more rapidly and even though in total darkness, could see the whale turning green. Suddenly, like Jonah, he was vomited up and out and onto a tropical beach. A quick check of the position of the sun confirmed that he was now on the Hawaiian Island of Maui, and the warning signs in front of him gave an even more-exact location, the Monastery of the Retreat of the Convent of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.

*Once again actual quotes, this time from a new-age center in Wisconsin located (you guessed it) above a stargate and sunken Egyptian pyramid.
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Deep Knight »

Opening the Portals – A Two-Fisted Deep Knight Adventure
Chapter 7.5 – Deep Knight Tries to Wrap This Up by Christmas

Captured by the mysterious Sisters of Sorcha Faal, Deep Knight has been strapped into a chair and forced to read their various internet revelations, including this one from last summer.

Sorcha Faal: Hawaiian Star Gate Opens After ‘Black Knight’ Satellite Activated*

Sunday, 3-Jul-2011 A secret report prepared by the Russian Federal Space Agency (FKA/RKA) circulating in the Kremlin today states that the new inter-dimensional “Star Gate” opened on 22 June off the Hawaiian Islands in the Central Pacific was “triggered” by signals emanating from the mysterious ancient satellite orbiting our Earth known as “The Black Knight.”

The FKA/RKA in their report further state that the location of this “Star Gate” over the waters off Maui, the second-largest of the Hawaiian Islands after Mauna Kea, is “greatly significant” as this area is the largest breeding ground for North Pacific humpback whales who migrate to this region from their feeding grounds in Alaska.

The significance of whales to the FKA/RKA we had previously noted in our 23 May report “Attack On Japan, US Linked To ‘Alien Whale Race’ Nearing Earth” wherein we noted: “Going from the chilling to the downright shocking is this report further stating; that based upon the analysis of the electronic ‘signatures’ emanating from Titan, the Earth’s Moon and the believed to be ‘UFO fleet’ following in the wake of Comet Elenin, that is fast nearing our planet, the only, and logical, interpretation that can be made is that they are, in fact, ‘whale songs.’”

In this new report the FKA/RKA adds the mysterious “Black Knight” satellite to the growing number of outer space objects within our solar system that are now transmitting these “whale songs” towards our Earth for purposes that are as of now still not understood.

According to the ancient writings about Jonah he was ordered by God to go to the city of Nineveh to warn them of their wickedness. Instead of going to Nineveh, however, Jonah went in the other direction as fast as he could but while at sea the boat he was on was captured by a storm which threw the wayward prophet overboard whereupon he was swallowed by a “large fish” which he spent the next 3 days and nights in the belly of. After Jonah was “vomited” out of the “large fish” he changed his mind and did as he was ordered.

Up until recently this was the accepted story of Jonah and the Whale when a group of independent researchers in Canada known as The Chronicle Project determined that the Old Testament (which the story of Jonah was first recorded in) had been “grossly mistranslated.” Following three years of research, which have uncovered the actual system for translating ancient Hebrew, The Chronicle Project team group discovered that each letter is not a letter at all, but a full word, and what was believed to be a word, is actually a sentence like description, which supplies the definition of the word. With this discovery, each word can now be properly defined and the results are astounding.

And in the context of the story of Jonah and the Whale, this research sheds new light on whales because when this story is translated according to The Chronicle Project, Jonah is not “swallowed” by a “large fish,” but is instead “transported” to the “sky home” of the “levitations of the deep sea” [whales] that “circles the heavens” above the Earth where he was shown “all things that were and all things to come."

*An actual quote - even I can't make up stuff this inane.
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by The Observer »

Kind of disappointing that we skipped from chapter 7 to chapter 7.5. What happened to chapter 7.25? Or 7.33333333333333333333?
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:Kind of disappointing that we skipped from chapter 7 to chapter 7.5. What happened to chapter 7.25? Or 7.33333333333333333333?
We members of the Illuminati, the New World Order, Zionist Kayaking Bolsheviks, and Bohemian Grove may be evil, but we have the highest literary ethics. Not that I couldn't somehow take credit for a chapter that was almost entirely cut 'n pasted from the internet, but I couldn't bring myself to give it it's own chapter number. I originally wanted to name it Chapter 7.2973525698, the Fine Structure Constant times 1000, but the number of ladies I pick up due to obscure references to atomic physicists are limited, so...
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Do you REALLY think these acknowledgele cut-and-pasted quotes will increase you chances with the young (or at least hot and willing to put out) ladies?
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Re: KauilaPele

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Zionist Kayaking Bolsheviks
I haven't got my membership card. Who do I complain to?
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