Deep Knight was gone for 2 weeks to Hawaii to open the 3 stargate portals there (of the 7 on Earth-Shan 3 are on Hawaii – go figure). The process is complicated, but involved roasting a pig underground then doing a hula dance while Don Ho sang “Tiny bubbles.”
Which brings us to KauilaPele.
KauilaPele (a.k.a. Kauila or Kau'ila – the name of a Hawaiian tree that has wood so dense it sinks in water, almost as dense as Kauilapele himself – and Pele is the Hawaiian goddess of fire, lightning, wind, and volcanoes) who bankrolled Lord Rama and Lady Tara going to Hawaii to “open the portals” and kickstart ascension in 2009. Needless to say it didn’t work and caused a breakup with their group (he was listed as a leading member of “The A Team,” which no doubt was because he had money and was a soft touch). Recently he’s been posting his videos on YouTube, has an online blog, and has been sending admiring letters to Bellringer. A recap.
From “Jill” February 2010:Ashtar and KOS - IMPORTANT MESSAGE!!!
Posted by admin On July - 27 - 2009
Note: comments in brackets, [ ], are inserts by Kau’ila. LSD = Lemurian Solar Disc, OLTL = Original Lemurian Time Line, PPP = Pink Platinum Pyramid.
The precise punctuation and “grammar” of this message are as received, and may contain underlying messages. The punctuation and spelling and writing and grammar are NOT to be altered in any way shape or form.
Comments added, other than additions from Mark and Beth, need the approval of King of Swords.
090727, Monday
King of Swords message… [for the entire GRT community]
We welcome you again into the bosom of Pink Platinum Love vibration.
This messenger has seen many pink signals, like yesterday in the pink sunrise in the clouds, today, one of the doves with a pink glow on her breast. We will leave the explanation to the technical commanders. Do know this, you have come this far so far so high, that as you all have ascended in conscious awareness of who you are, and released ideas what you are not, only because of this was the pink platinum vibration able & willing, if you will, to enter. Much Mahalos, as the Hawaiian pidgins say!*
Leaps & bounds, jumps & spurts, are worlds you enter now, and many are in. Release a lot (hold onto it NOT), rapid forward/upward movement.
Each moment what sufficed in the previous one is eligible for release.
Again we say, Live THIS moment. Love THIS moment. Release THIS moment.
Need we say more? Imperative, I say, at this moment!
A note that as K-man arrived at Java Rocks, a craft appeared that thrilled, a craft with wings, angel wings, perhaps, but smaller.**
More like the Mercury man’s hat, you know the fast one… Rapid, rapid, rapid is the word for VISIBLE change change change. Hold on to your hats, no?
Yet we say rapid movement encourages rapid release, and brings you always greater freedom.
There is nothing in what you see today that holds for tomorrow. Enjoy, release, enjoy, release, enjoy, release. En-joy…be in joy.
Now this dear one you know as Ashtar comes…
Many blessings to you of many hue man kinds. Your colors are that much brighter and radiant from these past 7 days of transformation, transmutation; so much so that we have complete (we do not lightly use that word) I repeat complete permission, if you will, to visit each and every Hue-man & Hue-woman on this planet.
Let me say this to you one more time:
We have complete permission to visit each and every one of YOU, Hue-man, Hue-woman, Hue-boy, Hue-girl.
This was not available to us only 1 week ago. You have made this possible.
Now we say to you, as the King has encouraged, release, release, release, any and all ideas what we “should” look like. We appear to each in many forms, and as our craft are sentient, you will “feel” us as a thrill in your being…like your young ones sometimes say, “OMG, OMG, OMG”! ***
We will say this…we are awaiting only a few small details to resolve, after which all will know, in a “big” way, “ready” or not, “steady” or not, “aware” or not, that we are here, with you, for you, loving you, NOW!
KOS [King of Swords]
So we leave you with this; We love the efforts of each and every one of you this day. Stay attuned to the PPP which keeps to the color of this planet.
So it is, so it is, so it is.
*Local language for, “Many Thank yous”.
**See photo in Photos, Kauila’s photos of interest
***Texting for, “Oh, My God, Oh, My God, Oh, My God”
For your discernment....This email is from Kau'ila, one who was a part of Mark Huber's A-Team. Mark, Beth Tara and Rama have noted that Kau'ila has gone in a different direction and to use discernment so please do - but I find this post very interesting and especially about snow bound Washington DC.
From his blog:Kauilapele: Request Lightworkers’ Assistance to Send Intention of Protection and Light to ALL Sacred Sites on this Planet… “Let the galactic doors open” i
Posted on November 10, 2011 by kauilapele
Today I have spoken with one of our Andromeda Command group from Peru whose family has been caretaker of a sacred location in Peru (Chillioroya Center of Illumination) (this is not one of the traditional tourist sites). Here is what she wrote to me today:
“Chillioroya Center of Illumination, Chumbivilcas, Cusco-Peru in danger….needs protection and light to keep it from Hudbay Minerals Co. from Canada to destroy it looking for gold.
“Request spheres of light to protect the physical Andromeda base in Peru and let the galactic doors open in the area…”
There are many sacred sites on the planet like this one, which needs our cooperation and assistance in calling in the Higher Light to keep them protected (shall we say, “honored”) as sacred sites, here on this planet to work with us to help Gaia ascend.
The 11-11-11 portal energy is a potent one. If we bring the intention of caring for, honoring, protecting, our planet’s sacred sites (portals, vortexes, etc.) into this 11-11-11, that intention, and the subsequent Higher Light projection to those sites, will be amplified immensely (this is what was demonstrated by the mega-orb (mega ship) visible in the last postphotos (see the text above, also, “Request spheres of light to protect the physical Andromeda base in Peru”)).
This is our time. This is our opportunity. Please follow your heart, your Higher Self, and thank you for joining us in this endeavor, as you feel so guided.
Below is a list of sites of which I am aware that are asking for assistance, through me, from my Higher view:
■Chillioroya Center of Illumination, Chumbivilcas, Cusco, Peru
■Qoa, Lake Titicaca
■Sacsayhuamán, Cusco, Peru
■Pu’uhonua o Honaunau, Big Island, Hawaii
■Mauna Kea summit, Big Island, Hawaii
■Kilauea, Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii
■Pyramids at Gizeh, Gizeh, Egypt
Please feel free to share any sites which come to you (and which you wish to share) that fall into this category, in the comments section. This way, our collective (worldwide) intention will uplift, honor, and protect each of these.
He’s even a Iraqi Dinar booster:About kauilapele
I am a Spirit of Light working with energies on this planet, primarily here in Hawai’i (for over 15 years), to assist in the ascension process and bring about the New Earth. My spiritual missions have taken me from the Big Island of Hawai’i to neighbor islands (Oahu, Kauai), as well as to the mainland US, Peru (Cusco), Bolivia (Lake Titicaca), and Egypt (Gizeh, Saqqara, the Pyramids)
Seriously and stepping out of character, I spent 2 weeks with my beautiful wife on a remote part of the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i getting away from it all. The place was infested with friendly native Hawaiians, with whom I had one conversation about non-Hawaiian new-agers trying to adopt traditional Hawaiian spiritual beliefs. Even though most native Hawaiians have a casual relationship to traditional religious beliefs, they get pissed when new-agers try and co-opt them. Big time. And it happens a lot.More on a “sensing” level, many of us here have “sensed” that the arrests/disclosure/NESARA process has significantly changed during the past year. This is a “sense”, but since many I know have independently received this, I give it some credence (with a “clearwater revival” thrown in). Not sure exactly what this means, but we HAVE felt that the IqD RV is a part of the process although not the entire thing. Especially given that “disclosure” has been planned, and, ADvertently or IN-advertently, pre-announced, this likely caused the “cabal” to jump in and “mess things up”, so everything else changed along with it. But as David Wilcock and Ben Fulford have indicated, there is an “h-e-double-hockey-stick” amount of work going on now to get these cabal buggers out of the show. (Pardon my hockey French!)
In a couple of areas in Hawaii I saw signs asking people not to stack river stones. When I asked about it I found that new-agers had started doing this because it looks cool, but it was too close to some traditional practices and upset the locals. Of course, there were dozens of stacked stone columns at both places.
KauilaPele went so some beaches with Lord Rama and Lady Tara wearing a funny hat, they blew on a conch shell, moved a piece of coral that had washed up on the beach, and chanted some funny words. Effect on ascension and the announcement of NESARA, zero. Effect on Rama and Tara, loss of a member of the A-Team but a free vacation. Effect on any the Hawaiians I told about this: eye rolling, anger at his adopted name (especially the Pele part, she’s culturally popular), and incredulity that anyone, even credulous mainlanders, would believe his nonsense.
I used to cut this guy a bit of slack because he had been a victim of Rama and Tara’s greed (even though his stuff was so silly it was hard to resist), but since he’s been posting glowing endorsements of Bellringer’s hate-filled, anti-Semitic site my sympathy has passed.
Aloha Patrick, you may recognize my name as I have contacted you in the past with questions. I want to first state that I am a dedicated fourwinds reader and truly appreciate what you and Ann are doing to help keep people informed.
I don\'t want you to think I\'m trying to tell you what to do. You have done an excellent job at waking people up over the last several years and I hope you continue your work for a long time to come. I\'m simply making a recommendation that may help prevent so many disillusioned people from turning away from your site where a wealth of information is available. I owe a big portion of my awakening to you.
Mahalo for all you do,
K (KauilaPele)