OK, I'm going to Fisk togatubby's claims. Note: I was USMC, not Army, so I may be missing some subtleties here and there. Here goes:
Someone asked if I was ever in the military. I've never been in the military in an official capacity.
Once you stick your right paw in the air and swear the oath of enlistment, you're officially in, you are under the authority of the UCMJ,. Lie #1.
I've only received some weapons training, some overnight stuff in cold conditions and marching instruction.
Sounds like he got cycled out of recruit training.
I developed a leak in my synovila membrane (right hip) at Ft. Dix in January, 1988, during basic training marching exercises in heavy boots some 20 miles in, and they sent me home the last week of Basic after a stay in the hospital.
If true, he should be in a wheelchair. Lie #2.
The 1st Sgt. instructed me that I was to tell people that I had never been in the Army because of the leak that ended my effort to become a 68 Bravo (helicopter engine mechanic) because you're not officially "in" until you finish Basic Training.
Lie #3.
My duties would have been to go down a rope from a hovering helicopter to see if anything could be salvaged from a shot down helicopter during wartime.
No, he would've been (at worst) a fobbit turning a wrench, "in the rear with the beer and the gear." No fast-roping into war zones or anything like that. Lie #4.
They said I could try again in two years, but the romance all just went away after the first run through.
The injury described is permanently disqualifying. Lie #5.
There is not much more to say on the matter.
Aside from saying that he's a lying gobshite, of course.