Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

texino wrote:Hello, it's Texino and don't think I haven't noticed that certain people in this place are sporting large colored user names while the rest of us have skinny black fonts. I figure that the colors equal Red for Power and Green for Money. Might be something else. I don't know.
Actually, the green names indicate people who are already lined up for their share of oxygen and will not have to worry about running out of air to breathe. The red names are people who are on the waiting list to be awarded any leftover oxygen. The people with the names in black are the ones who are just plain out of luck.

Not sure why Deep Knight doesn't have a green name, usually he is pretty good at covering his bases. I am assuming that on his last visit to Rigel, he got a stomata transplant and is relying on breathing carbon dioxide instead.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

... and those of us who have light purple names generate our own oxygen as we walk along. We're that advanced.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by texino »

Oh I see. Well, I plan to construct a hyperbaric chamber from one of the many surplus iron lungs leftover from the next war. I will use it to drive harmful CO from my blood and build up my oxygen account to a degree where I could stroll on Mars if I wanted. As for Deep Knight, I'm sure he has his O2 bases covered. OK, remember not to go breaking any gas laws, as the penalties are severe
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:... and those of us who have light purple names generate our own oxygen as we walk along. We're that advanced.
Yeah, but can you get 150 mpg while driving a '47 Studebaker?

Friday, February 1, 2013

[cut 'n paste article on how an amendment to Obamacare does somethin' or other really sneaky]

I Forwarded This as I Thought Others Should See This If True! - Erasmus Of America


Engineers of Shell Oil sponsored for years tests on high gas mileage. Results of their tests were written up in a book they wrote and released in 1977. I have a copy of this engineering book which I checked on today Feb. 1, 2013 and found used copies of this engineering book now selling for $285, $595, $698.37 and $950. over the internet. I don't plan to sell my copy of this engineering book! Their conclusions back then were that cars were basically using around 25% of the energy available from the fuel they were using. The rest was wasted in cars! On pages 222-233 were shown photos of some of the cars tested for modified and increased gas mileage using engineering tactics shown in this book. A modified 1947 Studebaker achieved 149.95 miles per US gallon in the 1949 Wood River competition. ... In 1976, one vehicle achieved a 1141 miles per gallon. I stated all this first to give more credibility to what I am doing to state next.
I had studied mechanical engineering with an engineering school and in 1979 took a 1976 Chevrolet Monza getting around 17- 18 1/2 miles per gallon and judged this with correct engineering modifications should do far better than this. I spent basically $20 in items to modify the engine with and in a publicly witnessed test got it up to 94 miles per gallon. This created shockwaves in my area and was widely talked about. I also received threats to stop my car research project or else! This included one time where my brakes were tampered with in hopes it appeared to kill me if driving at high speed. One business friend of mine came to me and delivered the message to me that an unidentified man over the phone told him to tell me that I would be legally framed if I continued this car research project. My wife and the wife of an engineer working with me were both scared and asked us to stop this high gas mileage research project before both of us were murdered and they were then made widows. Knowing that Washington policy was secretly they did not want high gas mileage in America, not due to fear but common sense as I had no one on my side legally, I dropped the high gas mileage research project but had discovered a major mistake in the design of American and foreign car engines. Almost any car in America should get double to triple its present gas mileage if they stop using what I call "sabotaged engineering" to reduce their efficiency on the road. I don't believe the auto engineers at Detroit then did not know the angle I had discovered in 1979, but under orders from secret sources were told not to use this obvious angle that could be used in auto engineering. So due to corruption in engineering from high sources including Wash., D.C., you are spending twice as much for gasoline as you would under an honest government in Wash., D.C. which only exists in theory but not in practice and reality.
In my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity," I include the basic principles I used to get the 1976 Chevy Monza to go up to 94 miles per gallon and on regular roads at moderate to high speed based upon conditions on the open road. It is all laws of physics which I suspect auto engineers willfully ignored as they were ordered to if I am correct in suspicion. If I had continued this research project with this car, I think I could have probably gotten it up to 120 miles per gallon or a bit higher. ...
A good engineering friend of mine died a few years ago but told me of an intriguing story when he was alive. A man used one engineering trick to get his car up to 150 miles per gallon. He told the basic secret but people did not really understand what he was saying. He put signs on his car boasting of his 150 miles per gallon gas mileage on his car. The police arrested him for doing this. When after arrest the first time by police for I am sure was nonsense charges to silence him, he again had this sign on his car boasting that he was getting 150 miles per gallon on his car. He soon afterwards disappeared and was never seen again. As my engineering friend had implied, it sounded like he was murdered in order to silence him.
The other day when I picked up two more engineering references (I have a huge technical library I assembled for my planned Camelot Project once I build it. I probably have $1 million or more in value of technical reference books for this engineering community once built!). Suddenly I noticed in one they had the correct engineering reference showing what this man had to mean when he said what was the principle to his high gas mileage of 150 miles per gallon. I now know what the man was saying and it makes beautiful engineering sense. Either as part of my book on early Christianity or else as a bonus sent along with it, I will give you his secret how he got 150 miles per gallon and it is sound engineering! Through Feb. 8, 2013, if you order the book, I include the 150 miles per gallon engineering secret he had. I am ethical and don't cheat those who have already ordered this book. You get the 150 miles per gallon answer of his either in or else with the book. Actually you could potentially even for $50 to $200 get from an auto junkyard a special item used with the auto engine of the junk cars, modify it a bit for your personal use on your car, and if you get 150 miles per gallon, fantastic! Even if only 70 miles per gallon, 90 miles per gallon, or 120 miles per gallon, etc., you are suddenly gaining energy independence from corrupt Washington policy and if you can do this, you suddenly have given yourself a pay increase as your money you receive as income you can now buy more with in your daily life and take better care of your family in the process. I am not one who is stopped by threats. So now that I have the means to come back on those corrupt elements who threatened me in 1979 not to help the American people with the American Energy Crisis then and still continuing full strength through 2013, I am showing you these auto high gas mileage angles now through this book!
If you have a credit card or debit card, the book may be ordered through my website ...The book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" is basically done. Part is typeset and part to be typeset from the research material already set up to be typeset which shouldn't take long now. ...
P.S. Let's have once more America under God and freedom instead of America of the downtrodden and defeated Americans!

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:01 PM

I don't know about you, but some of my favorite stories of the early church are those where St. Paul and St. Peter get better gas mileage. I believe it's in the "Acts of the Apostles and their Cars."

Strangely enough, Gassy Rassy gives 3 separate stories of how he discovered the secrets of high mileage, and then adds the "brake tampering" story (which seems to have happened to him and some friends an amazing number of times) just to show us it's true! I'm not sure why he thinks that he's somehow protected from reprisal by the high-gas-mileage goon squad now, but just to be on the safe side he might consider not only checking his brakes before he starts the engine, but all those other areas we Illuminati like to sabotage - headlights, dipstick, windshield washer fluid reservoir, crankshaft, universal joints, and cigarette lighter. Oh yeah, then there's the ol' toilet tank flapper valve trick where one flush and kaboom the whole bathroom goes into orbit! One stands in awe of his bravery and courage, facing certain death to get out the truth about the automotive engineering secrets of the bible. Que macho!

1947 Studebaker

1976 Monza

American Standard 228 after detonation
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

This clown actually includes a chapter on enhanced mileage in automobiles in a serious work on Apostolic Christianity? As "The King" said, "it is a puzzlement."
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:This clown actually includes a chapter on enhanced mileage in automobiles in a serious work on Apostolic Christianity? As "The King" said, "it is a puzzlement."
Elvis said that? The Elvis I knew (he used to be in the Illuminati's "Degradation of Youth through Hip Motion" Division when I was cutting my teeth in the evil business) said things like "Thank you very much," and "Uh, huh, huh," and almost certainly would have used "it's" instead of "it is" unless it was at the end of a phrase, such as "that's the way it is."
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Rassy has another "comment" post where he starts out with links to hyperventilating screeds about RFID chips being implanted in your tender parts and killing you, but soon potentially wanders far afield.

Friday, February 8, 2013
SOUNDS DEADLY!!!..Microchip Implant Coming March 23, 2013 Forwarded With Comments By Erasmus Of America 12:50
I wonder where they think they can find somebody big enough to hold me down and put a chip in me?
[We'll send Bubba]
I am finishing working on my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" which I hope to have released in about two weeks now. For those who ordered the book already in a just before release offer, I reward my supporters in ways I don't always tell them first. I am having released to them later this week information a couple of friends tipped me off about of a way to take a lowly $50 and potentially even have it turn into a lot of money in a potentially short time, maybe even a million dollars if things go as planned by those business people who set up a very intriguing business project started in 2011 and ready for completion now. Timing is everything for the maximum dollar back from this! This potentially might be one of the fastest returns on money ever seen in America! I am out to help the serious Christians become potentially even rich. Then they can finance Christian activities and projects far more powerfully in America and worldwide. I think real Christians and patriots should be rewarded and helped, so released this information for those who care about America. The book is offered on my website fatboozeramericaneconomy.com .Credit cards through PayPal are accepted on this website. Price is $25.00 and SC sales tax of $1.50. Shipping is free. Or send in any checks, etc. to NIFI and mailed to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Say "for book" and give us your name, address, email, etc. and you will be shipped to as soon as book is released.
My book covers key topics of first Christianity from the mainline Christian writings from Christ and Apostles through around 400 years afterwards. I picked the easier early Christian writings to quote from so it is easy for my readers to follow the themes being taught for 400 years after Christ and the Apostles. All the churches can learn from first official Apostolic Christianity. They knew what serious real Christianity was as founded by Jesus Christ and His Apostles. For example, I don't hear any of the churches preach today on what Paradise was and is according to the first Church Father teachings on this subject shortly after Christ and the Apostles! The $50 bonus report and one other report on a super powerful way people have been making very high returns on their money are included as bonus reports in this book. Also, a number of other powerful bonus reports in various fields were added to the material from first early Christianity so people will feel that Apostolic Christianity is relevant to our modern age as well, not just 1,600 years ago, etc. As Bishop Fulton J. Sheen commented after World War II, ...
By the way, the results of the national election of 2012 stops nothing I am committed to do. Read my 110 or so national reports posted with Nesara News since April, 2012 through Feb., 2013. Put in my pen name of Erasmus of America in their search box and read my deadly and "controversial" national reports from then to now. After all what is more "controversial" than the truth? I guess that is why Nesara News keeps growing in national and international audience! They dare to post the truth on the internet. Too many shadowbox with the truth in key national issues. Nesara News is doing a great job of spreading the truth in America and across the world now! And folks, when you are ready, back me for passage of "The Omni Law" which is among these posted Nesara national reports of mine. When the Omni Law is passed ...

As I am working hard to finish this book which will be ready quickly now, I can't answer much in emails until this book is done. Mainly the book is done, but the typesetting of parts not already typeset does take a little time to do!

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the Christian patriot the evil love to hate as they hate the truth exposed to the nation and do not want America saved from the corrupt and traitors in Wash., D.C. But I see more and more Christians and other patriots now seeing what I see. And agreeing with me, my base of national support is growing now! And in the end, I should win! Don't forget I have my father's secret Vatican endorsed food process ...

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:52 PM

Does Gassy Rassy have the inside line on high-yield prime-bank investments that get "rolled" and "leveraged" into $millions from a $50 investment overnight? It's true! What the powers that be don't want you to know is that there are literally millions of people about to make billions of dollars out there who need $50 immediately! And they're willing to share this vast wealth they'll be getting very, very, very soon with you if you'll only send them a General Grant wrapped in aluminum foil. You see, timing is everything but you have to act now! And don't blame me if it gets delayed indefinitely, I said "potentially" four times - count 'em!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Thule »

The book is offered on my website fatboozeramericaneconomy.com
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Well, I have intel which says that the prosperity packets are in a disused hangar at Boston's Logan Airport, and that the responsible officials were ready to fly to Boston and hold a noon press conference announcing NESARA, Dinar RVs and all that other good stuff; but the Powers of Evil used chemtrails, cloud seeding and intense beams of microwaves to alter the jet streams and cause the massive blizzard which has shut down all travel in Massachusetts.

Those meanies! :( :( :(
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Now that is really working to manufacture an excuse, and that must have been one humongous hanger to hold all them packies.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by texino »

So rassy's book is held up due to typesetting issues? Now I'm not sure, but it is possible that a book about Apostolic issues must be published in the Gutenberg Style (not Gangnam) which would require labor intensive typesetting and the hiring of printer's devils. Now, I can write something that might include different fonts and even illustrations right on this laptop. If I want a copy, I just press "print" and a machine in another room snatches it out of thin air and out it comes. Now if I can do that, I am fairly certain a real publishing outfit uses computers as well and Erasmus of America is just lying about the whole thing. Also, that thing about Vatican Bread
is just crazy. Trust me on this. OK? Fine. Peace, Love and Pie--Texino
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

What, gassy rassy lie about something, why the very thought of such a thing!!!

The next thing you'll be suggesting is that NESARA and the RV are a hoax.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

texino wrote:... and Erasmus of America is just lying about the whole thing. Also, that thing about Vatican Bread is just crazy. Trust me on this. OK? Fine. Peace, Love and Pie--Texino
An order of Vatican Crazy Bread with any Large Pizza with two items or more from Rassy Pies!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Cathulhu »

Deep Knight wrote:
texino wrote:... and Erasmus of America is just lying about the whole thing. Also, that thing about Vatican Bread is just crazy. Trust me on this. OK? Fine. Peace, Love and Pie--Texino
An order of Vatican Crazy Bread with any Large Pizza with two items or more from Rassy Pies!
Yeah, but what's in the sausage?
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote:Yeah, but what's in the sausage?
Rassy Pies uses only delicious Farmer Vincent brand sausage.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by texino »

OK, now The Pope in Rome is going to resign on 2/28! 28+2=30! That's got to mean something, right?
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

texino wrote:OK, now The Pope in Rome is going to resign on 2/28! 28+2=30! That's got to mean something, right?
Don't forget to add in the "13" for the year. 28+2+13+43; and George W. Bush was our 43rd President. COINCIDENCE?????????
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Thule »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
texino wrote:OK, now The Pope in Rome is going to resign on 2/28! 28+2=30! That's got to mean something, right?
Don't forget to add in the "13" for the year. 28+2+13+43; and George W. Bush was our 43rd President. COINCIDENCE?????????
And it's 2013, so 28+2+20+13=63, and Kennedy was shot in 63.

OMG, it's all connected!!!!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

If only the dinosaurs had passed Omni Law they wouldn't have gotten wiped out.

Monday, February 18, 2013

As they are politely implying that the earth might get hit with a giant asteroid or meteorite in even 15 to 20 years, I am taking a brief break from finishing up my book 'THE EARLY ROOTS OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY." We have a nice cover for it showing the roots to the cross that Jesus is on and probably the most sensational material from early Apostolic Christianity …
I was told by fellow military cadets back then that they rated me the top "history brain" in military school as I predicted coming world events correctly … I go to prime and secret historical documents to get all the story of history, not just part. The book is basically done, just the final typesetting on the remaining part of the book and it will be released anytime now. I was guilty of wanting to share more of what I found in early writings of Apostolic Christianity so expanded the coverage of major topics to give my readers the wide vision of what all early Apostolic Christianity actually taught.
Also,I had all sorts of bonus material added to the book such as the anti-wrinkle cream that made a 53 year old woman look like a teenager in her own words as some young men wanted to flirt with her after she used this amazing facial facial cream on herself. Some tricks of engineering that greatly kicked up the gas mileage of cars and the power elite don't want you to know about. And other surprise angles of worldly knowledge that can make your money go further and more effectively in life. As a former engineering student with an engineering school, I knew smart engineering angles …
Now down to the hard message. As the asterorid that came close to hitting the earth and the meteorite that did hit Russia and was very deadly regardless where it would have hit on earth if close to human civilization, the astronomers have politely informed you that entire continents or the entire earth can be destroyed if a large asteroid hits the earth or a city wiped out if a large meteorite hits it. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and in my wild daring missions in military intelligence, obtained the top ultimate weapon design left over from Nazi Germany. This was intended never to fall into Allied or Soviet intelligence hands, but no one successfully hides their secrets from me when the chips are down and I am determined. I got it and with the help of the most brilliant defense engineer of America in 25 years of the Cold War, we finished the Nazi technology and ultimate weapon system which I nicknamed "The Wrath Of God" as it can wipe out entire armies, navies, etc. easily, wipe out continents, even wipe out the Moon … I have a key requirement before I will build this for American or else even defense of the entire earth against asteroids, giant meteorites, etc. My Omni Law has to be passed in America. No Omni Law passed and I refuse to build this original Nazi ultimate weapon system. … God would only allow such a powerful military answer to be the hands of trusted Christian leadership. And God saw I got my father's trade secret Vatican endorsed food process university tests in America and later 1,300 medical lab reports from all over the world … the Jesus Money secret used 4 times in history and always booms the economy like a skyrocket … humbly thanking God that I was given the answers to help mankind with in powerful ways.

Well, back to finishing up the final pieces of my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity!" If no final delays, will have it ready for release maybe by end of this week! As I got into the deep aspects of the first teachings of Apostolic Christianity … Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the Christian scholar who writes the truth and lets the chips fall where they may. Both Protestant and Catholic scholars will find points they like and agree with, and some points they may feel that they did not know that first Christianity also taught these points the churches today have forgotten in the process of time.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:35 PM
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

So it's a book about apostolic Christians and includes a recipe for anti wrinkle cream complete with stories about how a 53year old woman flirted with younger guys after using it. Somehow in my reading of the Bible I missed the wrinkle cream chapter.

And here is another mystery.....why we're rassys classmates at military school calling him the greatest historian ever for predicting the future? Why weren't the calling hum a prophet, or a seer, or a witch,or just plain nuts?

Anyone know how much rassy is charging for his book? Can you imagine how all over the place it is going to be? I suspect someone could use the book to show he's incapacitated and needs to be locked away.