Check out these lunatics

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Flatulating Bovine

Check out these lunatics

Post by Flatulating Bovine »

Talk about a one-shop big box of crazy - everything from psychic readings, to straw man theories, supposed natural cures for mental illness, and even some Jeff Rense video. :roll: :haha: Why, if one were delusional and easily impressed, one could easily lose a few hundred on their scams!

I suggest some of us register at their forum so we can be endlessly entertained... :snicker:
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Re: Check out these lunatics

Post by LightinDarkness »

Wow. I think we've found a new lunatic asylum to observe. I note they are offering "credit repair" for the low price of $399 a year! I bet for that price they will barrage the credit bureaus with soverign gibberish on your behalf, which of course as we know all works. Whats sad for the lunatics who would buy this "service" is that for a little bit more you could get a (cheap) bankruptcy attorney and ACTUALLY repair your credit. For most of the people involved in soverign stupidity, their credit is so far gone bankruptcy is about the only legitimate option.

On a side note, does anyone else find it interesting that self-proclaimed "sovereigns" spend so much time trying to figure out how to use their legal gibberish to get good credit back. I mean, isn't credit part of the evil corporate system that enslaves us?
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Re: Check out these lunatics

Post by LightinDarkness »

It even comes with apocryphal stories!
I went sailing from Maui with my friend Captain Tom and 18 people yesterday and we were boarded by the US Coast Guard!

They asked Tom for his "Captain's License", "ID", and "Registration". He handed them a certified copy of his filed and recorded UCC-1 (research UCC redemption process or ask me for help), upon which they simply checked to see that we had enough life vests on board, and bid us good-bye...!
Awesome truth! Gotta love it!!!

I, of course seized the opportunity to "plant a couple of seeds"! I asked if the Coast Guard was a corporation, and one of the officers mentioned that he was already aware that the United States is a corporation. I then asked him if he knew that his name was a corporation and "Credit", and he became curious....

Never a dull moment!

BTW, did you notice that he didn't show his license or State ID? If he did, he'd give them evidence that he's a State subject liable to obey statutes. He showed them the UCC-1, INSTEAD of any ID or license, as an authority and proof of identity.
Yes, I am sure this REALLY happened as described. If it even happened at all (how often does the coast guard run around boarding consumer vessels?!), I am sure said soverign also included his actual government issued ID and license - maybe along with the UCC 1 - and they just ignored the UCC 1.

As always, I am reminded about how important it is for soverign citizens to build a mythology around third hand stories like this. It is there ONLY way to believe that they are doing something which is real, since if they looked at actual court cases like Meads v Meads it would be obvious they are practicing cargo cult law.
Flatulating Bovine

Re: Check out these lunatics

Post by Flatulating Bovine »

Oh, and here's a good link from their front page - which helps you to test your fluency in gibberish.

Yes, it is the "online Accepted for Value test." I scored only 5 of 8, 63%. I must not be fully capable yet of redeeming my straw man (cow) and must therefore sign up for their forum and learn more gibberish with which I can dispel the money grubbing creditors out there who loand money for my house, car, edumacation, and everything else. Of course, it's morally okay if I stiff 'em since they done sold my berth (SIC) certificate to the commies before I was born. Oh wait, there are no more commies, eggsept that Obama feller...wait, where was I?

...signing off, need more hay
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Re: Check out these lunatics

Post by JamesVincent »

LightinDarkness wrote: Yes, I am sure this REALLY happened as described. If it even happened at all (how often does the coast guard run around boarding consumer vessels?!), I am sure said soverign also included his actual government issued ID and license - maybe along with the UCC 1 - and they just ignored the UCC 1.

As always, I am reminded about how important it is for soverign citizens to build a mythology around third hand stories like this. It is there ONLY way to believe that they are doing something which is real, since if they looked at actual court cases like Meads v Meads it would be obvious they are practicing cargo cult law.
I have no clue where they were or what they were doing. However, around here, out on the Bay the Coast Guard does board random boats and, since it sounds like they were on a charter, they board charter boats regularly. Being boarded with that many people, and piloting a boat large enough to hold that many people, not having a masters license would get you a guest cruise on a lovely Coast Guard ship and your boat hauled. Of course most of the time if you get boarded it means you were doing something to warrant being looked at. I know of at least 10 people that were caught BWi including one of our State Reps who caused a crash on the water that injured multiple people.
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Re: Check out these lunatics

Post by AndyK »

Without even trying to read it, the site makes my head hurt. Clearly the site-master does not ahve a great deal of experience in web page design.
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Re: Check out these lunatics

Post by grixit »

It seems to me that a charter company would want to make sure whoever was in charge of their boat was properly licensed. After all, a boat wreck under unqualified control is a good way to get your insurance claim denied.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Check out these lunatics

Post by notorial dissent »

As paranoid as they gov't has gotten lately, and for good reason, about things like this, I can see them checking things out, and I can't imagine a Coast Guard officer ignoring the fact that the skipper of that charter didn't have his master's cert, all the right papers, and proof of the required insurance to be taking charters out. Local police can, generally, get away with an occasional lapse like that, but the military/CG doesn't have a sense of humor about things like that, and if something happened and that officer had let them go without proper papers, to say he would be in a world of hurt would be putting it mildly.

I'm sure the boat got stopped, and that the CG looked at papers, beyond that I think the narrative veers off in to fiction.
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Re: Check out these lunatics

Post by JamesVincent » ... tor-harbin
State Del. Donald H. Dwyer Jr. of Pasadena, who was involved in a powerboat crash last August that injured him and several others, will plead guilty Tuesday in Annapolis District Court to operating a boat while drunk — part of plea deal that his attorney said includes prosecutors not seeking a jail sentence.
Trust me, they take boating seriously. If they didn't things like this would be a lot more common. ... gate-dwyer
Saying that "those who made the laws have an obligation to obey them," a District Court judge in Annapolis sentenced state Del. Donald H. Dwyer Jr. on Tuesday to 30 days in jail after he pleaded guilty to operating a boat while under the influence.
I don't know if it is standard procedure but they brought in an at-large judge from Baltimore to sit in Annapolis District to try his case. 30 days in jail for BWI, not causing the collision. IIRC the other captain actually created the incident and is under going his own trial. So to tell me Coast Guard wouldnt care if you didn't have a masters license on you, up to date and, as ND said, your insurance papers, well, I did a flower bed over the weekend for the kids. I used some organic fertilizer there too. Anyway, getting off topic but I thought you all would enjoy that.
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