Now It Can Be Told!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Now It Can Be Told!

Post by Deep Knight »

Many here have been ridiculing the OPPT/I-UV folks because they believe their legal documents are gibberish and don’t work. Well, I would be the first to agree when it comes to normal people, banks, or government offices. A total waste of crayon and construction paper. But, as the following true story reveals for the first time on any forum, someone actually took a bastardized OPPT “legal” notice seriously. If you guessed it was Rassy, you would be right.

In April Erasmus of America (Martin Hunter) published some nasty stuff accusing Deep Knight of everything wrong with the world, including the tragic Boston Marathon bombing. This pissed me off, and among the ideas floated here was “have a lawyer threaten him and he’ll poop his pants.” Not only would it be embarrassing to explain the whole Erasmus lunacy to a lawyer, but it would spend $$$ on an idiot not worth it. Then it occurred to me that I could simply cut and paste an OPPT “cease and desist” document and for free. After rolling on the floor laughing, I realized that even Erasmus wouldn’t be stupid enough to believe one of Heather’s documents, so an alternate plan occurred to me. Send him the document as if I thought he would follow it, and reveal Deep Knight’s real name while doing so. And that name would be Dirk Diggler.

So I copied the top of one document and the bottom of a cease and desist notice to bankers, changed the state references (but not the numbers), and changed the body to reflect his bullshit. Then I decided to send it from Dr. Dildo from the firm of Dewey, Cheatham & Howe, in the form of a plain-vanilla letter not on letterhead. That’s right, I gave Gassy Rassy every opportunity to realize I was pulling his leg. Risky? Yes, but the greater the risk, the greater the glory.

Dewey, Cheatham & Howe LLP
Attorneys at Law
XXX Bannock St., Suite 111
Denver, CO 80204

Martin Hunter
P.O. Box 1465
Seneca, SC 29679

WITH DUE STANDING, AUTHORITY, and AUTHORIZATION, without prejudice, public policy UCC 1-308, the undersigned does knowingly, willingly, and intentionally make and give this DECLARATION OF FACTS and NOTICE TO CEASE AND DESIST, with full personal liability, duly secured by oath and bond, as a matter of record, public policy UCC 1-201 (31), duly entered into Law Ordinance, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, notice by action of due entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by public registration, with additional notice duly made and given, duly verified, reconfirmed, and ratified as duly accepted and guarded, preserved and protected by Universal Trust, under the trust of creation, duly established by creation at creation, unrebutted, nunc pro tunc, praeterea, preterea, unrebutted, under governing law, International Law Ordinance UCC Doc. No. 2012113593 and CO UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, governing law, preserved and protected under UCC Doc. No. 2000043135, the Perpetuity, guaranteed, protected, and secured, public policy UCC 1-303, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy UCC 1-305, nunc pro tunc, praeterea, preterea, unrebutted, restated, and incorporated here by reference as if set forth in full, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally entered into Universal Law Ordinance, notice by action, under the law of creation, this April fifteenth in the year two thousand and thirteen, the foregoing is true and correct, and has the full force of law.

Martin Hunter of Seneca South Carolina using the “pen name” “Erasmus of America,” hereafter known as THE HARASSER,

Harassing, defaming, threatening, and accusing the person known as “Deep Knight” on the website “Quatloos,” which is the pen name and registered trademark of

Dietrich (Dirk) Diggler, Col. USAF Ret.
P.O. Box XXX

Hereafter known as THE HARASSED,

most egregiously, according to his posted writings as “Erasmus of America,” THE HARASSER has been reporting THE HARASSED to law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, the South Carolina State Attorney Generals Office, and The Secret Service, without primary knowledge of a crime being committed or any act of criminal intent. And more specifically, THE HARASSER has been accusing THE HARASSED of felonies such as murder, threats of murder, and genocide without basis or evidence. This is in itself a felony, unrebutted, nunc pro tunc, praeterea, preterea, unrebutted, under governing law, International Law Ordinance UCC Doc. No. 2002123365 and CO UCC Doc. No. 2002-269-1239-0.

That THE HARASSED has invoked this CEASE AND DESIST ORDER to stop said harassments, including but not limited to publication online and otherwise of accusations, inferences, innuendoes, or his name or pseudonym, which THE HARASSER has now been notified of UCC trademark. By reading this, THE HARASSER agrees to be assessed fees for use of this trademarked material if it is used by THE HARASSER in the future. A fee schedule of $1,000 USD, invoiceable at the discretion of the trademark owner, SHALL be assessed for each usage after this issuance.

DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, April 15, 2013 knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, with unlimited personal liability, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with lawful Universal Contract, under governing law, International Law Ordinance UCC Doc No. 2012113593, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice as promised, preserved, and protected, public policy, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA

Dr. Renfrew Dildo, JD
Attorney at Law and Senior Non-Managing Partner
For those of you unfamiliar with the movie “Boogie Nights,” Dirk Diggler was the screen name of the main porn-star character. I remembered reading a blurb about how many people (men, I assume) had used this name as an online pseudonym, and given Erasmus’ fixation of Denver Colorado I found one with a PO Box address in an adjacent city. I figured Erasmus might respond to that address, but that no harm would be done and it might even amuse the receiver. The main goal, however, was to have him breathlessly reveal who Deep Knight was.

Unfortunately, it didn’t work, or rather, it worked too well. Erasmus simply stopped referring to Deep Knight in his writings, no doubt because the legal gibberish scared him. This while all the while bragging about how tough he was and what a great legal mind he had. Perhaps it was the Nunc Pro Tunc, or the invoicing threat ($1000 dollars every time he used my name ‘cause it’s an UCC trademark).

Anyway, I promised to restrain myself in the hopes that he would grow tired of not revealing this inside information, but Rassy has a short attention span and no doubt has forgotten about evil Deep Knight. So now, 15 weeks later, it’s time to reveal my little scheme and give you all a smile every time Erasmus of America brags about his legal chops.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
One last time I will let this offer be included below. The Illuminati has boasted that already Congress secretly agreed that they will never repay me the $525,000 federally stolen from me nor the up to $27 billion in actual damages and up to triple punitive damages that the federal government owes me due to the colossally criminal and illegal acts pulled by the U.S. Justice Dept. to block a legitimate deal of mine with trucking interests how to help strongly increase mileage per gallon with fuel they are using for their trucks. Though they think by being corrupt enough under law, I can't sue them and win, they are very wrong! I have over the years engineered a number of legal upsets including beating in court a Jewish lawyer who had never lost in any state court until he faced me. Then to his shock, he lost for the first time in his life in a state court of South Carolina. In military intelligence as well as in law, you win by cunning, not by being dumb and naive about how to win against corruption, evil, etc. and totally crooked and corrupt sources. As for "Deep Knight" and associates, their days of laughter will crash before them when I deliver $100 billion damage suits against them and to their shock, they will know that I am going to win, not them! I lay my traps well by pretending to be the dumb hick until my legal ambush is totally ready to be sprung on those who wish to fight me. As one powerful Baltimore, MD attorney once said to me after I sprung my legal ambush on him, he never wanted to tackle me again in law. He wanted peace with me at all costs! And Deep Knight and fellow Illuminati associates boasted that they had the state attorney generals in their hip pocket so I could not get Illuminati controlled state attorney generals across America to ever act against Deep Knight and fellow Illuminati associates. When I have national grand juries convened against those who try to serve the Illuminati instead of uphold the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights, they will feel sick in that day as they will know that they have destroyed the future of their life in America by picking a legal fight with me. I will win! When I discussed with one associate how we can get Deep Knight to tell all he knows about the Illuminati and his Illuminati associates, my associate says that he will spill his guts out as I figured out what he colossally fears in life and know his weak point in character.
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for he who descends from actual people who fought in the American Revolution of 1776 for the national independence and freedom of the American people! Obama descends from ancestry alien to the founding principles of America in 1776 and is not loyal to America!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:15 PM
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Re: Now It Can Be Told!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

. . . . . . I will win! When I discussed with one associate how we can get Deep Knight to tell all he knows about the Illuminati and his Illuminati associates, my associate says that he will spill his guts out as I figured out what he colossally fears in life and know his weak point in character.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:15 PM
He knows about your priaptic delusions and fear of impotence?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Now It Can Be Told!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:He knows about your priaptic delusions and fear of impotence?
I thought It was about the severe addiction to Viagra that he developed.
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Re: Now It Can Be Told!

Post by Deep Knight »

Saturday, August 3, 2013
I rate myself much more a scientific and engineering brain than my pick for the best saint in America. However, for whatever reason God seems to like me and look kindly upon me. A smart America would make me economic czar of America at least until this EMP attack threat is removed from America. I prayed for a L.B. who was a police officer with the Seneca Police in 1990 and he was instantly healed of massive injuries from a car accident and walked out of the hospital with no injuries a few hours after they had told the local newspaper that his injuries were so massive that they did not expect him to live through the day and if somehow he did survive that day, he would be paralyzed for life. I prayed to Jesus for his healing that day and for whatever reason, my prayer was honored and he was instantly healed of all his injuries and walked out of the hospital then which forced the Chief Surgeon to say to him as he left, "I don't understand this!"
With me as temporary economic czar of America lead America in prayer before God and if America is spared being destroyed as a nation starting in September, 2013, then give God the credit for sparing America and be thankful that God would honor me who rates himself as just a smart ordinary man but tries to be honest before God and man on earth. I will be the spokesman before God for America if you appoint me to the position that God will honor by a formula given in the Old Testament. When a nation is about to be placed under the Judgment of God, find a man who God likes and let him be a national leader for you. While he is your leader, God will spare the nation and not bring judgment upon it.
I am not afraid of death, but why have the human race die now because mankind wants to be so shallow, frivolous and wanting evil instead of good to rule its society as a nation? And unless I am terribly deceived, I think God highly approves of passage of my proposed Omni Law as a way to restore honest government to America and with honest government we have the Old Testament principle, that as an evil ruler will corrupt his nation to be corrupt like him, an good ruler will raise his people up to righteousness before God. Ruler here would symbolically represent the government for any nation on earth.
Pass this report around. What do you have to lose? ...
My mother had once been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then and she taught me many smart angles of thinking not taught in the public schools of America. I will spot angles to save America that others will not spot. And for whatever reason, God granted me the miracle of God in 1990 with this police officer in Seneca, SC for some reason for the future. I guess God likes me for whatever reason! Maybe I am more honest in national issues than most others.

Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the one who believes in moral values for personal life and for the national life of America also.)
Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:30 PM
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Re: Now It Can Be Told!

Post by notorial dissent »

Right, blah, blah, blah, and bleh. All that and modest too!!!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Now It Can Be Told!

Post by The Observer »

Erasmus wrote:I prayed for a L.B. who was a police officer with the Seneca Police in 1990...
L.B.? What is a L.B.? Linebacker? Lame Brain? Lost Boy? Left Banker? Liberal Beatnik?

But beyond that, if God really likes Erasmus that much, why doesn't Erasmus just ask God to give him back his $590 million, his father's secret Vatican-approved food program, and to give him a hacker-proof grammar/spell checker?
f America is spared being destroyed as a nation starting in September, 2013,...

How did Rassy find out about this? Did Deep Knight spill the beans again and blab about Operation Charlemagne?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Re: Now It Can Be Told!

Post by Deep Knight »

As I understand it (and the story seems to change on each telling), the money the government stole was either the assets of Rassy's company, something Rassy had in the bank, or from a business deal they prevented from going through. The last of these is usually referred to as "fuel savings for a trucking firm"

...the U.S. Justice Dept. smashed my quite
legal deal of selling high mileage technology for trucking firms in America and
abroad for an understood maybe $7 billion to $27 billion in sales and most of
it in profits after expenses. An independent test with 100 commercial trucks
which the U.S. Justice Dept. did not know about confirmed that one part of my
technology increased the gas mileage of 100 commercial trucks out of 100 commercial
trucks 30% or greater gas mileage increase on every truck tested. If all of my
technology had been tested, I think the final result would have been much
higher than the 30% plus gas mileage increase achieved with just part of my
total system I was going to use! Even 30% plus truck gas mileage increase was
spectacular in results for this time and age! I am the boy who beat a Jewish lawyer
who had never lost in any state court until he faced me! And to his shock, he
lost for the first time in his legal career. I also have engineered other
stunning upsets in legal clashes. I already know the laws which will collect
for me not only actual but punitive damages from all federal officials and
personnel who were involved in these criminal acts by Wash., D.C. and I know
how to nail Wash., D.C. so they will to their shock pay me likely $100 billion
in actual and punitive damages for this totally legal deal with the trucking
industry I already had the commitments for until the U.S. Justice Dept. broke
up this deal with no valid legal grounds to break up a very legal deal as no
fraud was involved.

So, Rassy didn't make his $billions because the US Justice Dept. blocked his fuel savings invention. More than likely what was blocked was his selling "shares" from his institute for inventors showing how you could get better gas milage, and it was the Attorney General of the State of South Carolina sending him a cease and desist letter 'cause he didn't register his securities. ... rs.C&D.pdf

As for the slanderous comments here about Vigra and its possible abuse by Deep Knight, I want it to be clear that all my unbelievable fictional claims were performed without the use of drugs of any sort except for the occasional Intracardiac injection of adrenaline. Any references to "an erection lasting more than 4 hours" were purely coinciental, and done as a boast, not as a request for medical intervention.
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Re: Now It Can Be Told!

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

A picture is often worth at least a few words:

From this modest property, the self-deluded genius tries to enlighten the world. :haha:

The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Now It Can Be Told!

Post by Deep Knight »

Excellent! Our minions at Google have finally extended the street view to Gassy Rassy's house (or at least his last known address, 302 Goddard Avenue, Seneca, SC)! Who says Deep Knight is losing influence within the Dark Agenda? No doubt the rumor started when people misread one of the newsletters (always hard to make out because the agendas aren't the only materials here that are printed too dark). Anyway, now our deadly ridicule squads can use this information to identify his house for a little one-on-one mockary and derision with extreme prejudice.

P.S. If anyone blabbed about Operation CHARLEMAGNE being a code name for a UNSC counterattack against the Insurrectionists on Eridanus II and marking the first tactical deployment conducted by the ORION Project, it wasn't me. OK, I may have hinted it was the only occasion where an entire unit of Spartan-I's was deployed as a group, but as you know I'm much more familiar with Trojan Extra-Larges. Anyway, whoever revealed that a large UNSC battle group was sent in to crush the rebel forces, which were defeated at the cost of four destroyers, is gonna be in BIG trouble when dad gets home.
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Re: Now It Can Be Told!

Post by Deep Knight »

Last April, when Erasmus was making wild claims (fingering Deep Knight, of course), I missed this response from Orly Taitz.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Around three dozen sets of the reports posted on Nesara News and listed below were sent today to diplomatic missions at the United Nations in New York City and to foreign embassies in Wash., D.C. Separately state governments starting to be contacted to pass the Omni Law soon in America. Same reports supplied to them which were Nesara News April 19 posted report "UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE GENOCIDE TREATY I MAKE THIS OFFER IN AMERICA! FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA" AND NESARA NEWS REPORT OF APRIL 24 "WASH., D.C. ANSWERS GENOCIDE CHARGES OF ERASMUS OF AMERICA - SUNDAY, APRIL 21. REPORT APRIL 24, 2013 FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA." Of course the Wash., D.C. answer obviously from the Obama Administration was a letter on Sunday threatening murder of me if I did not back off from passing the Omni Law in America and establishing the world food industry in America based upon the Vatican endorsed food process invented by my father years ago. Separately the April 22, 2013 report posted on Nesara News "WASHINGTON'S CORRUPTION CAN MAKE YOU A VAST FORTUNE" FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA offered special bonuses this week for those ordering our products from our website before Friday was over and special bonuses for those helping to finance our Omni Law drive this week either by using our $25 NIFI Certificates on our website or else sending in a check, etc. made out to NIFI, mail postmarked by Friday, and in the memo area saying for "loan program" meaning helping to finance our Omni Law drive now gaining strength in America....
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for a descendant of the English noble the tyrant King of England tried to have murdered but he escaped and organized the nobles to get signed Magna Carta in England which later inspired the writing of the American Declaration of Independence in 1776. My father's side of the family was more tame in ancestry but my mother's side is loaded with rebels both in America and earlier in Scotland, Ireland,England, and elsewhere. When a tyrant is in power, it is too boring to just sit at home and do nothing for the rest of your life! To me the greatest crime of any would-be tyrant is to try to bore me to death living in an intended police state in the nation for the rest of my life. Boredom under a tyrant is the greatest tyranny of all! That is worth rebelling against to win back our freedom to live free lives and not be bored to death with dull tyrants!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:24 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous April 26, 2013 at 7:53 AM
If you are a whistleblower and you were intimidated or persecuted by the Obama regime, contact me at There are statutes protecting you and make you eligible to compensation from the government

Posted on | April 23, 2013

I wonder if Gassy Rassy responded to Orly. If so, maybe they made arrangement to meet, perhaps at a cheap motel, and possibly things happened there late at night that I won't let my brain think about, much less my fingers type. Positively frightening!
"Follow the Money"