The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

I think that's a big difference between the Detaxer and Freeman periods. The Detaxers (guru customers at least) included people with real assets and income. Most of those folded pretty promptly when they recognized the kind of trouble they had caused themselves. I have not encountered a single Freeman who falls into that category - the most successful are small-scale tradespersons and business operators, but many, if not most fall into a much lower economic bracket, with minimal to no skills and income. Many Detaxers were professionals, even well educated. I've encountered a very few examples in the Freeman world who have any post-secondary education, and when that has cropped up it has been in some domain like the fine arts, English, foreign-language studies, etc. that has no real marketplace value.
The above matches my observations and experiences exactly. When I was in that "seminar" with the Chief and his acolytes I had the thought that my net worth exceeded the sum of the net wealth of all of the rest of the group combined. Not that I'm rich but I worked hard to get a useful education (Bachelor of Commerce specializing in finance, University of British Columbia, the year is none of your damn business), worked steadily through my life, getting two accounting designations on the way and retired with significant personal savings and a pension. I've not yet seen a Freeman who comes even remotely close. They all seem marginal participants in the real economy. I've seen no evidence, either through their comments or my personal observations, that any of them have any education that is of any market value at all. I'll be blunt, by and large no evidence of any education at all. I'm not being snobbish about the education issue, I respect people who work hard to the best of their abilities wherever that leads them. One of my sons is a plumber. Good for him, he realized the best fit for his abilities, worked for the accreditation, and is doing his best. But the Freemen seem to have a sense of personal entitlement without bothering to do the actual work associated with earning a right to it.

What galls me is the outright hypocrisy of their arguments. Take Belanger, he apparently lives in government paid housing and his only income is through government welfare. Yet he rants on and on about the illegitimacy of the government that pays for it. A big issue is health care, you Americans understand that one. In Canada our socialized medical care is very egalitarian, A welfare recipient like Belanger has as much rights to medical care as a guy like me that has honestly paid taxes for almost fifty years. But I don't see any of them renouncing health care because they have opted out of the system. Canadian tax fraud cases frequently note how these guys, while arguing that they are not required to pay any tax because they are so exceptional, are careful to pay the minor amounts necessary to keep them hooked into government benefits systems like the Canada Pension Plan.

I'd have no problem with these clowns (Will that comment cost me when I meet them next?) if they lived the life they professed to believe in. You know, don't drive on public roads, be willing to die of curable cancer or a heart attack because you refuse medical help you didn't pay for, don't collect any welfare or any other government benefits. Until then they are just hypocritical parasites. This posting might make things a tad awkward at the Fabulous Fighting Freeman Trio's trial in February. I know, I'll blame it all on the Fireballs!;

Bottle of wine,
Fruit of the vine,
When you gonna let me get sober,
Leave me alone, let me go home,
Let me go back and start over

Overall I don't see a lot of the "dark of the night of the soul" personal wresting with their life decisions on the part of our local Freemen. Plato's comment, from his Apologies, that "An unexamined life is not worth living" is meaningless to them. They're right, so what to examine?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by grixit »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Notwithstanding their exhortations to their phantom multitudes of supporters to pack the court they have almost nobody showing up
SovWars I: The Phantom Multitude
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I have reviewed the British Columbia Courts Online website for further information on our merry band, and as far as the "personation of peace officers" matters go I see no additional data to add to Burnaby49's informative and evocative report. The Nanaimo Five Four next appear in New Westminster Provincial Court on Feb. 28, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. for their full five-day trial.

My only other data is that Andrew Simpson is appearing at the Robson Square Provincial Court on Jan. 30, 2014 to set a date for a hearing concerning his ineffective mechanism for meeting his sentence to file income tax returns - sending the CRA blank documents. I suspect that won't be all too interesting an appearance, particularly if Simpson has clued in and retained a lawyer to assist him, as was reported by Burnaby49.

So - all's quiet until the end of February ... or Alex escaping the cuckoo's nest.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

And yet another Mea Culpa, I could save myself typing time by making those words my signature. An error to report in my court dramatization where I said;
He told the judge . . . . (I think, notes unclear) that he needed police protection from the court's attack on civilians. Something about police, the court, and civilians. Again this would fit into the Admiralty Court storyline.
That comment bothered me because I didn't know what I meant by it. My scrawled notes were so badly done (I was desperately trying to keep up with Lange's deluge) that all I could make out were the words police, court, civilians and I seemed to recall him saying something about police protection so I made a guess. Looking back at my notes I see the number five in front of both the words "police" and "civilians". Also just translated a word I couldn't make out before "sheriffs", also with the number eleven in front of it. Mowe's mention of the five day trial just brought back what the words and numbers meant.

The comment, while spoken in the middle of Lange's rant, wasn't made by him. It was a comment from the judge just trying to do her job. This was a Trial Confirmation hearing and the judge was doing exactly that by explaining why five days were set aside for the trial (Mowe had noted in a prior post it seemed somewhat excessive). She said that the Crown planned to call five police officers, eleven sheriffs, and five civilians as witnesses.

If Lange plans to act pro se and decides to cross examine them all the court is probably going to need six months. Unless he gets too disruptive and ends up as one of those guys in orange suits participating through the video feed. Judge has the volume control for that option.

I'm still standing by the "YOU'RE ALL PERVERTS" comment. I know I got that one right.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote:I'm still standing by the "YOU'RE ALL PERVERTS" comment. I know I got that one right.
I dunno, Burnaby. I distinctly heard "preverts". Y'know, as in he's organizing some kind of mutiny of preverts.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by LordEd »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:So - all's quiet until the end of February ... or Alex escaping the cuckoo's nest.
Looks like Mr. Ream got a day pass from the nest. He describes his experience a bit and appears to be on medication (which he claims he doesn't need, of course).

Almost wants me to put him back in the victim category again. Freemanism attaches to the susceptible and doubles the damage.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

wserra wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:I'm still standing by the "YOU'RE ALL PERVERTS" comment. I know I got that one right.
I dunno, Burnaby. I distinctly heard "preverts". Y'know, as in he's organizing some kind of mutiny of preverts.
Preverts indeed! As a lawyer you're well aware that the testimony of an eye-witness (as dubious and error prone as that witness has been proven to be) carries far more credibility than hearsay and I don't recall your presence at that hearing. Lange looked very professional in a suit, tie, and dark overcoat, so I'm willing to cut him some slack on the literacy of his wild ranting defense. Anyhow perverts looks classier in the signature.

Next somebody is going to make some other wild unsubstantiated claim to destroy my credibility in a trial session report, perhaps accusing me of some laughably stupid error such as totally confusing inalienable and intrinsic in my reporting of a case.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

So, Our Man Alex has re-appeared, but only for a short time. He posted a flurry of messages on his Facebook page, with the last reporting ( ... 7147019840):
Alexander Ream
[Jan. 24, 2014]
I have to be back at SMH. I will respond to comments another time.
I presume “SMH” is Surrey Municipal Hospital.

So, Alex’s messages are a bit disjointed and vague, it’s not clear whether that is a consequence of medicinal marijuana oils for internal or external application, mind control needles in his ass, prolonged exposure to Freeman/Sovereign ideology, or that he just doesn’t really want to talk too much about whatever got him into the psych ward in the first place.

His most substantial narrative does confirm he was being examined for a psychiatric condition, and the current messages represent a temporary release:
Alexander Ream
[Jan. 24, 2014]
I am back home with my family. I can only hangout for a couple of hours before I have to return to Surrey Memorial Hospital. I stay at 4 East of SMH for those who wish to see me. I have been in held as a hostage since January the 9th 2014 and today January the 24th 2014 is the first day I get to spend time outside a hospital. I was at Vancouver General Hospital, UBC hospital and I am currently at Surrey Memorial Hospital. Thanks Ryan Zammit Alexandra Iannantuono Tomy Asselin Bobby BongAlyssa Bruneau for visiting me during these upsetting times. I have things to do and will not be able to look over at my notifications. Dr. Singh of SMH, yesterday admitted that I don't have bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or psychosis and he still insist on me being drugged with harmful chemicals and has doubled the dose. The drug is called risperidone, but I am not diagnosed with anything and shouldn't be taking drugs. I am no hearing voices or hearing things. I am not a threat to myself or others. I am healthy and better off without the hospital corporate services. They say that I am a certified patient, but they have no proof that I contracted with them or that I accepted their corporate services. It doesn't help at all being there, the hospital food is terrible and it is making people who eat it become more and more unhealthy. Then, they drug people to make them feel better about the pain. There is no real recovery however. The legal system is also in collusion with this ridiculous "health" system. The "health" system abuses your rights and tell you to get a "lawyer". It's like dealing with the mafia, but somehow you are suppose to see them as "honorable" people, which they are not unfortunately.
Risperidone is an antipsychotic, usually administered to schizophrenics, persons with bipolar disorder, and to attenuate autistic obsessive behavior.

It seems that the detention/observation was triggered by some matter that involves police officers. Alex offers this explanation of his detention ( ... 8443688377):
Alexander Ream
[Jan 24, 2014]
I was arrested by two VPD Policy Enforcement Officer outside a store on January the 9th 2014 when I haven't broken any law. They brought me to Vancouver General Hospital and I was severely drugged by VGH agents. Two so-called doctors interviewed me while I was severely drugged and came to the conclusion that I am psychotic. I have been "treated" by the so-called health system ever since. There are VPD and VGH agents that are involved in serious crimes. I am ready to forgive, but they are completely insane.
Now this is a calculated guess, but my bet is on detention Alex went into hardcore Freeman-on-the-Land-speak and the Vancouver Police Department peace officers (yeah, ok Policy Enforcement Officers) were concerned they had a mentally ill person on their hands and sent him off for psychiatric evaluation. But that does not seem to be the trigger for the detention, as in another message Alex points the finger at the RCMP ( ... 4657022089):
Alexander Ream
[Jan. 24, 2014]
RCMP lied in terms that I wanted to kill people...

I learned that today and was shocked.

I would love to face my accuser.

I will only show love. Violence begets violence.

I never had any intention of killing anyone.
In the criminal law trade Alex is described as someone who ‘minimizes their misconduct' ( ... 0713688150) ( ... 7077020847):
Alexander Ream
[Jan. 24, 2014]
I am not against the people working in the system. I simply want what is in the best interest for everyone. There are many people who are stuck doing what they have been told to do without questioning. I am simply there pointing it out. I am not really doing anything other than that.

Without a sworn complaint from an injured party, there is no case.


Nada, Zero, Niet

I've harmed no one.
I checked to see if any fresh criminal proceedings have been commenced against Alex, but nothing on the database, at least yet. The backstory to this episode is not obvious. That said, I would not be surprised if the basis for Alex’s detention was some communication he made with the RCMP, probably by documentation, declaring that he was outside their jurisdiction and that he would defend himself via a fee schedule or other “lawful” means, as they are merely Policy Enforcement Officers.

When one reviews Ream’s conduct on this message board his “I never had any intention of killing anyone.” statement becomes particularly hollow. Him having unilateral authority to exert force is a necessary endpoint of his position that he is a Peace Officer – he is there to ‘keep the peace’, and if it is not being kept, then logically he has to do something about that. Ream does not like the label vigilante (oh, did we ever see that!) but that is the result of his reasoning. He sets what is the law. He is empowered to keep the law. He therefore will logically enforce the law, particularly since Ream has on many occasions indicated the ‘mainstream’ law enforcement community is corrupt.

Which puts him precisely on the same level as anti-abortion advocates who claim a right to kill doctors who perform those procedures, or persons who demand stiffer sanction for sex offenders – and that if the state doesn’t do it, they will.

Needless to say it will be interesting to see what is the basis for the RCMP warrant, and in what manner Alex declared he would use force.

On the brighter side of things, detentions and mind control needles in his ass has had no effect on Alex’s beliefs, as illustrated by this exchange that followed a picture of Alex posing in gown and making a thumbs-up gesture beside a couple of puzzles on tables (
Steve Allat
i hope that is your puzzle on the right ; )
Keep it light, buddy . . . be gentle with yourself.
January 17 at 11:43am

Alexander Ream
Yes I finished the puzzle on the right with some help. There are two piece missing though. I didn't manage to finish the one on the left before leaving to Surrey Memorial Hospital. The one on the right is about the landmass commonly known as Canada. It is not CANADA the limited liability bankrupt corporation operating for profit, there's a difference.
[Jan. 24, 2014]
Yep, Alex is Hardcore. It would be a treat to read his psych examination files…

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

During Alex's sadly short stay on Quatloos he dismissed my past criticism of his “PAPERWORK” by which he refuted the criminal allegations against him and dismissed the jurisdictions of the courts, police, state, all that. Alex said that was just “opinion”, and had no facts.

Back then and on Facebook Alex has promised better PAPERWORK and has, prior to being returned to psychiatric examination, published a mighty thing, entitled “113 Page 1647 Clarification Letter” on Scribd ( ... ion-Letter). The “1647” is the number of questions in this document. (But in fact there are 1646 - but who's to quibble?)

Alex on Facebook instructs “Share this with as much people as possible.” and describes this as “The paperwork used for court.”

I’m comfortable drawing a conclusion – Alex has now moved past being a passive consumer of other people’s stuff to making his own, unique contributions to the world of OPCA thought and materials. Now, that’s not to say this is better PAPERWORK, or perhaps effective PAPERWORK, but it is, at a minimum, different.

I have not scrutinized it in exacting detail, but I thought I would highlight a few items for the reader’s interest which emerged after a cursory review.

Every page has the same massive header:
This is on and for the RECORD. Notice to AGENT is notice to PRINCIPLE. Notice to PRINCIPLE is notice to AGENT PAGE [x] of 113

AFFIDAVIT NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS OR CROWN REPESENTATIVIES of: RIGINA, HER MAJESTY, HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II, QUEEN ELIZABETH II, HER MAJESTY IN RIGHT OF CANADA, HER MAJESTY IN RIGHT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, THE CROWN CORPORATION and CANADA or PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA as per listed on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission at and any other moving or alleged injured party. ON AND FOR THE RECORD we are NOT LEGAL FICTIONS, SURETY for LEGAL FICTIONS, CORPORATIONS, PERSONS, the ACCUSED, a RESIDENCE, a CITIZEN , a private BAR (British Accredited Registrar) guild member or under contract with the BAR , members BRITISH COLUMBIA LAW SOCIETY, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES or PUBLIC SERVANTS under contract for the mentioned CORPORATIONS whatsoever. Please respond within 7 days from proof of service under the penalty of perjury and full commercial liability to these 1646 questions for clarification and full disclosure. Failure to reply under the penalty of perjury and full commercial liability means the moving parties have no claim whatsoever and have agreed to the terms and conditions and fee schedule herein. Send your response by registered mail under the penalty of perjury and full commercial liability to 313 -2416 Main Street, Vancouver, British Columbia. Thank you for your prompt attention in regards to this alleged matter. ANY and ALL “appearances” we make will be made in SPECIAL APPEARENCE only
This first half of the header is then followed by a graphic of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, along with its contact information, and this text:
Search the Next-Generation EDGAR System EDGAR Search Results for PROVINCIE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ( Also look up CANADA CIK # 0000230098 )

Mailing Address PO POX 94323 STN PROV GOVTVICTORIA A1 V8W 9V1
PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA CIK#: 0000836136 (see all company filings) SIC: 8888 – FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS
State location: A1 | Fiscal Year End: 0331
Yes, on every page.

The document is addressed to the New Westminster Law Courts, and commences with "FIRST NOTICE", followed by an introduction that partially replicates the header, and also provides instructions:
Attention: Lionel Yip, The Court Clerk, ALL EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS OR CROWN REPESENTATIVIES of: RIGINA, HER MAJESTY, HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II, QUEEN ELIZABETH II, HER MAJESTY IN RIGHT OF CANADA, HER MAJESTY IN RIGHT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, THE CROWN CORPORATION and CANADA or PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA as per listed on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission at all Judges, Magistrates, Justices of the Peace, Judicial Justices of the Peace, Super Enumerators, Crown, Crown Counsel, court clerk , Sheriff Services, Peace Officers, BAR members, LAW SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA members and any and all other officers of the court and any other moving or alleged injured party. ON AND FOR THE RECORD we are NOT LEGAL FICTIONS, SURETY for LEGAL FICTIONS, CORPORATIONS, PERSONS, the ACCUSED, a RESIDENCE, a CITIZEN , a private BAR (British Accredited Registrar) guild member or under contract with the BAR , members BRITISH COLUMBIA LAW SOCIETY, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES or PUBLIC SERVANTS under contract for the mentioned CORPORATIONS whatsoever. Please respond within 7 days from proof of service under the penalty of perjury and full commercial liability to these 1646 questions for clarification and full disclosure. Failure to reply under the penalty of perjury and full commercial liability means the moving parties have no claim whatsoever and have agreed to the terms and conditions and fee schedule herein. Send your response by registered mail under the penalty of perjury and full commercial liability to 313 -2416 Main Street, Vancouver, British Columbia. Thank you for your prompt attention in regards to this alleged matter. ANY and ALL “appearances” we make will be made in SPECIAL APPEARENCE only.
Please file this into the alleged court file. Please make sure ALL parties listed receive this complete document. Please make sure that ALL parties listed reply to this document within 7 day from proof of service under the penalty of perjury and on their full commercial liability or they will be in default and/or dishonour
The document has two parts, an “Affidavit”, which contrary to its name does not actually swear facts but instead is a set of instructions for a questionnaire:

Let he who creates the liability provide the remedy

This letter is remove any and all assumptions or presumption of law. It is do so with the utmost respect to all alleged effected parties. Please read this entire document. Read the CD Big Book of CANADA. Read the CD Big Book of PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Read and answer all the question herein. Please feel free to make copies, fill them out and return them by registered mail under the penalty of perjury and full commercial liability. For your convenience we have made it very simple and easy to answer our questions. All questions are YES, No, I Don’t Know answers. Just circle yes, no or I don’t know and attach any sworn facts or evidence you have to support your claim in fact. Make copies this entire document and provide it to any and all effected parties. Please make sure to answer the question under oath and under your full commercial liability and return the completed questions to 313 -2416 Main Street, Vancouver, British Columbia within 7 days from proof of service by registered mail.

1. We do not understand the nature and cause of these alleged proceeding whatsoever and seek clarification.

2. We do not understand the subject matter jurisdiction of these alleged proceeding whatsoever and seek clarification.

3. We do not understand who it is you are inviting to your place of business whatsoever and seek clarification. We are NOT the CAPITIZED NAME you are seeking whatsoever. Are you inviting your own CROWN COPYRIGHT dead LEGAL FICTION to your place of business?

4. We do not know or understand who you are or who you are claiming to re-present. Please provide certified true copies of: Birth Certificate, Divers Licence, Social Insurance Number, BAR card Number, Oath of Office(s) and complete job description. Exactly who are you?

5. We need to see the original sworn criminal complaint(s)and sworn statement(s) of injury from the alleged injured party(ies).

5. We need to see the original charging instruments and original warrant. Who is assuming commercial liable for endorsing these instruments?

6. We need to see the original, complete and unedited video/CCTV/audio of the alleged breach of the peace and alleged obstruction for 2012-12-13 for the entire day from enter, arrest, incarceration and to getting thrown outside on the concrete landing on alleged “release” respectively.

7. We need to see certified true copies all the original sworn affidavits from any and all parties making any statements, will says, notes, documents, audio, video, narratives, conclusions, supplementary information, synopsis, back ground FOTL Ideology and complete SPROS files respectively.

Thank you for your valuable time regarding this important and urgent alleged matter. Enclosed is one cd with the big book of CANADA, The big Book of PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA and this entire 113 page document along with a 113 page hardcopy document with 1647 questions seeking clarification cross referenced with the 45 page report to crown counsel and please take note our new fee schedule as well. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions understanding or you need any clarification at all. We are here to help.
I am uncertain as to whether The Big Book of Canada identified is this children’s reference text by Christopher Moore ( ... 0887764576) but I did not find any alternative text with that name.

What follows are the 1646 questions. Many are multiple choice: Yes, No, I don’t know. Sometimes the questions are sort of intelligible:
15a. Is this private commercial BAR guild court operating under the presumption of Roman Law? YES NO I do not know
I'm going with "No" to that one.

Other times it is as if one is looking at some kind of bizarre Turing test – and the machine half of the equation is having a very bad day. Take question 10 and its 5 sub-questions, 10a through 10e:
10. Exactly what and who is the “ACCUSED”? Is QUESTION #5.

10a. SEE: QUESTION # 5. Have you answered these QUESTIONS? YES NO I do not know

10b SEE: QUESTION # 5. Have you answered these QUESTIONS? YES NO I do not know

10c SEE: QUESTION # 5. Have you answered these QUESTIONS? YES NO I do not know

10d SEE: QUESTION # 5. Have you answered these QUESTIONS? YES NO I do not know

10e SEE: QUESTION # 5. Have you answered these QUESTIONS? YES NO I do not know
Othertimes, the gentle but well-intentioned questionee can be excused for experiencing total paralysis:
266. Civilian Witness List – Blacks Law 4th edition, pg 313 – Civilian. One who is skilled or versed in the civil law Blacks Law 4th edition pg 312 Civilian Law – Civil law, Roman Law and Roman Civil Law are convertible phrases.

Have you answered QUESTIONS # 266? YES NO I do not know .
Or for lacking the philosophical basis to respond:
11. What and who is HIS? Define and physically identify HIS.
There’s 111 pages of these. The questions become increasingly repetitious, too, sometimes with the same question repeated 4-5 times in a row, with no apparent distinction between each. Othertimes the same or similar questions are scattered throughout the document, for example variations on “FOTL – What is FOTL?” appears as questions 316, 885, 893, 897, 942, 1175, 1176, 1191, 1243, 1590, and 1591. Are these inquiries functionally different? It doesn’t seem that way, take questions 1590 and 1591:
1590. FOTL – What is the FOTL? Who is the FOTL?

1591. FOTL – What is the FOTL? Who is the FOTL?
I oh so hope that Alex provides a copy of this to his psychiatric professionals.

The second half of the 113 page paperwork is a fee schedule, effective Dec. 20, 2013 located WAY back at page 112. Penalties are not too atypical, $2000/hour for being detained, $50,000 per strip search, but “digging through my brief case or back pack is BILLED out at $8,000.00 CAN.” Confiscated property is worth 10 fold its replacement cost, while any physical injury is worth $2 million per injury.

However, the way the fee schedule handles interactions with the state is unique (to my experience) as it classifies these items as “orders”, and puts many criteria on these orders – otherwise they are presumably not orders, and therefore the government actors don’t have to pay! The fee schedule starts, as usual, with a stern warning:
Please read and make sure you understand and agree the terms and conditions herein before making any ORDERS.

If you do not agree to the term and conditions herein we do NOT want to contract with you in ANY capacity whatsoever. Please be absolutely sure you wish to contract. We do not work for free. As we are sure you do not work for free either.

Terms and Conditions of all ORDERS are as follows:

All ORDERS are as is, where is. No expressed or implied warranty. No refunds. All orders are payable in full on demand apon the execution of the ORDER. All orders are subject to a 2% per month compounding interest charge. All overdue accounts are subject to collections. All over due accounts are liable for any and all collection costs. All over due accounts in default and/or dishonour are subject to and agree to have any and all available public and/or private assets seized, sold or kept to provide remedy and/or satisfaction for account(s ) in default and/or dishonor.
What follows are a bizarre set of ‘characteristics of an order’, which it seems to me makes the imposition of the fee schedule for government misconduct impossible, or at a minimum, highly unlikely!

2. All ORDERS have to be declared as ORDERS. Anything not declared as an ORDER is NOT an ORDER and generates no obligation or duty of performance whatsoever. We do not work for free.

6. The man, women, AGENT or EMPLOYEE is liable for any and all ORDERS. Identification has to be presented to place an ORDER of any kind. All ORDERS have to be in writing. Please see #1.
Alex accepts payment in Bitcoins, gold or silver – fiat currencies are inherently instable due to hyperinflation. But of course, if one of those mean policy enforcement officers were to “throw him to the ground!”, but not apparently submit an order for that in writing and with a “wet autograph” then presumably no order would exist, and the government wouldn’t have to pay.

It’s all very … different. Familiar - but still different.

I leave the gentle reader with one more, imponderable flow of inquiry:
199. SEE: QUESTION # 197.
Ok, I'll go to question #197:
197. Annual Report – SEE: QUESTION # 4. Have you answered QUESTION # 197? YES NO I do not know .
Uhm ... yes? No? I don't know? I can't know? Please Alex, don't beat me! I AM trying to comply!

(And they criticize our "legalese"!)

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I apologize to any who are bored by this - but to me this is a treasure trove of stupid. Another modest illustration:
243. What is [lengthy empty space]? Have you answered QUESTION # 243? YES NO I do not know .

243a. Is this dead LEGAL FICTION [lengthy empty space] created from the BIRTH CERTIFICATE copy marked and owned by THE CROWN CORPORATION? YES NO I do not know .

243b. Is this NAME, [lengthy empty space], a dead LEGAL FICTION, property of The CROWN CORPORATION? YES NO I do not know .

243c. Does this NAME [lengthy empty space] represent a Roman civil servant? YES NO I do not know .

243d. Does the living man or woman have a duty of obligation to be recognized by this NAME?
YES NO I do not know .

243e. Where did this NAME come from? Have you answered QUESTION # 243e? YES NO I do not know .

243f. Did we ever agree to the NAME? Is the CROWN attempting to commit fraud? YES NO I do not know .

244. SAME as 243. Have you answered QUESTION # 244? YES NO I do not know .

245. SAME as 243. Have you answered QUESTION # 245? YES NO I do not know .

246. SAME as 243. Have you answered QUESTION # 246? YES NO I do not know .
I just can't stop giggling as I go through this thing. I hope the lucky recipients of this PAPERWORK at the B.C. Courts and Attorney General Office are equally amused by such simple, childlike pleasures as going office to office, interrogating their colleagues, all while stressing it is so important to complete this mighty construct within its seven days required schedule.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

It's looking more and more like the trial has the possibility of being a real circus. Given my disgracefully selfish interest that it be entertaining that might be the best personal outcome. However I am pessimistic about Alex's actual attendance, he seems to be heading for a breakdown. And Lange, if he acts in any way close to his show last Wednesday, won't be physically present for long. That would leave Simpson who, in both of his pre-trial hearings that I've attended, focused on being quiet and non-confrontational, and Dave Smith who I've not yet seen and have no opinion on.

So the trial has the possibility of ranging from full crazy to just dull court procedures and droning witnesses. It all depends on which defendants actually show up and which are allowed to continue attending. Lange might start things with a bang immediately. He did not enter the court last Wednesday, staying in the spectator's area. He's not fool enough to put himself under the jurisdiction of an illegitimate Admiralty Court by crossing the bar! However I don't think that the court is going to accept him sitting at the back with me during the trial. I will of course report how all that gets resolved, or not.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Alex is on the run!

( ... 5243643697) ( ... 9470306941)
Alexander Ream
[Jan. 25, 2014]
I am supposed to be at the hospital at the moment, but I see no need for me to be there. I am only being drugged by harmful chemicals at the hospital and it is not making me feel any better. Please share my story around so my case is not isolated.


They've been calling at my home and been bothering my family


My neighbor called and told me that the police dropped by at my place. I am not there right now, but I hope my that my family is okay.
SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by LordEd »

And the freemen think they 'do no harm'...
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Jeffrey »

I wish the hospital staff stumble into this thread. I would guess some knowledge of what is coming out of their mouth might help any mental health professionals.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

I reviewed his bail conditions and there are no explicit terms about skipping out in your hospital PJ's. Not an unusual sight for me. I catch the bus right by Burnaby General hospital and it is not entirely unknown to have patients making a break for it waiting at the bus stop. Had one yesterday in blue-green hospital pjs and gown no shoes. He had a ticket so he was let on and caught Skytrain with me. Once an old guy got on in same attire with no money but an IV pole. Seemed in a daze. Driver must have called it in because maybe a half dozen stops down the line hospital staff were waiting for him. Doctor and two orderlies took him off the bus, he went quietly. Upside to my location is that when my kids were small and needed emergency visits (more frequent than you might guess, they fought a lot) I just picked them up and carried them. Faster than driving.

I'm beginning to think that Ream might be at trial after all but safely in custody. Trial is in a month and he doesn't strike me as having the smarts to avoid arrest that long. I can't see his Freeman friends harbouring him once he is a fugitive and they face the chance of getting a criminal charge themselves. Facebook friends.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

It would seem that our wonder child Alex has graduated from being a free range sovrun into a full fledged free range sovrun gibberish generator. It's so heart warming when you get to see the little ones slowly tentatively move out of the nest and out in to the great big world out there, ready to get started on their very own epic fail.

Now, now, remember, originality or constructive thought really isn't Alex's long suite, so he must be given leeway for ineptitude, of which he has in plenty. I can definitely see the Turing Test aspects, the question is, was it by design, or just happy accident? I definitely think these should be required reading for anyone claims to do a Psych Analysis of him, would save them a lot of time in the long run if they do.

Bored, I don't think so, and as you say, it is a true treasure trove of serious full on stupid.

Well, now at least I know what to get you for presents.

I see it didn't take our boy long to play the really stupid card. Well, no more day passes for him, and I'll bet the shots get more interesting from now on. I would say it looks like Alex will definitely be in attendance, although not willingly so, and since Simpson seems intent upon NOT whacking at the hornet nest it may just be the two principal crazies come trial time. I guess at this point we await further developments and excuses from Alex's corner.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Attention! Attention! This is an emergency broadcast of Radio Free Alex!

Alexander Ream, Freeman at Large, has posted a two-minute video manifesto (, entitled "Help?", with the following description:
I have been in held as a hostage since January the 9th 2014. I am supposed to be at the hospital at the moment, but I see no need for me to be there. I am only being drugged by harmful chemicals at the hospital and it is not making me feel or behave any better. Please share my story around so my case is not isolated. Dr. Singh of Surrey Memorial Hospital on January the 23thrd admitted that I don't have bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or psychosis and he still insist on me being drugged with harmful chemicals and has doubled the dose. The drug is called risperidone, but I am not diagnosed with anything and shouldn't be taking drugs. I am no hearing voices or hearing things. I am not a threat to myself or others. I am healthy and better off without the hospital corporate services. They say that I am a certified patient, but they have no proof that I contracted with them or that I accepted their corporate services. It doesn't help at all being there, the hospital food is terrible and it is making people who eat it become more and more unhealthy. Then, they drug people to make them feel better about the pain. There is no real recovery however. The legal system is also in collusion with this ridiculous "health" system. The "health" system abuses your rights and tell you to get a "lawyer". It's like dealing with the mafia, but somehow you are suppose to see them as "honorable" people, which they are not unfortunately.
Alex's video, in which he poses in front of a flag that I cannot identify, is actually kind of coherent. But he and his cohorts just keep breaking out in laughter. He disaffirms any risk to himself or others, and claims to be detained solely for his political beliefs, but really that is just him "being himself". He has skipped out after his 4 hour pass.

The drug treatment is making "his head feel not too good" and leaving him constipated.

Alex has also posted his involuntary commitment papers ( ... 0656831698) titled "Me vs Claims That I Am Crazy". Unfortunately the combination of photography and handwriting makes the document difficult to dissect however I translate the notes on the third and fourth page to read:
  • Page 3: This patient was acting bizarrely at a grocery story, harassing [indecipherable]. He appeared distracted, non-sensical. He may be intoxicated on unknown substances and is at a risk of harm. He requires admission for assessment and treatment.

    Page 4: [indecipherable] psychotic, delusional [indecipherable] and bizarre. [indecipherable] speech. Delusional – [indecipherable]. Steven Harper telepathy. Appears to be responding to auditory & visual hallucinations.
Guh. And here I thought the mind control was via needles in his ass. Silly me - it's just Stephen Harper (Canada's Prime Minister) using his reptilian ESP powers.

On a serious note - Alex, if you're reading this? Please go to the hospital. It's pretty clear you either need to convince authorities you are well, or get treatment.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

Ream is the only one of this gang I feel any sympathy for, he has always seemed to be in over his head, confused and lost. While he is the most active poster and an obsessive articulator of his position (if what he spouts can be considered coherent enough to be called a "position") I think he may actually have mental issues that might, legally, give him a way out. I don't feel that about the rest of them.

Mowe, in a previous posting, talked about Alex's One-Way Hell-Train to Incarceration but I'd suggest that phrase is more appropriately applied to Lange who seems to have doubled down and is in a full-throttle suicide run. Simpson seems the only defendant actively working on damage control. Jody Vaillant's disappeared from the scene, I think he plea bargained and I believe Smith is locked up but not sure about that. We're culling the sane and leaving the hard core for trial!

After all this despair and losses I wanted to revisit those wildly optimistic, happier days when things seemed to be going their way so I checked out the video links Mowe gave us from the time when the gang was driving to Kelowna B.C. to support Dean Clifford. All the links are dead! Has somebody been talking to lawyers?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby, I pretty much agree with you here. Alex is the most pathetic of the bunch, and lost, confused, and in (WAY)over his head would seem to pretty well describe him. He's pretty much of the group my grandmother used to say couldn't talk and chew gum at the same time. My feeling is that he really isn't competent to stand trial as he really doesn't understand what is going on around him, and what it all means. I am hoping that maybe his "involuntary" time spent in the care of the hospital may work in his favor in that they will determine he really hasn't got a clue, and really didn't have actual awareness to make the decisions that have gotten him in to so much trouble, and that being permanently separated from his "friends" could be the best and only solution for him.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by LordEd »

Anybody know what happened to Mr. Brady Kirk? He seemed to be a pseudo-guru for Mr. Ream for a bit.