UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

slowsmile wrote:First post here from a lurker of a few months - hi everyone.

I would concur that it would appear he stopped paying well before GOODF. If he "bought" the property in 1988 then I would imagine the price would most likely have been pretty close to the £43k he owes (based on me buying a 3 bed semi in Sheffield in 1991 for £55k).
Welcome slowsmile.
We need to establish the timeline here really. I can envisage that he didn't stop paying the mortgage, but messed around with it, during its 25 year lifespan (1988-2013). We get to 2013 and B&B want the capital paid. Tom, being the fuckwit he appears to be, turns round and says "but I've been paying my mortgage, why don't I own the house now?" Along come all the Freeloaders On The Loose and GOODFernothings and tell him about the evil banks creating money out of thin air etc. etc. and he buys into all the woo-woo. Several court cases, eviction dates and mobs later, and here we are.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by vampireLOREN »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
slowsmile wrote:First post here from a lurker of a few months - hi everyone.

I would concur that it would appear he stopped paying well before GOODF. If he "bought" the property in 1988 then I would imagine the price would most likely have been pretty close to the £43k he owes (based on me buying a 3 bed semi in Sheffield in 1991 for £55k).
Welcome slowsmile.
We need to establish the timeline here really. I can envisage that he didn't stop paying the mortgage, but messed around with it, during its 25 year lifespan (1988-2013). We get to 2013 and B&B want the capital paid. Tom, being the fuckwit he appears to be, turns round and says "but I've been paying my mortgage, why don't I own the house now?" Along come all the Freeloaders On The Loose and GOODFernothings and tell him about the evil banks creating money out of thin air etc. etc. and he buys into all the woo-woo. Several court cases, eviction dates and mobs later, and here we are.
I agree almost, but have a feeling that he has had this in the back of his mind for years. I imagine his connection to these folk who all appear to reside very close to him goes way back. He is the ideal candidate to get the public love and adoration . His early video's are staged and scripted...he is the friendly face/lovable GrandDad / fighting both Cancer and for his poor little bungalow :violin: . He has been successful, what is really needed is to see what the judge writes.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Hercule Parrot »

We're just speculating, of course. But for my two penn'orth, I doubt there's a long-standing and calculated dishonest intention. A lot of UK homebuyers got confused during the endowment meltdown, it wasn't unusual for standing orders to fail during bank acount changes, or for endowment policies to be forgotten during remortgaging. The homebuyer knows in his heart that this is just storing up trouble for tomorrow, but they keep pushing it from their mind. They'll probably sell the house long before the mortgage expires, they'll have inherited some money by then, something will turn up. It becomes a "wilful blindness", because to think about it directly would be too stressful.

PS - Welcome, slowsmile!
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by notorial dissent »

It hadn't occurred to me when I first read this, but I would be willing to bet that the actual mortgage has some option clauses in it to allow for just what the bank did when the mortgagor didn't keep up with their agreements, like funding the endowment and so forth. I would bet there is a clause saying that they can, on their own, adjust the loan to cover their current circumstances, and that would then explain what happened with Tom and fill in the blanks in his story.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by PeanutGallery »

I can recall looking into the issue of what would have happened if Tom had, when he reached the end of his mortgage and knew the capital would have to be repaid, sold his property and used the capital gained to fund a new purchase. The bank wanted £43k and his bungalow was worth around £120-130k.

I concluded that due to the rise in house prices over the period during which he had the mortgage he would likely have been able to afford a slightly smaller property, in an outlying village in the Nottingham area, but that he would most likely be able to own that outright.

In short he would have come out slightly ahead, not as ahead as he would have liked, but at least he was ahead. Now however he is behind, very far behind and the only person he can blame is himself.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

notorial dissent wrote:It hadn't occurred to me when I first read this, but I would be willing to bet that the actual mortgage has some option clauses in it to allow for just what the bank did when the mortgagor didn't keep up with their agreements, like funding the endowment and so forth. I would bet there is a clause saying that they can, on their own, adjust the loan to cover their current circumstances, and that would then explain what happened with Tom and fill in the blanks in his story.
This is almost certainly true. Plus lenders started to make a legal tie to the endowment (an assignment, IIRC). You can't stop the borrower from stopping paying the endowment but you get notified by the insurer and can invoke a clause as described above.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Bones » ... UdHRZMvYtw
Someone that relies on google to much wrote: Eyewitness account to part of The Tom Crawford May Day Court battle (1st May 2015) - by Liz Watson in Bournemouth.....
The atmosphere, commitment and energy of the group that attended the 1st of May event, was phenomenal. A real sense of unity with a common goal: to see Justice is done and to dismantle the lies and corruption that have been relied upon to date, to spin the matter this far, without correction as yet.

HMCTS ,under the iron-fist of the provable ill-intention and hidden agendas of the Crown Corporation, appeared to deliberately obstruct Justice on Tom Crawford's case by shunting the case into a very small court room - over in the Youth & Family Court (wholly inappropriate of course) but clearly a deliberate act to try to 'contain' the opposition to their shenanigans. With only 10 available seats in the cramped gallery, they prevented a 'Grand Jury' of peers from being constitutionally created and relied upon - all by design?.

I witnessed Tom Crawford raising a critical preliminary issue with Judge Godsmark (interesting name, right?) which issue is fundamental to whether the proceedings may continue or not: i.e. that the "claim" appears to have NO VALID ISSUANCE - namely, no fee has been paid for bringing the claim, and if I remember correctly, no seal exists on the 'claim' form. When confronted with this truth and the assertion was rightly made "there is no valid claim here because it hasn't even been validly issued", Judge Godsmark retorted "No, no, it has been validly issued: it is a MONEY CLAIM ON LINE".

Shock horror: He gave their game away! A "money claim issued on line" is capped at £25,000! How, then, can it possibly be fraudulently converted into a "possession claim" against a property valued at far more than 25k (!) - and done without any Pre Action protocol being lawfully observed and ignoring the cap of £25k, and with no Consumer Credit Agreement in place, which has to be duly signed by the offeror and acceptor (required in Law, as this is the 'contract' which any money claim tries to enforce)....!? It's clearly a SCAM!

So I stood up in the Court at the back on impulse, clearly moved by this attempted stitch-up and obvious abuse of court process, and I said words to this effect (paraphrased): "I am a Public Intervenor. I've worked as an investigator with the Serious fraud office on important cases, voluntarily and in the Public Interest. These proceedings aren't valid. Surely the Court must realise that a MONEY CLAIM issued on line and capped at a claim value of no more than £25k AND requiring a compliant Consumer Credit Agreement to be duly signed by both sides, can NOT possibly be converted into a Possession claim against a property worth far far more than £25,000? This is clearly a scam! Why is the court going along with it and entertaining it as if it is legitimate?"

At this, Judge Godsmark ran out of the court room! That's right, he exited so rapidly that it was very clear he couldn't run away fast enough. He was ashamed and embarrassed and had no answer. The same applies to the legal team of the accuser. Any judge worth his salt would have dealt with it in a proper way, arbitrating it impartially and allowing due process of Law, not just run and hide like this man did .

These court sessions nearly all come down to dishonesty by the HMCTS in acting without any lawful Power of Attorney!

If people better understood the 'game' of the Law Society and its army of members and the Bar Council too, they would expose the fallacious arguments being used to try to legitimise "claims" which are little more than a 'pile of leaves'.

i.e. no right of audience where there is no case to answer to and invalid paperwork and/or discrepant material defects and errors contained in the frequently incoherent claim being brought, to name but a few common denominators in cases such as Tom Crawford's.
Obviously shame-faced for being hung by his own patard of failing to execute his judicial obligation to discharge the proceedings with honour, many of us witnessed Judge Godsmark acting in dishonour. Instead of doing the right thing because it is just and right and in accordance with the 'Overriding Objectives' of the Court, he had apparently "sat in fraud" :-because he had full knowledge that the claim is 100% invalid and is therefore unenforceable. So why did he keep the spin going? With no valid issuance of the "claim" in place or in evidence, it cannot proceed as a possession claim, demonstrating there are no actual "proceedings". Therefore there is NO CASE TO ANSWER TO.

This then begs the question: are HMCTS even using "real judges"?

Why aren't any HMCTS judges ever monitored or held accountable?

Why do many of these judges engage in illegal case-fixing and inequality of arms? What qualifies a man or woman who is an ADVOCATE (and frequently a practicing advocate or solicitor) to sit as a Judge or member of the JUDICIARY who are supposed to be on the opposite side? (the advocate presents to the Judiciary - so effectively they present to themselves and there is no separation of powers and conflicts of interest everywhere). Its a closed shop and game that is almost impossible for a Litigant in Person to 'win' unless they are wide awake and more alert than those pedalling the false claim through the court system.

After my contribution made orally in the Public Interest, the ushers soon came over to me and asked me to leave the court room. When I asked "on what grounds?" I was given no plausible reason but merely a wry smile. It appeared that Judge Godsmark had asked the court ushers to strike a 'bargain' that "if I left the court room, then he would re-appear".....

he had effectively lost all jurisdiction when he ran out, and given what I had alerted to the Public attention of the invalid and unfair 'hearing', he could not regain jurisdiction by consent unless I left that court room. Not wishing to be obstructive in any way, but only to serve the Cause of Justice, I agreed to exit the court room as requested - knowing that the work had been done as the truth had been placed on the court record! But will Judge Godsmark step up to the plate and do the right thing? This remains to be seen.

It is my understanding that the topic of the (clearly rigged) 'hearing' then moved on to an examination of the type of mortgage, allegedly an 'Endowment' mortgage. But given that an endowment is merely like an investment plan to facilitate eventual reimbursement of capital outlaid, then why is it even remotely relevant to the invalidly brought 'claim' which has no right of possessing Tom Crawford's familial home in the first place? The claim is invalidly bought and is void ab initio, so why this distraction about the endowment status? This appears to be a distraction technique.

It does appear to be a degree of prevarication going on here....did they obviously see me as a disruptive force to their unsavoury agenda to rig the outcome of the whole matter? Or something else? If it was meant to be a "fair" hearing then how could it be "fair" if the Judge had not only refused to allow Tom Crawford his rights under the Legal Services Act to choose who he wants to represent him (this was unethically and unlawfully disallowed), but he then FAILED TO ADDRESS the fact the "claim" (so-called) is a nullity and should be struck out under Civil Procedure Rule 3.4.2 (a) and (b) as having "no prospects of success" and nonsensically contrived.

One interesting point is that the Judge (somewhat predictably iMHO), then took the cowardly route of "reserving" his judgment. This can be an indication that he feels unable to make the lawful and right decision without referring to his peers and the Privy Council for directions.
Frequently, on important cases, I've uncomfortably observed that the Privy Council WRITE OUT the scripted "judgment" (so called) BEFORE any (alleged) "hearing" even takes place or begins! This demonstrates that they think nothing of rigging the outcome of cases! i.e. no due process of Law, no fair hearing is even possible, when this occurs.

Such things show the case is being conducted in a PRIVATE (not a Public) capacity!
This contemptible act of pre-preparing a bogus "judgment" BEFORE a court session, means that vital evidence is dismissed before it is even presented (!), and so of course, means 'no fair hearing'! It is a scam they often pull. So don't hold your breath. I believe it could go either way. If the Judge 'does his worst' and makes a bogus "judgment" , we were all witnesses to the invalid proceedings because the fundamental issue of the claim type being limited to £25k is sufficient grounds to dismiss the Claim immediately, awarding full costs and compensation to Tom Crawford and his entire family for AN ABUSE OF THE COURT PROCESS by the Claimant solicitors.

The fact that Judge Godsmark had already run out of the Court room no less than THREE TIMES but the attendees in the Public Gallery and Tom Crawford himself exercised extraordinary patience and persistence by allowing the judge 3 lifelines - but is this a wise move, we must ask ourselves? Why is credence being gifted to the unworthy? Where is the lawful compliance with the Pre-action protocol required on all possession claims, or with the Power of Attorney Act and Law of Property Act (Misc Provisions) 1989 and the Bill of Exchange Act 1882 etc etc?
The fact is, HMCTS are no longer fit for purpose. They offer a rigged game, under the command of the Crown Corporation.

Worse, the Crown Corporation is a legal fiction operating a totally duplicitous (and therefore highly conflicted) set up: namely, their own website describes that they are OUTSIDE OF THE LAWS OF ENGLAND! Check it out and see for yourself.

This means that logically, Law breakers may not be Law makers nor Law enforcers. So what are we all doing, tolerating this utterly dishonest set up and rigged state of Public affairs? Further, there is an unlawful (and illegal) and treasonous MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between the 46 police corporations in Britain (who nearly all mis-use their force and ignore their PACE codes, many of whom are flagrantly abusing their positions of trust), and the Law Society. In effect, this lawless MOU tells the police to "back off" any contentious (legal land) cases, so as to leave them to their own devices - and so it sanctions sometimes very serious, crimes!

The police, of course, as employees of the corrupted and treasonous Crown Corporation who are being manipulated by Rothschild since at least 300 years (rothschild hijacked the Monarchy in The Crash and took over), whose sole goal seems to be a total takeover of all the assets, land, children and property of the indigenous people of Britain.

It is Rothschild aka The Crown Corporation who has driven our beautiful England into the ground, pillaged all its trade, assets, land, through a unsustainable debt-based money system which serves only the criminal Elite, and has serenaded a love of money well beyond anything the assets of the People can support, with such a voracious appetite for stealth and acquisition at any cost to the people of England. Rothschild has corporatised everything, even turning England into UK PLC' so as to attempt to bring it under the EU's control and drive it into a one-world currency. Mayer Amschild rothschild's famous quote sums this up:
"give me control of a Nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws"

Put a different way, we the People of Britain, are being ROBBED by the Crown Corporation, via all the HM Departments and in particular by HMCTS. It involves financial genocide and widespread displacement, executed ruthlessly and lawlessly against the People of England, under the guise of "the Authorities".

After all, with such lawlessness in Public buildings, how can any of us ignore these irregularities and unjust goings-on? It concerns ALL of us, we are ALL 'at risk'. Anything that is registered with the Crown Corporation, ends up being taken - this includes land, properties and even children! We have open-shut and compelling evidence of criminal collusion and complicity with HMLR (Land Registry) and with the banksters, stealing property by pulling the wool over people's eyes - theft by pen and paper! Errors of omission, invalid proceedings, deliberate non-disclosure, denial of due process of Law, blockading access to Justice, pricing themselves beyond the reach of the ordinary man or average earner (why DO the Legal Profession receive an average of 60 times the average wage of the non-legal professionals?) - and now HMTS have even increased their court fees by some 600%! Is this some kind of joke? or just yet another ploy to get people to relinquish all hope of bringing a claim against their oppressors / ruthless paymasters and adversaries who are conspiring to asset strip them?

The majority of people looking at this case and hearing Tom's internet pleas, will realise and agree that Tom Crawford deserves full restitution and restoral of his position, along with aggravated damages for the distress and unnecessary alarm caused to him and his family by the pirates of the Admiralty "courts" who have entertained a provably invalid 'claim'.
This applies to all of us - WE ARE ALL TOM CRAWFORD to the Courts, who can only attack the legal fiction of your given 'name'...but never touch the real you, who remains the true sovereign in any court room and beyond.

Their apparent game plan is to keep YOU in the dock, to pin "liability" on to you even when no evidence exists to make this possible, and to steal or dispossess you of your family home - all to feed the mouths and pay the wages of the treasonous Crown employees whose agenda
Although I haven't examined the paperwork on Tom's case, it would appear that none of the judges involved on this case have, either! I knew something was very wrong when the judge insisted the claim was valid when it clearly is not valid. Why ARE these 'officers of the court" condoning the Law and the Truth? Why are they acting lawlessly? Is it really because they made up their own rules and are therefore busily implementing them, regardless of the cost to the People and regardless of the casualties of the Stasi-State that Britain has become?

These Public courts are OUR courts, and we should all have "free unfettered access" to them. We, the indigenous people of England, are the sovereign power of this country and this is OUR land and these are OUR properties. They do not belong to the Crown, who has been busily filching land and property for many years now - and as the man-made fake "debt" compounds and increases, the land and property grabbing has correspondingly escalated alongside it. No surprises there.

Interestingly, the controlled Media of the Crown Corporation have already tried to mislead the Public by falsely reporting on mainstream TV an implication that "the angry mob were, by implication, unruly" and hanging the judge's 'reserve judgment' on this factor as being the reason it may be 'served by email' ! The opposite is, in fact true.

In fact, one of the observers and by-standers who attended the May Day event, sent me a film footage he took where he caught on camera the fact that I was assaulted aggressively by the Group 4 Serco-employed security staff at the Court - all done apropos of nothing, with nil provocation, purely because they refused entry to we the People who own the courts and Public buildings and are turning a Nelsonian blind eye to the fact that fraudulent "claims" are being peddled through their collapsing System in the first place! We have every justification to feel outraged by these gross inequities.

With an average statistic of about one person being divested of their home "every 20 minutes", isn't it about time we placed them under scrutiny and begin asking them the right questions, to turn this endemic abuse of process around by 360 degrees?

I've prepared some didactic videos to make some suggestions as to the right questions to ask if anyone is facing illegal or questionable repossession of their home (and all cases do not comply with one or more of the pre-requisites for a claim to be valid). You can also check out my Facebook JUDGE WATCH Group site for valuable information.

(Written on 4 May 2015 by Liz Watson, Founder of One Voice Action Group and Public Intervenor acting in the Public Interest)
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Bones »

If I understand correctly a possession claim is a claim for the recovery of possession of land (including buildings or parts of buildings). It is not a claim seeking a monetary order. Therefore, monetary claim limits do not apply
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Bones »

Someone that relies on google to much wrote:
It is my understanding that the topic of the (clearly rigged) 'hearing' then moved on to an examination of the type of mortgage, allegedly an 'Endowment' mortgage. But given that an endowment is merely like an investment plan to facilitate eventual reimbursement of capital outlaid, then why is it even remotely relevant to the invalidly brought 'claim' which has no right of possessing Tom Crawford's familial home in the first place? The claim is invalidly bought and is void ab initio, so why this distraction about the endowment status? This appears to be a distraction technique.
This clearly shows that this person has no idea what they are talking about :naughty:
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Normal Wisdom »

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Bones wrote: ... UdHRZMvYtw
Someone that relies on google to much wrote:
So I stood up in the Court at the back on impulse, clearly moved by this attempted stitch-up and obvious abuse of court process, and I said words to this effect (paraphrased): "I am a Public Intervenor. I've worked as an investigator with the Serious fraud office on important cases, voluntarily and in the Public Interest. These proceedings aren't valid. Surely the Court must realise that a MONEY CLAIM issued on line and capped at a claim value of no more than £25k AND requiring a compliant Consumer Credit Agreement to be duly signed by both sides, can NOT possibly be converted into a Possession claim against a property worth far far more than £25,000? This is clearly a scam! Why is the court going along with it and entertaining it as if it is legitimate?"

At this, Judge Godsmark ran out of the court room! That's right, he exited so rapidly that it was very clear he couldn't run away fast enough. He was ashamed and embarrassed and had no answer. The same applies to the legal team of the accuser. Any judge worth his salt would have dealt with it in a proper way, arbitrating it impartially and allowing due process of Law, not just run and hide like this man did....

After my contribution made orally in the Public Interest, the ushers soon came over to me and asked me to leave the court room. When I asked "on what grounds?" I was given no plausible reason but merely a wry smile. It appeared that Judge Godsmark had asked the court ushers to strike a 'bargain' that "if I left the court room, then he would re-appear".....

he had effectively lost all jurisdiction when he ran out, and given what I had alerted to the Public attention of the invalid and unfair 'hearing', he could not regain jurisdiction by consent unless I left that court room. Not wishing to be obstructive in any way, but only to serve the Cause of Justice, I agreed to exit the court room as requested - knowing that the work had been done as the truth had been placed on the court record! But will Judge Godsmark step up to the plate and do the right thing? This remains to be seen.
Thank you, that was hilarious. The pompous self-importance of these fools is a constant joy, the way that they describe events as if they were a significant and powerful participant (when in fact they've just been brushed aside).

So I demanded from the policy officer if he was standing on his oath, showed him my certificate of Wingardium Leviosa, issued him with a notarised copy of my fee schedule and served a commercial lien on his hat. Then I started drawing the magical pentangle of sovereignty to convene a common law grand jury, but by then my car had been towed away and the police had driven off to another job.

They clearly couldn't face the truth, and they had been humiliated by their subservience to the Jewish banking industry. I stood by the road for a while explaining this to the sheeple, but most of them obviously couldn't grasp the simple facts I was telling them - pitiful really. Then it started raining, so I walked home to tell my wife about my spectacular victory.
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Normal Wisdom wrote:That would have been written by this Elizabeth Watson ... ... uJt8lVX.97
Ah, well that explains a lot. A naive and malicious internet campaigner who specialises in publishing false accusations of child molestation. She made a complete fool of herself in the Haigh case, and Neelu Berry would do well to note what happened.

01. This is an application by Elizabeth Watson to purge the contempt in which I found her on 15 August 2011. On 22 August 2011 I committed her to prison for a period of nine months...

12. Ms. Watson, fortunately, however, has had the good sense, at long last, to take legal advice and has been ably represented before me by counsel, Mr. Littlewood. She should be extremely grateful to her counsel and to the solicitors whom she has chosen.

13. However, the factors I have outlined and the contents of my previous judgment explain why a prison sentence for Ms. Watson was inevitable. She has today, herself, expressed (both through counsel and personally) contrition. In plain language she has told me she is very sorry for what she has done...
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by PeanutGallery »

Tom's put a new video up on YouTube to thank all the people who came to protect his house while he was in court arguing that he doesn't need to pay his mortgage. Tom makes a complaint that the Mail got it wrong and that the court wasn't stormed, he's asked for a retraction.

Tom then goes on to explore the evidence that was presented in court. Tom's first piece of evidence is a document with mismatched dates from the start of his mortgage, this seems to be little more than a simple mistake. Tom confirms his mortgage was an endowment scheme.

Tom then brings out the statements from his mortgage, it's notable that the amount owed on the mortgage (the capital doesn't seem to reduce during Tom's mortgage). He claims that you need to pay attention to the account number, on the paperwork Bradford and Bingley produced it's 013/79685204 on Tom's paperwork the account number is 268A 796852G, Tom thinks these prove the first set are fraudulent. I'd think it more likely that when Bradford and Bingley was taken over by UKAR they harmonised account numbers across the businesses. However the waffle about account numbers doesn't address the key question, which is did Tom make payments towards the endowment or not.

Tom doesn't present any statements from the endowment policy. He doesn't have any paperwork relating to this, which supports the claim made by Bradford and Bingley that Tom never made any payments. I'm not sure that even now, Tom actually understands what an Endowment policy is, I don't think he ever knew.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by littleFred »

I tried to transcribe the documents that Tom waved at the camera, but they don't make much sense out of context.

The funniest part is Tom pointing to the seal on a document and saying, "No seal. Every county court should be a court of record and have a seal that's an embossed stamp."
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

PeanutGallery wrote:Tom then brings out the statements from his mortgage, it's notable that the amount owed on the mortgage (the capital doesn't seem to reduce during Tom's mortgage). He claims that you need to pay attention to the account number, on the paperwork Bradford and Bingley produced it's 013/79685204 on Tom's paperwork the account number is 268A 796852G, Tom thinks these prove the first set are fraudulent.
I'd say the first is a mortgage account number and the second looks more like a Land Registry number.
PeanutGallery wrote: I'd think it more likely that when Bradford and Bingley was taken over by UKAR they harmonised account numbers across the businesses.
Unlikely. It's a lot of effort for little benefit and would confuse the hell out of the customers. If you needed to do that you would do something like create a link between two account numbers and just use one of them internally within the business but leave the connection to the old number for the customers.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by wanglepin »

At 7:08 the statement shows - returned direct debit – for the September period and nothing seems to move from there on?
We don’t get much from Tom’s video but the interesting part for me was the barrister “falling off the stool” and having what Tom describes as a “shaking fit” when he produced the “DNA” from B&B. Why did she do that? Are they statements of someone else’s account? Well they don’t appear to be and this “DNA” didn’t stop ‘psychopathic dark forces’ of the court proceedings, though Tom appears to be telling us that his ‘payments may have gone missing’. Tom doesn’t tell us if he brought to the attention of the court the discrepancies he discover concerning the two pieces of DNA (the different account numbers) or what the barrister had to say in reply. No, what Tom says is “I’ll leave that up to you to decide”.
Then Tom goes on to tell us about the DNA of court documents including Stamps, Seals, Sea Lions and another type of animal he called a False Warrant, but again, Tom doesn’t mention what the “ psychopathic dark forces” of the court had to say concerning these fraudulent creatures only that it was “waffle”.
In contrast to the above we had this from the Nicole Sandells (she who couldn’t sit right and suffered some kind of a fit). This may be the “waffle” Tom is referring to;
But Bradford and Bingley said his endowment policy had lapsed - due to him not making the endowment payments - and that he had only been paying an interest-only mortgage.
They say he owes £43,000.
Nicole Sandells, representing Bradford and Bingley, said: "It seems abundantly clear...that they knew the [endowment] policy had lapsed and needed to put something in place to sort out how they were going to repay the capital, but they've never done that.
"This is not a case where Bradford and Bingley has lost an endowment policy. The bank was not asked to sort the problem out by turning it into a repayment mortgage. There was no fraud by the bank." ... story.html
Normal Wisdom
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Normal Wisdom »

While Tom is bleating on about account numbers and apologies, there are a few points that I managed to glean from "freeze framing" the video:

1) His own copies of the mortgage statements that he suddenly "found" quite clearly say "Endowment -Interest Only". These include the very first statement so he should have been in no doubt all along that it did not include repayment of the capital and his constant whining that B&B "changed" the mortgage to "interest only" is either extremely stupid or extremely devious. I tend to believe the former.

2) He reads some extracts from the letter from B&B which appears to confirm that the mortgage has been changed to a "part endowment, part capital and repayment basis" without his authority. I'm not sure how this would work but presumably one replaces the other going forward. The date of the letter is not shown but it provides a calculation of the account as at 31st December 1998 had that mortgage been changed to a capital repayment plan from 1995 so I think we can assume this letter was received in early 1999. The letter also states that there is an underpayment of £4,397 which it appears they are prepared to forgive. While focusing on the apology element of the letter he misses out the part on the second page which appears to give him a choice as to how he wants the mortgage to proceed and requests confirmation in an envelope provided. The letter also mentions that the account is

3) The letter dated February 2002 (which I note is from B&Bs Credit Collection Department) implies that Tom never advised B&B of his preference that the mortgage proceed on either an endowment or repayment basis so the mixed arrangement had been unchanged. The letter again requests that he contacts their Customer Care Department (presumably to confirm his preference). I think we should assume that it was at this stage that he confirmed that he wanted to proceed on an endowment basis.

The crucial issue still appears to be whether or not he ever paid the premiums on the endowment policy. B&B of course contend that he ceased making payments and therefore the endowment policy never matured. I get the feeling that Tom is still completely ignorant about the purpose of the endowment policy.

I don't think this changes my overview of the situation, Tom is financially illiterate and if he did indeed stop paying the endowment premiums this problem would have happened anyway. The strange errors by B&B have only served to confuse the situation and given Tom something on which to hang his ridiculous claims of fraud. I can still only see this going one way when the judgement is delivered.
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by Normal Wisdom »

wanglepin wrote:At 7:08 the statement shows - returned direct debit – for the September period and nothing seems to move from there on?
We don’t get much from Tom’s video but the interesting part for me was the barrister “falling off the stool” and having what Tom describes as a “shaking fit” when he produced the “DNA” from B&B. Why did she do that? Are they statements of someone else’s account? Well they don’t appear to be and this “DNA” didn’t stop ‘psychopathic dark forces’ of the court proceedings, though Tom appears to be telling us that his ‘payments may have gone missing’. Tom doesn’t tell us if he brought to the attention of the court the discrepancies he discover concerning the two pieces of DNA (the different account numbers) or what the barrister had to say in reply. No, what Tom says is “I’ll leave that up to you to decide”.
Then Tom goes on to tell us about the DNA of court documents including Stamps, Seals, Sea Lions and another type of animal he called a False Warrant, but again, Tom doesn’t mention what the “ psychopathic dark forces” of the court had to say concerning these fraudulent creatures only that it was “waffle”.
In contrast to the above we had this from the Nicole Sandells (she who couldn’t sit right and suffered some kind of a fit). This may be the “waffle” Tom is referring to;
But Bradford and Bingley said his endowment policy had lapsed - due to him not making the endowment payments - and that he had only been paying an interest-only mortgage.
They say he owes £43,000.
Nicole Sandells, representing Bradford and Bingley, said: "It seems abundantly clear...that they knew the [endowment] policy had lapsed and needed to put something in place to sort out how they were going to repay the capital, but they've never done that.
"This is not a case where Bradford and Bingley has lost an endowment policy. The bank was not asked to sort the problem out by turning it into a repayment mortgage. There was no fraud by the bank." ... story.html
GooFers, FOTLers and the like love to embellish their stories of appearances in court with tales of the sobering (or worse) effect their testimony had on barristers, solicitors and judges. Judges always "run" never "walk" out of the court when the FOTLers in the court or their supporters in the gallery begin laying down "the truth". Barristers are always shaken and speechless. It makes them feel they are winning even if they aren't.

I also noticed the returned direct debits although it does seem to settle down to regular payments later on. However, at one point the "Endowment - Interest Only" account for the loan of £41k does rise above £50k.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by littleFred »

Normal Wisdom wrote:2) He reads some extracts from the letter from B&B which appears to confirm that the mortgage has been changed to a "part endowment, part capital and repayment basis" without his authority. I'm not sure how this would work but presumably one replaces the other going forward. The date of the letter is not shown but it provides a calculation of the account as at 31st December 1998 had that mortgage been changed to a capital repayment plan from 1995 so I think we can assume this letter was received in early 1999.
Visible at 19m 01s, it is dated 29 Jan 1999.

At 7m 05s, we see Tom's first statement, for 1988. The debits are for interest only. Not interest plus capital, or interest plus endowment. Likewise his later statements. If Tom was paying an endowment policy, it was a separate arrangement. EDIT: I should add, the statement at 7m 18s show his payments totalled to the same as the total interest. Tom was paying only interest to B&B.

Notably absent from Tom's explanation is who the endowment policy was with, or how much he paid every month, or when he stopped.

It seems to me that B&B realised (or believed) that Tom's endowment policy wasn't on schedule to repay the entire capital, so they unilaterally started taking payments towards repaying the capital. Tom objected to this.
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Re: UK - Tom Crawford Calls For Help

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Normal Wisdom wrote:2) He reads some extracts from the letter from B&B which appears to confirm that the mortgage has been changed to a "part endowment, part capital and repayment basis" without his authority. I'm not sure how this would work but presumably one replaces the other going forward. The date of the letter is not shown but it provides a calculation of the account as at 31st December 1998 had that mortgage been changed to a capital repayment plan from 1995 so I think we can assume this letter was received in early 1999. The letter also states that there is an underpayment of £4,397 which it appears they are prepared to forgive. While focusing on the apology element of the letter he misses out the part on the second page which appears to give him a choice as to how he wants the mortgage to proceed and requests confirmation in an envelope provided.
Sorry I don't buy the idea that he was £4397 short and it is OK. That is 10% of what he borrowed! That is months of arrears but neither side has raised it? I think it is more likely that he received a letter saying that compared to a repayment mortgage he is £4397 behind where he should be with his repayments.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self