Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by slowsmile »

timcurgenven1 wrote:Peters meetings seem to have dried up.
A few weeks ago on his FB page he said he'd be holding weekly meetings by now. ... 9179700768
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Bones »

Whilst he is trying to hide it, things didn't go to well in court today for 210368GP - The judge didn't say that the housing association had to accept were cheques after all - or as he says "judge is happy to ignore bills of exchange" - Wish these idiots would be more honest and face facts

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Bones »

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

Bones wrote:Image
Plaintiff - I have a lot of moral support so you can't evict me.

Judge - I have spent a lot of time reviewing previous cases and I cannot find any that deems 'moral support' to be a valid defence.

Best of luck to the plaintiff :sarcasmon:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Hyrion »

littleFred wrote:But it is a scam that (I think) Peter believed in, or wanted to believe in.
So... if he believed in it (or strongly wanted to) why didn't he accept Re units to pay for the ongoing account fees?

I can understand the actual physical cheques costing money - why did he charge such a high fee for those instead of their actual cost so he wasn't out of pocket on GBP?

Just a couple of rather important questions that I think disrupts your explanation of whether or not PoE deliberately, consciously, scammed others.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by mufc1959 »

The scales are falling from Robswift's eyes ... ... ead#unread

And, honestly, of PoE doesn't have hardcore freetards like Robswift on board, he's on a hiding to nothing. He'll end up persona non grata in the Sov Cit community.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

The title of that GOOF thread asks a question:
WeRebank concept is great….But is there something missing?
Yep, there is something missing .......MONEY!
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Hyrion wrote:
I can understand the actual physical cheques costing money - why did he charge such a high fee for those instead of their actual cost so he wasn't out of pocket on GBP?
It would be interesting to know if the printer of the last batch of cheque books was willing to accept and did accept one of the WeRe cheques they had printed themselves as payment for the printing. And, if they refused payment by one of their own cheques, why? If Peter cannot even get the firm that prints WeRe cheques to accept them as payment that would show that the printer did not consider them to be legitimate cheques.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by littleFred »

It's always difficult to know what is in a scammer's mind. A confidence trickster relies on being believable.

My assessment of Peter's beliefs keeps changing, and is probably wrong, but my current thoughts are: Peter always knew that Res were worthless, and the cheques wouldn't work.

But Peter is a man of dreams. Big dreams. Not for him the daily grind of sending out chequebooks, answering members' questions, keeping track of payments and other drudgery. Peter wants to bring down the banks, the justice system and everything else, and become king of the world. And he thought he could do this. He thought that by mobilising an army of suckers (who would pay him for the privilege) he could overturn centuries of banking practice. This is the scam I think he believed in, or at least wanted to believe. And I think he has come to the sad realisation that WeRe is about as big as it ever will be, and the impact it has had on the banking system is a big fat zero.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by LightinDarkness »

Pox wrote:
chronistra wrote:
mufc1959 wrote:
That's about what 3-4 years of university costs in the USA, according to friends of mine (who are paying off their student loans with, you know, actual money).
Costs very much depend on the university.

To rack up $180K, this lady either spend more than four years or she picked a particularly expensive school.
She does talk about having more than one student loan so maybe she dropped a course part way through?

Whatever way you look at it, she wasted her money as what university education she had clearly fell on deaf ears!
I don't mean to drag us off topic here but I would look at the $180k in student loans as being illustrative of the mark's financial illiteracy. It is true college education is insanely expensive here in the US, but there is NO WAY she needed to take out that many loans at 95% of schools:

- Isn't she on Section 8? That would mean she met means tested requirements for programs like Pell Grants and other institutional aid. That need-based money (which doesn't require any academic merit, they just give it to you based on income) at most schools will cover 30-70% of your tuition.

- Unless you are in an elite degree program/school, it is very easy to work part time and pay for your living expenses. I have a feeling a huge chunk of that student loan money was for "living expenses" and she was living way beyond her means. This is a common thing. Students take out huge chunks of money and live it up with fancy apartments, booze, parties, etc.

- The US has a robust community college system. Most of them have programs where if you get an associates degree from them for two years you are guaranteed admission to a state 4 year university program to finish your bachelors degree. If you do this you can save a ton of money as community college's cost a fraction of a regular university in terms of tuition.

- The only way $180k is a REALISTIC cost of attendance (as opposed to the inflated numbers school provide - which they do to ensure students can take out massive loan sums) is at an elite school. Someone this stupid has no hope of getting into such an elite school. And most of those elite schools (ivy league or a T30 school otherwise) have expansive financial aid programs that involve grants to begin with. The only people paying to go to Harvard are legacies (rich kids whose mom/dad attended and made 'generous' donations).

Most people I know who attended college and graduate school (BA + MA) have around $70k in loans and they all went to really good public schools. The only people I know with 150k+ in loans are in extremely lucrative careers like pharmacy or medical doctors.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Skeleton »

RobSwift on goofyland is being a typical Freetard, yes he is asking questions of Peter but he is careful not to say that Weird bank cheques do not work, choosing instead to question how Weird Bank operates and the support Peter offers to his members now being taken to court.
The first reply though hopefully brings RobSwift down to earth with a bump.
Postby creditshampoo » Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:13 pm
Yea there is something missing.
It doesn't work.
Then we have a idiot who ignores all Rob's questions saying they do work, drum roll, and producing the First Plus letters as proof.

Stupid does not cover it.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by wanglepin »

mufc1959 wrote:The scales are falling from Robswift's eyes ... ... ead#unread
But not this cretin. he's gone the full WeRe rout and is using Peters Legal Services
by meeh101 » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:40 pm

From personal experience: disappointed in the lack of support as respects the court room environment... In my particular instance I even placed the matter with Freeman Legal Services;
I wonder what they will charge this idiot and who will be on his legal team?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by grixit »

I think Robswift is working himself up to taking over. After all, anyone in the world can print fake checks, send them out, and make up some bogus instructions to "clear" them. If Peter of Neverland has lost interest in the job, well why not Rob, then?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by wanglepin »

mufc1959 wrote:The scales are falling from Robswift's eyes ... ... ead#unread
And Robswift can't seem to push himself to actually admit the 'bank' was a complete balls up from the beginning not to mention it is a con and they have all been suckered
Agreed Luke.... the concept of Were was a good one but so far it has failed to deliver on it's promises in a massive way!
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

grixit wrote:I think Robswift is working himself up to taking over. After all, anyone in the world can print fake checks, send them out, and make up some bogus instructions to "clear" them. If Peter of Neverland has lost interest in the job, well why not Rob, then?
Like the lunatics taking over the asylum?
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by wanglepin »

grixit wrote:I think Robswift is working himself up to taking over. If Peter of Neverland has lost interest in the job, well why not Rob, then?
It could be. But I would have to ask: who is Robswift? Is he just a mouth piece and would he attend court in defense of those who have used his worthless cheques that Peter has so far failed to do after all his promises to help in the court room? Will the goofers be suckered again!!!!1!!!!.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rpenner »

Jeffrey wrote:In the interest of science

Per the laws of conservation of energy, he is now $500,000 richer and must update his side of the ledger, as well as pay any corresponding UK income taxes.
I majored in physics, minored in economics and use computer science in my daily work life. Imagine my surprise at PoE's declaration of a new law of economics and physics. (Conservation of angular momentum, a principle near and dear to me, would ordinarily forbid energy disappearing somewhere and reappearing somewhere else without passing through intervening space. Neither information theory or physics or economics has a conservation of numerical figure law like PoE proposes, so that's a double Nobel prize and, but for an age-disqualification, Fields medal as well.)

Thus it was entirely possible for me to comprehend PoE's principle and to compose a program here in the US to do PoE's variant of double-entry bookkeeping to update PoE's US-based income to about USD $500k/µs at a cost to me of a few pennies of electricity. Such a program can be equally well implemented in Javascript and without significant load on the client machine, be hidden in the Quatloos forum script, enabling all visitors to this site to contribute to PoE's future struggles with the world's tax authorities.

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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Losleones »

Over on goofy in the new Weary Bank thread Deadbeatdad brings some plain common sense to the table
Deadbeatdad wrote
I wonder if some cheques are just easier to clear? Ie.£14k must be virtually risk free & irresistible income for the smaller finance companies in these difficult times
Referring to Dazza's cheque i wonder how many Re suckers have taken a loan with same finance company to then try to offload with a dud cheque :thinking:
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Pox »

mufc1959 wrote:The scales are falling from Robswift's eyes ... ... ead#unread

And, honestly, of PoE doesn't have hardcore freetards like Robswift on board, he's on a hiding to nothing. He'll end up persona non grata in the Sov Cit community.
Despite the doubts that have been cast by one of POE's /were bank's biggest fans, someone called 'upsidedown' on the above GOODF thread says that he hasn't had any success and 'actinglikeabanker' says - show us the evidence.

Think he should change the 'b' in his user name to 'w'.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by rpenner »

LightinDarkness wrote:Most people I know who attended college and graduate school (BA + MA) have around $70k in loans and they all went to really good public schools. The only people I know with 150k+ in loans are in extremely lucrative careers like pharmacy or medical doctors.
In the US, there are also some private low-quality institutions that promise distance-learning or pay-as-you-go study-at-night and are somewhat better at arraigning for student loans than job placement. My friend who got his PhD from Southampton was livid to learn that one of the internet cranks he was talking to was part of one such institution's faculty. That was an impressive level of miseducation on display.

I don't believe there is any national law to prevent an unaccredited business to call itself a college or university. The most transparent of these are the diploma mills, but some are just really low quality imitations of secondary education or even law school.

So I can imagine that someone without academic potential could be enticed to sign up for loans for an education that would not serve them well.