Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by NG3 »

longdog wrote: Could somebody please translate that in to English :shrug:
Rough translation:
Nonsensical bullshit I just made up

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Llwellyn »

longdog wrote:
guilty wrote:Getting a bit desperate now...
After speaking with a few companies regarding WeRe cheques, the REAL reason for not accepting them is........................because certain ones off the squatters site have been making phone calls to the companies who WeRe members have sent their cheques to, and have made allegations that the cheques are fraudulent.
Some of the companies have recordings of these calls, and they state that due to the amount and nature of the calls, have passed the recordings to the police to investigate WHERE the allegations have come from and by who.
So it seems like the squatters will be getting a visit, serves them right!
Oh how the tide turns :D
Could somebody please translate that in to English :shrug:
(condensed it to simplify)
Translation : the REAL REASON IS..... (Uhm they are fraudulent cheques).... but, we refuse to accept that so we will make up something.
Translation : certain ones off the squatters site ... we don't really know why, but as part of our imagination and excuses we will attempt to find someone else to blame..
Translation : companies have recordings ... while there is a great probability of this, as we know when talking to any billing/financial company/office, our grand Mavrik was a little lost by their legalese linguistics.. as the recordings were passed on to the police, who are probably investigating the FRAUD committed by WeRe and its members. - I could walk around claiming that the Bank of Canada is a fraud etc etc.. Everyone has the right to their OPINION, no crime in it, the police wouldn't even bother with me.. If it were otherwise a situation.. then every freeman/sovrun/idjitt/morontard-spouting-Get-Out-Of-Debt-Free would already have had their police visits, and be sitting in a cell already, and we wouldn't be getting all this wonderful amounts of stupid to laugh at.

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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by longdog »

I'm not sure I'm any the wiser :snicker:
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

guilty wrote:Getting a bit desperate now...
....because certain ones off the squatters site have been making phone calls to the companies who WeRe members have sent their cheques to, and have made allegations that the cheques are fraudulent...
As one of the people who made a call to Barclays Fraud Department, I cannot wait for the police to knock on my door. Any day now, I'm sure.

Seriously, come on now. Imagine if a fraud department - on receiving a tip-off about a pretty clear fraud that they're already aware of - began an investigation against the person leaving the tip-off rather than the person in question. How the f*** would that work? How and why would that achieve anything?

"999, what's your emergency?"
"There's a burglar in my house!"
"Wait... how do we know you're not the burglar?"

The world would be a pretty mental place if it ran by SovCit logic.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Jeffrey »

have made allegations that the cheques are fraudulent
That's not an allegation, it's a factual statement.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by AndyPandy »

It's getting better :

I posted what IS TRUE, the cops apparently ARE interested in YOUR allegations. THAT is what I was TOLD. So don't bother asking me why, go back and ask the companies you clowns have made phone calls to.


Yes, you moron accusations of fraud are taken seriously, especially against those perpetrating it, NOT those reporting it :haha: :haha:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

I actually have had the police call round mine in regard to Peter of Englands scam. They were concerned that I might have been taken in by it after I tried reporting it to Trading Standards as fraudulent. They basically told me there was an investigation going on but couldn't say much more. They also thanked me for raising this as a concern.

What didn't happen was I wasn't arrested or even cautioned that I might be arrested, they just wanted to know what I knew in regard to Peter's actions and in regard to his customers.

So yes, calling up companies and warning them that people are trying to defraud them with fake cheque books may lead to the police contacting you, but they won't be hauling any of us away because we aren't breaking the law by asking private companies to be diligent about the cheques they receive.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by longdog »

You're all missing the point. When you report Poe's activities the police will investigate you because you are obviously liableing him which is an unlegally unlawful common law offence... Said nobody ever. :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by NG3 »

THAT is what I was TOLD.
And he believed it?

I think that demonstrates even more stupidity than if he had made it up.

Has he missed the part about people being warned about WeRe bank, and encouraged to contact authorities?

Perhaps he should read back through the threads, especially at some of the letters reposted here.

How in this world could he come to the conclusion that any body warning others about a bank, publicly denounced as a fake, and subject of public warnings by the FSA and financial ombudsman, would be in trouble for doing so?

Also how did he come to the conclusion that the only reason they're not being cleared is due to a handful of people on a forum, when the FSA and financial ombudsman have stated they will not be cleared, they can not be cleared and that many of those using them have found themselves in trouble?

It's not rocket science to see his statement's are patently stupid and incorrect.

Are these guys incapable of common sense thinking?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

So according to GOOFY world making an allegation of fraud is a criminal offence?
:haha: :haha: :haha:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Bones »

AndyPandy wrote:It's getting better :

I posted what IS TRUE, the cops apparently ARE interested in YOUR allegations. THAT is what I was TOLD. So don't bother asking me why, go back and ask the companies you clowns have made phone calls to.


Yes, you moron accusations of fraud are taken seriously, especially against those perpetrating it, NOT those reporting it :haha: :haha:
Mavrik, the prepubescent Top Gun fan wouldn't know the truth, if it was written in large print and only in words of one syllable. He has changed his tune, as before he was going to beat Peter up. Mavrik, is just another GOODF with a below average IQ

The simple fact remains that WeRe Bank is not a Bank. As such the cheques are worthless and meaningless.

I see on FB today Peter says that people will have to pay for the new WeRe Bank notes, funny I don't remember having to pay the Bank of England for £

*Disclaimer the comments about Mavrik are my own and I think he is twat too :whistle:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by NG3 »

Bones wrote:I don't remember having to pay the Bank of England for £
It's worth remarking that if you bought a £5 note off me for £10 you'd still be getting a better deal than a WeRe bank member would be getting by buying notes off PoE.

It takes a special kind of stupid to be falling for this now.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Daft Ada »

I don't know if it's already been discussed, but what point is Piss Pot tryibg to make by creating this "bank"?

Could it be that he wants to prove that anyone can create a "bank" but it has to be agreed by the dark forces that it is a bank before it can perform all the functions that traditional banks provide.

It is these dark forces that he has a beef with, but he needed his "customers" to make the point for him.

I think this may be none other than a point proving exercise for Piss Pot with his "customers" as collateral damage.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Mavrik wrote:After speaking with a few companies regarding WeRe cheques, the REAL reason for not accepting them is........................because certain ones off the squatters site have been making phone calls to the companies who WeRe members have sent their cheques to, and have made allegations that the cheques are fraudulent.

Some of the companies have recordings of these calls, and they state that due to the amount and nature of the calls, have passed the recordings to the police to investigate WHERE the allegations have come from and by who.

So it seems like the squatters will be getting a visit, serves them right!
Crikey, that's hilarious. Does he actually think the police are going to investigate dozens of people who have made good faith reports of apparent fraud? And if that happens, and they come to us and ask "why did you make that call?" then we will simply explain our reasons. There is no offence involved, and no defamation (qualified privilege).

Perhaps Mavvy's fevered little mind imagines that the Police are going to stop all the questions about werebank, threaten to arrest cashiers who decline to accept werecheques? Prosecute the head of FCA for his heinous lack of trust? Because propping up a failed scam is exactly what the police are here for, amirite?
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

A new WeRe member thinks the rejection issue is caused by the payee's bank being unwilling to contact WeRe for clearing. So the solution is get the payee to contact WeRe directly:
200660SB wrote:This is indeed the problem, it is the banks that are stalling the process. I wonder if it would be possible for the companies to CLEAR the cheques themselves before sending them to their banks. Maybe Peter would have something to say about that. It's only a matter of making a phone call or sending a fax : any employee can do that, take down the information, write it on the cheque and transmit it to the bank with the mention "the cheque has ALREADY been cleared throught the SWALLOW system : monies can be cashed in."

Peter said many times that we are our own bankers, that's true (and it will be more and more so as time goes by). But that is getting true of the people who accept our cheques !!

In any way, it would be a pretty good way of getting around the stubbornness of the bankers.

Phoenix has believed Peter's lie that "clearing" a cheque means stating there are funds to pay the cheque but never actually paying it. As Peter will never pay out, availability of funds is irrelevant.

Lynda pins hope on the courts:
130653LN (Lynda of Salop) wrote:This needs a court case in England, America, Canada etc.....

whether that court case proves honourable will be the next Stage in this rocket...

But I know one thing, 'we' must never give up. 'We' must continue to play this game until we become pragmatic about it, and 'they' who are corrupt, have no where to go but to CLEAR.

I pledge £100 towards court costs for whomever can stand up and take that 'punt' on behalf of us all here in England. Further I will travel to lend bodily support on the day. I suggest it should ideally be a clear case of a cheque to a Company, not one of living expenses to a etc. But the money will be available as soon as the case is confirmed.

Anyone else pledge a chip in?
200660SB wrote:Hello 130653LN,

You missed my point completely... I was drawing attention to a new way of having our cheques cleared (since this is our BIG problem, and aren't we all looking for solutions?). I suggested that this need not be done by the bank. Indeed, Peter is putting into place a "new way of banking" whereby we are our own bankers. The people receiving our cheques too, they become their own bankers nilly-willy by merely accepting our cheques ! So, I suggested that they cleared our cheques with WeRe Bank before sending them off to their bank ready to cash in... Capice? I would like to hear what Peter has to say about that, too. What do you think of this suggestion ?

I think its a lousy suggestion. Payees won't run around making phone calls to ask whether funds are available. They expect to get paid with no fuss or bother.

The "Bank foreclosures" thread describes an interesting situation. A two-woman company borrows money to very generously buy houses that are about to be foreclosed, allowing the residents to continue living there and eventually own the houses debt-free. If this sounds too good to be true ... yes, one of the partners scarpered with all the money, leaving investors wanting the money back and people about to be evicted. The remaining partner thinks WeRe may be the solution:
121166YF wrote:Hi there,

This is a serious matter and I am looking at WeReBank as a solution to start the ball rolling in South Africa.

About 3 years ago I started a business with a woman helping people keep their homes. If their home was in danger of foreclosure we bought it including the equity, used the equity to help pay the bond together with their rent-to-buy so that they can have their home back after 7 years hopefully debt free (I have a special formula I use for this - you may want to look at it at some stage). We also tried to sort out their debt via "legal" channels. It was great and helped people a lot.

Last year, my investors got into trouble because their company was bought over via the stock exchange and they were in danger of losing their jobs and financial status. So we looked at moving all the properties to her investors (we each had a batch of investors). So around September last year we started the process. Very unfortunately she didn't manage this correctly and misappropriated the funds and everyone, literally everyone, the original home owners and the investors are now in dire straits.

I have to do something about this. She is going to jail, but that is not my biggest worry. My concern is all these people and their homes. The very people who were supposed to help her have now caused their demise. This is NOT something I want to be part of. I have to bring remedy.

My question is. The "investors" each sit with an average of 5 houses (Average R800,000 each house). The Re148,000 they have been allocated will not be enough to settle all the properties. These property premiums are now in arrears and the banks are starting to step in as she has not come up with remedy and despite many many routes, neither have I. It is not my fault but I don't care, I have to help these people. So here's the question: I want to get each "original" home owner onto WeReBank. I want to then get them to pay the "investor"of their property with Re. Once it is credited to the "Investor's" account at WeReBank, the "investors" should have enough to settle all the bonds for these people and then let the property transfer back to the "original owners".

So, can we do this? Will you grant us this wish?

The South African team will help to get the payments through. Two of these "investors" are already WeReBank members and have their Notes arriving today. We will do some payments and see what route the banks follow, and then we can help everyone else. There are about 70 families we can help this way if you are able to allow it.

Yvette Fourie
Last edited by littleFred on Tue Nov 03, 2015 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

littleFred wrote: The "Bank foreclosures" thread describes an interesting situation. A two-woman company borrows money to very generously buy houses that are about to be foreclosed, allowing the residents to continue living there and eventually own the houses debt-free. If this sounds too good to be true ... yes, one of the partners scarpered with all the money, leaving investors wanting the money back and people about to be evicted. The remaining partner thinks WeRe may be the solution:
121166YF wrote: About 3 years ago I started a business with a woman helping people keep their homes. If their home was in danger of foreclosure we bought it including the equity, used the equity to help pay the bond together with their rent-to-buy so that they can have their home back after 7 years hopefully debt free (I have a special formula I use for this - you may want to look at it at some stage). We also tried to sort out their debt via "legal" channels. It was great and helped people a lot.

Last year, my investors got into trouble because their company was bought over via the stock exchange and they were in danger of losing their jobs and financial status. So we looked at moving all the properties to her investors (we each had a batch of investors). So around September last year we started the process. Very unfortunately she didn't manage this correctly and misappropriated the funds and everyone, literally everyone, the original home owners and the investors are now in dire straits.

I have to do something about this. She is going to jail, but that is not my biggest worry. My concern is all these people and their homes. The very people who were supposed to help her have now caused their demise. This is NOT something I want to be part of. I have to bring remedy.
Did some googling, this seems to be related

This was basically a pyramid/ponzi scheme where new client funds went to paying off old clients debts. The company dealt exclusively with people who had either been credit blacklisted or would otherwise be considered sub-prime.

Yvette Fourie is listed as an agent working for Rudco at 123 in the transcript (some of it is in Afrikaans, of which I only know one phrase which is NOT suitable for polite company). Of course Yvette Fourie may be a common name in South Africa, but if she is the same person then it suggests that after the house of cards that Rudco was fell down, she went and got the same people into a new house of cards, which has now fallen down, and is finally out looking for a new scam.

Of course it could be a different Yvette Fourie, but I'm not that big a fan of coincidences.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by littleFred »

According to Peter, suckers can spend their new notes (which they can have only when they have used all their cheques) on MagRav Generators from the Keshe Foundation. Some assembly is required, as they say on boxes of children's toys. Items needed to build these units include copper wire, patience, prayers and love.

Step 1 on the instructions: Pray.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Jeffrey »

Oh boy using fake checks to pay for fake generators.
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by Skeleton »

The Keshe Foundation!! He really is struggling for partners. Is this not the Iranian guy who was scamming people about 5 years ago having supposedly "invented" a antigravity device and who was involved in murky medical research and testing?
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England: He’s still F RE?

Post by PeanutGallery »

The really funny thing is that the plans Peter is linking too are a free download. The Keshe Website also has absolutely no mention of WeRe bank or PoE, it seems that in his crazy Peter is trying to create a link between his scam and the Keshe scam for some reason (possibly credibility).

This could get interesting if both sets of scammers fall out with each other because one is blatantly trying to muscle in on the others suckers.

Finally I had a look at the generator, apparently it needs to be kept low to the ground so it can harness those gravitational fields to produce free energy, because as we all know gravity stops working at a low altitude which is why planes never crash, it also claims to be able to power a car if you put some special sauce in the fuel tank and hook it up to the 12v socket, because it can rewrite the laws of physics and how the internal combustion engine works.

I'd laugh at how obvious a scam this is, but then I am reminded of the scams from a couple of years back where two British companies was set up and sold what were little more than divining rods to gullible nations paranoid about internal security in order to detect bombs and narcotics.
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