Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Hanslune »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:Do you know what really sucks? Assuming the 22 months is true, and assuming Dean does it all, he will be out before his domain expires. Damn, I wanted to buy it while he was in the can. :snicker:

The 22 months puts his release date at November 8, 2017. His domain expires November 30, 2017.

Given his demonstrated inability to think clearly and his true love of authority any chance he'll 'gain' additional time for misbehavior or just being a major Dean?
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by GlimDropper »

wserra wrote:
arayder wrote:
But Ninj, why do you hate freedom?
Hold on, pard. Me and Ninij have had our disagreements but I'd me the last person to claim that he "hates freedom". I think your question is presumptious.
I'm pretty sure it was sarcasm, but it could have been dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes or satire. Glim knows all the tricks.
Much thanks Wes.

In the post I was replying to Ninj did a real good job of pointing out the irony in Quatloos being acknowledged as a news source by some freeman fellow travelers without them having the intellectual honesty to address the arguments made here.

Sure, it might take us until early next week when the official outcome of the Deaner's sentencing was published to verify the details but they know we will put that info out there long before Dean's pay me to tell you the truth website decides how to spin it to their subscribers (accompanied with a solicitation of donations no doubt).

So knowing who'd be coming here I was just doing a little preemptive playacting. There is no fact based, objectively provable argument in favor of sovereign/freeman mythology, they'd need verifiable facts first. So the remaining arguments are emotional in nature. Ninj doesn't hate freedom but what other possible motive could anyone have for questioning a leader in the "freedom movement"?
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by notorial dissent »

And here all this time I thought it was just the neener neener fingers in the ears approach.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by bmxninja357 »

fact is i have a problem with many things to do with law, government and society in general. however i dont think selling suckers fairy tales and taking crash and burns as victories helps anyone. it took hundreds of years for these systems to evolve into the mess we have today and its going to take many more years to change things.

i was never a fan of dean to any extent. he is a low budget criminal and the most cake he has ever eaten comes off the back of the poor, struggling and stupid. and the stupid is often voluntary so my sympathy train runs short. anyone who will not check court docs, source material, actual laws, and confirm what they hear deserves what they get.

if deaner had never heard the word freeman he would most likely still be in jail. growing dope is something many folks i know do. every one knows its illegal. many protect the operation with questionable firearms. they know jail is the result not of getting arrested but of breaking the law in the first place. there is a right way and a wrong way to deal with arrests. and if you dont know what to do hire a professional. going off on a loudmouth tangent and encouraging others to do likewise is an asshole move. they will wind up right where dean is. and its not the courts fault. its not the cops fault. its your own hand that seals your fate.

as an example we got busted with a sizable amount of blow in my younger years. as well two stolen firearms, stolen from cops, and a few other things. i picked proper representation and didnt say a word to cops or crown. so when i was done plea bargaining i got 118.6grams of blow and 2 stolen handguns down to simple possession and one unregistered firearm. total time in jail? 104 days including remand. if anyone thinks they can do better with some opca theory try it. see you in 5 years.

with this sentence i hope folks are done with dean. there are ways to change things. and i hope to at least see some change in my lifetime. i suspect history does no longer repeat itself as technology has come to far. things like drugs will soon be 3d printed at home. you will not be able to regulate it in a meaningful way. you will only be regulating such things outside the home or in a approved facility for use. change is coming. and the magna sharta will be irrelevant. all the old laws will start to crumble. because they can not keep pace with the modern world.

and the way these scholars lap up the university of youtube and call it evidence..... makes me angry. doing your own research means a law library, real world experience and common freeking sense. if magic words meant you didnt have to do what the rest of the world does everyone would already be doing it. literally everyone. your only as free as your neighbours dummies. no more, no less. the difference is most will never be anything but a page three comedy article in some news rag because they are to stupid to attend a council meeting, vote, try and hold office, or any of the means of protest available under the constitution of thier country. but hell you can get a big fine for a glorified bedsheet with a lawnmower engine flying over populated areas and call it a victory when you pick it up from the evidence locker. had it been an actual vehicle it would be in impound . picking up shit they are returning from evidence is not only free, its advised as they will auction it off. so deaner did nothing there. his beater trucks the dupes paid for all sat in impound because no one paid for poor dean to be an irresponsible asshole. dean has no wins. not criminally or civilly. and anyone who thinks he does can find all the paperwork on this forum. the freedom movement has been scammed by mack daddy clifford......

sorry, fell into a rant there.
i need a drink and a reefer.....

i can do both those cuz unlike deaner im not currently in jail for being the dumbest dipstick in the assclown salad.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote: and the way these scholars lap up the university of youtube and call it evidence..... makes me angry. doing your own research means a law library, real world experience and common freeking sense. if magic words meant you didnt have to do what the rest of the world does everyone would already be doing it. literally everyone.

. . . . . .

so deaner did nothing there. his beater trucks the dupes paid for all sat in impound because no one paid for poor dean to be an irresponsible asshole. dean has no wins. not criminally or civilly. and anyone who thinks he does can find all the paperwork on this forum. the freedom movement has been scammed by mack daddy clifford......

And I supplied much of that paperwork. Ninja and I are on the opposite side of the fence but share a few strongly held opinions. If you claim something works prove it, don't con other suckers into taking the fall for you. And don't claim losses as victories.

I provide court decisions and documents proving these clowns are wrong and they just try and blow it off. Menard has been proven wrong on his C3PO bullshit over and over, through jurisprudence and the convictions of others, like the Nanaimo Three gang, who tried it. He knows he's wrong, that's why he scurried away from his own trial. Yet there he is, in hiding, giving whiteboard lectures on why he is right and how he really, really is a peace officer. His low point was phoning some receptionist at a bailiff firm and claiming that her casual comments proved his case. All I provided to refute that was a Supreme Court of Canada case proving him wrong. Yet fools still fall for it.

Ninja has come to his conclusions as a result of hard experience. I've come to mine through facts. But while our political positions are wildly different we seem to agree on most things regarding the freeman gurus.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

bmxninja357 wrote:sorry, fell into a rant there.
i need a drink and a reefer.....

i can do both those cuz unlike deaner im not currently in jail for being the dumbest dipstick in the assclown salad.

EPIC RANT !!! :haha:
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Burnaby49 »

I've had a request to provide links to all of our Dean Clifford discussions so interested parties can read the full story if they are so inclined. We started the Dean saga with this discussion back in 2013.

Dean Clifford - A Tale of Two Gurus

Posted by the illustrious Hilfskreuzer Möwe. He started the discussion just after Dean's arrest on the charges that have now resulted in him being tossed in jail. Möwe made this prescient comment;
Turning Dickensian, this could be called a Tale of Two Gurus, as the histories, success, and failure of its two main actors, Robert-Arthur: Menard, and Dean Clifford, are closely intertwined. These two are the leading Freeman-on-the-Land gurus, and while I have not observed them in open conflict, they nevertheless are clearly rivals. The rise of one has been accompanied by the ruin of the other,

Their histories have indeed intertwined but one's rise has not been accompanied by the other's fall this time because they are now both totally discredited. Möwe had this to say about Dean right off the bat;

Clifford, on the other hand, positioned himself as a blue-collar dude who had woken up, had enough, and was going to get everyone out from the yoke placed by malevolent forces. His approach was confrontation – he’d fought off the CRA, the cops, and you could too.

At least to the casual observer that would seem to be where Clifford's career as a counter-state resistor had begun. But unknown to his Freeman customers and myself, Clifford had first learned of and developed his ideas in a separate subculture, the Canadian Skinhead, NeoNazi and White Supremacist communities. This fact only recently was broadly disseminated thanks to a combination of disgruntled Skinhead ex-customers, and anti-racist monitor organizations. The most detailed information is courtesy of Anti-Racist Canada:
In a sense this is not really a surprise – the White Supremacist community was for a long time a primary marketplace in Canada for De-Taxer concepts. Early gurus David-Kevin: Lindsay (extensively profiled in Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571 at paras. 100-108) and Eldon Warman ( had long marketed to this community, though at present belief and support among White Supremacist groups is pretty limited, as they have had many opportunities to watch the failure of these ideas at close quarters. In fact, it’s not unusual to see these ideas openly mocked in forums such as

So this is where Dean (aka "Sovereign") came from, and then abruptly emerged into the Freeman-on-the-Land limelight. Clifford now makes no mention of his racist background, and while he is, in certain senses, a ‘kinder, gentler Dean’, he still remains a far more militant personality than Menard. In fact, Clifford has much similar in his attitudes and operations to the old-school U.S. Sovereign Citizen gurus who emerged from a similar context, however he's smart enough to know that he will lose much of his customer base if he expresses overtly racist attitudes - it's just not that popular in Canada.
Move forward two years to October 2015. We cut the discussion off because it was getting too long (96 pages, 1,913 posts) and started this new discussion;

Dean Clifford: Intermission

This was a shorter one, 118 posts in six pages. I cut it off and started this current discussion on November 5, 2015.

And, apart from some peripheral comments about Dean in other discussions, that's it for the Deanster on Quatloos.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dean might have been quiet recently because of distractions from family issues. His grandfather just died;

It is with great sadness our family announces the passing of our father, husband and grandfather on January 1, 2016, with family at his side. He is survived by his wife Eliza, son David, grandsons Darren and Dean, daughters-in-law Tinda and Lorraine, granddaughter Courtney, sister-in-law Nora, and numerous nieces, nephews and friends. William (Billy) was born on March 23, 1922 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He grew up in a tough part of Belfast but changed his rough ways when he met and fell in love with Eliza Jane Murphy. They married in 1945 and had two sons, David and Bill. The family immigrated to Winnipeg in 1952 and Dad was employed by the C.N.R. as a machinist until his retirement in 1986. William was a kind and generous man and helped many family and friends achieve their goals over the years A special thanks to two great friends Albert and Victor for their help in these troubled times. Many thanks to great neighbours as well. The family would like to thank the doctors and staff for their kindness and care of William in his final days. Cremation has taken place and a celebration of his life will follow in the spring of 2016. Bardal Funeral Home.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Burnaby49 wrote:Dean might have been quiet recently because of distractions from family issues. His grandfather just died;

It is with great sadness our family announces the passing of our father, husband and grandfather on January 1, 2016, with family at his side. He is survived by his wife Eliza, son David, grandsons Darren and Dean, daughters-in-law Tinda and Lorraine, granddaughter Courtney, sister-in-law Nora, and numerous nieces, nephews and friends. William (Billy) was born on March 23, 1922 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He grew up in a tough part of Belfast but changed his rough ways when he met and fell in love with Eliza Jane Murphy. They married in 1945 and had two sons, David and Bill. The family immigrated to Winnipeg in 1952 and Dad was employed by the C.N.R. as a machinist until his retirement in 1986. William was a kind and generous man and helped many family and friends achieve their goals over the years A special thanks to two great friends Albert and Victor for their help in these troubled times. Many thanks to great neighbours as well. The family would like to thank the doctors and staff for their kindness and care of William in his final days. Cremation has taken place and a celebration of his life will follow in the spring of 2016. Bardal Funeral Home.
So "Exploited" was right about Dean "playing the sick grandfather card" at the November 5th hearing. I'll be damned.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by bmxninja357 »

here is a song for the deaner, and anyone who follows deaner can sing it too.

i dont think im done ranting tonight. i got a few things to say and i think they might come out. unlike dean who wont come out. he is busy this year with his new friends.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote:here is a song for the deaner, and anyone who follows deaner can sing it too.

i dont think im done ranting tonight. i got a few things to say and i think they might come out. unlike dean who wont come out. he is busy this year with his new friends.

I take it we're talking about a bit more than a one drink and reefer night.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by bmxninja357 »

im still bone sober having nothing stronger than a coffee. yet.....

but for your amusement here is a short film of a first time experience in jail.

rant building....
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by goldenthroat86 »

I agree with Ninj. The Freeman/Sovereign concept of "RESEARCH" is what lies at the heart of the problem of the entire movement. They truly have no idea what REAL research is. They wouldn't know a primary, reliable, and unbiased source if it bitch slapped them into Freetardia. No matter how many times I tell them that youtube videos, Freeman/Sovereign websites, blogs, talking points, and "some guy said" are not reliable sources to conduct unbiased research, they don't seem to understand.

The only thing I can come up with is that most of these jokers don't have a great education and have never had to write a research paper in their life. No one has ever told them what real research is and how to pick reliable sources. They always tell me to "google this" or "watch this youtube video" or send me a link to read. It seems that Freeman/Sovereign/Conspiracy types believe the old adage that "Everything on the internet is true." The whole thing is so ridiculous, half the time I think they're just trolling us...
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Welfare Lover »

"In the post I was replying to Ninj did a real good job of pointing out the irony in Quatloos being acknowledged as a news source by some freeman fellow travelers without them having the intellectual honesty to address the arguments made here."

Not to pick a fight on my first post, but it might be like some papers. Good for sports scores, but that don't mean yu agree with the opinions.

My neighbor told me about the soverein citisen movement, and tried to get me involved. Been reading up on some forums about these freeman types. I can't believe some people are so stupid! He works his ass off and earns barely more than I do staying home collecting welfare and doing side jobs when I want! Why would I want that to change?
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Burnaby49 »

Welfare Lover wrote:"In the post I was replying to Ninj did a real good job of pointing out the irony in Quatloos being acknowledged as a news source by some freeman fellow travelers without them having the intellectual honesty to address the arguments made here."

Not to pick a fight on my first post, but it might be like some papers. Good for sports scores, but that don't mean yu agree with the opinions.

My neighbor told me about the soverein citisen movement, and tried to get me involved. Been reading up on some forums about these freeman types. I can't believe some people are so stupid! He works his ass off and earns barely more than I do staying home collecting welfare and doing side jobs when I want! Why would I want that to change?
Oh, I don't know; self-respect maybe. If you can shed that and any sense of self-worth then maybe welfare is just the ticket for you.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Welfare Lover »

whatevs... i get free money, have more time to myself, and i am not breaking the law. I do what the workers tell me, dont question and get my checks. I love the governmant. sum peeps pay taxs, sum colect tax and sum sit back and relax. you sound like a hater. this year i am going to mexico for 3 weeks and the govermant is payin for it! :D
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Welfare Lover wrote:whatevs... i get free money, have more time to myself, and i am not breaking the law. I do what the workers tell me, dont question and get my checks. I love the governmant. sum peeps pay taxs, sum colect tax and sum sit back and relax. you sound like a hater. this year i am going to mexico for 3 weeks and the govermant is payin for it! :D
I assume you are American?

Are you one of those who got their OBAMA PHONE? :haha:
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Jeffrey »

I think he's being sarcastic and using Dean's latest talking point that freeman critics are welfare queens.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Burnaby49 »

Jeffrey wrote:I think he's being sarcastic and using Dean's latest talking point that freeman critics are welfare queens.
Maybe. Regular freeman beliefs are so close to parody that it can be hard to tell the difference. But sucking off the state while contributing nothing falls right in line with John Spirit's latest series of videos. As John said;
So a natural right that we see expressed in the covenants is that a man or a woman has the right to have an adequate living. It doesn't say you have to earn it, it doesn't say you have to pursue after it, it doesn't say you have to create this adequate living on your own.
Rock core fundamental Freemanism.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by goldenthroat86 »

Ah, yes...the POE effect. Freemanism is so unbelievably stupid, it's difficult to know if these people really BELIEVE what they say they believe or if they're just trolling the rest of us. :shrug:

The very idea that the the ONLY way you could POSSIBLY disagree with THEM is that you must be getting paid ("shills") to do so is the ultimate arrogance. They really think we're "shills" working for the government, getting paid to discredit Dean and the Freeman movement. :lol: