There was a superceding indictment that consolidated the four individual cases and added the conspiracy counts to Bob Wolffe's charges. No attempted murder or any other such nonsense was on the list of counts.5:41 AM - Perforated Constitution repost Danny Riley being abused
Perforated Constitution
Secret Trials for in the name of better security? what is this going on anymore with our justice system. Now the last time i looked at the Constitution it was not perforated where everyone can tear a piece off and wipe their asses with it, but i look around me and all the law enforcement and the courts are using our Consitution like it is the hottest trend in toilet paper that everyone that is either a cop or judge is standing in line to take a dump on it. I just wonder what their reading material is while taking a few minutes everyday taking a crap on our Republic and anyone standing in defense of our human basic rights.
Well the other day i get news that the individual charges has been dropped on Renos case, but only to charge them collectively as a group then throwing attempted murder to the list of crimes never committed by the Four, well at least in Renos defense. They had moved him gave me the wrong address, didnt allow him his money to transfer from one place to the new jail he is at, so he wasnt able to write to anyone for awhile, thankfully his dad got him some money so he can buy some writting supplies soon, now while all of this is aggravating me, this morning im sitting here and i see this bulletin about Danny Riley being shot with nonleathal rounds, and then of course beaten for quoting the Constitution when he was busy researching for his case when he was made aware he has court that he was not previously made known of because of security issues. when they asked him what part of the Constition they were infinging on and when he replied he was beatened and dragged off to the hearing. What is wrong with this picture folks? well the picture is the one that these Patriots have been telling us about before they were ever arrested, they know they are right that our flag, country homes and fellow countrymen are not safe. Too bad our own leaders are the biggest infringers of the law, abusing those whom are paying with great scarifice to perserve it, and they are made out to be the bad guys, geesh give me a break!
Danny Riley interview
And the fact that Danny had a hearing to attend was no secret. It had appeared on the docket a week earlier and had he been opening the mail from his attorney, he'd have known about it. When he resisted the prison guards by refusing to go to the hearing, they pepper sprayed him. I wonder if he's going to realize he's in prison any time soon?