Exaggerations in the Brown case? Never...

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Exaggerations in the Brown case? Never...

Post by Demosthenes »

5:41 AM - Perforated Constitution repost Danny Riley being abused

Perforated Constitution

Secret Trials for in the name of better security? what is this going on anymore with our justice system. Now the last time i looked at the Constitution it was not perforated where everyone can tear a piece off and wipe their asses with it, but i look around me and all the law enforcement and the courts are using our Consitution like it is the hottest trend in toilet paper that everyone that is either a cop or judge is standing in line to take a dump on it. I just wonder what their reading material is while taking a few minutes everyday taking a crap on our Republic and anyone standing in defense of our human basic rights.

Well the other day i get news that the individual charges has been dropped on Renos case, but only to charge them collectively as a group then throwing attempted murder to the list of crimes never committed by the Four, well at least in Renos defense. They had moved him gave me the wrong address, didnt allow him his money to transfer from one place to the new jail he is at, so he wasnt able to write to anyone for awhile, thankfully his dad got him some money so he can buy some writting supplies soon, now while all of this is aggravating me, this morning im sitting here and i see this bulletin about Danny Riley being shot with nonleathal rounds, and then of course beaten for quoting the Constitution when he was busy researching for his case when he was made aware he has court that he was not previously made known of because of security issues. when they asked him what part of the Constition they were infinging on and when he replied he was beatened and dragged off to the hearing. What is wrong with this picture folks? well the picture is the one that these Patriots have been telling us about before they were ever arrested, they know they are right that our flag, country homes and fellow countrymen are not safe. Too bad our own leaders are the biggest infringers of the law, abusing those whom are paying with great scarifice to perserve it, and they are made out to be the bad guys, geesh give me a break!

Danny Riley interview http://www.showedthelaw.blogspot.com/
There was a superceding indictment that consolidated the four individual cases and added the conspiracy counts to Bob Wolffe's charges. No attempted murder or any other such nonsense was on the list of counts.


And the fact that Danny had a hearing to attend was no secret. It had appeared on the docket a week earlier and had he been opening the mail from his attorney, he'd have known about it. When he resisted the prison guards by refusing to go to the hearing, they pepper sprayed him. I wonder if he's going to realize he's in prison any time soon?
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Post by BBFlatt »

he was beatened and dragged off to the hearing.
They made him wear a black turtle neck and beret and stuck a fake goatee on his chin? Oh the horror, daddy-o.
When the last law was down and the devil turned 'round on you where would you hide, the laws all being flat? ...Yes, I'd give the devil the benefit of the law, for my own safety's sake. -- Robert Bolt; A Man for all Seasons
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Post by grixit »

BBFlatt wrote:
he was beatened and dragged off to the hearing.
They made him wear a black turtle neck and beret and stuck a fake goatee on his chin? Oh the horror, daddy-o.
And then made him listen to hours of stream of conciousness blank verse while drinking extra strong black coffee.
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Post by Nikki »

And if he still doesn't behave, next come the hour-long bongo solos -- WITHOUT the attendant mind-altering herbs.
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Post by BBFlatt »

grixit wrote:
And then made him listen to hours of stream of conciousness blank verse.
That should be avoided, it would only give them ideas for future filings of TP drivel.
When the last law was down and the devil turned 'round on you where would you hide, the laws all being flat? ...Yes, I'd give the devil the benefit of the law, for my own safety's sake. -- Robert Bolt; A Man for all Seasons

Post by Nikki »

Even if he does ...

Even WHEN he does end up in prison and is subjected to the normal day-to-day abuse and stressing by the other prisoners, it won't make a rat's a** worth of difference.

Because NONE OF IT IS HIS FAULT. No matter what happens as the result of any of his actions, he will always be the victim.

No sympathy from here. He's been handed enough wake-up calls in his life and has chosen to sleep through all of them.

Reno is a 100% self-made loser.

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

Nikki wrote:
Reno is a 100% self-made loser.
Ah, and everyone claims that the days of the self-made man are over. :lol:

Part of me genuinely feels sorry for Reno. I really wonder if his seeming inability to grasp reality is a mental illness. Plus, he tried to "help" Ed, got crapped upon by Ed, and is now facing a huge jail sentence. Seems like he has run into the Great Wall of Irony pretty damn hard.

On the other hand, he gave Ed guns to try to kill some U.S. marshals, which is pretty uncool.

Or friend Danny Riley is less sympathetic. More of the pathetic weasel type.
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Post by Demosthenes »

More stupidity from Reno's daddy. He's too brainwashed to understand that the Marshals had absolutely no intention of having "another Waco". All Reno did was delay the arrest by a few months, and now he will end up with a prison sentence of 5 to 21 years. What a winner.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

We WON one ! !
Current mood: creative
Category: News and Politics

In the midst of all the disappointment after the abduction of the so-called Freedom Four, as well as that of the Browns at their home in New Hampshire, the Members of this Movement have missed a major point; notably, a foremost objective, for which at least Cirino, went to New Hampshire in the first place.

His words to me were (para-quote) "I can't stand by while another Waco happens to these people."

These were the words I used when the local newspaper finally decided to do the story.
At that time, we feared the worse, as Danny Riley was arrested on the Browns' property and interrogated by corrupt federal agents "…just doing my job."

However, our success as a Movement was in focusing enough public attention on the plight of the Browns to have motivated US Marshals to incorporate a less than lethal plan of apprehension.

This we will celebrate.
We have, indeed, succeeded in keeping the Brown alive and their home in tact for their return.

With this in mind we must persevere and maintain our campaign of information to further affect that corrupt officials are kept on an honest path in trying the Freedom Four.
The thud-like tactics of corrupt federal agents designed to intimidate Members must be resisted.

Our strongest weapon is the Truth and the spreading there of.
Only preventing our sharing of the Truth will stop our continued success.

Please, forward this message to all of the suddenly shy Members of the Truth Movement and welcome them to return to their active participation.
It was our numbers that saved the Browns from certain death and it will be our numbers that protect the Freedom Four from being railroaded.

keep the faith

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Post by LPC »

We have, indeed, succeeded in keeping the Brown alive and their home in tact for their return.
Of course, the Browns never would have been in any danger at all if they had surrendered peaceably.

It was not the Marshals that threatened "another Waco," but Ed Brown. All that Reno might have done (at best) is help save Ed Brown from himself, and for that Reno will get a long prison term, the ingratitude of the Browns, and the indifference of "the Movement."
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Post by webhick »

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Christ, another Wednesday of infinite misery.
We WON one ! !
If you interpret "winning" to mean, "What they were going to do all along". In that case, I've WON a lot more than I previously thought. I WON one against this IRS last January when they refunded almost all of my federal withholding. Filling out my non-TP 1040-EZ forced them into a battle they could not possibly win.
Current mood: creative
Yes, it's creative to think that you WON.
In the midst of all the disappointment after the abduction
I can assure you, there was plenty of disappointment during the "abduction" as well, when the Marshals had to handcuff Reno naked.
so-called Freedom Four
Damned straight they're not the Freedom Four. After all, I don't recall seeing any pictures of them with capes and tights nor did I hear about them rescuing children and nuns from runaway school buses. Nope. Although I'm not entirely sure that Ed didn't make them dress up in tights. Who knows. Poor Randy.
the Members of this Movement have missed a major point;
That there is a law, whether or not they like it. And claiming that there isn't a law isn't helping to fix the underlying problems with the government.
a foremost objective, for which at least Cirino, went to New Hampshire in the first place.

His words to me were (para-quote) "I can't stand by while another Waco happens to these people."

However, our success as a Movement was in focusing enough public attention on the plight of the Browns to have motivated US Marshals to incorporate a less than lethal plan of apprehension.
That objective belonged to a select number of people (You, Reno, Randy and I'm sure some silent folks in the movement) - who were not in charge of the compound. Ed himself wanted a repeat of Waco and Ruby Ridge.
we will celebrate.
I'm already celebrating, but not for the same reasons.
We have, indeed, succeeded in keeping the Brown alive

So, um, just the one Brown was kept alive, huh? Are you implying that Elaine died years ago and her animated corpse has been acting as Ed's hand puppet. Or perhaps, you're referring to that comment Ed made about how when you talk to Elaine, you talking to the woman and not the head (or some such sexist nonsense). I guess in that instance, Elaine is the same person as Ed, since she's not allowed to have thoughts of her own.
and their home in tact for their return.
There are just so many things wrong with this sentence, I cannot possibly know where to begin.
The thud-like tactics of corrupt federal agents designed to intimidate Members must be resisted.
Beware the thud-like tactics. Nothing's worse than having a grossly-obese person stomp on you. Trust me, I've seen it happen. Your only chance, if they try to employ thud-like tactics, is to run faster than Danny Riley.
Our strongest weapon is the Truth and the spreading there of.
Like a social disease. You know you're really popular when you have had them all (and quite possibly still have them).
Only preventing our sharing of the Truth will stop our continued success.
And antibiotics.
Please, forward this message to all of the suddenly shy Members of the Truth Movement and welcome them to return to their active participation.
They're not shy. They're bored with the E&E scenario and have left to move onto worship the next big TP crackpot.
It was our numbers that saved the Browns from certain death
No, it was the Federal Marshals. If they hadn't employed the techniques they used, Ed would have blown up the compound and everyone would have died. Our side, your side, EVERYONE. Or how about his plan to kill Elaine and hide in his bunker? Didn't you, yourself say that when you proposed some security changes, that Ed didn't care about the safety of the people on the property?

After being viscously stabbed multiple times in my right arm even after telling the blind lab dork that there's too much scar tissue there to draw blood and subsequently losing six vials of blood (four vials to the lab and two vials in a mess on the floor when he dropped them on the way out), I'm feeling a bit dizzy. And tired. Can I go home now?

Edit: I'm on crack. Fixed a snip-snip so the applicable commentary was actually applicable. And a typo that I thought I fixed during an earlier proof but really I just fixed it with another typo.
Last edited by webhick on Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by The Operative »

Our strongest weapon is the Truth and the spreading there of.
Only preventing our sharing of the Truth will stop our continued success.
As William Faulkner once said, "Facts and truth really don't have much to do with each other."
Light travels faster than sound, which is why some people appear bright, until you hear them speak.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Can I adopt you, Webhick?
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Post by Imalawman »

Demosthenes wrote:Can I adopt you, Webhick?
Perhaps, but there'd be a headache in dealing with all the Illuminati red-tape. But she'd probably look quite elegant sitting on your mantle, so it might be worth it.
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

grixit wrote:
BBFlatt wrote:
he was beatened and dragged off to the hearing.
They made him wear a black turtle neck and beret and stuck a fake goatee on his chin? Oh the horror, daddy-o.
And then made him listen to hours of stream of conciousness blank verse while drinking extra strong black coffee.
You make me teary eyed for my old man before he had children that sucked his soul away...
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Post by grixit »

First time i lose i drink whiskey
Second time i lose i drink gin
Third time i lose i drink anything
And think i'm going to win
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Post by The Observer »

Imalawman wrote:
Demosthenes wrote:Can I adopt you, Webhick?
Perhaps, but there'd be a headache in dealing with all the Illuminati red-tape. But she'd probably look quite elegant sitting on your mantle, so it might be worth it.
Fat chance of it ever happening. The cats would kill webhick within 30 seconds of her entering the house.
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Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:Can I adopt you, Webhick?
You're far too young to be my mother.
Last edited by webhick on Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I thought...

Post by webhick »

UGA Lawdog wrote:
Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:
grixit wrote: And then made him listen to hours of stream of conciousness blank verse while drinking extra strong black coffee.
You make me teary eyed for my old man before he had children that sucked his soul away...
I thought it was marriage that sucked a man's soul away.
No. Women. Without us women, the soul-sucking process would never start.

Marriage is the next to last stage of soul-sucking and the last stage involves the woman incubating an odd, smelly, squirmy genetic soup for nine months and then expelling the wretched little beast all over your retirement fund. You'll know when the soul-sucking process is complete when your son moves back home with his violently wacko girlfriend and her three hell-spawn from two different previous relationships and a bun in the oven (which timing dictates may or may not be your son's, but he thinks its his and your wife won't let you say anything about that lest you hurt his feelings). Actually, it doesn't quite end there. Oh, no. You have to support all of them because she can't work because of some bogus medical problem and your son can no longer hold down a job because his girlfriend insists on calling him at work every five minutes to yell at him so either he gets fired for crying too much, or from phone privilege abuse.
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Re: I thought...

Post by LPC »

webhick wrote:Marriage is the next to last stage of soul-sucking and the last stage involves the woman incubating an odd, smelly, squirmy genetic soup for nine months and then expelling the wretched little beast all over your retirement fund.
Best description of childbirth I've ever seen.

It rivals the message Kurt Vonnegut reported receiving from his brother with a newborn baby: "Here I am cleaning shit off of practically everything."
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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Re: I thought...

Post by The Observer »

LPC wrote:Best description of childbirth I've ever seen.

It rivals the message Kurt Vonnegut reported receiving from his brother with a newborn baby: "Here I am cleaning sh*t off of practically everything."
To be picky, it is a description of child-rearing rather than childbirth.

Groucho Marx had the best description of childbirth which was likened to stretching your lip over the top of your head and then inserting a bowling ball into your mouth.
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