Looks like the FB is ending
"Good morning constitutional protectors......
I will most likely be leaving this forum before the end of the month and going over to our website;
Any posts, files etc that I created which you may wish to download, I would advise that you do so soon....when you leave FB your posts go with it from what I have seen.
The website will be a good place to start afresh. we still use the fact that Article 61 of the Magna Carta was invoked and the reasons behind it to defend ourselves from aiding and abetting crimes of the state. We have progressed in that department however, we have lawful excuse to not abide by the states demands simply because High Treason IS blatantly being committed by our so called political representatives and, compounded by British Police.
There is no harm in creating an Oath of allegiance to the barons because doing so is still the correct thing to do according to common law, since the barons are impotent we do not look toward them for direction, we stand above the barons anyway, the people are sovereign and the barons acted (however naively) for the sovereign people when they invoked Article 61. Despite them using the Bill of Rights they also used Magna Carta and the Coronation Oath to prove why the Treaty of Nice was treasonous to sign and ratify. Its invocation still applies with errors accepted.
The Practicl Lawful Dissent movement is here to help others who wish to use the truth under common law, in order to provide lawfule excuse as to why you cannot aid and abet its demands. You can take it as far as you like, you can always pay up or comply under duress of circumstances, that way you will NOT have accepted liability and would someday (soon I trust) have a claim against the exortion or illegal demands being made upon you.
We are a movement that also has a proposal to remedy the situation. It all comes down to one basic fact that treason is being committed, and there are no proper courts apart from the ones the people are creating themselves. This one fact allows all of the crimes of the state to continue. A properly convened jury today would denounce 99% of present day government statutes because they are unconstitutional / illegal.
The ONLY ones blocking us from sorting this mess out are the police. They are the gatekeepers otherwise I would have had Blair, Brown, Thatcher, Camoron, Major etc etc on the stand years ago with the evidence I provided to police....all of our processes (successful or not) have always fallen onto a police sergeants desk at the end of the day.....and they do nothiong why?...because they are more afraid of their superiors than the people that they are sup[posed to serve...we need to reverse that in a peaceful manner, and we can if enough of us are prepared to take action to demand that they stop ignoring the evidence.
Its a fundamental necessity for people to be truthful, especially the police!!....why aren't we outraged?...could it be because of the lithium they are allegedly spraying in the skies?
Anyway...please come over to our website its free... although we will ask for a small donation from time to time just to keep the site up and running...an account can be made completely transparent, any excess could be agreed upon by the group as to how it can be used....enjoy the sunshine (if you can), where did the deep blue sky go?!!"