Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by alexhammer »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:17 am
Frater I*I wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:40 pm I won't spoil the ending for you...
Too right you won't. The links don't work :snicker:
If you use the link to Frater's dropbox folder (a few posts ago), the documents are ParsonsAppel24.pdf and ParsonsAppel25.pdf.

Thanks Frater... going to read them now. Glad you didn't spoil the ending for me!
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Frater I*I »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:17 am
Frater I*I wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:40 pm I won't spoil the ending for you...
Too right you won't. The links don't work :snicker:
Alright then, let's try this again.... ... 4.pdf?dl=0 ... 5.pdf?dl=0
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Baidn »

Does anyone know what crazy Sue's talking about with her "gun confiscation" issue from her website? I'm Virginian so got a bit of a worry that these morons are trying to drum up support in my own backyard and any clarification would be helpful.

Semipolitical but necessary backstory info: our last election led to a massive democratic surge which has riled up the militia and SovCit types with rumors and misinformation. One of the big rumors Snopes tracked down to a white nationalist SovCit type was that the governor was going to "seize all guns of all kinds including hunting rifles and order the national guard to kill anyone who resist!" The crazies are experiencing the usual temporary surge of normally same but panicky people fearing the gunpocalypse that always turn out then pat themselves on the back when it turns out that no the government didn't outlaw hunting, or handguns, or really anything that would effect a normal law abiding citizen (the real law they're all worked up about essentially outlaws sovcits). Sadly these are also the kind of people who get taken in by these sort of cons and could significantly inflate the number of the faithful in the cnc cult. Sorry if this additional bit was a little too political but I thought it was necessary to clarify my reason for worry in that specific regard.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

Baidn wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:25 pm Does anyone know what crazy Sue's talking about with her "gun confiscation" issue from her website? I'm Virginian so got a bit of a worry that these morons are trying to drum up support in my own backyard and any clarification would be helpful.
From what I understand from watching Rudy's weekly call-in show Sue is trying to drum up business for her fake court. In the month before Christmas, without fail she would pop in at the 25 to 30 minute mark, discuss her tribulations for awhile, and then publicize her contact info. For you a diplomatic post, for you a pardon, and for you we strike down a law. After all her private court is the SUPREME court. I expect someone just called her up about Virginia's new gun laws and being an obliging sort she struck them down. I'm not going to go back and wade through the weekly call-ins to give you the exact times she called in. Something about "The Horror" comes to mind.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Baidn »

Thanks for the info, sounds like I should pity them for their lost cash more than anything then since I'd bet they'll just get a CNC sealed letter saying "they can't take your guns now" and a warm fuzzy feeling of solving a problem that didn't exist.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

Just an update on the trillion dollar law suit - still just sitting there since the beginning of October waiting for a decision from the Federal Court of Appeals as to whether or not it should proceed. I suppose the Federal Court has been a little bit busy right now clearing off a bunch of similar law suits from another equally wacky sort of Indigenous group. I will be writing them up as an equally deserving group of nut cases with their own version of sovereign citizenry. Government - "we don't need no government at all since we are all sovereign" and btw, give everyone in Canada 10 M$ just because we feel like it. As a spoiler here is one of their recent filings: ... 5cgwiRlSjg
Hmmm, population of Canada equals 39 million (rounded) multiplied by 10 million is more than chump change.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

January being the time of new beginnings it appears that Ms. Holland et al have been rather busy in the last week. First let's have a "name the faces" game with what is purported to be a monthly meeting of the Chilcotin National Congress:
I can make out Stanley Stump, Fanny Stump, and Dorothy Boyd. Notable by her absence is Ms. Holland.

And the CNC has made it to the big time with an appearance on here with our heroine as the major interviewee:
You can learn all about Americanuk radio here: ... pound.html
It's an awkward site to navigate but ARC, until a week ago, was the go-to reference for information in Canada about right wing loonies for over ten years. The same as in the US, Canadian sovereigns sometimes gravitate in that direction so the site has information on Dean Clifford and some Alberta Freemen such as Shaunda Faye who even appeared on Quatloos as herself. And why until a week ago? The owner of the ARC was "outed" last week as a local to me high school teacher. Local (and fake locals) have their panties in a knot; response from his students, parents of the same, and his employer are no-one gives a f*ck since he is apparantly an excellent teacher.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Jeffrey »

I (we?) collaborated with ARC with the Dean Clifford stuff. Nazis sure like to doxx.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

I always liked the ARC since it had an attitude similar to Quatloos as in can't function in real life, become a member of some strange right wing group. I realize that this is topic drift but due to previous life here's an old story:
"Sergeant Major to me: Sir we have a problem, explains problem, Hmm, another failed TQ1 Basic Infantry, qualified to invade small Caribbean Island" Yes one of them was mine and eventually one of the others plus a few more who shall remain unmentioned.
As a side note I'm not allowed to be a member of the local gun club which appears to me to be controlled by a bunch of threepers, mainly because I mock their abilities.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Frater I*I »

More Pop-A-Squat activity from the 8th Circuit this week, Doc 26 won't download, posted 29JAN20 it's the courts final affirmation of their decision, Mikey comes in on the 30th with these... ... 7.pdf?dl=0 ... 8.pdf?dl=0

Keep banging your head against the frying pan Ambassador Pop-A-Squat, eventually it'll give way.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Jeffrey »

Most of it is more of the same but there’s a bit that suggests Mike is communicating with Sue Holland and another where he seems to admit traveling to Canada (again).
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

Jeffrey wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2020 10:47 pm Most of it is more of the same but there’s a bit that suggests Mike is communicating with Sue Holland and another where he seems to admit traveling to Canada (again).
I agree. Except for the Jay Treaty stuff which is particular to the Mohawks around Cornwall much of it is pulled wholesale from various CNC youtube postings and Ms Holland's rants and such - the 1763 proclamation, the railway survey, etc. BTW, the railway survey never even made it to Chilcotin territory, it just said there were some people up there. :shrug:

Anyways, Mikey still misses the point. There is a legal, Canadian government approved, Chilcotin National Government where Clan Mothers, Hereditary Chiefs, and whatever titles are claimed, hold no sway. The "legal" TNG is not a dual governance nation, although they exist in Canada, I can immediately think of a couple, and the legal hurdles they have to go through are not trivial. Parson's claim to be a member of some little group run by Stump and Boyd is totally irrelevant and essentially meaningless.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

Canlii has been hot and heavy the last few days with updates on Ms. Holland's legal issues and they answer a few questions. For actions in BC, the normal reference to find out what is going on is to check BC Court Services Online
It works fine for provincial court matters but for any other matters such as supreme court you have to grovel through daily court lists. So anyways, Canlii has new BC supreme and appeal court decisions which have answered a few of my questions.

At the same time she was involved with Parsons she was working through charges for "failure to provide the necessaries for a minor". It was all on Rudy's youtube plus there was a link way back on this forum to a video of her getting arrested. One thing I always wondered was why the whole process took so long. Bluntly she kept missing court dates and hiding out. Here's the decision about her bail review: ... ultIndex=4
It is important that the Court determined that the delay in court proceedings was entirely her own fault so Jordan does not apply

Next is her counselling to commit kidnapping charges. On those the Crown went for a Stay of Proceedings. Roughly a Stay can sometimes mean that the Crown is simply asking for a timeout. The charges still stand, and the process can be restarted within a year. I can only suspect why the Crown went down this route, perhaps they were waiting for the US to finish with Parsons, or they thought Holland was plumb crazy and it could be better dealt with by going down the Not Criminally Responsible route. Holland of course was happy and burbling away to Rudy and Parsons immediately afterwards. Lately though she always explicitly states that anything she says to Rudy should not be passed to Parsons. Well it seems the Crown has re-activated the charges, this time in Supreme Court: ... ca417.html
[1] DEWITT‑VAN OOSTEN J.A.: The appellant stands charged with two offences under the Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C‑46. Both counts are proceeding by indictment. The matter is currently before the Supreme Court of British Columbia, awaiting trial. No trial date has been set.
[2] A number of pre‑trial determinations have been made in the Supreme Court, including:
• the appointment of a case management judge (May 2019);

• a refusal to allow Ms. Holland to call witnesses on a Rowbotham application for state‑funded counsel (June 2019);

• the dismissal of an application for the case management judge to recuse herself (June 2019);

• the dismissal of a disclosure application (September 2019);

• a refusal to allow Ms. Holland to call witnesses in support of a “defence of jurisdiction”, presumably aimed at challenging the trial court’s jurisdiction over her as a charged person (September 2019); and

• a dismissal of an application to remove Crown counsel with conduct of the trial proceedings based on an alleged conflict of interest (September 2019).
One issue, you can't appeal until the process is over.

Her next tactic: attempt to fire the judge and Crown. Well, that didn't go so well and she got vex-litted again :snicker: ... ultIndex=1

Final volley from Holland: appeal the appeals, lost again: ... ltIndex=31

Oh, and her ex-husband Charles Bryfogle who got 21 days as a guest of the queen and is now out again?
[5] Ms. Holland, along with Fanny Stump, also filed a so-called amended notice of appeal in respect of rulings made on November 21 and 25, 2019 in Kamloops Supreme Court file no. 105679, which apparently involves an accused named R. Charles Bryfogle and his appeal from conviction and sentence in provincial court.
[6] Ms. Holland and Fanny Stump have no standing in that appeal and cannot purport to appeal rulings made in that case. In any event, one of the decisions in the application they seek to appeal involves habeas corpus in respect of Mr. Bryfogle. That is moot as Mr. Bryfogle has served his sentence and is not, to our knowledge, currently in custody. That appeal is also quashed.
It appears that I will have to jog my failing memory to remember to peruse court listings on a weekly basis to track her in real time, or wait a few months for Canlii.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Jeffrey »

So Sue probably dug her own grave by insisting the warrants against Judges remain active.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

What happened at the preliminary inquiry is sealed, but I noted that the stay of proceedings was initiated by the crown and it ended on 22 March 2019. By May of the same year the case was proceeding along in supreme court by indictment. Crown may have simply said enough with these endless delays, we don't need no PI and we're going to a direct indictment. This "affidavit" from her I suspect has sealed her fate: ... 0777014988
disclaimer: 136 hand written pages from her in April of that year where she admits everything but because she is a judge in her own mind she can do whatever she wants.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by notorial dissent »

Ya know, just me, but you'd think the grand high supremest court justice of the whosawhatsis suuupreme court and penny arcade could at least afford a typewriter or use her computer, assuming she has one, to at least dummy up a document that looks at least sorta real and gen-u-ine. I mean, for reals, some of our more illiterate sovcits can dummy up something that looks at least sorta real. Just embarassin' it is, just plain embarrassin'. Her handwriting is almost as bad as Parson's.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Baidn »

It's things like the 100+ handwritten crap that I think keep making the court choose to ere on the side of caution. I doubt many judges would see that kind of behaviour as sane and so they would rather have her in the loony bin than prison or worry that she is essentially an additional victim of conmen taking advantage of her mental state. Personally I'd rather they just lock her in a padded room so she can't stop bothering people.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

Actually I believe she was incarcarated at the time, either for a psych assessment or in Prince George. Since she wasn't in a federal pen but simply in remand she wouldn't be allowed access to anything but a pencil and paper.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by notorial dissent »

eric wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:51 am Actually I believe she was incarcarated at the time, either for a psych assessment or in Prince George. Since she wasn't in a federal pen but simply in remand she wouldn't be allowed access to anything but a pencil and paper.
She could have had one of her hangers on type it up at least, or maybe they aren't that literate either.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

eric wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:31 pm That all being said, Ms. Holland has decided to adopt the rather unconventional approach of swearing out charges against the judge and crown in her case as an attachment to her application to change her probation considerations:
... much snipped
Somehow I don't think this will quite work out the way she is hoping, in fact I suspect Justice Donegan will not be amused. Just an edit for clarity - matter 105848 is he counselling to commit charge.
For those of you wondering about the redactions to a month old post I asked the mods to make them. Although the information was publicly available at the time I made the post I later discovered the whole file had been sealed by the courts over Ms. Holland's objections. And btw, Justice Donegan is the case manager for her BC supreme court trial - that's the judge who manages all the pre-trial motions and applications.