Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by AndyPandy »

Shem Allanson
If anyone is struggling. Here is my letter to rebutt an income tax 'demand'. The way to deal with it is 'conditional acceptance' as I have done here. They cannot take you to court if you have 'agreed to pay'. They then have to provide the evidence of claim. Wording is VERY important as you can unwittingly create 'joinder' so ask me to look any letters over (if you wish).


Without prejudice.

Regarding your letter dated 28 January 2020, Income Tax Return

A letter arrived at my house, dated 28th January 2020, and was addressed to MS S HEATHER ALLANSON, my legal fiction. This letter demanded the payment of 5245.34, claiming it was overdue. I opened the letter out of curiosity. Your letter will be kept on file as it will be needed in a lawful, Court of Record.

As you already know, because I informed you of this fact in my letter of 12th November 2019, I am not my legal fiction. I am living woman and my born date is listed with the Common Law Court. I own my legal fiction. I enclose proof of my birth listing and proof that I own my legal fiction. Do you, or your department, wish to contest the lawful validity of these documents?

A ruling by the Common Law Court on 31st August 2019, confirms that Statues and Acts do not apply to living men and women. See page 2, item 5 for details. https://www.commonlawcourt.com/wp-conte ... r-31st.pdf

Of course, if you can prove that you have a lawful reason to demand this payment, from either the living woman or my strawman, I will be happy to pay. In order to prove the validity of your claim, I require the following:

1. Proof of authority - Under what authority do you make such a claim? I do not consent to these presumptions. You are a public servant. You do not have the authority to make such demands. The legal fiction is not your property, nor the governments property. It belongs to me.

2. Proof of jurisdiction – I am not within the statutory jurisdiction as proven by the documents enclosed. You cannot take or enforce any action against a living woman. If you think you can prove otherwise, please, show me the evidence?

3. Proof of consent - Statutes, acts and codes are not law. In fact, to refer to a statute, act or code as ‘law’ is fraud by misrepresentation and malfeasance in a public office. The actual definition of a statute is a legislative rule which is given the force of law by consent. My consent is required before your department can record and retain any of my private information, including my legal fiction and my address. I did not give my consent to the private-for-profit corporation that calls itself government. You do not have my consent and I withdraw any assumed consent for now and for the future. Consent cannot be assumed.

4. Proof of contract - We do not have a contract. I cannot be charged a fine for anything unless there is a contract agreeing to this. Contracts, not private corporations make law. There is no lawful contract between us. A lawful contract requires the following:

a. All parties must be living (As my legal fiction is dead, she does not have a contract either. I’m pretty sure about this. I tried talking to my birth certificate and got no response at all and she does not have a pulse).

b. All the terms must be laid out and must be agreed to, by both parties

c. No one can enter into a contract on my behalf

d. The contract must be an agreement between two living individuals and must be signed in wet ink. My legal fiction is not able to hold a pen and I certainly did not sign one.

e. There must be no coercion, duress or threat of loss of harm

f. Without full disclosure, or if the contract is not signed or correctly executed, then it is null and void. That is, full terms and conditions must be disclosed

g. The contract must be executed in the presence of an independent witness or in the presence of two of your officers

h. You cannot change a contract without notifying me in advance of any changes. I must be given the opportunity to reject the changes, or the whole contract, if I do not wish to accept those terms

i. There must be a true exchange of value

Without all of these things, no contract exists. So, you see, we do not have a contract. If you believe a contract between us exists, please show me the evidence?

5. Proof that I agreed to be represented by the legal fiction (strawman) – The legal fiction was created when I was less than one month old and created as a result of my parents registering my birth. They did this without realising they were signing me up to life as a ‘tax slave’. Had they known this, I’m pretty sure they would not have signed. In any case, no one can sign a contract for me, so anything based on the legal fiction is inherently fraudulent.

6. A correctly formatted invoice – What you have sent to my strawman is not a correctly formatted invoice. Is this 5245.34 sugar cubes? Perhaps you mean grains of sand? This is a fraudulent document used to trick me into paying you money on behalf of a dead legal fiction.

Without all of the things listed above you have no case for requesting 5245.34. If you fail to provide the requested evidence, you are tacitly agreeing that you do not have such evidence.

I have already withdrawn consent for my legal fiction to used. Your attempt at enforcement is based upon fraudulent use of my legal fiction. In my last letter, you were informed that should you continue to use my legal fiction for this purpose I would be invoicing you for the sum of £1000/dayin your private, individual capacity for every additional day that my name remained on the register. In addition, I would be invoicing your department for £5000/day. I would hold you liable for any Common Law Court costs. The fees started from the 17th October 2019.

I now calculate that you owe me the following for unlawful use of my legal fiction with regard to Income Tax: 105 days x £1000 = £105,000

Your department owes me the following for unlawful use of my legal fiction with regard to Income Tax: 105 days x £5,000 = £525,000

As regards your refusal to remove me from the tax records, that constitutes fraud and criminal coercion. You are acting ultra vires and this places you outside of government or corporate insurance for which you will be held liable in your private individual capacity.

You may confirm in writing that you have deleted any records relating to my legal fiction in writing within 14 days. Your failure to do so, is your tacit agreement that you and your department owe me the monies stated.

Yours sincerely

Shem, of the family Allanson

Standing under the Jurisdiction of the Common Law Court
Something for everyone in here !! :brickwall:
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by Comrade Sharik »

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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by longdog »

Comrade Sharik wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2020 10:26 am
and the scullery maid / footman if they wanted.
A grammar pedant writes....

Historically, I'm not sure that the servant classes were necessarily given a choice regarding such matters.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by longdog »

AndyPandy wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2020 2:57 pm
Shem Allanson
If anyone is struggling. Here is my letter to rebutt an income tax 'demand'. The way to deal with it is 'conditional acceptance' as I have done here. They cannot take you to court if you have 'agreed to pay'. They then have to provide the evidence of claim. Wording is VERY important as you can unwittingly create 'joinder' so ask me to look any letters over (if you wish).


Without prejudice.

<snip gibberish>

I have already withdrawn consent for my legal fiction to used. Your attempt at enforcement is based upon fraudulent use of my legal fiction. In my last letter, you were informed that should you continue to use my legal fiction for this purpose I would be invoicing you for the sum of £1000/dayin your private, individual capacity for every additional day that my name remained on the register. In addition, I would be invoicing your department for £5000/day. I would hold you liable for any Common Law Court costs. The fees started from the 17th October 2019.

I now calculate that you owe me the following for unlawful use of my legal fiction with regard to Income Tax: 105 days x £1000 = £105,000

Your department owes me the following for unlawful use of my legal fiction with regard to Income Tax: 105 days x £5,000 = £525,000

<more gibberish>
I thought the argument was that the legal fiction was created by "they" and the legal fiction and the real flesh and blood person were different entities.

If "they" created the legal fiction then "they" can use it as much as "they" like and "they" can charge her for using it not the other way around.

I'll pass over the obvious contradiction of her blathering on about the requirements for a valid contract (because apparently she hasn't looked up the word "tax" in a dictionary) and then completely ignoring all of them when the fee schedule is on the other foot.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Since she has posted a unilaterally declared contract... this is the HMRC one :snicker:
The normal filing date for a self-assessment tax return is 31 January following the end of the relevant tax year.

If the tax return deadline is missed, then there is an automatic £100 late filing penalty.

Should the return still be outstanding 3 months later, HMRC will then impose daily late filing penalties of £10 per day for up to 90 days, i.e. to a maximum of £900.

If the return is still outstanding after 6 months, then HMRC will impose a further penalty of 5% of the tax due or, if greater, £300. A further 5% of the tax due or £300, if greater, is due if the return is outstanding after 12 months.

Penalties for being 6 months late and 12 months late are subject to a combined limit of 100% of the tax due (unless the failure involves certain offshore matters).
So she is lucky that there is a penalty maximum of 100%. Of course, a penalty maxium is only relevant when HMRC are able to recover the money. It is a criminal offence and she has helpfully supplied her own noose. Summary conviction is 6 months in jail or a fine up to £5,000, which I assume is in addition to the surcharge.

The maximum penalty for income tax evasion in the UK is seven years in prison or an unlimited fine. However, she is pretty small fry and I suspect that they will simply apply for an attachment of earnings since that amount, if owed in a 12 month period, indicates a PAYE salary or equivalent of around £35,000.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by AndyPandy »

shem Allanson
I've already got them off my back though thanks. I have moved my property to Common Law Juridiction and just had the mortgage wiped as unlawful. Same result but by a different method. I no longer pay a mortgage or council tax and I don't have a credit card anyway. We buy any debt dot com can be used, I know. I didn't need it. I'm not adverse to writing lots of letters and actually I have taken it as an opportunity to educate the council staff. And do they need education!
Oh dear !! :brickwall: :lol:
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by Comrade Sharik »


Wat one might call a Tyler made response.

I'll get me cloak.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by exiledscouser »

Oooo 'eck, I'd best put this first and then I'm bullet-proof;
There, now only the Strawman is a risk and I've just sent him down to the shops for some milk in any event.

The commenters on Shem (OTF Allanson)'s post are none too impressed. Paul calls her out;
Paul wrote:Soon as i read 'legal fiction'... laughable.... 😃
Shem responds but I'm not sure she fully understands the sarcasm (if that's what it is) in Paul's response;
Shem Allanson wrote:Yes, no one can contest the validity of those documents as it would mean they were 'taking on the people'. The courts get their authority from the people. Even though the Crown parasitic maggots appear to pull the strings.
Let's just remind ourselves where the august Common Law Court of no possible appeal was sitting when it gave this far-reaching and irrevocable judgement;
Common Law Courts Great Britain & International


31st August 2019


I'm guessing the Robing Room was the janitor's cupboard under the stairs and the jury considered its verdicts crowded round a double bed in Room 302 whilst helping themselves to the contents of the mini-bar, pinching the toiletries and sending out for Pringles and the world's supply of M & Ms on Room Service.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by notorial dissent »

AndyPandy wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2020 2:57 pm Something for everyone in here !! :brickwall:
    • sniped great lot of twaddle
All of it equally, totally, and utterly USELESS. Probably resulting in a note to file and recommendation to go immediately to court proceedings since reason isn't on the table.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by longdog »

Incredibly Shem is not the most barking mad person on the thread...
by: longdog

ETA: This from her FB profile...
ACTIVE IQ Top 0.01%. I Buy Goods & Services from ENGLISH OWNED AND RUN businesses +GO SUPPORT>ENGLISH
Why are the words "Dunning" and "Kruger" coming to mind? :mrgreen:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by morrand »

exiledscouser wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2020 5:46 pm
Let's just remind ourselves where the august Common Law Court of no possible appeal was sitting when it gave this far-reaching and irrevocable judgement;
Common Law Courts Great Britain & International


31st August 2019


I'm guessing the Robing Room was the janitor's cupboard under the stairs and the jury considered its verdicts crowded round a double bed in Room 302 whilst helping themselves to the contents of the mini-bar, pinching the toiletries and sending out for Pringles and the world's supply of M & Ms on Room Service.
It hardly matters. Yes, there is a "Holiday Inn Guildford" on Egerton Road, but there is no "Holiday Inn, Guildford," with the comma. Therefore the court sat in a non-existent location, airgo—yes, I know, but if you spell it right you break the spell—airgo, the order and verdict of the court is void for want of venue. Also, they used a post code.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Also, they used a post code.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by Burnaby49 »

Shem's letter is a burst of pure nostalgia, taking me back 20 years or so ago to when all things were still possible if you just knew the right magic. She could have gotten all of that blather straight from Chief Rock Sino General, Dean Clifford, and all the other Canadian gurus before they got their asses kicked.

Still, who am I to criticize? She said she got a free house by nullifying her mortgage (more than old Tom could ever do) and doesn't have to pay either income tax or council tax. Puts her way ahead of me.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by longdog »

They don't have council tax on the Isle of Man so technically she may be correct. They do have domestic rates though.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by John Uskglass »

This one deserves extra points for the degree of wrong contained in just a few lines.
Save all you vat receipts people. After collecting for 1 month, make copies and send them to the local vat office for vat refunds. Vat was introduced in 1974, it was Introduced my the eu to cover cost of membership. Now we are out claim all your vat back. I'm gonna
https://en-gb.facebook.com/groups/19574 ... 921465984/

The 'VATman' is usually thought of as the hardest faced part of HMRCS, so it would be interesting to see their response.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by longdog »

Because obviously there was no sort of tax on purchases, or "Purchase Tax" if you will, before the UK joined the EEC and public spending won't miss the odd hundred billion quid here or there.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
John Uskglass
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by John Uskglass »

And I don't remember that nice Mr Farage saying we'd all get a VAT refund if we voted Leave. You'd have thought he'd have put it on the side of a bus or something, wouldn't you?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

longdog wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2020 6:11 pm Because obviously there was no sort of tax on purchases, or "Purchase Tax" if you will, before the UK joined the EEC and public spending won't miss the odd hundred billion quid here or there.
What could be more Freeman like than to campaign for the return of purchase tax. :snicker:

Although it was levied on a smaller range of goods, apart from 1963-1968 (and in 1972 which was effectively gearing up for VAT) when it was 25%, it ranged for most of its time from 45%-66%!
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John Uskglass
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by John Uskglass »

What could be more Freeman like than to campaign for the return of purchase tax
How about a bringing back a tax specifically designed to pay for killing Muslims? That's right up their street.
The Saladin tithe, imposed in 1188 to raise funds for a proposed crusade by King Henry II, was levied at the rate of 10% of all goods and revenues, with some exceptions for a knight's horse and armour and clerical vestments. Also excluded were those who had pledged to go on crusade with the king.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxation_ ... 80%931216)

Though I can just imagine them complaining that they want it extended to cover Jews and other furriners, while discussing how to claim that their clapped out motor, tracksuit and trainers count as knightly accoutrements.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by aesmith »

Someone's escaped the loonie bins of PLD etc to post on a serious forum ..

http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?sho ... try1547582
Any advice on this please

I am looking for a freeman solicitor; and that is someone who represents someone in court in the capacity of a freeman. And what I mean by a freeman is a human being (and not a person) that lawfully (and not legally) dose not stand under any statute/ act of parliament/ admiral law/ law of the sea because they choice as Sovereign beings by there constitutional rights (magna carta treaty for the state of England and all other crown governed country) not to represent the corporative title they where given (there name or Mr/Mrs in upper case letters) when they where born in the form of a birth certificate

Have a look at this video, it is rayman Sinclair and someone ells with a hidden camera in court representing someone in count in the above means. I have looked Raymond Sinclair up on the net and he seams to have vanished off of the face of the earth (hope he is alright!)