And The Donald gets in the picture!
Jacquie has posted another video, an interview with some British guy called Charlie Ward; ... 3080162180
Charlie’s a big Trump fan, The Donald is going to save us all if we just let him. But Jacquie doesn’t want to have a discussion on Trump that distracts from the Article 61 remedy for all of Canada’s (and the UK’s) problems. This pro-Trump, forget about Trump conflict dominated the video.
First Charlie, as a Trumpoholic, says he’s looking forward to the third of November, presumably because of his belief that Trump will win. Jacquie’s not happy with that. Not, as far as I can tell, because she’s anti-Trump but because The Donald has nothing to do with Article 61 and in her world anything else is just background noise. When he mentioned November 3rd she laughed like an idiot making me suspect that she was drunk again. Apparently not, it was just Jacquie being Jacquie. She said that the American election was “nothing but a Roman circus meant to distract us”. She sure puts you American in your place. Arguably the most contentious presidential election in US history, a contest watched with fascination by most of the world, is nothing more than a false flag to keep our minds off the real threat to the Powers-That-Be, Lord Nitwit’s invoking Article 61 on March 23, 2001!
According to Chrlie Donald Trump is determined to get us away from maritime law but his associates, purporting to be his friends, are doing their best to sabotage him. Bastards!!! But Jacquie doesn’t trust any politician, they’re all corrupt.
No doubt all you ill-informed ignoramuses are asking yourselves what the US election and Donald Trump have to do with Article 61 since, if it has any application to anything, as a British law (before Britain as we know it existed), it would only apply to countries with governments based on the UK monarchy like we Canadians suffering under the yoke of the Queen’s tyranny. That’s because you don’t have Jacquie’s depth of knowledge of international law. She implied that Article 61 applies to all governments world-wide. You’re on notice Kim Jong-un!
Charlie countered this by saying that Trump wasn’t a politician, he was a business man. An arguable point given the information released by the New York Times about his disastrous history of business ventures but, in any case, inconsequential to Jacquie since Donald is supporting the “fake king”. Not surprisingly this comment confused Charlie, “What fake king?” ‘Greg Hallett’ was Jacquie’s response. Frankly the answer came right out of left field as far as I was concerned and left me as confused as Charlie. Who the fuck is that I asked myself. I did a name check on Quatloos and found only a mention in passing of no consequence. So I googled it. He’s this guy, a New Zealander with pretensions of grandeur; ... he-throne/
He’s the Mashiach-Christ-Messiah King of England along with being the king of Canada and just about everywhere else. This article gives the connection to Donald Trump;
Hallett’s audience is heavily dominated by adherents of QAnon, who believe that his ascension to throne will work in tandem with the role of Donald Trump in the USA, both working towards the defeat of an all-powerful Satanic cabal that has ruled the world for centuries. The British Royal Family, they believe, are part of this cabal, and have either been arrested or executed already.
Old Liz has been executed and Greg’s in charge? I’d say these are pretty deep waters for a purple-haired loon living on public assistance in northern Alberta to swim in and we’re only at the 5:24 point of a 40 minute interview!
According to Jacquie the Queen was deposed in March 2001 when article 61 was invoked and the Crown has been vacant since. Back in the day when the Barons wrote Article 61 into the Magna Carta invoking it would have just triggered a call for troops to have an actual armed rebellion, they would still have had to do the risky heavy-lifting of actually kicking King John off the throne. But today all it apparently takes is a few Barons writing the Queen a polite letter and the job’s done and she’s gone. A Pretty sweet deal I’d say.
Jacquie went through a laundry-list of requirements necessary to get another monarch culminating in a constitutional convention where we’d all vote on one. Charlie said “If we even need one”. Jacquie wasn’t putting up with such foolish talk. The “common law justice system” is a “perfect system” but it needs a monarch to get it up and running. Charlie said that he agreed that Hallett was a fake monarch but he said that he played an important role in making people, apparently for the first time ever, question the role of the British monarchy. Thanks to Donald people are seeing the truth about the monarchy because, when he met her for the first time, he walked in front of her, a breach of royal protocol. I’d say that this was just boorish behavior but I apparently know nothing about what’s really going on because the real reason was that she’d already been deposed at that time and Donald knew this. Pushing the Queen aside was “hugely significant” because it showed that Donald was aware she was deposed and was pointing this out to everyone
Charlie and Jacquie got into a bit of a squabble about the significance of Donald’s behavior that I really couldn’t be bothered to try and follow. Basically Charlie’s point seemed to be that Trump was now the driving force making the world aware of Article 61 but Jacquie thought Trump, at best, irrelevant, at worst yet another traitor. Charlie went off in a rant about the “Covid fraud” and how Trump was using it to expose the deep state. Jacquie, as blindsided as I was about all this Trump worship, told Charlie she hadn’t expected to discuss Trump when she agreed to be interviewed “I thought you were asking me on here to talk about Article 61 and Practical Law Dissent . . . . . in the UK and Commonwealth”. Charlie wasn’t having any of that. He claimed he had no agenda, he wanted an open discussion, but then he immediately said that he was in favour of moving from maritime law to common law and that Donald Trump was too and was trying to do this but he couldn’t do it until he had “control of both houses”. Charlie seems a little obsessed about The Donald. Not that Jacquie was any less focused about article 61.
Jacquie said that her little group was a beehive of activity and the government was “in an uproar” about it. But Charlie was a touch pessimistic because she was “up against Justin Trudeau who was deep, deep, deep, state”. But Jacquie had already checkmated Trudeau by putting him on notice. As a result “We have them on the run, they’re scared of what’s going on”. All that mockery that Jacquie has received from the press (all in prior post) was really a government disinformation campaign. People are taking the oath everywhere! Then Charlie was back on his Trump and maritime law obsession yet again. We seem to have on of history’s great bromances here. Jacquie tried to trump this (a bridge reference not a stupid pun) by saying that Article 61 was “currently the only law in effect throughout the commonwealth realm”. It also covers independent nations once ruled by Britain which is why the American Declaration of independence is null and void. That’s a new shift in Jacquie’s attempt to rule the world. She’s already cancelled Canada’s courts and government now she has you Americans in her sights! How does she know its void. Because it’s a treasonably written document. The proof is right in front of you Americans and you’re too dense to see it. It’s all because of the inclusion of the second amendment. Since we all have the right to defend ourselves the Constitution didn’t need a second amendment specifically saying this. Putting the amendment in deliberately voided it because it made the entire Constitution treasonous. It’s past two in the morning and I’m getting too tired to make a lot of sense out of this brilliant legal analysis.
Charlie’s response was Wow! Mine too! Jacquie went on to say that all of America’s laws and regulations are common law crimes and, as a result, are also all null and void and America has no government. British Columbia is noted for the potency of our marijuana but I’ll have whatever Jacquie is growing in northern Alberta.
Jacquie said that Trump has no power and, by pretending to be president, is guilty of treason against the people. I suppose a logical conclusion if there is no government. She said that power resided in the hands of the people. Sounds a little Commie to me. Charlie of course went off on his liturgy about Trump and maritime law yet again but was cut off by Jacquie who told him Article 61 has already done that because it’s an unstoppable force designed to win. Those Barons knew what they were doing 800 years ago!
Then she said the UK had to bring back the Bradbury pound; ... _Pound.pdf
I’ve no idea where she’s going anymore. I probably shouldn’t have had that second beer if I had any expectation of being able to follow such complex legal issues. Charlie asked her if she didn’t think Trump was on her side and she said that it was a pretty little show but was just the two wings of the same bird. I’m almost certain I only had two beers but I generally need at least six to be so befuddled. Charlie disagreed with whatever the fuck she meant. They squabbled back and forth with Charlie trying to get Jacquie onside with his trump obsession and Jacquie trying to overpower that with her equally demented Article 61 craziness. Trump didn’t matter anyhow in Jacquie’s world because every American who votes is committing treason. Charlie thought this a “very interesting point”. Jacquie had been very composed to this point but she started her idiotic laugh whenever she spoke, a sign she’s losing it. If Trump walked in front of the Queen because she’s been deposed he should have told the people “instead of playing his game”. Since he didn’t he’s untrustworthy. She said she’d use an analogy. “You can’t destroy the corpus juris with the corpus juris any more than you can melt an iceberg with an ice cube”. That’s a quote. Charlie just quietly said “ok”. By this point they were squabbling like my two sons when they were three and making about as much sense. Trump this, Article 61 that.
Then Jacquie was on about the courts. Seize the courthouses! Throw out the judges! Put conveeners in their place and have the jury decide by jury nullification! If one juror employs juror nullification the entire statute the defendant is being prosecuted with is null and void “Jury nullification is the big one. Charlie responded with a long loud incoherent Trump rant I’m not going to bother relating. I have to confess I haven’t being paying a lot of attention for the last ten minutes, I’ve been reading news while I listen but “maritime law” “Trump” “common law” “Article 61” bubble to the surface once in a while. Three minutes left, it’s finally winding down. Poor old Charlie says he’s been kicked off Facebook and YouTube but he still has a following. It ended with Charlie saying they needed the sledgehammer of Donald Trump to end maritime law and Jacquie saying we had to invoke Article 61 while laughing wildly.