Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by aesmith »

It turned out the the PM's special announcement wasn't in fact all about M o'B, so in response he's decided his private prosecution needs to be updated to add the charge of something like "failing to admit they're planning mandatory vaccination".
Michael O'Bernicia
COVID-1984 PCP UPDATE | After the de facto government's confirmation of the mandatory vaccination agenda yesterday, we are taking extraordinary action.
Whilst the additional charges against all those responsible will soon follow, at a certain time and place tomorrow, the initial charge in the PCP will be laid, alleging criminal fraud by non-disclosure against the secretary of state for mandatory vaxxtermination.
https://www.facebook.com/michael.oberni ... 5778889977

I notice a few comments expressing impatience, although most of his follower just blindly lap it up.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

I don't watch Johnson because he makes me want to go on a mad axe-rampage but I'm assuming by the lack of coverage in the media that the "...de facto government's confirmation of the mandatory vaccination agenda" is another one of his delusions.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by hucknallred »

aesmith wrote: Wed Nov 11, 2020 12:51 pm I notice a few comments expressing impatience, although most of his follower just blindly lap it up.
In the UK there was a comedy show called TV Burp hosted by comedian Harry Hill. It was just clips of the last weeks TV with some funny commentary. This sketch was having a go at Britney Spears appearing on reality show The X-Factor. Imagine the host Dermot O'Leary is O'Bonkers & Britney is the actual prosecution. I don't think O'Bonkers will end with the dance routine dressed as Ms. Spears.

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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by exiledscouser »

MoB is boasting again. At the 11th hour of the 11th month he tells his flock that criminal charges have been laid against the Secretary of State for a spot of mass murder or some such.

“Which court” cry the sheep. Answers there came none.

But there are congratulations aplenty from others in the flock more inclined to swallow the great man’s word unquestioningly.

MoB says that “the rest” will all follow by the 27th of Nov. So that’ll be the end of a functioning executive by months end and MoB can be crowned the new King of the UK. All hail!
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

exiledscouser wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:27 am So that’ll be the end of a functioning executive by months end and MoB can be crowned the new King of the UK. All hail!
Now this is not a political point, but given the current SpAd shenanigans, there very well may be a new executive, at which point O'Bonkers will sweep down and claim victory, à la Neelu and her !!!success1!!ful litigation which forced MPs to resign.

O'Bonkers is genuinely too stupid to see that he is stupid.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by grixit »

exiledscouser wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 4:36 pm
There is quite a schism opening up in the PLD and the wider loon-sphere.
Well then, let them settle it like true patriots, at Runnymeade with bladder sticks!
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by grixit »

hucknallred wrote: Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:15 pm
In the UK there was a comedy show called TV Burp hosted by comedian Harry Hill. It was just clips of the last weeks TV with some funny commentary. This sketch was having a go at Britney Spears appearing on reality show The X-Factor.
Spears just failed in a hearing to regain her adulthood status. She used a lawyer, apparently not being far gone enough to try any sovciv ploys.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by aesmith »

Would it be silly to ask what's happening with his other previous private prosecutions? For example of the Land Registries, given that their deadline is long past ..
His email on 5th October wrote:The land registrars for England and Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as the keeper of the register in Scotland, will soon be served a Final Demand, requiring them to cancel every mortgage in the registers, on the ground that they have all been fraudulently registered.

Failure to do so by 01/11/2020 - the day evictions are due to start again - will result in them all being served with Notices of Intended Private Criminal Prosecution, for eleven million breaches of the Fraud Act 2006.
And I can't find it now but isn't he also prosecuting every MP, even those who voted against it, for passing some other Bill?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

COVID-1984 UPDATE |12-11-20

COVID-1984 PCP UPDATE | Here is a useful evidence bundle relating to the case brought against Wancock. Also a few more bits of info

Following on from the 11th day of the 11th month at 11:11:11, by direct email to the address which is solely for laying papers electronically at the magistrates court in question.
When the papers are received, an automatic acknowledgement is generated and from that moment the information is considered duly laid.

Because it is an indictable offence, it will be transferred immediately to the crown court, where a judge will be instructed to issue a warrant for Wankock's arrest, to prevent him committing any further crimes.
If they refuse to issue the warrant, they still have no choice but to issue the summons, ordering him to appear in court to plead innocent or guilty.

This has been submitted under the Peoples Union of Britain PUB
https://www.thefreedomcycle.com/covid/ ... -case.html

The 'evidence' is a series of FOI requests by one Marc Horn collated from 'What Do They Know'. I must admit to skimming, but it appears that they all got knocked back, as did the subsequent appeals.

I note that it looks as if MoB has been keeping his name out of the process, almost as if he's worried that there might be some come back.

It goes without saying that his version of how the courts will treat his submission is somewhat at variance with reality.

You do wonder how long he can keep up the pretence that this is going anywhere.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by exiledscouser »

Mikey O’Bullshit clams yet another victory, an arrest warrant this time for Matt Hancock. Because that’s what any court would do in a private prosecution, grant the complainant a warrant in the first instance then allow him to go make the arrest. Unless that is the court is constituted with Lego figures.

If the Mad Mackem really has served an information, the real court would assess its veracity, probably speak with someone at the AG’s office given the alleged subject and only then they might issue a summons (note Mikey - you don’t get to write your own!) provided the offence was made out and it was actually known in law. In rare cases, for instance if there’s a flight risk or if he’s a danger to himself or the public then the court might issue a warrant. The police would execute it, not some bearded fruitloop with an internet following.

So Mikey, take your fantasy warrant, make your fairytale people’s arrest with assistance from Tom Crawfraud, Gandalf and Luke Skywalker, take the unfortunate Matt H to a common law fantasy prison escorted by the Tin Man to a planet far far away where he’ll be hung before breakfast by Willo the Wisp, Mr Blobby and the entire cast of Phantom of the Opera. Not forgetting the blood-curdling threat to visit death and destruction upon the next seven generations of Hancock’s progeny, even those yet to be born.

But this is all in the delusional & fetid imagination of the North East’s no. 1 fantasist and liar. Why do I even bother responding to this shit and his daily slice of utter bollox?

I call you out Michael, let’s see some proof for once or back you go, under your bridge.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Foggy »

Wow, it's almost like you're suggesting the arrest warrant isn't a real thing ... :thinking:
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by aesmith »

I've not come across this guy before, giving an alternative view of M of B's claims. He strikes the right note from the start ..
Clive M Edwards wrote:There’s a lot of group think around at the minute. People are naturally worried and are looking for a saviour, I understand those concerns and worries
However this has to be the biggest load of bollocks I’ve seen so far and it seems to be getting big traction
The claim being made by “Michael O Bernicia” and friends, is that Matt Hancock is going to be arrested (Monday 16 Nov) and that a warrant has been issued for his arrest for “criminal fraud for non disclosure “
Mat Hancock is one of a large group of persons that decide gov policy. That large group of persons is known as the government (Executive) which has collective responsibility. The same government whom all of you voters gave your consent and authority to. That government enacted the policy that is at the heart of Michael O Bernicia claims; claims that Mat Hancock (Government) withheld information that Covid was reclassified as not being a HCID and MP’s voting on the lockdown were not aware of the reclassification.
Naturally if the information has “knowingly not been disclosed” you couldn’t find said information anywhere on the internet? let alone on say, the government’s own website.! Because if it was publicly available on the internet, by definition that would be disclosure wouldn’t it?
Think for yourselves people. No pied piper is going to save you. You can save you by using critical thought. Stop this dumbfuckery. I am left with two conclusions about Michael 1) he’s ignorant of how government works 2) he’s not ignorant but is misleading vast numbers of people
Note: I tried to post this directly on his wall but commenting from non friends can’t be done
He also shows a screenshot of our friend Tom Crawford trying to appear as an insider, can't find the original post but the screenshot has him saying ..
Tom Crawford wrote:Vic, We have all the documentation but it can't be released until his arrest on Monday and then everyone will see it. the police will be at his door Monday morning. Everything is quite genuine and those who normally oppose us are now on our side.
https://www.facebook.com/clive.edwards. ... 1097012116

Debate follows, although I must say I don't agree with Mr Edwards believe that Police powers differ depending on whether a Common Law or Statutory offence has been alleged.

Further down there's this critical response, not sure if this is the same Caroline Stephens we've seen before, but she's clearly not an M of B fan either ...
Caroline Stephens
Dear Caroline,
Following a similar recent request to your enquiry about the Bernician, here is the reply sent by Kenn d'Oudney:
Dear ----,
A fertile, creative mind working in the absence of a disciplined framework of proper study and education is easily manipulated by disinformation. When a person promulgates disinformation in the guise of educating others, he or she becomes an instrument pernicious to the interests of naïve recipients.
Michael O’Bernicia personifies such a type. A lot of 'plausible', appealing blarney disguises fundamental flaws and his lack of in-depth knowledge and understanding. Check out his website for his take [mistakes!] and ignorance about:
1. Trial by Jury, its history and background; and
2. specifically, the timeless (permanent; immutable) Common Law Articles of Equal Justice in Magna Carta 1215 which set out the Powers, Procedures, Rights and Duty of Jurors in Trial by Jury;
3. the citizen-commoner's right to cost-free prosecution at Trial by Jury of any other commoner for malicious acts, physical or legislative (Articles 36, 38, 39, 40, 52 and 61; no "immunity" or "privilege" for parliamentarians and judges; the proven guarantee of Liberty and Equal Justice against the tyranny of unjust statutes and courts);
4. our Constitutional rule of law;
5. grounds dismissing the Pope’s defunctive “cassation” as ultra vires;
6. common law v. statute -- what is the relationship?;
7. usury, banking and mortgages (including his interview on video);
8. virology, and so on... I couldn’t find a redeeming feature anywhere on his website.
By the way, he states that he believes that John's Magna Carta is "unenforceable" because it was obtained under duress. See the fallacy
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by exiledscouser »

Others are questioning Walter O’Mitty’s boasting and finding it all to be cobblers.

In among the comments is a smug post from old Crawfraud himself predicting the end of the government etc with them all going off to gaol. Oh yes, you’ll see, you’ll all be eating humble pie when they turn up at his doorstep Monday morning. If Tom is involved in this then victory is assured!

Edit. And then I read the post above just in :cry:

He really does set himself up to fail does Mike.
Last edited by exiledscouser on Sat Nov 14, 2020 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by aesmith »

And found this ...
https://vote-watch.com/2020/11/14/fact- ... -arrested/

I can see him loving this comment ..
Michael O’Bernicia – a largely unknown conspiracy theorist
Last edited by aesmith on Sat Nov 14, 2020 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

And found this ...
https://vote-watch.com/2020/11/14/fact- ... -arrested/
Michael O’Bernicia – a largely unknown conspiracy theorist
Oooh! That's gotta hurt!
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by CrankyBoomer »

I became aware of this YouTuber, Sherlock Tarot, while watching the Ballad of Shaun and Cali unfold because she did a video about that.* However in this video (fairly early on) she refers to Mr O'Bonkers being something of a good egg (not those words) - the video is saying MH is going to be arrested!!! I don't usually bother trying to debate with conspiracy theorists now because it seems to be a lost cause. I think Sherlock Tarot is sincere but obviously I disagree with her. Don't type anything mean under her video please - I've just linked it for information.

* Shaun Attwood is a YouTuber who is somewhat well-known in the UK. He spent some time in an American jail for drug dealing but when released returned to the UK (he's banned for life from the USA). He seemed to have changed his life around and gave talks to schools encouraging youngsters not to experiment with drugs and interviewed ex-prisoners on his YouTube channel but last year he seemed to change and come over all conspiracy theory - interviewed David Ike, Anna Brees, Jon Wedger and Wilfred Wong (currently on remand in chokey). In the summer he had a young lady on his channel (Cali - or that was what she called herself) saying she was a trafficking victim) and a gofundme was set up to try and help her. Then something came out about her still having an active profile on an adult work site with some photographs taken in SA's flat. Of course some folk felt narked if they had contributed to a fund to allegedly get her out of the oldest profession. There may be more to it but that's the bones of it. This paragraph is for context because its subject isn't strictly speaking fraud - though a gofundme for someone who was still a working girl was questionablee.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by rosy »

There was a question about Michael O'Bonkers on Quora the other day; I answered it and included a link to this thread. :mrgreen:
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

MoB completely succumbing to messianic delusions of grandeur:
https://www.thebernician.net/peoples-un ... -approved/
People’s Union of Britain v Matt Hancock | Application For Arrest Warrant Approved

COVID-1984 NEWSFLASH | The prosecution in People’s Union of Britain v Matt Hancock has just sent the executed form, applying for his arrest warrant, to the court of issue.

We have already got the green light from the court’s legal advisers and now we have the chief magistrates’ permission to proceed. They also sent us the form to fill out for the arrest warrant, which has now been acknowledged by the same as having been received.

However, the form won’t be processed till Monday, when it will be sent up to the crown court to be administered and then served upon Hancock, without delay, by the arresting officers, who will soon be appointed by the court.

Therefore, the case will now proceed as directed, unless the Director of Public Prosecutions [DPP] intervenes, which is unlikely because nobody will want to take the poisoned chalice.

However, even if they do, we can object on the ground that the DPP is working for the government, so they are obviously conflicted. If they refuse to back down, we will insist that the case proceeds with our legal team.

In other words, my family, friends and growing army of peace-keepers and freedom fighters, we are all about to witness the most significant events that have transpired on these shores, since Charles I lost his head.

Words simply cannot adequately express the truly humbling experience of the love, support and commitment I’ve received, from people who all tell me that my words have moved and inspired their hearts into resisting this tyranny, for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for rising to the call. Very soon, our number will be millions.

This truly is our moment to seize the opportunity to build an advanced civilisation, on the rubble of the corrupted one, which is crumbling around us by COVID-1984 design.

In other words, fuck the great reset, the fourth industrial revolution and fraudulent debt based slavery.

In that new civilisation, we will protect the unalienable birthrights of the individual from the tyranny of the collective, to become truly self-governed under the Common Law, as expressed in Magna Carta 2020, an idea whose time has come.

From now until you see the arrest live-streamed on the mainstream and alternative media worldwide, let’s make #ArrestMattHancock go viral on every platform, to the point where the People are chanting it in the streets nationwide.
I can't see how he comes back from this once Hancock continues to walk free and a new civilisation remains unborn. But he seems remarkably confident - this is from the Chris Edwards Facebook page cited above:
https://www.facebook.com/clive.edwards. ... 1097012116
Michael O'Bernicia How revealing that my most vocal detractors are claiming that the PCP has no legitimacy and that I'm making it all up. I wonder what the Chief Magistrate will make of that, when the warrant application is processed on Monday.

Of course I understand that some people need to see proof before they will believe that the criminal action is real. However, unlike my detractors, I don't make public statements which are not sustained by the facts.

Those who have followed and understood my work over the past twelve years have no such doubts, as they have seen me pull the following rabbits out of various hats over the years:

1. The common law remedy for refusing to register a birth.
2. The common law remedy for cancelling registration as a taxpayer.
3. The common law remedy for getting rid of fraudulent loans and credit cards.
4. The common law remedy for revoking consent to be governed by criminal governments.
5. The statutory remedy to get rid of fraudulent mortgages.
6. An international treaty which created a government free jurisdiction, under international law.
7. The statutory remedy for cancelling fraudulent mortgages in the charges register.
8. Magna Carta 2020 - Declaration of Rights, which a properly convened Grand Jury declared to be sufficient to restore the common law.

Anybody who has diligently read through the related posts on my blog knows I have a 100% track record in and out of court, simply because I establish the correct argument from the start and I then stand my ground until my adversaries either lose or concede.

Considering Simon Dolan has admitted privately that he didn't know that PCP's are possible before today, it speaks volumes that he has since neglected to delete his dishonest statements about the case on Twitter.

As for Bitchie Allen [whose head is so far up Simon's arse I am mystified he can still breathe], as he has often said himself, who the fuck gives a shit what he thinks? His content is nothing without interesting guests.

However, without those guests being able to trust that he will not have them on his show, only to slag them off at a later date, nobody worth listening to will agree to appear on it, as soon as the word gets round that that is exactly what he did to me.

Nevertheless, in the event they both publicly apologize unreservedly for their wrongdoings, retracting their statements without further discussion, I won't hold them both personally liable for attempting to defame my character, by falsely claiming [some would say maliciously] that my statements about the PCP are untrue.

Imagine how their followers are going to roast them on social media, when the proof of our exchange with the chief magistrate is revealed next week.

Not to mention the inevitable announcement that the application has been administered, when the arrest warrant will either be issued forthwith, or the Director of Public Prosecutions will step in to present the case, on the ground that is a matter of such public importance.

In other words, we are already over the highest legal hurdles in getting the arrest warrant issued at the earliest opportunity and the DPP is unlikely to want to be the one who runs the case against a government minister. Especially when he is banged to rights on the evidence we have already filed.

So if those two misguided souls are willing to man up and admit that that have done wrong, we can ask them to explain why they neglected to perform a simple internet search for 'UK law of private criminal prosecutions'.
https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/p ... osecutions

Real journalist or controlled opposition? 👇

The answer will be revealed by his response to this effortless exposure of the quicksand he and Dolan are standing upon.
I can't believe he actually said 'Imagine how their followers are going to roast them on social media, when the proof of our exchange with the chief magistrate is revealed next week.' Talk about hubris!
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

I won't hold them both personally liable for attempting to defame my character
I'm pretty sure the real courts adopt the principle that before a person can claim for defamation of character they first have to have a character that can be defamed.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

I somehow don't think O'Bonkers understands the law.

The current Chief Magistrate is Senior District Judge Emma Arbuthnot.
The Chief Magistrate is responsible for:

* hearing many of the most sensitive or complex cases in the magistrates’ courts and in particular extradition and special jurisdiction cases.

* supporting and guiding district judge (magistrates’ courts) colleagues.

* liaising with the senior judiciary and Presiding Judges on matters relating to magistrates’ courts and district judges (magistrates’ courts).
Not really involved in "permission to proceed".
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