One of the things I miss most about the world of work is hanging up on stroppy and unreasonable customers.
Customer: "I demand you come out and fix my machine this evening".
Me: "Sorry. We don't offer a 24/7 service and I'm going home".
C: "But production has stopped".
M: "We still don't offer a 24/7 service and I'm still going home".
C: "I DEMAND you attend this evening".
M: "No".
C: "Let me speak to the service manager"
M: "You are"
C: "Let me speak to your line manager"
M: "He's gone home and that's where I'm going right now. Good day to you sir" <click>
Seconds later... <ring ring>
C: "Did you hang up on me?"
M: "Yes" <click>
Seconds later... <ring ring>
C: "How dare you hang up on a cutom..." <click>
Seconds later... <ring ring>
C: "I...." <click>
Seconds later... <ring ring> <ring ring> <ring ring> <ring ring> <ring ring> <ring ring> <ring ring> etc.
I became even ruder when I went self-employed. The joys of having your customers over a barrel.