Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

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Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Donald, our Alberta poster and and officer of the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench (I assume it's now King's Bench, I haven't checked recently) has finally aroused the anger of Paraclete Belanger! He's posted a video full of his (I assume) righteous vehemence and unleashed the awesome wrath of the King James Bible on poor Donald. It's titled;
A message to Alberta's Donald Neolitzky regarding his homebrew opinions slander and defamation
You can watch it here:

I've not yet done so because I just found it at 2AM. Now veteran Quatloosians know that in my prime 2AM was just late afternoon for me, a bottle of wine and a story to tell and I was good for hours. But, at 74, I'm no longer up to the tedious task of watching and analyzing a Belanger diatribe this late at night. So I'll check it out tomorrow or, to be more precise, later today. I tremble to think of the punishment Donald is about to face.

Then again, Belanger's been posting similar videos against his multitudes of perceived enemies for at least 20 years and I've not notice any of them even being slightly inconvenienced by them.

One additional little nitpicking querulous point. If, after years of suffering forbearance, you are finally going to destroy an enemy of true Christianity and a relentless fanatic obsessed by your personal persecution, at least get the name of the demonic antichrist right. It's Netolitzky, not Neolitzky. Precision matters in legal issues.
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by Philistine »

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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by DNetolitzky »

Burnaby49, thank you for pointing this out. While I have listened to "minister" Belanger's educational and editorial statements, I'm not going to attempt to summarize "minister" Belanger's counterstroke, because I know you will do a far more expert job than myself.

But I don't think it's a coincidence that Belanger misspelled my name, and misspoke it consistently for over 25 minutes.

That "error" means his followers can't all too readily backtrack to find out what has gotten "minister" Belanger oh so excited, via Google searches and the like.

What appears to have troubled the "minister" is this recent article published in the International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation:

"Jesus Built My Strawman: The Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International and "minister" Edward Jay Robin Belanger" ( ... n_Belanger).

At least Her Royal Majesty Queen Didulo has spared me her orbital energy weaponry to date. Or milkshakes.
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

That "error" means his followers can't all too readily backtrack to find out what has gotten "minister" Belanger oh so excited, via Google searches and the like.
Followers? He still has followers? It took me two weeks to notice this video and apparently this is the first that Donald's seen of it. I check up on Dean Kory more frequently and, if he's still even alive, he hasn't posted anything in about three and a half years. This video has 400 views and I'm guessing most of those are bots. I follow a You Tube channel of a guy in England sitting on busses staring out the window and his videos get more views in a few hours than Belanger gets in months. Then again he keeps his mouth shut and the English countryside is a lot more pleasant viewing than an old loon yammering away.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

First a comment. Donald wrote;
Burnaby49, thank you for pointing this out. While I have listened to "minister" Belanger's educational and editorial statements, I'm not going to attempt to summarize "minister" Belanger's counterstroke, because I know you will do a far more expert job than myself.
If that was a sincere hope I’m about to sadly disappoint him because, as you’ll find from my posting, there was no possible way I could summarize or coherently explain the madness I encountered. The video is 25 minutes of insanity. Now, on to Crazy Town!

Before reviewing another rambling Belanger pile of shit I’m going to make an assumption about how my posting will go. This is based on my lengthy history of viewing past Belanger’s gibberish. He has numerous obsessions, King James Bible, dead whores, respecter of persons, pastoral immunity from laws as a man of Christ just tending his flock. He tends to toss all of these into his videos regardless of the target (in this case Donald) or the purported topic. With twenty years or so of practice he’s fine-tuned this nonsense into a one size fits all rant if something so overwhelmingly tedious can be called a rant. So I anticipate he’ll start by giving a short criticism of whatever he perceives Donald has done to offend him then go into autopilot with his set speech. The practical issue in this, from my perspective, is that there will be nothing new but, given how he’s not even thinking as he does it, there will be a lot to go through. So I’ll probably start reporting points but after a few minutes start skipping portions then abandon it and just go to the end. We’ll see how my patience holds up. So, on to the review.

According to Belanger Donald has “taken affront” to the fact that Belanger believes in Christ. Now those of you who have followed Belanger’s lunatic biblical interpretations (as I have for years) know that what Donald has been “affronted” with is Belanger’s purported belief that his interpretation of the King James Bible allows him and his followers to be parasites, demanding welfare and other government benefits while contributing nothing whatever to society. Also, Belanger’s sincerely held religious belief that King James allows him and his dwindling band to ignore any laws they don’t agree with.

He immediately went off into an outpouring of total gibberish about his interpretation of “persons” as filtered through his King James madness. I’ve written volumes about this in past postings and I’m not going there again. Anyone interested can find all they want to know on this topic in past threads. This was backed by a barrage of bible verse citations, totally random for all I know, I’m not going to check them out.

As a consequence of this he’s deemed Donald a sinner. Pretty thin stuff in my opinion. I’d hoped for at least a threat of a libel lawsuit for defamation of the head of a Christian church just going about his godly duties ministering to his congregation of fellow parasites.

Then on to a small part of one of his favorite stories, the saga of how, in 2001, he smashed the Alberta court system with his King James sledgehammer. Judges forced off the bench! Cases collapsing! The only bar to making this tale a total victory for Christianity is the complete lack of any evidence whatever backing it up except the words coming out of Belanger’s mouth, to my mind a less than credible source. I once did some research to see if anything had actually happened at Queen’s Bench in 2001, no matter how trivial or unrelated to Belanger, and came up with nothing. Anyhow this time he spared us most of the bloodshed and just related how in 2001 all of the King James Bibles were removed from Alberta courts but now they’re back. If he has a point with this comment it eludes me.

That done it’s back to specifics and why he’s doing the video. Donald has perused Belanger’s demands for religious accommodation and;
Believing in Christ, and the King James Bible is, according to Donald Netolitzky, OPCA, organized pseudo-legal commercial argument. Imagine! Before Donald showed up, before the secular law system showed up, there were people who believed in the bible and they would not show respect of persons.
As far as I’m aware this respecter of persons nonsense was thought up by Belanger himself and has no precedence in any prior Christian theology. So there is no history of any support for Belanger’s most overwhelming obsession. Then the shocking news that the bible was written before Donald was born! A statement of fact that even I have to agree with. I don’t expect many more in the rest of the video.
Donald doesn’t get to rewrite the bible. Donald doesn’t get to be critical of people sincere in Christ and wishing to escape from the secular fraud where the Jewish underwriters for the international covenants, for the insurance underwriters I should say, they wrote that article, that international covenant so the goyim, gentiles (finger quote) of the world Donald, so you, the New Litsky, can have an opportunity to point to the bible and say, hey, it violates my faith to be registered with this false god thing trading on the stock exchange as a business with all capital letters CANADA
I have no idea what that’s all about except that the Jews are somehow involved in violating Belanger’s faith. This was followed by some nonsense, unrelated to any complaint that Belanger has against Donald (at least as far as I can tell), how Canada is only comprised of scattered parcels of land rather than a country. Something to do with the Land Surveys Act. He said that Donald might also want to look into the Interpretation Act to find out that Alberta is a franchise of the Hudson Bay Company.
I’m going to give you an education Donald, you seem to be a bit lacking with what they taught you in law school. You had your head so far down the secular hole and that sordid history of false god law that you forgot god came first, you forgot Section 24 of the Charter there telling you that any law that existed before the Charter has not been voided by the Charter.
This is Section 24;
Enforcement – section 24

Enforcement of guaranteed rights and freedoms
24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances.

Exclusion of evidence bringing administration of justice into disrepute
• (2) Where, in proceedings under subsection (1), a court concludes that evidence was obtained in a manner that infringed or denied any rights or freedoms guaranteed by this Charter, the evidence shall be excluded if it is established that, having regard to all the circumstances, the admission of it in the proceedings would bring the administration of justice into disrepute.
I’d say that Belanger’s interpretation of that is somewhat fanciful. Apparently the only reason this is in the Charter at all is;
The Charter is only making this offer to the dumb goyim for rights and freedoms. Did you notice that rights came first?
Somehow this is all a Jewish plot to lure us away from Belanger’s vision of true Christianity. I’m going to stop quoting at this point. Belanger’s lost it and isn’t making even the trivial vestiges of any sense that he used to have, at least sporadically. I’ll watch through the rest of it (we’ve just passed the 5 minute mark on a 25 minute video) but report only those portions that relate directly to Donald and make at least some sense to me. Just listen to 5’56 to about 8’00 to see what I’m facing in trying to coherently report on this madness.

Note that I picked 8’00 as a random cutoff point, it doesn’t get any better later. So my opening paragraph has been refuted only five minutes in. All that we’re getting is Bellanger going totally off the rails. The one consistent thread is anti-Semitism. He’s always blamed the Jews for everything, at least peripherally, but it’s now front and center all through the video. This of course includes Donald because, according to Belanger, Donald is Jewish. Also some gay bashing at 11’00 (Thanks to Donald and his fellow Jewish conspirators the “bum-buddy club” is going to burn down all the churches). I slogged through the rest of the video but it was essentially an unintelligible rant of bible verses and fantasy meetings with senior military and government officials who told Belanger he was completely right in all of his anti-Jewish, anti-government ravings. Wait, a connection to the old Belanger! At 16’40 he has us all in bed with dead prostitutes, a favorite theme. It’s like an Alzheimer patient flickering back to a semblance of awareness for a fleeting moment.

At 16’45 he expands his anti-Semitism to also encompass Sikhs and Hindus (“the guys wearing the turbans on their head”). It seems that Donald is part of a conspiracy to eradicate Christianity from Canada. At 21’20 he finally slowed the crazy train for a moment to threaten Donald with a private suit for slander, defamation, etc. “You know what I’m talking about, your people have a long history of that”. Donald is also a false Jew raper. I don’t know if there should be hyphens anywhere in that phrase. False-Jew raper? False Jew-raper? Finally a conclusion with a lot of invective against Donald and the warning that “we’re on to you and your kind” then, mercifully done with “Have a good day Donald, blessings, bye for now”.

I’m not one to give legal advice but, in the extremely unlikely event that Belanger decides to pursue a lawsuit, I’d say that the only defense Donald needs is to enter a copy of this video into evidence.
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm just starting to read Donald's article, the one that finally pushed Belanger over the edge. Donald wrote;
Until recently, the social sciences have directed comparatively little investigation into the
characteristics of individual pseudolaw adherents, groups, and the pseudolaw leadership
guru caste. One of the few exceptions are studies by mental health professionals that have
consistently concluded that adoption and use of pseudolaw is an expression of fringe and
extremist political belief, rather than the product of mental disorder and delusion (Paradis,
Owen, & McCullough, 2018; Parker, 2014; Parker, 2018; Pytyck & Chaimowitz, 2013).
That finding is highly significant, since the very unusual behaviour and language used by
pseudolaw adherents naturally suggests mental health issues and delusional behaviour.
I'd argue, after watching Belanger's latest video, that he may have past the point of "extremist political belief" and moved into the realm of "mental disorder and delusion".
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:11 am But, at 74, I'm no longer up to the tedious task of watching and analyzing a Belanger diatribe this late at night.
You're a better man than me. I gave it a shot prior to your post, and could only make it to around the two minute mark, where the Parakeet kept referring to God not being a respecter of persons. I could not figure out what this had to do with anything that Donald had written and why it let Belanger and his flock off the hook. The nearest I could come to was that if God didn't have to obey someone on planet Earth, then neither did Belanger. The problem, like most things that Belanger tries to wrangle out of his scriptural spelunking, is that he has taken the verse(s) out of context, misinterpreted what the point of the verse was, or simply is just twisting to make it say what he wants it to say. Simply put, the phrase "respecter of persons" means that you treat people in accordance with their rank, position or office. So, in other words, God takes no notice of what position of influence or power you may have, in His eyes everyone is equal. But somehow Belanger thinks this means that Belanger can ignore any person passing or enforcing a law with which he doesn't agree. The Parakeet doesn't seem to take notice that he is effectively putting himself on a equal footing with God.

In any event, I gave up after this and never got to the "false Jew-raper" nonsense. Again, I don't know if he means that there are people pretending to be Jews, pretending to be rapers, or both. Or maybe he means that there are Jews that are only pretending to be rapists and failing to act with other Jews who are carrying out some conspiracy to rape. Whatever it is, it boils down to Belanger dancing on that thin line between insanity and outrageous behavior.

At this point, I don't feel so bad at bailing out at the 2 minute mark. I'm sure I saved some of the last remaining grey cells in my brain. Let me know if you need to borrow some after your horrific trip into the mad, mad, mad world of Belanger.
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by eric »

I just don't have the mental energy today to watch the Parakeet's latest video. I amused myself this morning by attending virtual court in Red Deer. Pretty exhausting - three interesting cases: a trio of bitcoin scammers all claiming fraud against each other, a classic show me the oath as the beneficiary of my trust defendant, and last but not least my old nemesis Kevin Kumar in full frothing at the mouth Ty Griffiths mode. I kind of like virtual court - sitting there in my pj's drinking coffee while observing, totally anonymous if you wish, but just to piss off Kumar I entered court using my real name.
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I just don't have the mental energy today to watch the Parakeet's latest video.
I certainly wouldn't recommend watching it. As I noted it's just chaotic madness with Belanger spewing out every sovereign conspiracy he's ever run across in one manic burst. There's no structure, or indeed sense to it. I've reviewed many Belanger videos and this is the only one that's defeated me. After about five minutes I gave up on any details and just went with the flow trying, vainly, to pick up general themes.

The only consistent thread was Belanger's increasingly raging antisemitism. It isn't even the fringe Christianity cry that the Jews killed Christ. It's the Jews as an evil malignant force taking over the levers of government and the economy to destroy the Christian faith through repression. Donald is just part of an ancient conspiracy carried on for over a thousand years. Belanger makes the Illuminati seem like the new kids on the block compared to the constantly scheming Jews. But even that was scattershot, totally unfocused.

Belanger's past videos have generally promised something, a way out of your mortgage arrears, a way to fight that traffic offense but this one offers nothing but craziness and anger. He may be finally tipping into mental illness.
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Some questions answered by Donald's paper!

First this comment I made;
Donald, our Alberta poster and and officer of the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench (I assume it's now King's Bench, I haven't checked recently) has finally aroused the anger of Paraclete Belanger!
is cleared up by a footnote in the paper;
This Court is currently named the Alberta Court of King’s Bench, as the Court’s name
transitioned from “Queen’s Bench” to “King’s Bench” on the death of Queen Elizabeth II
on September 8, 2022. The same name change has occurred for certain other Canadian
legal institutions. For clarity, this article uses “Queen’s Bench,” and “King’s Bench,” to
reflect the language used to identify the Court at the time of a decision, step, or when a
document was filed or prepared.
Then there's this comment I made in my review of Belanger's lunatic ravings;
As far as I’m aware this respecter of persons nonsense was thought up by Belanger himself and has no precedence in any prior Christian theology. So there is no history of any support for Belanger’s most overwhelming obsession.

Apparently I'm not correct in assuming Belanger was first to use the respecter of persons idiocy but even Donald can't trace the source that Belanger stole it from apart from speculation about an obscure book whose author and publication dates are unknown ;
How about CERI’s trademark and cornerstone King James Bible “no respecter of
persons” argument? The CERI scheme was all but fully developed when first deployed.
Given Belanger’s otherwise notable lack of innovation or, for that matter, competence, the
plausible conclusion is he did not invent the King James Bible “no respecter of persons” argument, but, instead, copied it from a pre-existing religion-based Sovereign Citizen
source. Since Belanger does not reveal the basis for his materials, or acknowledge that
CERI is a derivative product, the exact template that Belanger used is unknown. That
said, Belanger almost certainly relied on a pre-2000 pseudolaw text: the “Book of the
Hundreds,” that appears to exist in at least five editions, though the dates of publication
and authorship are not clear. At present, an apparently complete “Fourth Edition: Revised
- With Updates” is publicly available (several bondmen and unprofitable servants of our
Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, n.d.). Template documents in the Fourth Edition:
Revised suggest that text was prepared in 1999. CERI’s scheme and concepts match the
content and form letters in the Book of the Hundreds. Furthermore, CERI’s bible-based
theories also have parallels to ideas that were promoted around 2000 on US websites such
as lawgiver.org14 and in the forum.15

The “Book of the Hundreds,” and its religion-based variation on pseudolaw, is no longer
commonly encountered anywhere. That means that no matter exactly what source
Belanger copied, Belanger certainly is the most vigorous and persistent proponent of the
“no respecter of persons” pseudolaw motif, worldwide.
Bottom line is that Belanger may have not been the first to use it but there is no significant known history of the interpretation being used until Belanger turned it into his main justification for his parasitic pseudo-religious gibberish.
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by DNetolitzky »

Well, I have to say I do appreciate "minister" Belanger could be irritated with me for going so far as to interpret Bible texts. That's probably well outside my realm of training and expertise.

Unlike himself, who has a PhD in Theosophy and Theocratic Law.

Really, not a context at all.
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by JamesVincent »

Better look out Donald. Once the Parakeet has you in his sights he'll stop at nothing to fully consume your newspaper in shit, literally and figuratively.

As someone who has actually studied theology (thanks to an early obsession with reading and a pastor who made the mistake of telling me to read up on religion) I believe I have pointed out before that the Parakeet's Bible seems to be different from everyone else's. The few actual passages he has quoted over the years have been, at best, out of context and, normally, using a meaning that just isn't there. His entire argument is rendered moot by a couple of passages from the Bible itself.
15 Then the Pharisees went and plotted how to entangle him in his words. 16 And they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, and you do not care about anyone’s opinion, for you are not swayed by appearances.2 17 Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” 18 But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why put me to the test, you hypocrites? 19 Show me the coin for the tax.” And they brought him a denarius. 20 And Jesus said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” 21 They said, “Caesar’s.” Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” 22 When they heard it, they marveled. And they left him and went away.
Matthew 22:15-22 And....
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 4 for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. 7 Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.
Romans 13:1-7

Both quotes taken from

It's almost not even fun to point out how wrong he is anymore. Gotten quite boring in fact.
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Well Belanger’s at it again. He’s back to scourging the spawn of hell, the anti-Christ himself, our Quatloos poster Donald Netolitzky. It turn out that Donald is endlessly writing slanderous, defaming hearsay type of comments full of lies about minister Belanger, a man just selflessly working amongst his flock teaching them the true meaning of Christianity based on Belanger’s personal, idiosyncratic interpretation of the King James Bible. This interpretation requires his followers, as a Christian duty, to become totally worthless parasites demanding endless government largess as constitutionally protected religious entitlements. It’s all right there in the bible!

Paraclete Belanger, until now a model of Christian forbearance and forgiveness, has decided to go on the offensive. But he’s not fighting this battle alone! He’s recruiting his vast army of devoted acolytes to join in the fray against Donald and the Alberta courts! What does he require of them? He wants them to send letters saying how they believe he’s really, really sincere about all the idiotic bullshit he’s slinging. Of course he doesn’t frame it quite that way. He says he needs ‘witnesses’ to write about how they believe he’s sincere in his claimed beliefs. He needs this because the Alberta courts have classified him as OPCA (a side note, they’ve recently classified him as much worse than that, an issue I’ll be discussing in a separate posting later this week). His plea for witnesses is laid out in a recent video titled;
Plea for witnesses to establish the veracity of my ministry

The faith in Christ is under attack and in order to get a court of conscience AKA Chancery I need witnesses to bear their testimony to my ministry as sincere unadulterated and of no quest for financial gain. I will be demanding a court where equity prevails in Chancery and need your help!! owlmon@gmail for your blue ink writing in asseveration verifying my ministry in Christ or or @paracletian on telegram..780-399-6250 is my number is the head Clerks email to send your dated autographed with your name and contact address hand written witness to my ministry, in a form of a scan, to. Please send your graceful witnessing in handwriting to the woman acting as the Clerk at with regards to 240069641P1 and my petition to gain a man in private chambers for court of chancery.

He gets to the point immediately;
So this is a deliberate attack on men and women’s ability to freely exercise their faith in Christ. This is an attack. Donald Netolitzky, chief adviser and law scholar for the Alberta courts has been prolific in writing slanderous defaming hearsay type of comments full of lies and aspirations that I’m a bad man and that I deserve nothing less than punishment. So in light of the reasoning behind Donald Netolitzsky’s writings it’s important to note what happened in 2011.
2011? He was doing so well then decided to veer off the rails. Who gives a crap about 2011 regardless of what he thinks happened then?

What follows is a convoluted Meads v. Meads origin story based on his purported fight with all of Alberta’s courts over a decade ago. It drones on until the exciting climax where he’s just about won and wants to meet with Justice Rooke, (then a lower level judge) but instead Rooke dumped Meads v Meads on him and that was the ballgame. Apparently the only reason Meads was written was to stop Belanger, who was just about to demolish the Alberta court system with his unanswerable King James justice, from getting his day in court to do it. After that every time he opened his mouth the courts just beat the crap out of him with OPCA, OPCA, OPCA. From this point everything he argued was “indicia” (he even used air quotes) of OPCA when it was actually really indicia of a man trying to exercise his faith to come out of a Babylonian fraud. This abuse of his religious rights has continued for over a decade. Every court in Alberta just bellows OPCA at him every time he tries to get his Christian rights enforced.

But he’s found a way past this. He’s going to take his case to a court of chancery “ . . . a court of conscience were equity prevails.” It’s his belief that such a court will disregard “the letter of the law”, those statutes giving him so much grief, and rule on the spirit of the law.

Up until this point he’s been calm and, within his limited abilities, logical. But a soon as he started on about equity he started losing it. Shouting, ranting about respecters of persons, dead corporate entities, all of the nonsensical idiocy that forms the basis of his claimed right to religious accommodation. As I’ve discussed numerous times these are the right to be exempt from all man-made laws and the right to demand anything from the government that he wants. He rapidly babbled more nonsense I’m not going to bother with. He said that it’s all Donald’s fault but a Court of Chancery will put Canada back on the true Christian path. Apparently Christians worldwide need him to lead the way. The way he tells it he’s a lock on winning everything he wants in Chancery as long as his followers cough up those letters (handwritten in blue ink) saying how sincere he is in his overwhelming insanity about the real meaning of “person” and how it enslaves us all to a false religion.

He apologized for being so articulate and knowledgeable. I’d say more blowhard myself. I’ve already complained about his endless ramblings and repetitions in a comment about a prior video in this discussion.
Before reviewing another rambling Belanger pile of shit I’m going to make an assumption about how my posting will go. This is based on my lengthy history of viewing past Belanger’s gibberish. He has numerous obsessions, King James Bible, dead whores, respecter of persons, pastoral immunity from laws as a man of Christ just tending his flock. He tends to toss all of these into his videos regardless of the target (in this case Donald) or the purported topic. With twenty years or so of practice he’s fine-tuned this nonsense into a one size fits all rant if something so overwhelmingly tedious can be called a rant. So I anticipate he’ll start by giving a short criticism of whatever he perceives Donald has done to offend him then go into autopilot with his set speech. The practical issue in this, from my perspective, is that there will be nothing new but, given how he’s not even thinking as he does it, there will be a lot to go through. So I’ll probably start reporting points but after a few minutes start skipping portions then abandon it and just go to the end. We’ll see how my patience holds up. So, on to the review.
I was right then and I'm getting the same now. The man can’t help himself, he’s just a dummy, a mouthpiece spewing out “the flow of knowledge comes from this thing up here (clutches his head) connected to the creator and the bank of knowledge in his library." So blame God, things are pre-typed in his brain and God just blasts them out of his mouth faster than he can handle the flow.

Something or other about how he started out by personally getting junk food banned in the schools of Alberta. They all laughed at him but he got it done. Now he was taking his crusade to equity to again defeat the powers that be who have defamed him, slandered him and “cut me down as Donald Netolitzky has been prolific, thousands of documents world-wide, law forums, journals everywhere . . . ” All aimed at one thing, destroying him! Donald wrote Meads solely to destroy Belanger because his questions to the seven judges in 2011 were just about to shatter the court system. But it wasn’t him, the questions came from The Spirit. Then a few minutes of convoluted conspiracy gibberish. At this point I was 18 minutes into a 21 minute video but I’d had enough and bailed.

I can only see one flaw in his plan to go to a Court of Chancery for relief from the godless Alberta statutory courts. Where is he going to find one? Canada has no courts of equity. Courts of Chancery don’t exist here. Even if there is a court of equity in another country (I’m not going to look it up) they certainly wouldn’t hear an incomprehensible case from a raving Canadian loon. But let’s go to the extreme absurdity of assuming that he found such a court, somehow got a hearing in it, and won a favorable decision. So what? The decision wouldn’t be binding in Canada.

Belanger need to reconnect to a sense of reality regarding Donald. Take Meads as an example. Belanger obviously believes that the decision was something that Donald personally created and inflicted on him to destroy his Christian ministry. But Donald is just an employee of the Alberta Court of King’s Bench. Regardless of the background authorship of Meads, whether Donald was responsible for some of it, none of it, or all of it, Donald had no ability to give it the power of law. That was done by Judge Rooke when he signed and released the decision. Belanger’s rantings about how Meads has shut him up in court since? That was the responsibility of the various judges hearing the individual trials. While they may have referred to Meads as a precedence these decisions were, in all cases, those of the trial judges. So, as usual, Belanger is just ranting pointless nonsense. Belanger neglected to say what triggered this anti-Donald rant right now. I have some thoughts but I'll wait until my next Belanger posting. As I said it should be this week.

Life seems to be currently very stressful for him. While writing this video up I noticed something in another video that I'd ignored because it didn't seem relevant. It was this one;

Belanger seemed to be holding something between two fingers. It turned out to be a cigarette. I've never seen him smoking in a video before but he was incessantly puffing away in this one. Donald induced stress?

Anyhow, enough negativity, let's wish Belanger good luck in finding his court of equity!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

After I'd posted the above I checked Belanger's You Tube page again and found that he's puked out yet another one just a few hours ago. The sound is terrible and, from the few moments I listened, as demented as ever. I'll check it later in my next writeup.

Additional plea for youtube subscribers witnesses to my ministry...
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by DNetolitzky »

"minister" Belanger has posted a further video on this subject:

What a nice hat!

"minister" Belanger seems quite unhappy. He's now commenting on ATB Financial v Dimsdale Auto Parts Ltd, 2024 ABKB 143. That judgment issued on Friday March 13, 2024. Should be up on CanLII in the next couple days.

Perhaps it's small of me, but I don't self-identify as Jewish. I self-identify as Yugoloth. There's a difference. Yugoloths are cuter. So I hope the "minister" will please respect my cultural and philosophical affiliation. Neutral evil, thank you! It's not like I make too much fun of Belanger somehow transforming from a marijuana-worshiping "Reformed Druid" to a marijuana-worshipping King James Bible literalist ... eeeeh ok I do.

Also kind of funny how according to Belanger my publications about him diminished from 80 to 55 pages in the last three days. If that's a linear progression I should have written nothing about Belanger in no less three more days. Thank goodness! No more "intimidation" of his belief in Christ. The forces of God triumph over Evil!

A tidbit - in the previous video Barnaby49 linked, "minister" Belanger seeks his supporters write to the Alberta Court of Justice's Clerk of the Court in relation to an Alberta Court of Justice matter. Whose docket is a criminal proceeding. I have no more details.

And that's all I can say at the moment.

As a quasi-aside, I globally apologize for being rather dull and restrained in my comments on Quatloos and elsewhere. This is a requirement of my employment with the Alberta Court of King's Bench. However, since I will be retiring in a few months, I may be able to share a little more, here and there. And be a whole lotta more Yugolothish.
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

What! Retired just like Barnaby49? Your future plans seem a lot more exciting than my main occupations of making plastic model airplanes and babysitting an eight year old grandson!
The yugoloths (called daemons in 1st edition D&D) are neutral evil natives of the Bleak Eternity of Gehenna and the Gray Wastes of Hades; they are neutral to the affairs of the other fiendish races, interfering only when they see a situation that may be profitable or a potential for the advancement of their own schemes. The yugoloths are portrayed as manipulative, secretive, and mercenary by nature, often acting as soldiers for deities in their own private wars, or even at times aiding both sides of the Blood War. In 4th Edition, the yugoloths are considered to be demons, and their previously standard naming convention of "loth" is replaced by "demon" (Ex. the Mezzoloth is the 4e Mezzodemon). In fifth edition, yugoloths are listed as neutral evil fiends under their original names.
Although I think I prefer living in Burnaby over the Bleak Eternity of Gehenna.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by DNetolitzky »

And ATB Financial v Dimsdale Auto Parts Ltd, 2024 ABKB 143 is now up (

Since this is a legal proceeding from the court where I work I won't be commenting, beyond the decision cites me, in my hobbyist academic capacity.

So Burnaby49, have fun!

As for landscapes, I rather like bleak and austere. But beyond that, yes, I have plans for my retirement, including expanding my hobbyist academic activities. I also anticipate I'll be applying to intervene in the occasional Canadian appeal proceedings since, sadly, certain data is not getting in front of those courts which leads to unfortunate decision-making.

So yeah, I've evil plans ahead! I'm also very much looking forward to being a little more direct in the things I say publicly.

As for my self-identification, there's a method to my madness. It started that academic publishers kept asking for my picture, and I'd say no, that's a security issue, and then I realized it'd be far more fun to commission a fursona. Now when I get those inquiries I send them the arcanaloth artwork - and even better they sometimes use it!

But in addition, there aren't actually any photographs of me anywhere online, except for a shot of the back of my head when I was 12 or so. So I've been attaching my fursona to all possible social media, posts, publications, to flood the search matrix with ... well, it's not misleading data. Just not helpful in certain ways. And the consequence is that when you do an image search for my name, you get my Yugoloth alter-ego and an assortment of pretty random bearded guys.

It's working pretty well so far, and yes, it totally amuses me to attend academic conferences virtually with an animated fox avatar, too.
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by wserra »

DNetolitzky wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 7:26 am"Reformed Druid"
Does that mean he gave up shape-shifting?
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by eric »

Go back, go waay back, fifty or so years ago to an area of land between Cambridge and Hamilton, Ontario. Cambridge itself, along the river, had multiple empty and derelict industrial buildings, mostly old textile mills and foundries. The countryside had depopulated and was of minimal agricultural value, but was mostly owned by real estate speculators. Enter two chaps, named Tucker and Baldasaro. In a probably drug induced moment of inspiration, they invented something known as the Reformed Druid Branch of the Church of the Universe (not to be confused as part of the International Mennonite Conspiracy). Pot, nudity, and parties were religious sacraments and thus could allow them to break the existing laws in their minds. They occupied a falling down, originally probably quite majestic, stone house beside a quarry and swampland. The land and house were owned at the time by a property developer out of Hamilton who was just waiting until he could sell things at a profit. Eventually they got kicked out of their "Clearwater Abby" and rented part of an old textile mill in Cambridge, then moved to an old foundry in Guelph. The church itself dropped the Reformed Druid part of their title, Belanger took their doctrine, used it to defend pot smokers, and eventually created his own church - CERI. ... 2/26/2213/
Hint - I lived in the area for twenty years or so when the "church" was active. Never partied there though :mouthshut:
edit to add: The property speculators never made much if any money. The various pockets of swampy land throughout Puslinch Township were acquired by the Crown and converted into conservation recreation areas.
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Re: Donald Neolitzky (sic) is in big trouble!!!!!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I've started a new discussion to write up ATB Financial v Dimsdale Auto Parts Ltd;


I separated it because it's a new topic, one with dire consequences for Belanger. I also got tired of beating him up here so I chose to continue beating him up there. But my meager contributions were nothing compared to the savage back-alley slugfest inflicted on him by the Alberta Court of Kings Bench. Donald played an ignominious part in that brutal beat-down by assisting, although indirectly, in making a martyr out of a sincere, true Christian man of faith just trying to assist his congregation as his Christian duty demanded.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".