Unfortunately, it is far, far more likely that Danny will be spending a very, very long and bitter time in prison.
Yea, I tend to agree. As an interesting parallel, there was a report released recently that gave the background of an Aryan Nation's member, Sean Michael Gillespie. In 2004, he threw a Molotov cocktail at the Temple B'Nai Israel in Oklahoma City, OK. It did some minor (smoke) damage and no one was injured. He was subsequently convicted and sentenced to 30 years, and has been housed in maximum/high security facilities ever since. Although the motivations behind the crimes were different, I'd say the only difference between the two is the forward motion of an arm, or alternatively, a 4 pound trigger pull. Dogwalker and crew made their intent clear through multiple statements, and gathered/created the explosives and weapons necessary to act on those threats. Where Gillespie had a flammable liquid in a container, Dogwalker and crew had what the ATF categorized as a few hundred (if I recall correctly) explosive items/devices. If cases like Gillespie's are any guide, Dogwalker is looking at a very, very long time in jail. It will be nice when this is finally over, though. Perhaps then Dogwalker and crew will fade permanently into obscurity and be forgotten by all.