Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by RyanMcC »

lastlady wrote:Everything Stalin and Hitler did was legal!
Not according to French law I bet.
lastlady wrote:Come on people give it up. Just because some book somewhere and some group of people decided for you and me what is and is not legal, doesn't make it lawful or right.
Nobody here [that I've ever seen] has ever said all laws are fair or just. Demo herself has expressed her dislike for a number of laws on numerous occasions, such as the War on Drugs.
Are you an Anarchist?
lastlady wrote:Get your head out of the sand and start feeling from your hearts. I hate to break it to you but your American Empire is dying, a slow death, but a death nevertheless.

Wake up and do what?

Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by lastlady »

Oh and I really love how you lump everyone related to Reno together. I am my own person thank you. Not attached to Joe Haas, Jose Gonzalez, or Donna VanMeter, they do not speak for me and I do not speak for them. We have one thing in common we care about Reno, and I gather we care about this planet and all the people who live on her. There are many other people not online who care and have worked hard praying, sending funds, writing letters to Reno and being a good friend. You never heard of them but they are out there. They are across the world in Iraq, Great Britain, Australia ect...

They think for themselves as do I, they recognize injustice as do I, they wish to better this world as do I. Do you see the common thread here?

We care! Stop pretending you do with you "Reno and his "friends" did him so much harm blah blah blah." There is so much you DON'T know, nor understand because it is not made public. So you people live in ignorance.

Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by lastlady »

Wake up and do something good for someone else. Wake up and smell the stink that is our federal government, wake up and focus on something that inspires you to contribute in a positive way to this world.

That would be a good start!
RyanMcC wrote:
Wake up and do what?

Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by lastlady »

Here's a good film list for you all. I dare you to watch all of these and be unmoved. If you come back and say you have not been changed. Then I feel you are dead inside.

The Money Masters Part 1
The Money Masters Part 2
Money As Debt
Fiat Empire
Death & Taxes Part 1
Death & Taxes Part 2
Theft By Deception
Ruby Ridge Documentary
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by fortinbras »

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Last edited by fortinbras on Sat Sep 27, 2008 2:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by fortinbras »

According to news report, Reno got 8 years.
Supporter of NH tax evaders gets 8 years in prison
© 2008 The Associated Press
Sept. 26, 2008, 4:57PM

CONCORD, N.H. — A supporter of convicted New Hampshire tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown has been sentenced to eight years in federal prison for helping to delay U.S. marshals' efforts to arrest them.

Thirty-one-year-old Cirino Gonzalez of Alice, Texas, was convicted in April of conspiracy to impede and impair the marshals' arrest efforts, and being an accessory after the fact.

The Browns had secluded themselves in their Plainfield home after they were convicted and sentenced to over five years in prison for tax offenses.

Authorities say Gonzalez and others brought firearms to the Browns and they made public statements to forcibly resist the marshals.


Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by RyanMcC »

lastlady wrote:Wake up and do something good for someone else.
I try to whenever possible, I've always wanted to start a non profit supported by a number of internet businesses, mabye I'll look into how to do that sometime. I'm sure a number of people here donate to charity and do volunteer work possibly to a greater extent than many folks you know.
lastlady wrote:Wake up and smell the stink that is our federal government,
I voted for Ron Paul and disagree strongly with alot of what our federal government does. Also, a number of people here have strong objections to a number of actions/laws imposed by the federal government, you just might be suprised. You shouldn't mistake knowledge of the law with an endorsement of it.

Also, I haven't followed the story about Reno too much, but nobody here is responsible for the trouble he is in. In fact I have seen alot of good advice that would have helped Reno [if it was followed] presented by some of the people you seem to be upset with here.
lastlady wrote:wake up and focus on something that inspires you to contribute in a positive way to this world.

That would be a good start!
That is good advice, I will try to follow it. I hope you would agree that distorting the law (such as the "Theft by Deception" video [861 arguement] you cited) and violence (or the threat of it) doesn't qualify as "contributing in a positive way to this world".

Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by lastlady »


Okay well if you are fond of Ron Paul (as am I) know that he was fond of the Civil Disobedience of Ed & Elaine Brown. If Ron Paul were Prez not one of the following people would be in jail. We wouldn't spend like crazy and have a need for the extreme taxation without representation.

Cirino Gonzalez - 8 years
Jason Gerhard - 20 years
Danny Riley - minimum 35 years most likely more
Ed & Elaine Brown - - 5 years with more to come

All who harmed none, all who stood for what they believed was right, all who took a stand, right or wrong against the federal government and it's laws or nonlaws, I don't care. I don't need a piece of paper to tell me what is right or wrong. I don't need a lawyer or tax expert to tell me what is right or wrong.

Hasn't anyone here had enough of this sh*t yet? I mean how much do we have to lose, how many people do we need to kill, how much insanity can we take until we stand together and say enough!!!???
Last edited by lastlady on Sat Sep 27, 2008 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by lastlady »

I didn't say watching these films is a good contribution I said watch these films and I dare you to say you are unchanged or unmoved by them to think differently. Please don't take one little piece, look at the whole picture and decide for yourself, not from some man created rule book, decide for yourself what is right and what is not right.

Killing people is wrong. Standing up against a government that kills people is right and admirable.

Bring on the rEVOLution!!!!

Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by RyanMcC »

lastlady wrote: Okay well if you are fond of Ron Paul (as am I) know that he was fond of the Civil Disobedience of Ed & Elaine Brown.
No he wasn't, here is a video of Ron Paul denouncing the Browns:

Ron Paul on the Browns:
"I preach non-violence... So no I don't advocate violence at all.. I know very little about that case... I think there has been some misstatements made about that.. I've never advocated violence.."
lastlady wrote:If Ron Paul were Prez not one of the following people would be in jail. We wouldn't spend like crazy and have a need for the extreme taxation without representation.

Cirino Gonzalez - 8 years
Jason Gerhard - 20 years
Danny Riley - minimum 35 years most likely more
Ed & Elaine Brown - - 5 years with more to come
I disagree. The laws that convicted these individuals would still be on the books, though I haven't followed the case(s) that closely, I doubt any of them (other than Ed & Elaine) were convicted of tax-related crimes (and they have since committed other crimes).
lastlady wrote:All who harmed none, all who stood for what they believed was right, all who took a stand, right or wrong against the federal government and it's laws or nonlaws, I don't care. I don't need a piece of paper to tell me what is right or wrong. I don't need a lawyer or tax expert to tell me what is right or wrong.
He did help someone who threatened to harm a number of people though, its the intention and the threat that is at issue. I tend to think they [the Brown supporters] probally operated out of a misguided sense of patriotism and got in over their heads (what do I know though), however it is very hard for a judge to ignore their actions, and it would be extremely difficult for any judge to feel confident that if released, they wouldn't offend again, which likely hurt them during sentencing.

You gave them credit for standing up to the government "right or wrong" which shows that what is "right" isn't what is guiding you, it is "standing up to the government". I would hope you reconsider that position.
lastlady wrote:Hasn't anyone here had enough of this sh*t yet? I mean how much do we have to lose, how many people do we need to kill, how much insanity can we take until we stand together and say enough!!!???
I understand your frustration. Standing together and saying "enough" doesn't have to involve violence, the threat of violence, or distorting the law as it currently exists in our legal system though. I would hope that you take a different course of action than those failed, nonsensical methods.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Demosthenes »

Killing people is wrong. Standing up against a government that kills people is right and admirable.

Hey Last Lady, what are your thoughts on Ed's master plan to put a bullet in Elaine's head and blame the Marshals, thus triggering an all out war on the evil Feds?

Or how about Ed's goal of murdering the judges' children, since their bloodline was tained?

We only laugh at Ed Brown supporters because the alternative is to vomit.

Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by SheWolffe »

lastlady wrote:If Ron Paul were Prez not one of the following people would be in jail. We wouldn't spend like crazy and have a need for the extreme taxation without representation.

Cirino Gonzalez - 8 years
Jason Gerhard - 20 years
Danny Riley - minimum 35 years most likely more
Ed & Elaine Brown - - 5 years with more to come
Bob Wolffe is also in jail. Two years. It does mean something to some people. Why would you not include him with the others listed above Lastlady?

I'm probably answering my own question. Your response, if any, will validate my inquiry.
Mr. Mephistopheles
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

CaptainKickback wrote:
SheWolffe wrote:
lastlady wrote:If Ron Paul were Prez not one of the following people would be in jail. We wouldn't spend like crazy and have a need for the extreme taxation without representation.

Cirino Gonzalez - 8 years
Jason Gerhard - 20 years
Danny Riley - minimum 35 years most likely more
Ed & Elaine Brown - - 5 years with more to come
Bob Wolffe is also in jail. Two years. It does mean something to some people. Why would you not include him with the others listed above Lastlady?

I'm probably answering my own question. Your response, if any, will validate my inquiry.
Because Bob, for the most part, did not choose the stoopid, self-immolation path, and avoided "supporters" who would have made his hole deeper.

In short, "one of these things is not like the others."
" of things does not belong". I've just realized the irony in Lastlady's moniker. Her actions are anything but lady-like. :o
VanMeters Revenge

Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

SheWolffe wrote:
lastlady wrote:If Ron Paul were Prez not one of the following people would be in jail. We wouldn't spend like crazy and have a need for the extreme taxation without representation.

Cirino Gonzalez - 8 years
Jason Gerhard - 20 years
Danny Riley - minimum 35 years most likely more
Ed & Elaine Brown - - 5 years with more to come
Bob Wolffe is also in jail. Two years. It does mean something to some people. Why would you not include him with the others listed above Lastlady?

I'm probably answering my own question. Your response, if any, will validate my inquiry.

You and your family are always in my prayers for your Bobs swift and quick return home. This man did what he thought was the right thing to do by this country, for others, and for you. A husbands duty to protect his wife and provide a stable life for her. I dont know him, but by his actions I do not believe him to be a bad man. For those whom have not found themselves in the same boat as having a loved one, their significant other imprisoned, they have no idea what it is like to walk in those shoes. Even with Bob taking a plea agreement and deciding to cooperate with the Marshals, He still got handed down a sentence, regardless its still being away from loved ones for an amount of time, be it 3 years or 8. Good luck and Godspeed.

Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by SheWolffe »

I have used that term as well, and it is fitting.
Mr. Mephistopheles wrote: In short, "one of these things is not like the others."
I feel for Reno now that he has been sentenced. Joe Haas exacerbated everything and I'm sure he instilled unnecessary rage in Reno. His charges were the same as Bob's.

If he has such an insatiable need to fight this battle, he needs to do it on the outside. Don't make the judge mad, get out and fight with your pen.

I saw that Jason is in NJ. Bob has been in Brooklyn for over a month. Jason came and went through Brooklyn within 2 weeks time. I wonder why Bob is still there?
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by Demosthenes »

They probably got Jason in and out of there asap because the BOP tries not to mix defendants where one has testified against the other.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by wserra »

lastlady wrote:I don't need a piece of paper to tell me what is right or wrong. I don't need a lawyer or tax expert to tell me what is right or wrong.
Enough being polite. You're the biggest gaggle of self-indulgent jerkoffs I've seen in a long time. (In case it's not clear, SheWolffe is not part of the gaggle.)
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by wserra »

Van Meter in New Hampshire UnderEducated, writing of Judge Singal:
Not to mention that this bastard has no respect of the CONSTITUTION, for one he is an Italian refugee, not even American born! so it weighs nothing on his consciousness to to destroy OUR nation and ruin american lives!
Not just a self-indulgent jerkoff, but bigoted to boot. Of course, I don't believe that Judge Singal is even Italian - his official bio notes that he did spend part of his childhood in an Italian refugee camp, but his family is likely from the Balkans (perhaps Romania or Albania). It seems that Van Meter doesn't know what "refugee" means. But hey, why strain at gnats?
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
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VanMeters Revenge

Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

wserra wrote:Van Meter in New Hampshire UnderEducated, writing of Judge Singal:
Not to mention that this bastard has no respect of the CONSTITUTION, for one he is an Italian refugee, not even American born! so it weighs nothing on his consciousness to to destroy OUR nation and ruin american lives!
Not just a self-indulgent jerkoff, but bigoted to boot. Of course, I don't believe that Judge Singal is even Italian - his official bio notes that he did spend part of his childhood in an Italian refugee camp, but his family is likely from the Balkans (perhaps Romania or Albania). It seems that Van Meter doesn't know what "refugee" means. But hey, why strain at gnats?

George Z. Singal
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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George Z. Singal (born 1945) is currently a Chief United States District Judge for the District of Maine. He is only the fifteenth person to hold that position.

Singal was appointed by President Clinton in 2000 to fill the vacancy created by the death of Judge Morton Brody. Born in an Italian refugee camp in 1945, Judge Singal is a naturalized American citizen. His family emigrated to Bangor, ME in 1948, where he lived and practiced law until his appointment to the Court. He is a graduate of the University of Maine and Harvard Law School.

I know many refugees that have fled their homelands despite what your thoughts are about me, and have become wonderful examples of fine Americans unlike this George Z Singal that has a dislike for Veterans, guns and not to mention 14 year old boys, doing my homework to see what kind of track record he has.
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Re: Reno's Sentencing (Continued)

Post by grixit »

My Van Meter just did a Lucy "Waugh!".
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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