lastlady wrote:
Okay well if you are fond of Ron Paul (as am I) know that he was fond of the Civil Disobedience of Ed & Elaine Brown.
No he wasn't, here is a video of Ron Paul denouncing the Browns:
Ron Paul on the Browns:
"I preach non-violence... So no I don't advocate violence at all.. I know very little about that case... I think there has been some misstatements made about that.. I've never advocated violence.."
lastlady wrote:If Ron Paul were Prez not one of the following people would be in jail. We wouldn't spend like crazy and have a need for the extreme taxation without representation.
Cirino Gonzalez - 8 years
Jason Gerhard - 20 years
Danny Riley - minimum 35 years most likely more
Ed & Elaine Brown - - 5 years with more to come
I disagree. The laws that convicted these individuals would still be on the books, though I haven't followed the case(s) that closely, I doubt any of them (other than Ed & Elaine) were convicted of tax-related crimes (and they have since committed other crimes).
lastlady wrote:All who harmed none, all who stood for what they believed was right, all who took a stand, right or wrong against the federal government and it's laws or nonlaws, I don't care. I don't need a piece of paper to tell me what is right or wrong. I don't need a lawyer or tax expert to tell me what is right or wrong.
He did help someone who threatened to harm a number of people though, its the intention and the threat that is at issue. I tend to think they [the Brown supporters] probally operated out of a misguided sense of patriotism and got in over their heads (what do I know though), however it is very hard for a judge to ignore their actions, and it would be extremely difficult for any judge to feel confident that if released, they wouldn't offend again, which likely hurt them during sentencing.
You gave them credit for standing up to the government "right or wrong" which shows that what is "right" isn't what is guiding you, it is "standing up to the government". I would hope you reconsider that position.
lastlady wrote:Hasn't anyone here had enough of this sh*t yet? I mean how much do we have to lose, how many people do we need to kill, how much insanity can we take until we stand together and say enough!!!???
I understand your frustration. Standing together and saying "enough" doesn't have to involve violence, the threat of violence, or distorting the law as it currently exists in our legal system though. I would hope that you take a different course of action than those failed, nonsensical methods.