Roger Menner

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Roger Menner

Post by Dezcad »

I don't recall seeing Roger Menner discussed before, but I just noticed that there is a thread on him at LH and this is his website.
Roger's web site wrote:What he has done though, and what the IRS does not like, is discover information about the Income Tax, which is outlined in the book “Cracking the Code the Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America”, available at and filed his returns based on that information. Just like thousands of other “Cracking the Code” readers who have filed and received refunds of everything they had withheld/paid.
He appears to be a CTC filer and is the recent subject of a criminal indictment, which can be seen here.

BTW, Oscar Stilley is his defense counsel.
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by Dr. Caligari »

...and the transcript of his IRS conference (posted on his website) shows that he was previously represented by Mark Lane.
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by ASITStands »

Oscar Stilley was denied Pro Hac Vice.

Menner is represented by Nia Ayanna Vidal, Public Defender.
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by Famspear »

I think Roger C. Menner has indeed been discussed before. He's an ex-con who was released from Federal prison in 2000. We know that was being investigated by the IRS back in 1996. See, e.g., Menner v. United States, no. 1:96MC15, 96-2 U.S. Tax Cas. (CCH) ¶50,574 (S.D.W.Va. July 29, 1996) (Menner's motion to quash IRS summons of bank records was denied; summons ordered enforced).

The current criminal problem for him is in Virginia.

In July of 2007 he posted at losthorizons under the user name "RogerX415", in a thread entitled (I believe) "Criminal Letter (You must read this)". This is what Menner wrote at losthorizons on July 10, 2007:
I wanted to let everyone on this site know that I received a letter from the IRS stating
that they intend to prosecute me for violations of 26 UCS 7201 (Tax Evasion) and 26
USC 7206(1) (subscribing to false federal income tax returns). The years in question
are all years where I filed returns following the outline in CTC and the law as it is laid
out in the book, statutes and regulations.

This is no joke and please don't wonder if I missed a period on one of the returns. This
may be the first criminal attempt against CTC and if I go down everyone on this forum
who has done similar, getting money back or not, will be next in line. I have been
emailing Pete about this over the last year and and today, he has responded but I have
not heard from him today. If you can, let him know to contact me and if someone has
his phone number please forward that. If anybody knows who the best Lawyer is for
this let me know. I retained Mark Lane of WTP for letters and phone calls earlier, but I
am not sure he understands CTC.

My investigation started over a year ago and it has now come to this letter where they
want to meet in 2 weeks. I do have a past history for some of the years but not all.
What I want to know from this forum is if I can count on you for support both moral
and financial as I/we will need the best criminal lawyer there is to kill this case at the
meeting or win at trial. If you are willing to help me then email me at: and put "Support" in the subject line. If you can pledge
financial support that would be great I will get back to you when I have a defense fund
setup. If you can only give moral support that will be appreciated also. This is a battle
for all of us and right now I am a lone warrior. Let me know that you are behind me
and will help do what it takes for all of us to win.
According to the current indictment on July 10, 2008, however, he was not charged with tax evasion. (See below.)

The Anti-Defamation League has written something on Menner (quoted in losthorizons):
August 6, 1998, Virginia: Tax protester Roger C. Menner receives a 15 month federal prison term for his conviction on five counts of failing to file a federal tax return. Menner, defending himself, had contended that federal tax laws are a fraud and federal courts have no criminal jurisdiction.

May 15, 1998, Virginia: Tax protester Roger Menner is found guilty on five counts of failing to file a federal income tax return; he had claimed that the tax system was a fraud.
In response to a comment by another CrackHead, Menner wrote:
As I said in my post "past history" before CTC. I have been in this for
over 20 years, it has cost me 2 marriages and a family.
Now, on his current case: Menner is now charged with five counts of false returns under 26 USC 7206(1), and one count of obstructing under 26 USC 7212(a).

U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Virginia, Richmond Division. Case no. 3:08-cr-00322-HEH-1.

Trial set for October 20, 2008.
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by Dr. Caligari »

That prior conviction is going to make a Cheek defense pretty near impossible.
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by Famspear »

CaptainKickback wrote:Your average tax denier is a myopic, misanthropic, greedy, self-centered little piggie who squeals with righteous indignation when anything doesn't go their way. They seem to be real pains to be around, live next to, or associate with.
Ah, yes, but you talk about that like it's a negative..........
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by LPC »

ASITStands wrote:Oscar Stilley was denied Pro Hac Vice.

Stilley's six month suspension should have ended on August 28, but his interim suspension pending disbarment proceedings still seems to be in place.

See ... er=0091096

I wonder how long it will be before judges stop merely denying his applications and start referring him for prosecution for the unauthorized practice of law.

At the very least, his repeated applications for pro hac vice status while suspended should be of interest to the panel that is considering his disbarment.
Dan Evans
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(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by Dezcad »

LPC wrote:
ASITStands wrote:Oscar Stilley was denied Pro Hac Vice.
It was denied because Stilley did not have local counsel and the DC judge would not waive that requirement.
Pursuant to Rule 57.4 of the Local Criminal Rules of the Eastern District of Virginia, an application for pro hac vice admission must be signed by local counsel. Because Stilley's application was not signed by local counsel, his application is DENIED.
On August 1, 2008, Stilley filed a Motion for Waiver of Local Counsel (Docket No.
6). Upon due consideration, the Court hereby DENIES that motion.
If and when they find local counsel, it will be interesting to see if it is denied again.
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by Famspear »

Peter Eric (Blowhard) Hendrickson (“ForumAdmin”) at losthorizons has deleted essentially all prior postings in the thread entitled “Roger Menner Defense Fund” -- including the appeals by his Crackheads for donations to Menner and the statements associating Menner with CtC -- and has replaced the postings with the following.

Hendrickson writes:
This thread originally began with a paste of an email reading:

"From Bill G:

many of you have heard of the indictment of Roger Menner for several tax crimes: he's a fellow CTC practitioner. He's currently gone thru the arraignment phase and is due for an Oct 20 trial. He needs our support, spiritually, morally, and financially. Whatever other methods he may have used prior to CTC, of which I have no knowledge other than those cited in Pete's newsletter last month, he reports that his returns of late have indeed been of the CTC variety. Therefore, any success his prosecution enjoys will be a loss for all of us, and that's the reason we need to come to his aid."

Actually, Roger's "returns of late" HAVE NOT been "of the CtC variety"-- indeed, none of his returns ever have been, as is discussed in detail in the newsletter article on this case in the August 15 Newsletter (see ). As I observe at the end of that piece, Roger's case is worthy of attention for other reasons, but not that one. Those interested in this subject should read through that discussion.

Last edited by ForumAdmin on Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:28 am; edited 1 time in total
(bolding added).

Hendrickson is trying to distance himself from his follower, Roger Menner – apparently fearing that Menner’s possible conviction later this year will induce further doubt among Hendrickson’s followers.

Here are some of the posts in this thread as it appeared before Hendrickson deleted them.

From user “Submarine Veteran” on 3 Sept 2008:
From Bill G:
many of you have heard of the indictment of Roger Menner for several tax crimes: he's a fellow CTC practitioner. He's currently gone thru the arraignment phase and is due for an Oct 20 trial. He needs our support, spiritually, morally, and financially. Whatever other methods he may have used prior to CTC, of which I have no knowledge other than those cited in Pete's newsletter last month, he reports that his returns of late have indeed been of the CTC variety. Therefore, any success his prosecution enjoys will be a loss for all of us, and that's the reason we need to come to his aid.
Please visit his website at and review the material for yourself. Also, bring his situation to the attention of other CTC participants,and ask them to do the same. Decide for yourself if his story is compelling; donate if you're able. I'll be sending $50 by way of his website and urge you to do the same. Time is short, so please don't decide to decide later.

Okay folks - time to ante up. He's got Oscar Stilley on his team and we need to help our fellow warriors with the supplies they'll need for the battle. A number of threads have been discussing how to fix the problem and here is another example of an American who is standing up for the rule of law -
You can help him, and yourself, with a donation to his defense. With a few thousand donations, he'll have enough resources to fight the good fight.
From user “gdude” on 3 Sept 2008:
Did you read the transcript? What an outrage, the agent wouldn't answer any questions regarding tax obligation. He just wanted to go get an IRS pamphlet!!! What b!@#$%
read it for yourself.... ... S_Mtg.html

I'm donating
From user “Submarine Veteran” on 3 September 2008:
Sure did. – We really need to pony up the FRNs here folks. I jujst got a message back from Roger after I made my donation. This is just another solid, liberty-loving American on the road to destruction atthe hands of an immoral executive and judicial system. We need to help this guy till it hurts and we need to make sure that we closely track the happenings and support him with the collective analysis capability of this entire group.
From user “smudge” on 3 September 2008:
I just kicked in my 50. Is this deductible?

From user “hughg” on 3 September 2008:
Wow-interesting. 5 counts of submitting a false return. 5 counts of him submitting evidence under penalties of perjury to the best of his knowledge and belief. I think the gov might have a hard time with this.

From user “Submarine Veteran” on 3 September 2008:
I sure hope so!
I find it amazing that the actual indictment says that "he knowingly" submitted false testimony. I am really interested in the fact evidence they intend to present to support this claim - Oh wait...
This is the IRS.
They don't need any facts to substantiate their actions.
They never lie - They're with the government (maybe?)
Did you make a donation?
I'm going to be asking that question over and over again.
This is a really inexpensive way (if we all contribute a few FRNs) to get things going in the right direction for all Americans.

I made my first contribution and it won't be my last.
I have corresponded with Roger and asked him to keep me advised on how well the money to support his defense is coming in and I will continue to harp about it...
BTW - We can also make a donation to the offensive fund.
All you successful CTC filers - PLEASE MAKE A DONATION TO HELP ROGER!
All you folks who are still not getting justice - MAKE A BIGGER DONATION!

From user “continentalarmy” on 3 September 2008:
I just sent in $200. Come on guys, let's get this guy the funds he needs, we all have a vested interest.
From user “Submarine Veteran” on 3 September 2008:
Thank You ContinentalArmy!
What I see that is not good about this case from the start is the inquiry into the OMB number for the 1040 form being asked in the Bill of Particulars.
At best, that would get him off on a technicality and I believe there are cases already out there that have shown that the OMB number issue is a dead one.
I don't understand why people go off track on this topic (except for the total fear of losing everything that attends efforts like this). The issue is clear:
Either Congress has the right to attach a portion of our heartbeats or they don't.
What I would really have preferred to see for particulars is:
• Identify the activity that I engaged in to acquire federally taxable receipts in an amount sufficient to incur a federal tax liability for the years in question.
• Identify the statute that names that activity as the subject matter of a tax.
• Logically explain how the government applied that statute as an indirect tax on my earnings, in compliance with Article I, § 9, cl. 4, and the Sixteenth Amendment, as interpreted by the Supreme Court in Brushaber.
These are the facts that must be addressed to establish the jurisdiction of the IRS to bring suit against the average American. Absent these facts, jurisdiction is clearly lacking and the government case is ripe for dismissal.

From user “continentalarmy” on 3 September 2008:
It appears to me that many on this forum are not big fans of SEDM. I however am. I don't think his materials take anything at all away from CtC . . . on the contrary, they are in lock step. SEDM's materials just enhance what I've learned from Pete.
SEDM offers a TREMENDOUS amount of facts and information that Roger and his attorney could use in the form of questioning, discovery, etc. SEDM poses the questions in such a way that the lies are laid bare and the prosecution would be speechless. I wish this community were not so splintered and opposed to one another. If we could all get together on this thing, it would be so much more effective.
SV, I agree however that Roger appears to be going down a flimsy path. I don't know Roger. My financial contribution is essentially one for Pete. I don't want to see Roger get convicted, but I don't want to see CtC get convicted either in the IRS' typical way of spinning the truth. The money is in defense of the truth. I hope Stilley is on the ball!
(bolding added).

Looks like Pete is nervous about having his CtC materials being associated with Roger Menner OR with SEDM. Pete also does not want his losthorizons web site to show appeals by CtCers for donations to Roger Menner.

Peter Eric (Blowhard) Hendrickson knows losers when he sees them (except when Pete looks in the mirror).
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by webhick »

Famspear wrote:Looks like Pete is nervous about having his CtC materials being associated with Roger Menner OR with SEDM. Pete also does not want his losthorizons web site to show appeals by CtCers for donations to Roger Menner.
I guess there's only room on that forum for one grossly incompetant phony legal genius to amass followers to feed his greedy little ego and increase his bank account.

God, I really wish he'd just rent himself out to himself by the hour and leave everyone else out of it.

Pete makes me feel icky and no matter how hard I scrub in the scalding hot water, I just can't seem to wash all the stupid off.
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by The Observer »

webhick wrote:I guess there's only room on that forum for one grossly incompetant phony legal genius to amass followers to feed his greedy little ego and increase his bank account.
There is never room for more than one ego when there is a promoter involved. Just think back to the days when you had Thurston, Larken, Kotmair, and Haraka all fighting over who really discovered 861.
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by webhick »

Pete reposted the thread, and then promptly distanced CtC from Menner:
All Hail Hendrickson wrote:Actually, Roger's "returns of late" HAVE NOT been "of the CtC variety"-- indeed, none of his returns ever have been, as is discussed in detail in the newsletter article on this case in the August 15 Newsletter ([url redacted, let's not inflate Pete's hits]). As I observe at the end of that piece, Roger's case is worthy of attention for other reasons, but not that one. Those interested in this subject should read through that discussion.
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

webhick wrote:Pete reposted the thread, and then promptly distanced CtC from Menner:
All Hail Hendrickson wrote:Actually, Roger's "returns of late" HAVE NOT been "of the CtC variety"-- indeed, none of his returns ever have been, as is discussed in detail in the newsletter article on this case in the August 15 Newsletter ([url redacted, let's not inflate Pete's hits]). As I observe at the end of that piece, Roger's case is worthy of attention for other reasons, but not that one. Those interested in this subject should read through that discussion.
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

From user “smudge” on 3 September 2008:
I just kicked in my 50. Is this deductible?
That just says it all.
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Submarine Veteran

Re: Roger Menner

Post by Submarine Veteran »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:From user “smudge” on 3 September 2008:
I just kicked in my 50. Is this deductible?
That just says it all.
Seems you don't understand the concept of sarchasm:

The giant gulf between what was said and the person who doesn't get it!!!
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by Famspear »

Submarine Veteran wrote:Seems you don't understand the concept of sarchasm:

The giant gulf between what was said and the person who doesn't get it!!!
Oh, we understand it.

We get it.

We can use the word in a sentence.

And, unlike you, we can actually spell it.
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by Nikki »

There's a remote possibility that it wasn't a misspelling, given the sentence which follows -- thereby making it an elegant pun.

On the other hand, if it IS a misspelling, then the following sentence is just a beautiful auto-WOOOOOSH !
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by Famspear »

Nikki wrote:There's a remote possibility that it wasn't a misspelling, given the sentence which follows -- thereby making it an elegant pun.

On the other hand, if it IS a misspelling, then the following sentence is just a beautiful auto-WOOOOOSH !
No, I read SubVet's work so quickly --and responded so quickly -- that the pun sailed right over my head. Score a good one for SubVet!

We're still waiting for cogent answers from SubVet. It's been 107 days now. Will SubVet simply provide more insults? Or another 100+ days of silence, with a bombastic return by SubVet that contains more insults?
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by Famspear »

Roger Menner has been unable to get the Court to approve Oscar Stilley as his legal counsel, as Stilley has been unable to file a properly completed application for pro hac vice admission. (Reason: Stilley has been unable to find an attorney to sponsor him by signing Stilley's application.)

Menner is now trying to retain (also on a pro hac vice basis) Alan Stuart Richey, an attorney from Port Hadlock, Washington. Richey represented protester Kent Hovind in Hovind's criminal trial in Florida. Richey was also criminal defense counsel for a tax protester named Raymond Gebauer, who is now serving a 3 year sentence for tax evasion after a conviction in Washington State.

Trial still set for October 20.
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Re: Roger Menner

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, with Richey’s track record, I am sure I would go out of my way to make sure he gets approved. Maybe with Richey’s help he’ll get life instead of just the few years he would have gotten otherwise, after all, look at what he did for Dr Dino.
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