There is one thing that NO tax denier, or tax thief has ever been able to answer. If all of these <ahem> "methods" being espoused are so wonderful, why is it that people in the upper middle class and upper class never use them, but the poor, ignorant, dim and slow witted members of the lower class glom onto these <ahem> "theories" like a drunk reaching for a shot of rotgut?
Yes they have, many of times, you just refuse to listen because you do not like the answer, which is entirely obvious and you should be smart enough to know without asking.
(1) Yes rich people have joined the Tax Honesty/Patriot Movements, there are many, you know that there are, stop pretending there are not. Not as many in ratio to middle and lower class, but that is the ratio of rich to poor anyways, less rich and more poor.
(2) Why would rich people really care about it when they are advised of the risks they will have to face, in consideration of to the existing status quo mentality. Rich people care about public status, public image, they would not risk doing something that would be frowned upon or unpopular with the “in crowd” they are apart of.
(3) There are rich people that have even funded or bank roll factions of the Tax Honesty and Patriot Movements.
(4) The fact is most rich people are not even aware of the Tax Honesty and Patriot Movements, other than what they hear on the news, which would only lend to further scaring them.
(5) Rich people have more money than they can spend and hire professions to deal with such issues. Rich people figure they pay very good money for CPA’ and attorney’s to get them the best return on their money or verdict in court.
(6) What do you think, being rich makes you smart or enables you to gain instant knowledge about tax laws or inherited clairvoyance?
(7) Most rich people are involved in legally taxable activities anyways, they invest their money to earn profit and gains, rather then just sitting on a stack of cash earning jack squat.
(8) Most rich people do not give a concern or care or have any interest in justice, why do that when you have so much money to just play when not working, so many places to see, nice jewelry to show office, vacations to take, homes to furnish, golf courses to drive through, etc., etc. For if they did, most rich people would not be rich to begin with.
(9) Let us not forget that most of our Nations government do not even pay their taxes, as it has come to light recently, they only pay once they get caught, problem solved, no big deal… for them at least.
The next thing no tax thief has ever been to get through their thick, ossified brain is that even if these <ahem, cough> "loopholes" existed, how long would it take the IRS, or Congress to close the alleged loopholes? A year or two?
No wrong, it would have been proper for you to state that what you folks do not “get” is that they are not “loopholes”, they have been prescribed for within the IRC since its initial inception. Through time Sections have been changed around, context omitted, etc., all in an effort to hid the truth from a dumbed down and complicit populous. The IRC is an Indirect Tax, that means there has to be ways to avoid being subject to it (and no not earning a living is not meant as a way), otherwise the IRC would be unconstitutional as it would violate the Constitution many tax related enumerations.
No, tax deniers are nothing more than grubby, dirty little children who reach and grasp for everything and demand that only their way of doing things is right and who throw a loud, noisy, temper tantrum when they do not get their way.
No that description is more fitting for the thousands upon thousands of overpriced bottom feeders that take advantage of others in the “Tax Profession”… that is especially the case for the folks that have been made aware of the truth, though have instead chosen to make every effort to blockade it, such as those on this forum and "employees" of the IRS.
We have no problems paying taxes, we pay taxes each day, each month, and with each purchase, we pay local, state, and federal taxes… We pay taxes for our gas, when we smog and register or vehicles, when we pay our telephone, cable, internet, electric and gas bills, etc., when we purchase food and clothing from the store, we pay property taxes, we pay taxes on our guns and ammo, the list goes on and on and on, therein lies the problem. We are being taxed literally to death. So that begs the question, why? What is point? What is the purpose? A carefully planned agenda is obviously being played out. Enter the globalist agenda... "a big idea".
All we want is for the Constitution to be followed, the Legislature has disconcerted their enumerated powers, they discount them with each new resolution. From our illegal fiat currency, to freedom of the press, to gun rights, to a global military, dysfunctional public schooling, to taxation, and back again.
If they want to tax the population’s earnings, then implement a Direct Tax in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. Heck even keep the IRC as is, just stop trying to enforce it incorrectly as they currently are. It is really that simple. I mean think about this, if Congress did that, then none of us “tax thieves” would have nothing at all to complain about anymore, I mean could you imagine? It would be just wonderful, it really, truly would.
More to the point, one cannot steal that which already belonged to them to being with. Meaning that our money was withheld throughout the year, we just want back that which is due to us. We are not asking for more, nor do we expect any less. As well we do not want to participate in social programs of non-guaranteed and undetermined benefits, we would much rather invest our money how we see fit. It is our lives damn it! Let us live them how we choose to, let us enjoy our lives to the best of our own capabilities, rather than holding us down in the undertow of social burden.
I guarantee you that we would all get many times more back than what we put in, when compared to any government operated/ran program.