Tax protesters and the concept of transference (psychology)

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Post by gottago »

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Oh the shame, the humiliation....must have hit a nerve with the Observer

Do you call yourself that because you like to watch?
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

CaptainKickback wrote:I enjoy watching them get torn to ribons.

Good stuff! Great thread!
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Post by The Observer »

gottago wrote::oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Oh the shame, the humiliation....must have hit a nerve with the Observer

Do you call yourself that because you like to watch?
If you mean that do I like to watch people go to ridiculous lengths in creating lies to cover up their criminal behavior - yes.

If you mean that do I like watching the acrobatic rationalizations people create in trying to explain why they are not guilty - yes

If you mean that do I have an interest in keeping an eye out for these same people who will whine, cry, bitch and moan about how they were held accountable for their misdeeds - then yes.

If you mean that do I continue observing for the sake of determining if these people ever learn anything from their experiences and mature and move on with repairing their lives - of course. Unfortunately, most of 'em don't which means I get to see a great deal of this pathos reenacted time and time again.

So tell us: How long will you continue to gnaw and grind on that old dry bone of your tax woes? How long will you keep pettifogging on about how the IRS picked on you? How much longer will you stay unemployed? How long will you delay calling the brokers for the day-trading records? For someone with the name of gottago, you seem intent on staying in that dark place for a long time.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by gottago »

I havent mentioned my "tax woes" or the irs in quite some time.
I have no intention of responding to your inane questions. I am cooperating with the irs and trying to resolve my situation to the best of my ability with the help of my attorney. It will eventually be resolved.

I just commented that since the quats seem to have the "tax protestors" all figured out that maybe it was time to comment on the psychological profile of you and the other members of the quats, which is clearly a touchy subject. I already have a mental picture of most of you and what you are, what you value and what you believe in. Quite simple actually.

It is a shame that it bothers you so much for someone to intrude into your little world here. I just find it amusing to interact with you.
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Post by . »

So, is your attorney aware of the fact that you could dispense with 90% or 95% of the gains which resulted in the taxes due if you could reconstruct the records?
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

. wrote:So, is your attorney aware of the fact that you could dispense with 90% or 95% of the gains which resulted in the taxes due if you could reconstruct the records?

Funny that an internet personality named "." would be aware of such a "fact" instead! That gets a big chuckle ..


David Merrill.

Post by Nikki »

Funny that the villiage idiot has to pipe up, again, on a topic about which he knows nothing.

He, since the threads never mentioned him by name or alias, has totally ignoreg gottago's history here and her issue with stock transaction records.

But, why should he start now letting ignorance interfere with his opinions.

Post by silversopp »

student wrote: These statistics are nearly impossible to obtain, outside of relying upon occasional anecdotal clues. Your definition of "unsuccessful" is totally different than a Mexican strawberry picker's, or a family who's on the brink of bankruptsy.
Successful, while the exact details may differ slightly, is a pretty well known term among Americans.
I don't pay income taxes because I refuse to give money to strangers. Does this mean I'm unsuccessful?
Assume you work and owe income taxes, anyone who fails to pay their income tax is either stupid or naive. When the law catches up to them, they will most likely find themselves in the "unsuccessful" category.
You sound like an adult female. Who do you wanna be like?
I'm happy with who I am. I am successful and have no fear of being hauled away by the IRS.

Post by silversopp »

David Merrill wrote: See? There she goes again. All I have is lawful money - redeemed private credit.
This would be the same "lawful money" that you're unable to make any purchases with, and the reason why your daughter is not getting financial support from her father. You're a loser and a dead beat.

Post by silversopp »

Nikki wrote:Funny that the villiage idiot has to pipe up, again, on a topic about which he knows nothing.

He, since the threads never mentioned him by name or alias, has totally ignoreg gottago's history here and her issue with stock transaction records.

But, why should he start now letting ignorance interfere with his opinions.
Could you sum up GottaGo's situation? I think I must have missed that thread.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

silversopp wrote:
David Merrill wrote: See? There she goes again. All I have is lawful money - redeemed private credit.
This would be the same "lawful money" that you're unable to make any purchases with, and the reason why your daughter is not getting financial support from her father. You're a loser and a dead beat.

Akin to:
Funny that the villiage idiot has to pipe up, again, on a topic about which he knows nothing.

He, since the threads never mentioned him by name or alias, has totally ignoreg gottago's history here and her issue with stock transaction records.

But, why should he start now letting ignorance interfere with his opinions.

Comes out of an ignorance quite interesting about Quatlosers. - Albeit followed by a request for an update about this member's history. However that would come from the Poster; not Nikki - at least any account for listening to...

Sure! We are all entitled to our opinions. We can all interprete the law and history in Internet forums - which is exactly what we do. I think what Silversopp fails to consider is that she has no information or indication that people have no right to redeem lawful money except some very flimsy indications: ... 1176137303
They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand...
Or possibly she cannot wrap her mind around the fact that Federal Reserve Notes are stock certificates for private bankers trading among themselves... ... case_1.jpg ... case_2.jpg
...although entitled to redeem his note...
I mean really! This guy was obviously a banker trading stock certificates. He had neglected to get out of private banking in the Fed by redeeming his notes in lawful money - just like you Quatlosers. Except for the error is that the courts will never support your position that David Merrill cannot operate in redeemed lawful money...

[The linked Title 12 U.S.C. §411 publication is now integral to any Libel of Review or Verified Statement of Right/Interest.]

Denial, dissociation from reality and blind protectionism has been a fascinating ride. I am glad somebody (beside myself) finally started examining this psychological profile candidly here.


David Merrill.
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Post by . »

Van Pelt wrote:the fact that Federal Reserve Notes are stock certificates for private bankers trading among themselves
Even though I've probably seen him regurgitate this same nonsense at least 50 times, I still laugh every time I see it.

Perhaps he has a potential career in stand-up as a financial comic.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.

Post by Nikki »

silversopp wrote:Could you sum up GottaGo's situation? I think I must have missed that thread.
GottaGo is the latest incarnation (she changed her handle at least three times) of a woman who has some serious problems with the IRS.

First, she and her husband neglected to file appropriate returns for several years. When the tax bill came in, it vastly exceeded their earnings.

One of her biggest issues is that her husband was a day trader and pumped quite a bit of volume through on-line trading accounts.

The broker reported all the sales to the IRS and the IRS counted them as income.

GottaGo, when she finally got around to filing returns, realized she didn't have the records showing the basis in the sales.

There's a lot more to her story than just that, but it is all on a thread which is buried in the old forum.

Post by silversopp »

David Merrill wrote: Sure! We are all entitled to our opinions. We can all interprete the law and history in Internet forums - which is exactly what we do. I think what Silversopp fails to consider is that she has no information or indication that people have no right to redeem lawful money except some very flimsy indications:
It seems it's just the TPs here that interpret the law on the internet. The rest of us just refer to what the law really is by citing court cases.

David, why can't you explain what exactly "lawful money" is? What does it looks like? What businesses accept it? What advantage does it have to FRNs, which are accepted everywhere?
Or possibly she cannot wrap her mind around the fact that Federal Reserve Notes are stock certificates for private bankers trading among themselves...
It is hard to wrap anything around a fabrication.
David Merrill

Post by David Merrill »

There's a lot more to her story than just that, but it is all on a thread which is buried in the old forum.

Yep... There you have it. Like I would have gotten all that hearsay anyway from Gottago.

Good thing even on the Internet; Hearsay is like it was never heard.


David Merrill.

P.S. Just curious. Who were you Nikki? - Back at the time of that thread? (psychology)
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Post by The Observer »

gottago wrote:I have no intention of responding to your inane questions.
Why? Because my questions are touching a nerve?
I just commented that since the quats seem to have the "tax protestors" all figured out that maybe it was time to comment on the psychological profile of you and the other members of the quats, which is clearly a touchy subject. I already have a mental picture of most of you and what you are, what you value and what you believe in. Quite simple actually.
If there is any "touchiness" it is because you are proceeding from a position of hypocrisy. This site was set up based on a simple and forthright priniciple: for discussion and exposition of frauds and schemes. It was not based on lies or dishonesty, but the legality of the government to assess and collect taxes. Thus, the message that Quatloosers have been stating from Day One has been based on the law and court rulings. No one has ever come to this site and been told a lie about how the courts will rule against them.

You, on the other hand, have told several lies and half-truths about your situation. Once your posts were exposed for what they were, you decided to start a rock-throwing campaign by trying to impugn the character and integrity of this site and its participants who challenged you. All of which shows that you are a bitter and angry person who is now trying to get revenge in any manner whatsoever. You pursue this even at the expense of further embarassment to yourself while ignoring the honest advice from several members on how you could lower your tax bill legitimately.

Such obsession on your part then would invite any reasonable person to start wondering about your psychological makeup. And it is precisely this type of silly, immature, adolescent behavior that we see reenacted throughout the TP ranks. So we have every reason to have a frank, if subjective, conversation about what makes TPs tick.
It is a shame that it bothers you so much for someone to intrude into your little world here. I just find it amusing to interact with you.
I wouldn't label your posts interacting anymore than I would call a child sticking her tongue out at her mother being interactive. Its just childish behavior.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by The Observer »

David Merrill wrote:Good thing even on the Internet; Hearsay is like it was never heard.
Which is why I treat everything you say about lien "terminations" as hearsay. Once you can actually show something where a court has upheld your theory, then we can start believing you.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by gottago »

You, on the other hand, have told several lies and half-truths about your situation.

I have never told any lies about my situation. After my original post, jj took it upon herself to scour the internet and find some posts on a cruise website, attribute them to me while providing details about my personal information on here and stating she had my personal information, including my location and address while stating her "concern" for my safety and saying she would contact my family and the police since I was suicidal. The original post, if you were to reread it, was written somewhat tongue-in-cheek and I have subsequently stated that I was not then or ever truly suicidal. But who cares, it is better to support your resident busybody and enable her to meet her pathetic needs for self esteem. She is the lowest form of human garbage I have ever encountered but you all support and encourage her. She has found her place in the world.

I have provided a true life account of how following Irwin Schiff bullshit has led me to my current situation. The irs has taken my job, money and property. I have submitted an offer in compromise that has been pending for almost 9 months. The amount that the irs says I owe is inaccurate but the actual amount really does not matter. I can't pay them. I will never be able to pay them.

But proceed with your insults and analysis of me and my character. Considering the source, it is truly meaningless. Keep seeking the self esteem and superiority that you crave.
Everyone needs to meet their needs in life--if you can not succeed in reality then insulting strangers with your identity safely hidden the next best thing. Keep observing!

Post by Disilloosianed »

I have never told any lies about my situation. After my original post, jj took it upon herself to scour the internet and find some posts on a cruise website, attribute them to me while providing details about my personal information on here and stating she had my personal information, including my location and address while stating her "concern" for my safety and saying she would contact my family and the police since I was suicidal. The original post, if you were to reread it, was written somewhat tongue-in-cheek and I have subsequently stated that I was not then or ever truly suicidal. But who cares, it is better to support your resident busybody and enable her to meet her pathetic needs for self esteem. She is the lowest form of human garbage I have ever encountered but you all support and encourage her. She has found her place in the world.

I have provided a true life account of how following Irwin Schiff bullshit has led me to my current situation. The irs has taken my job, money and property. I have submitted an offer in compromise that has been pending for almost 9 months. The amount that the irs says I owe is inaccurate but the actual amount really does not matter. I can't pay them. I will never be able to pay them.

But proceed with your insults and analysis of me and my character. Considering the source, it is truly meaningless. Keep seeking the self esteem and superiority that you crave.
Everyone needs to meet their needs in life--if you can not succeed in reality then insulting strangers with your identity safely hidden the next best thing. Keep observing!
It's interesting that you fault people for responding to your possible suicide attempt after you posted it in a public forum. If you didn't want the attention, why would you post it?

I don't know JJ, and only barely know of her, so I can't say that I support or encourage her. I know what I see from my own interactions with tax protesters that none of this every ends well for them. Any of them. Many of us appear to have a similar background in tax prosecution or enforcement.

If you don't want criticism, don't post in a forum that you know is nearly 180 degrees opposite of your practices and then get indignant when the criticism arrives. That's called "picking a fight."

Post by silversopp »

gottago wrote: I have provided a true life account of how following Irwin Schiff bullshit has led me to my current situation. The irs has taken my job, money and property. I have submitted an offer in compromise that has been pending for almost 9 months. The amount that the irs says I owe is inaccurate but the actual amount really does not matter. I can't pay them. I will never be able to pay them.
I've known people that had problems with the IRS. They never have had their job "taken by the IRS". How did that happen exactly? The people I have known worked with the IRS on a payment plan, and after some years, paid their debt and never worried about it since. Why do you think you can never pay them back?