Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

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Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by Famspear »

A few sparks are flying at losthorizons.

In a thread entitled "Continental Army banned" (posted by user "Thorn"):
Fellow CtC Warriors,

I have been banned. This is Pete Hendrickson's site and I respect his right to ban my speech as participation on this forum is a privilege. It has not been my intention to be destructive, but constructive in all I have written.

I salute Pete and each one of you for the courage you have illustrated in this journey.

I will continue to promote the truths I have learned on this site as well as my belief that as an American Citizen domiciled in a Union state, that I am a "nonresident alien." The truth will be revealed as we all work together to find it. Keep up the good work. I'm sorry to have been banned, but I will not compromise my beliefs. Pete will not compromise his either. So it goes. The truth doesn't care what either one of us believes. It is what it is.

Gentlemen, we must hang together or certainly we will all hang separately.

God Speed,
User "Thorn then adds his/her own comments:
Fellow CtC patriots,

I was just informed that Continental Army has been banned from the forum. This isn't a victory for anyone except the Govgoons. Pete, you have done an amazing job of "Cracking the Code" on how the powers that be, our elected officials, dupe us into legally, yet unknowingly, volunteering our hard earned property every year. Continental Army has spent months determining just how this duping truly begins, and quite possibly, the only real way to be free men again.

Continental Army has personally spread the truth of your website to literally hundreds of fellow Americans. He and I, along with others, attended the San Antonio Alamo Tea Party, hoisting the biggest sign anyone has made. WE GOT YOUR SITE ON MILLIONS OF TELEVISIONS!!! I hope you will reconsider your decision. Although our discussions are heated at times, they have bolstered a remarkable amount of education among all of us. An enemy of my enemy, is my friend. ........


User "PeacefulKancer" (Kyle Huwer) posts:
Let this be a lesson...

On this board we do not talk about Citizenship and/or SSNs because certain people do not believe it is the right path.

CA ["continentalarmy"] is not the first person to be banned for this. In fact, look at the Top 10 posters... half of them were banned for talking about Citizenship/SSNs.

Point? Maybe those "big posters" of us are all crazy. Or, maybe all of us "big posters" after thousands of hours of research are coming to a different conclusion - that citizenship and SSNs DO matter.

With this said, I expect to be banned soon as well because I am on board the whole idea of citizenship and SSNs. So here is my dying salvo...
Then, he posts gibberish about Frank Brushaber (not reproduced here).

Kyle continues:
I don't know about you all, but I've put plenty of time into this and currently not a single agency will respond to me anymore. Why? I've seen people go into court and not even say the "wage" word and then the court dictates in their ruling that the person made "wages." Hasn't this very type of action by the courts been seen by other posters of this board? Maybe, because we are just that "citizen" that makes "income" instead of "income deriving from privilege"? Maybe this is why when people when in criminal court, they lose in civil court - because they won on default instead of the truth? Maybe it is a kangaroo court because only certain people are supposed to be in there in the first place... so when we come in there saying we shouldn't even be there, we get laughed off!

In any case, I wish this forum would be more open than it is. People getting banned for all this talk... the board getting washed multiple times... etc. But hey, I am not the owner and the owner has the right to do what they see fit!

Good luck to everyone taking this humbling journey and I will be talking to you offline CA
User "holbrook" chimes in:
All I can say is that this is very, very discouraging! I truly hope that Pete re-considers this and brings Continental back into the fold.
We need him and everyone who contributes so much on this site.
To continue to ban people who ARE contributing, is self-destruction....just what auntie ["auntie" is tax protester slang for "Internal Revenue Service"] wants!
Peter E. "Blowhard" Hendrickson ("ForumAdmin") responds:
Actually, ContintentalArmy is (or was) not banned. I simply disabled his membership in what I imagined would be no more than a 24-hour hiatus while he responded to my inquiry about some evidence of either his victories or his battles. His persistent posting of what is nothing but counter-productive distractions had led me to suspect his bona fides as someone actually in this fight, as opposed to someone here to dispel the energy of those who are in the fight.

I got a reply earlier today which has not reassured me. Those who know CA may have more to say about this, but he tells me (still refusing to provide evidence) that he and many he knows have won their CtC-educated victories, but he (and they) refuse to share them out of "prudence".

Frankly, I find this about as disturbing as outright ill purpose. Everybody in this fight on behalf of the rule of law has an interest in every victory and in every ongoing battle, and keeping either from the rest of us is inappropriate, to say the least. I also have difficulty giving it much credence. Everyone in this community knows that although I don't favor them, I will go so far as to redact all personal info, including names, from documents and checks before posting. Thus, the "just trying to be prudent" thing is a thin excuse for failing to share, much less failing to provide evidence of one's actual position on this field even with a request that it not be posted at all.

The bottom line is that furnishing me with evidence of bona fides will suffice for restoration of posting privileges.

[ . . . ]

CtC ALREADY produces "Sorry for the inconvenience" notices, and for the first time in history in direct response to educated filings EXPLICITLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY EXPLAINING THEMSELVES, and after elaborate efforts to thwart them. You have all seen dozens of those, and hundreds and hundreds of varyingly simple and complex returns of withheld property, all of them historical firsts going on continuously for many years now. Do you people not remember these things? I know that many of you don't even bother reading my weekly newsletters, since I virtually never see anything posted in them show up as a topic of discussion here-- maybe this is how you forget. Try to remember.

In short, the legal battle is over. It has been for seven years. What is left is the PR battle, and this haring after silver bullets is keeping you and others from that fray-- which is to say, it is keeping you from doing what really needs to be done.

By the way, those who really want to cling to the distractions might want to ask themselves where is the evidence of the successful deployment of any of this citizenship/residency theorizing? Are you all aware that you are not the first to be spun down that path? There have been folks furiously scratching at that itch for many years, with nothing to show for it. After all, where are all the wins SEDM [Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry, one of the scam sites by Christopher Hansen] has to display after some ten years of beating the "non-resident alien" path? Where are the victories of all the "Red Amendment" folks posted?
Wake up, people.

Finally, PeacefulKancer, you are, unfortunately, offering a perfect example of what I discuss a bit above. You (along with all others) have been directed many times to the posts on the subjects you bring up [ . . . ] It appears that you never troubled yourself to read through any of these. Please do. While you may not end up persuaded that you are wrong, you will at least be obliged to measure your views against facts that I think you will find to be an uncomfortable fit, and to measure your words accordingly.

I have banned an achingly tiny number of participants in this forum over the six years of its existence, and do not look forward to adding to that number. But I won't have it be a tool for sowing confusion, distraction and error into the minds of good folks who come here with a righteous intent to stand up and get into the fray, or who look for uplift and productive information and feedback.
Patrick Mooney snuggles up to Blowhard Hendrickson (wow, what a surprise!):
I fully support Pete's decision in this matter, and for much the same reason. Having looked into the eye of the IRS in a courtroom myself (and getting ready to do it again), I can tell you that their "game" is weak, as far as the law is concerned.

Their entire strategy is to ignore you while bullying you into submission. The only reason they are successful is because they know how ignorant the public is.
Umm. They beat you in court Mr. Mooney. And they're about to do it again. Are you losing your cases because the IRS "knows the public is ignorant"? That's your answer?

Later, the MoonMeister continues:
I personally detest those who come to this forum and try to steer good people away from the very great achievments [sic] Pete has won on our behalf. We owe this man our loyalty and enduring thanks for as long as America remains free, and beyond that should despotic times befall the people of this land.

You just can't make up stuff like this.
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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by Famspear »

Kyler Huwer (PeacefulKancer) continues his near-blasphemy in another thread:
The IRS deals with 135,000,000+ returns from individuals for over $1,300,000,000,000+ a year. Not to mention 30,000,000+ employment tax returns for $840,000,000+ and 2,500,000+ corporate returns for $395,000,000+ for a year.

I think it is safe to say that the IRS has a lot of money flying in and flying out, not to mention paperwork. Good lord, anyone that has FOIA'ed for anything knows that there is a mountain of paperwork for each of us. And because of this fact, I think it is safe to say that the IRS does not catch everything for it or against it.

So because I believe there will always be people who fall through the system... I think it is very possible that people filing CtC can get a return [i.e., a tax refund] back... but that doesn't mean that it [position taken by the individual on his or her CtC tax return] is 100% right.
Wait, you mean Hendrickson could be wrong? You mean that Crackheads are receiving refunds under CtC, but that the returns might not be 100% correct?

Kyle continues:
Would it make a difference to you if we had an ongoing list on LH of all the non-victories?

Would it make a difference to you if we had an ongoing list on LH of all the victories that have since been prosecuted and overturned by a court?

The latter list is already up elsewhere if you care to look around!

I didn't say anything!

Kyle continues:
Let me ask you this... If you watch someone kill someone and during their trial... they are found to be "not guilty" does that mean that what you saw is untrue? Absolutely not! So just because someone gets something or does not get something does that mean it is the absolute truth?

Again, I ask you, do you find no relevance in the fact that the IRS called Frank Brushaber, (a citizen of NY and a resident of Brooklyn) a nonresident alien? Please answer as I am highly interested! ... 3599#23599

Kyle and his Krackheads are, however, still hung up on the Brushaber case, and they are no way close to being freed of the tax protester-tax denier delusions.
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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Lostheads Eating Their Own...on the next Jerry Springer.
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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by Famspear »

Patrick Mooney (the #1 cheerleader for Peter Hendrickson) is tired of Kyle Huwer's (Peaceful Kancer's) posts. The Magnificent Mooney writes to Kyle:
Quit being a drag on this forum! I'm sure there are other forums where you're [sic] kind of thinking is wildly popular. Go there and feel like the wise one you think you are.

Otherwise, have you directly applied CTC to a legal situation? Have you met the IRS in court and seen that the ONLY information they have to rely on is erroneous information returns? That's IT!

Are you aware that the IRS main argument before ALL COURTS is that they do NOT HAVE TO SHOULDER THE BURDEN OF PROOF?

Why is this their chief tactic? Because they do not have information that you participated in a taxable activity. They don't have the information ANYWHERE!

The battle is to force them into shouldering the burden of proof or to delete their authority due to the government acting in BAD FAITH.

Sometime soon, this is going to get in front of the people, in front of juries. We have to do a better job of making sure that what has happened to Pete doesn't happen to anyone else.
(bolding added).

Ah, Patrick, your guru, His Eminent Blowhardiness, the Pontificating Peter, has never been able to win a court case using his own tax scam, but of course you, Patrick, will help find a way (even though you lost your own court case and are about to lose yet another).
And we also need to be putting pressure on the government to erase the conviction of Pete and have him returned to freedom.
Gosh, why didn't anyone else thing of that??!!!? Just put pressure on 'em! Man, this guy Patrick Mooney is a legal genius!
The task is so simple. Why are you [Kyle Huwer] trying to make it so complicated and confusing?
Maybe because the simple task has resulted is batting zero in the federal courts, Patrick. Sounds like Kyle has a better claim to having at least a tenuous grasp on reality than you do.
I urge all Warriors who read PK's [Kyle Huwer's] posts to do your best to tell him to focus on the important stuff. He can't post any victories to back his suspicions...that should speak volumes.

As opposed to YOU, PATRICK? Oh, that's right, I forgot: Every time you or Peter loses a case, it just reinforces in your mind the belief that the Pontificating Peter is 100% correct.
Pete's work is the only stuff that has shown results. You can hang your freedom and principles on it!
By "results," I assume you mean loss after loss after loss in court. No, Patrick, Pete is just one of many tax protesters. And all who have gone to court have lost.

Now Kyle (PeacefulKancer responds):
And likewise, I urge everyone out there that is in this battle to ask themselves why someone walked into a court room and said that they were a Union State Citizen and the government turned around called them a Nonresident Alien in an official Treasury document.

[ . . . ]Currently our fearless leader [Peter Hendrickson] is fighting in court because he is "not a Person." So, I'd like to take you to the W-8BEN form to point out that a US Citizen, US Person, or US resident is not supposed to use the W-8BEN. At this point you should be asking yourself... if he isn't a [US] Person, then why is he not filling out the W-8BEN.
What??!!?? Kyle! Are you implying that His Bombastic Blowhardiness does not know EXACTLY what he is doing?

But anyways it tells us that if we are one of those types of people to use the W-9. So let's go look at that form. The W-9 [ . . . ]
[..... even more mindless drivel from Kyle not reprinted, for fear of boring the reader to death . . . ]
If nothing else fellas... in war you do anything to win. If I have this theory that all this matters and you think I am crazy... then what does it matter to you? In the end the truth will prevail. What does not work is following the same old method where you follow the person in front of you as they get riddled with bullets until they drop... then you get riddled with bullets. Sure, maybe we get sidetracked... but as of yet the war is not over... so for you to try to stonewall my efforts and other's efforts to try to try a flanking maneuver just doesn't make sense.

You've [addressing Peter Hendrickson] already banned/suspended some great contributors to this board for them trying to flank our enemy. But hey... I don't have an owl next to my name so what do I know?
(bolding added) ... 3649#23649

Kyle, you blasphemous ingrate! How dare you speak that way to the PeterEricBlowhardMeister, the Blowhard in Chief! His Blowhardiness will surely overcome you! And you will never get one of those neat owls if you continue to act this way!

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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Ah yes! Cue the Ban Hammer in three, two, one...

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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by LPC »

Patrick Mooney wrote:Are you aware that the IRS main argument before ALL COURTS is that they do NOT HAVE TO SHOULDER THE BURDEN OF PROOF?

Why is this their chief tactic? Because they do not have information that you participated in a taxable activity. They don't have the information ANYWHERE!

The battle is to force them into shouldering the burden of proof or to delete their authority due to the government acting in BAD FAITH.

Sometime soon, this is going to get in front of the people, in front of juries.
I know I've said this before, but I still can't get over the complete inability of any of the CrackHeads to understand how miserably Hendrickson lost his civil case.

The government sued him in District Court to recover an erroneous refund, which meant that the burden of proof was on the government and Hendrickson had the right to a jury trial.

Of course, it never got to a jury because Hendrickson lost on a motion for summary judgment, and Hendrickson lost the motion because he could not identify any factual dispute.

When it came to an actual court case before an actual judge, it turned out that the government had all the information it needed, and Hendrickson had nothing.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Dan, the average acolyte of the blowhards of the world could no more understand summary judgment than they could the nuances of what is or isn't evidence.
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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by Famspear »

The drama continues at losthorizons, as Kyle ("PeacefulKancer") Huwer and Patrick Michael ("Oh, I wuv Petey so much oh yes I wuv him I weally, weally do") Mooney battle each other.

Mooney writes:

With all do [sic] respect, you don't know what you are talking about.

Pete has clearly addressed the matter of jurisdiction with regards to the code, both in the geographical sense and the activity-based sense.

What you are doing is steering forum members towards the incorrect conclusion that only people within the "United States" can have taxable income. You can live in France and have taxable income, if you are engaging in contract with the US government and profitting [sic] from that.

If any of us do business with US, or help to carry out its functions and are compensated for that, we should expect to pay a tax for the privilege that opportunity provides for us.

But if we did not participate in a taxable activity, we are free from any reporting requirements. Pete has simply shown us how to correct the record in order to prevent financial harm coming to those who might be ignorant of these facts.

The problem is not with the law, as Dave [i.e., David M. Zuniga, a Texas engineer and tax protester with his own weblog, who is critical of Hendrickson's approach] would agree. The problem is with lawless bureaucrats and other parasitic creatures of low power and consciousness.

If you think lawless bureaucrats are going to respect your claim to freedom because you ignore them and tell them to go pound sand, without showing any effort to correct the record, I think you are mistaken. In any event, such a narrow and selfish viewpoint is certainly no attitude worthy of heroic embellishment when we all agree that we want to try and create a free and just SOCIETY.

Yes, statistically, you may never get challenged by the IRS or the Feds...DIRECTLY. But you are EVERYWHERE assualted by the Feds when you see

1) 3 buildings imploded by controlled demolition on 9/11 and then blamed on another country, which means many of your friends and neighbors get dragged off into a senseless war killing for corporate profit and global fascism.

2) Toxic and demeaning airport screening procedures.

3) Environmental destruction as well as the blocking of profittable [sic] natural resources from the economy (hemp and crude oil, to name two).

4) An entire economy driven into bankruptcy.

5) Millions of your felllow [sic] human beings slaughtered in your name, whether you like it or not.

How many more detrimental effects do you need to be reminded of before you stop saying,

"I'm a free man on the land!"

Bullshit...that sounds more like a punk to me.

[ . . . ]

Pete is not facing jail time because he didn't figure out the right definition of individual. He is facing time because of a corrupt system and not enough good people willing to stand up and do the right thing.

If you've read Pete's motion for vacating his verdict, then you know how justice was perverted and subverted in that trial. that is all the evidence any clear thinking man or woman should need to prove the all-encompassing power of his work and the wisdom that authored it all.
Oh, Mooney loves that Peter!

Mooney continues his rant against Kyle Huwer ("PeacefulKancer"):
Again, enough of your bullshit. Please sing to the choir somewhere else, or show us the PROOF of the SUCCESS of YOUR METHOD with REPEATEABLE [sic] RESULTS, as Pete has done and as the Service and the courts have supported.
(bolding added) ... 3458#23770

Wow, you just can't make up stuff like this.

Kyle (PeacefulKancer) responds:
Well, we will find out soon enough if Pete has everything figured out or not, huh? What do you want us to do to "stand up" - riot?!

In my eyes[,] when Pete went to court he couldn't get past the whole "are you a person" thing. He didn't even get to discuss whether his activities are liable or not! Again, I guess we will soon see the result of all this Pete Person talk...

Your banter is not logical here Patrick. I've already went [sic] through the forms that show how we are subjecting ourselves to being Persons. On it's [sic] face, if we truly believe we are not US Persons then we should never be filling out a 1040! You've had multiple chances to shoot holes in my theory ans [sic] show me - the LH board - how we should be filling out the 1040 with a SSN as US Individuals, but not as a US Person.

Look, please do show me how a non-US Person should be filling out a 1040 and I will shut my piehole.

I will hold my tongue for the rest of what I want to say.
(bolding added).

The MoonMeister responds:
Dear PrettyKooky,

If you are asserting that your understanding is 100% correct,
that Pete is incorrect,

The question remains...what are you doing here, other than being a troll (and a pretty ugly one at that)?
In other words, if you don't agree with Pete, we don't want to hear about it here.

Mooney continues:
I'm sure there are many forums where your thinking is celebrated. As I said before, when a government acts in bad faith, NO ONE has an obligation to respond to it.

This is where David [David M. Zuniga] and Pete agree. Yet you say the two are mutually exclusive.

If there are warriors who have been experiencing lawless behavior from the IRS, CTC provides more than enough ample evidence of a free man trying to defend himself from unjust claims.

[ . . . ]

But when another individual files a false infromation [sic] return that has the appearance of legitimacy, how will you defend yourself from that (assuming that the information return filer was acting in GOOD faith, even if the IRS is not)?

Pete is simply acting in good faith and is giving his government every opportunity to respond in kind.

And, more than that, there is proof that he is correct. Over 10 million dollars in posted refunds, plus countless reams of paper that prove the correctness of his understanding of the law via documentation of the lawless behavior of the IRS.

You keep saying the IRS is acting lawfully here because we're using their forms. This is absolutely PREPOSTEROUS when combined with the above paragraph.

Are you saying the United States Federal Government is NOT YOUR GOVERNMENT?

Are you saying that YOUR GOVERNMENT is not behaving badly at this present moment in time?

Are you saying that IGNORING lawless behavior is the proper and right attitude of an educated and responsible adult?

If so, then I wish you well in finding the land where you will be free of government harassment.

But one thing is becoming don't belong here. That you continue to impugn the GREAT WORK that Pete has done to protect and preserve the liberty and freedom of all Americans, and that you make wishful inferences that Pete "get his due" by going to jail makes you an enemy of his work, and it makes you my enemy, too.

Are you on the IRS payroll? Why do you keep posting here? Go be a free man in the free world and live your life. When you wake up in a FASCIST Super-state a few years from now, repeat your free-man mantra and remember that when you had an opportunity to help correct this unenviable situation, you chose to do nothing other than being an annoying [expletive deleted] troll.
(bolding added).

Poor Mooney! He wuvs that Peter, he weally, weally does! It's soooooooo hard when he sees the Big Peter being abused!
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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by The Operative »

I sincerely hope that the DOJ shows Mooney exactly how wrong he is. :twisted:
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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

The best part of that battle of wits(?) is that its an excellent example of the lack of mental acuity among the hapless followers of self-appointed gurus.
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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by Famspear »

Now, there is a post at losthorizons asserting that the PeterEricBlowhardMeister has banned user Kyle Huwer ("PeacefulKancer").

What a surprise.

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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by Cpt Banjo »

Famspear wrote:It's soooooooo hard when he sees the Big Peter being abused!
A great straight line like this deserves a response, but decorum must be preserved...
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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by Joey Smith »

Banning at LostHeads is simply a function of Pete deciding, "Hey, that person is not only not going to buy any more of my books, but he might discourage other people from buying my books too."

Pete Hendrickson has absolutely nothing to do with taxes, and absolutely everything to do with scamming those who are confused about their taxes.
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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by grixit »

Cpt Banjo wrote:
Famspear wrote:It's soooooooo hard when he sees the Big Peter being abused!
A great straight line like this deserves a response, but decorum must be preserved...
At least until Webhick gets a whack at it.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Open dissent is growing at losthorizons

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

CaptainKickback wrote:Poster peacefulkancer had the ban hammer lowered on them this afternoon (Pacific Time).

A little bit longer and we may see a break out of cannibalism!!
An Irate Letter From Our Complaint Department Directed At Captain Kickback wrote:Dear Sir,

I am glad to hear that the Internet community at large disapproves of your remark as strongly as I. As a tax protestor I abhor the implication that Lost Horizons is a haven for cannibalism. It is well known that we now have the problem relatively under control, and that it is the Sui Juris crowd who now suffer the largest casualties in this area.

And what do you think the Argylls ate in Aden. Arabs?

Yours etc.

B.J. Smethwick in a white wine sauce with shallots, mushrooms and garlic
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros