And Skankbeat is Challenged

Illuminated Legate of Illustrious Legs
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And Skankbeat is Challenged

Post by ashlynne39 »

Hangem High poses some questions and a challenge to Skankbeat which of course Skanbeat doesn't answer: ... ed7e6983c2
You keep making reference to common law remedies and suggesting that by pursuing such remedies we can finally get some justice, but how do we do it?

Are there some common law courts where the judges actually respect the law? Or do we have to use the same courts presided over by the same crooked judges? Are we to believe that rosen respects the common law? OR that the appeals court will suddenly act lawfully if only someone would make refernce to common law?

Pete asked you, thru his wife Doreen, to write up an actual brief cusotmized to his case. What better way to put your common law remedies to the test? Is there a more important case than Pete's? Why don't you write something up he can use. He may not know much about common law remedy, but he sounds willing to try it.

Can you at least cite some 21st century cases where a party successfully invoked the common law to either defend his liberty, property or what have you, or to prosecute those that committed common law torts against him?

I don't want to discourage you from posting. All this common law stuff sounds great, but this 2010 in the U.S.S.A. and the federal judiciary is beyond corrupt. Are they really going to say "Oh, your common law rights have been violated. Why didn't you say so in the first place. Let us fix this right away."?
and later asks him:
SkankBeat, umm did I say you were a "lesser person"? I simply asked why don't you write a brief? Do you see no benefit from helping the author of Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America to get released from the gulag? And to do it while invoking the common law to boot? Thus showing to all doubters that the common law is not dead but a very powerful tool for protecting our freedoms? Seems like a worthwhile effort if common law is still alive and recognized by the courts.

You certainly have the right to decline to write a brief for him or anyone else, but if the common law is as powerful as you say I simply do not understand why you do not demonstrate as much.

You have also apparently declined to offer any 21st century court cases where the common law was successfully invoked. Do you know of any? And if it's the same crooked judges presiding over a court where common law is invoked, will the powerful and shadowy interests who are blackmailing/bribing them just go away and let them deliver justice? You seem to have declined to comment on this point as well.
Skankbeat of course rises to the challenge by telling Hangem High that it's not his job to do research for other people or write briefs for them. So basically Skank just throws out ideas without any support for their validity. Of course he explains that away. Apparently he's very busy dealing with the US Treasury Secretary and just doesn't have time to taken on any more responsibilities
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Re: And Skankbeat is Challenged

Post by LPC »

ashlynne39 wrote:So basically Skank just throws out ideas without any support for their validity.
I think we're seeing the future of LH here.

Under Peter the Great, there was lots of moronic postings about gibberish that didn't really work, but it was all (more or less) about the same gibberish that didn't work, and PtG was there to assure everyone that it really did work.

If people are now going to be able to post about lots of different kinds of gibberish that doesn't work, and PtG isn't around to provide the voice of delusional certainty, things could go downhill real fast.

Yes, Doreen will try to crack the whip, but it won't be the same. It will be like the difference between Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il (or, scraping the bottom of the North Korean barrel, Kim Jong-eun). Only people won't have to wait for the river to freeze in order to cross the border to escape. (Sorry for the extended metaphor, but I recently read a disturbing article about conditions in North Korea. I hope that South Korea has a contingency plan on how to move in and take over if the northern government collapses.)
Dan Evans
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"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: And Skankbeat is Challenged

Post by Thule »

LPC wrote: Yes, Doreen will try to crack the whip, but it won't be the same.
I say! Blowhard asks SkankBeat to help him out of jail, SB flat out refuses and tells the whole crowd that he has better things to do than help The Great Pete. And Doreen allows this monstrous insult to stand.
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.